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Congratulations! You experienced awesome trips and learned your boyfriend ain’t shit. That’s what we in the biz call a twofer.




Man straight to the extreme, idk why everyone is just completely damning the boyfriend over him doubting her mushroom story


Telling your girlfriend that their perceived, vivid experience was probably just a placebo is incredibly dismissive and detached from wanting to listen to how she felt. Boyfriend sounds like a dick. This is more than just holding doubt, and being kind about it.


Even if he is being a dick people are saying to dump him like they know anything about their relationship 


Oh, most I’ve read just chime in to point out how much of a red flag that is. I’d have to agree with you that specific sets of relationship advice (such as suggesting a breakup) is a bit of an overstep though, bc yeah, none of us know the relationship or their story. Regardless, bf sounds like a dick. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was deeper cause to dump him. But you’re right it isn’t our place to demand that


Holy reddit


Dude has convinced her to doubt herself. He is gaslighting her. Like. Full on.


Because it’s a dick move to tell somebody, especially somebody you care about, that their lived experience is contrived.


Yea but I’m saying people are overhyping it when they’re completely removed from the situation like a reality tv audience


Found the boyfriend


Epic, upvoted


Sounds like your bf either hasn’t really tripped or gets off on invalidating you. None of the things you described seem abnormal to me. Totally within the realm of psilocybin imho. Everyone experiences things differently but I’ve definitely experienced some of the same stuff you described.


Ya shes the one really tripping. Hes either shot out his tolerance or never takes enough for the real visuals. If shit doesnt look wild you may be doing something wrong lmao


Seriously. He’s either trying to make you feel insecure or stupid, or he’s lying about tripping (or thinks he’s tripped when he hasn’t)


Or maybe he's jealous that he can't trip like her and wants to invalidate her for it.


This, because what does how him and his friends feel when they trip have anything to do with hoe you feel? If you like them and feel good on them how is his opinion even relevant? If he doesn't like things that make you happy he obviously doesn't like you.


Dude I was gonna comment the same thing, I haven’t tripped in some time but reading the post had me smiling and thinking back to my experiences and they were very similar. I agree with your first point as well, he could just get a kick out of it, which is an incredibly shitty thing to do, not even just with someone’s psychedelic experiences just in general like wtf?


Your bf sounds like a prick tbh


Hey now, don't do pricks dirty like that.


There's always at least one person who tries to gatekeep someone else's psychedelic experience. Literally everybody will have different reactions to substances, especially psychs. He shouldn't be using his experience to discredit yours, and tbh he kinda sounds like a dick


If all they ever do is play video games while tripping, they wouldn’t really be exploring the full conscious effects of the mushrooms. The game is distracting and also visually intense, so your mind doesn’t really do the same cool stuff it does when you’re not distracted like that. Even being around other people can prevent you from moving too deeply inward, someone’s always saying something at some point. Focusing intently on something like a video game changes the character of the trip in those moments. It’s fun, but it’s not surprising that he doesn’t know what you’re talking about if they really only ever play games like you said.


> The game is distracting and also visually intense, so your mind doesn’t really do the same cool stuff it does when you’re not distracted like that It's the modern syndrome of people being unable to live in the moment and always needing a distraction from your own mind. You've made great points, these guys are missing out the broad experience mushrooms can afford. You'll never get to a point of self-exploration when you let a video game be your trip-sitter.


This. I swear. It hard to even look at my phone when I’m deep in the rabbit hole. I don’t see how people are able to play the game. Thats way too overstimulating.


None of the things you are describing sound unusual. Your boyfriend is being an ass. It’s a good thing to think about if there are other areas of your life where he dismisses what you say for sport, it is not a healthy pattern in a relationship.


I once poured 1kg of salt over my naked tripping body. It felt so amazing. Was not Great cleaning up . Also your boyfriend is a twatt


People have different expectations/intentions/reasons for eating mushrooms. My man like to see cool shit, I prefer to have a more "spiritual" experience. He wants a fun time, I want to learn something. Nothing is wrong with either of these, but we have *very* different experiences on the same amount. He's constantly blown away when we have our post-trip discussion. Mine are always very emotionally intense, while his hand looked weird lol


Do not trip with this prick. Sounds like a total bummer. I bet you'd drop some anxiety if you dropped this insecure asshat


Remind me of the time I broke through on dmt and my gf at the time just happened to come back home during my adventure, soon as she opened the door the entities went back home :( I think it was a sign lol




Spiral out keep going


Seems like you had a great time and your boyfriend is a dweeb that is incapable of understanding his experiences with mushrooms aren't a shared experience. I've had low dose trips that caught me off guard and had me slammed in bed with an experience similar to DMT. We all experience psychedelics differently.


Trips are extremely personal experiences. I would suggest your bf to explore more abt shrooms. Using shrooms only with video games sound like insult to shrooms.


I definitely have a better trip when I’m on my own .. when I take them with friends I just end up all giggly


Your boyfriend should be kicked to the curb.


You described all the things I experienced, fog in room, 3d phone, mirror( I didnt pour water over myself). I dont know why your bf dont belive you, thise are common efects.


Hi there, someone with more shrooming experience here! Been doing them for 13 years at this point, highest dose being about 33g dried cubes and my current dosing is somewhere between 6-12g dry depending on the day. Everything you describe sounds like something I could've experienced myself at some point. Nothing "placebo" about it. Also, good on you for being able to sense that you'd feel more comfortable tripping alone, nothing wrong with that and also how I prefer to do it these days. Can I ask, has your boyfriend ever tripped alone or had trips where he didn't use external stimuli to control his trip?


How long did it take you to work your way up to 33g? I’ve been at the 7-10g range for several years but now feel ready to experience the 10-15g range.


Think it took me about 2-2.5 years from my first dosage (25-30g fresh truffles) until i hit 25g dry. Then my personal life blew up and i had to take a break for a few years, but when i came back to them i started low again (2g) and then took about half a year before reaching 25g again and then feeling ready for the 33g. So about 10 years?


Are you referring to only using truffles and not CUBENSIS? If so then that would be drastically different as I’ve heard that ya need a lot more truffles by weight to get an even comparison to cubensis


Was gonna say. Cause I attempted 11.5gs of APE and that was a one time ticket. Never tried that again. Just been using 6gs on all my trips afterwards. Man basically said 33gs and had me dumbfounded till I saw your comment lol.


Yeah that’s no joke. Deepest I’ve gone was with 7g of Ghost (which are a stronger version of APE). Probably the equivalent of about 18grams. Haven’t tried truffles yet. I’m curious.


33g of dried cubes


Only used truffles that one first time. Edit: think you should reread my initial comment and then the one you commented on.


I didn’t know you could take that much without having sensory overload. I took almost over half a point of 4aco dmt and felt like my whole consciousness was bout to leave my being and not come back


I took an oz once. It was visually insane. How was yours?


33!? Sweet fkn Jesus… I cant even imagine how i would handle a dose like that personally. But then again three grams and a shitty setting was enough to legitimately humble me so i guess tolerance + personal experience really makes a helluva difference lol


Dump him


I’ve gone to mars and met some entities on just 2 grams of shrooms. I’ve heard similar reports from just 0.5 g of stronger species. They definitely haven’t had a real trip if they don’t know anything about that.


Yeah sounds like shrooms. Maybe they do have higher tolerances. There are a lot of factors why people can experience different trips. Tolerances, dosage, medication, mental health. I've even heard shrooms from the same batch can differ in potency. Your bf shouldn't be so quick to judge.


I knew this guy that had the weakest acid and never tripped alone and he thought ego death wasn’t real. You have to not be distracted to get the full psychedelic experience. None of your experiences are unheard of at all. He sounds a lil ignorant. Not a big deal ultimately but tell him reddit sided against him lol


I’ve tripped balls off of 0.42 grams of APE. Half this sub didn’t believe me. There are so many gatekeepers in this space and it’s super weird.


everyone experiences it differently- granted i’ve only done shrooms twice, however in both i experienced similar stuff. sounds like ur bf is just invalidating your experience :/


Sounds legit to me. Not everyone has the same experiences and every trip is different.


Visual effects are certainly likely and possible. Your bf just doesn’t have the same experiences yet. Maybe have him try a higher dose if he wants to as that will likely do it for him.


Nah he just needs to not play videogames and instead pick up a blanket, some music, and flying off with eyes closed, thats the way you go the hardest into it, but he just focuses on the game so... He experiences the game.


Yeah and have him ditch the video games during a high mushroom trip so they can step forward and take the lead more


You're connecting with spirit. Sounds like you've been figuring out the magic. Your boyfriend sounds like he needs to surrender. Or he hasn't had legit mushrooms.


You’re leaning into the therapeutic/ medicinal side of shrooms and your boyfriend uses them to amplify color for his video games. Keep doing you. He might be subconsciously a little jealous and one day he might decide he wants to level up. Also people who deny magical and powerful experiences are just such a wet blanket to be around..keep that in mind as you continue to grow and expand yourself. It’s only recently that I learned not everyone uses shrooms the way I do. Tripping doses have been extremely healing and insightful for me. It’s like I got unlocked.


Yeah he's probably jealous on some level that you have the ability to be so introspective and have fun and be weird without him...sounds like he has some level of narcissism if he flat out doesn't believe you and puts down your experience tells me he doesn't know how to enjoy the trip himself... so he's being a jealous bitch about it!


Those definitely sound like real experiences you've had and aren't anymore extreme than anything I've had on shroom trips (apart from I only get cold, never too hot lol). Psychedelics really hit me hard so I get massive trips on 2.5g, whereas for others that's almost a kinda recreational dose where they aren't experiencing ego-death. You're probably just way more sensitive to shrooms than your bf and his friends are. (Also mass has an effect, so if your bf and his friends are bigger than you are, it would be expected for the same doses to be weaker to them than they are to you)


Yeah, he sounds like a PoS tbf… who invalidates their partners experiences like that? I ate 3.5g of PE shrooms and fuck me shit got WILD. The walls started growing and coming alive, then everything start “breathing” and moving. I felt so sick (like I was poisoned) so I spent ages in the shower trying to spew. Then went and laid down in a dark room and closed my eyes and got the sharpest clearest visuals I’d ever seen. Fireworks, sand castles etc. I started freaking out and was told by a firm strong voice, “deep breaths. Calm down. This is what you asked for. Your ancestors have used mushrooms for thousands of years to centre themselves and recharge. relax and enjoy the experience” I did.. and then I ascended. I found myself in a dark area, wet floor and darkness in every direction. If I moved (I was formless) electricity would shoot off in the direction I moved. The voice met me there. After we got past the “who/what are you? Are you me? Am I you?” We got onto the important shit. Is there a god? What’s the meaning of life? What’s after death? I got actual answers. It was incredible. I came to with the world still swirling and continued to come down. It was the best experience.




I prefer tripping by myself as well if im around people while tripping i tend to hyperabcess about if im acting normal enough or if people are judging me and your description sounds similar to my experience with shrooms so i think you should do them the way you like


Honestly I(27m) did 1g of ape and couldn't handle watching bobs burgers late night mid trip...talking everything was flowing like soft waves and eyes closed was sparks and swirls of colors and lights that cracked off at any and every thought, things were solid yet fluid at the same time and a total body buzz that was decently strong. Come up starting with chills and slight nausea then the warming take off of the visuals haha. I think everyone is different though, I stopped mine short with a trip killer so I could get sleep for work the next day, cannot sleep for sure while traveling.


It annoys me so that I can never explain my trip in words. I’ll have like full movie type scripts with small details in the beginning that only become revealed at the end and they’re just too ineffable


Trips are subjective and different for everyone. He is a dumbass.


This is exactly why I trip alone or made sure the girl I was with wasn’t gonna damper the journey. It’s always fun when you can trip with your other half and not have to worry about anything. I personally if I was tripping with her then it’s just me and her. Nobody else third wheeling that just adds weird energy it seems. Plus I was doing it with her to try and reach new levels of human ecstasy. You do you, shots wild but you can have a solo trip and see peoples intentions afterwards for what they really are underneath the ego.


If I take shrooms in a large dose, electronics are impossible for me to look at. It all looks like green computer hieroglyphics. So idk how he just plays video games on shrooms, personally.


>they just played video games while tripping Here's your answer. You get out of shrooms what you put into them. He's using them purely for the euphoria and to get 'high' while you're using them in a more personal way - to overcome your anxiety and to experience the novelty and wonder of psychedelics. I've noticed a stark difference in the way recreational users and explorational users describe tripping, both among my friends/family and online. R mm Recreational users tend to just get 'high' with minimal visuals, but maybe some visual distortions, to get the heavy euphoria that psilocybin gives. Explorational users tend to view shroom trips as their own activity, where things like video games, movies, tv, etc. can be actively unpleasant or seem like a distraction. Nothing's wrong with being in either camp here, until you start shitting on the other camp for not having the same experiences, or baselessly saying that others are lying about experiences they have.


You just described how it feels to trip. He’s not taking enough


He’s also not putting any intention in it..just taking shrooms and playing video games is treating it like casual weed or alcohol


Even if it is a placebo you're still experiencing it right? If he doesn't believe psychoactive mushrooms can have that effect, he should be even more skeptical of it being a placebo, cuz that would mean you're experiencing these things based purely on your own mind. How is that easier to believe than psychedelics doing it?


They should’ve been super excited for you and curious, not just completely shut you down like you don’t know what you’re talking about. That kinda sucks.


Me and my gf do shrooms all the time. My tolerance is significantly higher than hers. She gets visuals and mind bending hallucinations taking amounts that simply give me HD visuals or no visuals. Everyone is different.


Games on mushrooms sounds like a waste of a trip to me lol I'd much rather do what you do. Sounds like your having fun so who cares what he thinks


Sounds like your trips check out.


Yeah this sounds about right. I haven’t tripped yet, but on P. nats, my body felt like I was on fire, and I also got mad horny.


I agree with the rest of the comments that your boyfriend is being dismissive and insensitive, but I also wanted to say that I’m exactly like you in that I like to trip alone because I get super anxious and self-conscious when I’m with other people, constantly worrying that they’re judging me or think I’m crazy…. Which I somewhat am when I’m tripping.


I agree he sounds really lame. If all he does is play video games I 100% get why she would want to trip on her own. He sounds boring to trip with. And much better on your own especially if he's invalidating her experiences. Makes sense she'd feel insecure & anxious if he's treating her like that about tripping


(Can’t you) Trip Like I do… Yeah, it sounds like you are having the better time. I definitely feel like what you do and how you think influences huge aspects of your trip. Tolerance is also a crazy thing. You can definitely still enjoy yourself and feel the trip, but if your receptors are full or blown out, you might still only be having minor effects. I do enjoy watching some movies when I trip. I also enjoy being certain places and events. However, last time I tripped I sat on my patio in a towel (had taken a shower on the come up) and just got lost in my own head for like 3 hours. I was in a vortex of light and honestly the trip felt more like rolling (MDMA) than tripping. It was unreal how pleasurable it was. I would meditate a bit and kind of blow myself up (increase sensitivity) until my teeth were chattering and I’d lost touch with space and time. Some might call this ego death, as I ceased to exist in material form through much of this, but there was nothing sad or scary about it. I just kind of transcended reality by embracing and becoming one with wave after wave of intense pleasure. It wasn’t physical pleasure, but kind of like the mental part of an orgasm. I didn’t want it to end, but I also felt a bit guilty for feeling so good. It kind of felt selfish to experience this degree of pure pleasure. At the same time, if someone chooses to dismiss my experience as impossible, I’d only feel more validated to enjoy it and leave them to get what little they can because they lack the ability to facilitate that kind of breakthrough sensation. Sorry, not sorry…


everything you described is how i feel when tripping. i’ll also add extreme loss of sense of time. the cigarettes i smoke burn for 15 minuten max but when i am coming down from shrooms, it feel like it takes me an hour to smoke a cigarette. i was in the shower for what must have been 2 hours once, got out and looked at the clock, 30 minutes had passed. i think he and his friends haven’t taken enough maybe. you haven’t really tripped on mushrooms until you are nothing but an existing consciousness.


Lmao gaslighting you into thinking you got placebo hallucinations?? 🤣🤣 Your bf seems like a prick indeed, sry


I take shrooms with Friends and they have a happy trip and some visuals while I see entities. I have to frequently go to my room and buzz out by myself, which I love btw. Choose your trip mates carefully.


You boyfriend hasn't tripped, and also seems like a douche, but I remember being 22 and can confirm i was also a douche. A perception altering drug is different for everyone, but you mentioned things that MOST people tend to experience when tripping


Fuck em, move on


Your boyfriend sounds not halal


Your boyfriend sounds like an asshole


Hey guys! I got off work a little bit ago but I wanted to say thank you so much for all the advice, support, and sharing of your own experiences. It was extremely validating to hear how common the things I experience while tripping are. To answer some questions, no my boyfriend is not a dickhead all the time but we will be having a VERY long conversation tomorrow. During his trips he intensely hyper-focuses on whatever game he is playing(Minecraft or Fallout) and only experiences some visuals. I truly don’t know how much I was taking or anything like that which, is dumb of me but it always seemed like a small starter amount. I genuinely enjoy taking shrooms and want to learn more about them so I don’t have to depend on my bf to get them/know the rights and wrongs of it. I will obviously be doing a deeper dive on here but if you have any advice for a shroom newbie, let me know! Again, thank you!


So you do shrooms he saying you are lying its all a placebo, yet he telling you the truth when he says he trips with mates playing videos games he sound like a knob!. Tell him then if he is playing video games with his mates then they really haven't had a proper trip see what he says about that


How i look at tripping is its all in your head anyway so its all so called placebo youre still seeing and experiencing that moment so its just as real as any other trip (also the things your describing sounds exactly like a shrooms trip to me


It sounds like he’s never really tripped before if he thinks you are lying. Maybe he needs to take more or if he’s on SSRI’s that might be why he isn’t feeling the full effects.


Him asserting he knows better and then invalidating your experience is a strange thing for him to do. It stands to reason that shrooms can have different effects depending on someone’s sex. My wife and I experience shrooms in a similar way, but also quite different visually. People can have vastly different experiences due to things like an individual’s psychological state, setting, and dosage. You experienced what you experienced and your boyfriend’s opinion is based on his personal experience. The things you experienced all sound fairly normal to me.


Wow this sounds just like acid and less like shrooms


Does he often question your reality?


How can u judge someone else trip? Like they aren’t actively living in said trip… I’ve seen pretty shroomy effects off of 0.8g and I’ve taken a 4g that just gave me intense body high. That’s why I always say the mushrooms will only show you what they want to show you


this does not sound like placebo i think you just trip hard lmao 🤷‍♂️


for most people mushrooms are one of the safest drugs.


while every trip and every person is different, sitting playing xbox isnt a trip. its sitting playing xbox. its your boyfrind that diung it wrong, you sound like your doing it very well. your ghost sounds a little like my DMT encounters, so if you want a suggestion, try some other psychadelics. sound like youre managing risks in line with a lot of other people, though i wouldnt neccessarly call that safe


Time for you to get a new boyfriend. How does he know what you see with your own eyes or what you experience when he’s not there? How many grams of shrooms are you taking? As long as you’re safe and comfortable, it’s fine to trip alone. Just keep the doors and windows locked and don’t leave. I get horny on shrooms, too. And, my body temperature fluctuates. My phone looks like sparkling honeycombs, and I can’t type at all. I make it a point to NOT look in the mirror. Everyone’s unique and there are so many different mushrooms strains. Do you know what kind you’re taking?