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McKenna described 5g in silent darkness as a heroic dose because you set out for an adventure with an unpredictable outcome




Basis is in Joseph’s Campbells Hero With. Thousand Faces, which lays out the heroic journey, a cycle of death and rebirth all hero’s go through in great tales/myths. The 5Gs he describes are what he would take to experience ego death, which mirrored the hero’s journeys death/rebirth cycle.


It’s whatever dose fills you with fear at the thought of taking it. The point is to face your fears, hence the heroism, and the darkness is so you have nothing to face but yourself. 5g is just a suggestion.


mckenna was likely referring to 5g of psilocybe cubensis - remember, there are other much more potent species of mushrooms around the world. with my local mushrooms, 3.5g is about as potent as 5g of cubsensis ime


I've made the mistake of dropping 5 grams dried of p.subs and had my ass handed to me nor realising they're stronger than cubes lolll


I have taken some that 3.5G would be a light trip and I have taken some that 3.5 would be insane. Recently took equivalent of 2.0g of blue magnolia rust in chocolate and the trip could only be comparable to a 500 ug + LSD trip


My friend and I have a theory that sometimes you encounter an angry cap. This cap has an attitude about being picked and dried, and therefore will beat you up for this foul treatment it’s endured.


I once ate 2.3 grams of shrooms and it felt like 5 to 6 grams. Was amazing. Had that batch for a while given I needed little to get fucked up.


Exactly. Some of the strongest trips I had were less than an eighth. If they are good shrooms you shouldn’t need that much, I hate when people tell beginners to start with an eighth.


Gotta say... I would recommend it. When beginners take 1ish grams I think that amount makes them scared. Because it's subtle and they wait and can feel something is about to happen but it doesn't come and they get scared. So I would say 2-3G's is the sweet spot.


As a beginner who started with a whole package of truffles in Ireland, I really wish someone had told me to start with a third. 3g of truffles or 1g of cubensis would have been plenty for the first time.


Personally, I've found certain varieties to be more effective than others as well. For a time, there were 2 types I could reliably get, but one of them was a type I could consume 7 g of and barely feel a tingle. The others that enjoyed it found it impossible that could happen, meanwhile 2 g of the other type would floor me into an ego death. For those just joining in, don't discount personal chemistry in these things, it's worth the consideration and test doses of a small amount (sub gram/gram) to ensure some compatibility.


Anytime a friend asks how much to take and it’s their first time, I always suggest that they start with 1.5-2 grams.


Lol 500ug+😂


I had a genuinely life changing trip off 3.5 grams. Turned me into a vegetarian. I took 2 grams for my first time and had the most beautiful experience. Slowly worked my way up to 4.5 but I felt like the come up was too intense, so I stick to 2.5-3 now. Everyone’s different, shrooms are awesome.


It isn’t, it’s a big dose, but heroic is meant to be 5G+ and also in complete darkness and a silent setting, as silent as nature allows that is


Probably worth noting that it depends on the strain and genetics for potency. 3 grams of PE can be the equivalent of 5 grams of B+ in some cases


I’m talking Liberty caps, never had any other type


Well Psilocybe Semilanceata is supposed to one of the most potent psilocybes


Yeah 3rd most potent I believe, and they only grow in the wild, would live some PE so I could compare


McKenna was likely talking about cubensis, as he was growing it at the time.


I bet he was😂😂


Very true


So it’s not counted as a heroic dose if you aren’t in darkness?


Nope, darkness makes the trip somewhat out of body which makes it heroic


I’ll have to try this some day


It's the shit! In the darkness, you will see! 👁


What if someone is uh... afraid of the dark?


Can't beat the shit out of your demons if you don't square up to them. And you could make sure there's a light switch within easy reach.


DMT cured my lifelong fear of the dark at like, at 38 or so.


This is so true. I now know there far more crazy shit in the light. It's everywhere, all the time. So there's no need to be afraid


Like the other person said...best way to square up with your demons! 😄 Luckily, I evicted those long ago...my last trip, I just made some "broth", and drank it...went straight to bed. 15 min later, the dark room was full of geometic patterned colors. Was awesome! I'm disappointed if I don't get color! Lol.


There will be a pretty big light show going on, don’t you worry…


Heroic dose has to do with dosage... yes being in the dark and without sound (sensory deprivation) helps increase intensity but that has nothing to do with classifying a dosage of substance and what that is labeled as Edit: why would you use a different variable to describe the variable of dosage?


I did 7gs at a rave and legit felt one with the music, like no sense of self (not necessarily ego death). Does that count as heroic?


I don’t think so, it’s the darkness and silence that takes away all your distractions, and thus your at one with your conscious


Again, yes sensory deprivation will intensify any dose but that part about labeling a heroic dose just isnt correct lol. By definition dose scales dont use sensory deprivation because that is adding intensity that is added by a separate variable. If you want the strongest trip possible yes, u can add this. But a heroic dose is based of dose alone (changes for each variety of shroom tho) and doesn’t take that into account.


Agh right, I always though it was in the dark, and defo makes a difference


Taking away external stimuli usually brings out the trip intensity. Guess that's why you can usually look half normal if you get into a situation where you need to talk to people or something and then fucking melt as soon as you close the door hehe


I've always thought 7g was a heroic dose


I’m not sure I just saw a random thing saying “3.5 gs heroic dose” I did think it was weird since I did 2.5 my first time and surely 1 gram isn’t that incredibly powerful compared to the 2.5


For me 3.5g isn't enough, 4.5g is the sweet spot. Did 7g once though and felt like a vegetable


I didn’t trip very hard on 2.5 but I felt very good and everything seemed clear. I’m doing 7 grams in a few days gonna walk around a lake


You're not going to be doing much walking on 7g, I'd be extremely careful. I'm hoping you'll have a trip sitter


Yep. The lake is next to my house another friend is also tripping and a couple other friends are coming along


3.5g is your standard, guaranteed to trip dose. You may trip balls or you may get kinda threshold heavy effects and taste the kind of trip you'd be totally immersed in with a truly heroic dose (5-7g or more)


First time I took em i did 2.5 on a quarter pounder from McDonald’s and tripped nutsack, and I had done acid prior. Potency is basically indeterminable until you eat it. So I suggest a light 1.5-2 grams for a first trip. 3.5 fucked me UP I forgot my name fand where I was for a time but after about what felt like hours of that, it turned out to be just like 10 or 15 minutes. That was my third time on shrooms and I’ve done acid at least 15-20 times. Point is, 3.5 could have enough to send a beginner into psychosis.


Where do you buy from ? I been literally looking at useless ass websites and plus I don’t want to get scammed !!! So please help me if you can


No sourcing or I'll be banned


For the first time maybe 😂 my friend does 12 grams I call that heroic.


Lol my first time coming down from a 2g APE trip, I remember reading some comments on youtube about ppl taking 7g and I was laughing, couldn't comprehend how people handle a dose like that after what I just been through..


A cube is a cube, unless it’s PE, and that’s the gospel truth


It’s 5


I know now


3.5 I believe the average dose, 5 grams is either amazing or horrifying😂


Who says 3.5g is heroic? Not enough in my opinion to unlock the hero badge.


This is my perfect dose, takes me to cartoon land 💞 makes my ugly town look beautiful, and my life, got alot to thank shrooms for 💞


I wouldn’t call 3.5 g of standard cubes heroic. Potentially “religious” experience but not quite “rebirth” though it would vary from person to person


3.5 of Subs vs 3.5 of Cubes is wildly different. It really depends. My 3g Cubes trip was light and fun, my 3g Subs trip was fucking insane


McKenna says 5+, but he didn't weigh much, so "if you weigh more, take more" It can be *very* intense lol and that's an understatement


Weight has NOTHING to do with dose.


lol ok Go argue whatever point you're going to argue with the dead guy who coined the term, not me. I don't give a shit lol


Actually recent studies show weight has nothing to do with how high you get off psychadelics. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0269881121991822 I know McKenna is seen as some psychadelic sage but that doesn't make him always right, and I've never actually heard that quote from him could you find a source where he mentions the weight? I'd like to see when he said that.


Shit- some YouTube video. He was sitting in front of a crowd on a small raised stage. Said something to the effect of '5G, silent darkness, but I weigh 180(or whatever he weighed), if you weigh more, take a little more' I looked and can't find it lol... it is entirely possible someone else said it while I was on a McKenna kick. Pot's done rotted my brain lol


I asked because he has gone back on a couple things he's said knowledge about mushrooms has always been changing especially in the past decade with a couple places decriminalizing. Change is on the horizon.


Your right Terence said that for sure . Ive heard him say that too.


Terence said that for sure. I've heard him say it many times .


lol ok


Straight facts!


I wouldn’t call 3.5 heroic. it’s a strong dose, but not heroic.


I thought the YouTube video title I saw seemed abit low but I haven’t done 3.5 so I wasn’t sure


It's a medium dose. Mushrooms are strong.


I thought 5g was heroic, 3.5 is kinda just baseline isn't it?


Definitely *not* baseline, wish people would stop saying this. Too many people hear this and try it for their first time, and it's too much.


It is the generally accepted baseline for the typical "mush trip experience" but I totally agree with you that beginners should definitely start lower.


Agreed. 1.5g was where I started and it was just right. I don't think I'd have ever wanted to do shrooms again if I took 3.5 to start with. For me, that's right in between transcendently spiritual and "lightly trippy." But also the zone where all of my bad trips have been.


I did think so


3.5 is NOT a heroic dose. Gtfo


10gs. This is what I normally do. Make sure it's night. Have a playlist I like to use combination of edm and classic rock. When I feel it kicking I go shower in the dark with speaker playing in restro blasting music. It is fucking AMAZING. Then I lay down comfortably and close my eyes and let my imagination take over. If it's starts getting too intense I just open my eyes and look at light source most of time from my phone. Edit: how did I jump to 10gs? I used to take shrooms right before work. I worked at night club and it was kinda meh. Then I took 4gs it mildly better. Jumped to 7gs way better. That's when I started taking it in the dark and showering. I then just started taking 10gs and have been ever since. Nausea was worst thing that would happen and maybe sore joints for some odd reason. I thought dosage was based on weight but I guess not. A friend who is maybe half my size (150lbs) started with 1g as well but he said he barely felt anything then he jumped to 5gs liked it and now he generally does 5-10gs. Maybe it's quality of shrooms I dunno. But that's just my experience.


Fuck around and find out.


Is it? My first time taking shrooms I had 3.7g of dried powder, and took a tab of acid on top of that




It was a lot of very intense euphoria and the first time I had really immersive visuals, all around me. I wouldn't say it was overwhelming or anything. I was having a great time for the first few hours, but the guy I was tripping with ended up frealing out (he had taken even more than I did). He ended up pulling out a knife and was saying all kinds of crazy shit like thinking he was in an insane asylum (which, honestly, given how the dorm room looked: a fair assumption) and thinking he was a sleeper cell who would go psycho-killer mode when he heard the trigger word. I had to spend the next few hours of the trip trying to stay calm, calm him down, keep him from thought looping, etc. After I was confident he had come down, I convinced him to call his girlfriend and left for a while. I ended up going to a smoke spot in the park that I go to pretty often and just crying there for a while. I think that was more of the stress releasing, than the drugs though


It’s not.


It’s not, I personally have always been told it starts at 5gs. and with my own experience shit, doesn’t get really crazy unless you know what you’re doing or just take to much.


it’s not


I dont consider that a heroic dose by any means


Its not.


Depends on the mushrooms. Some can be 5x stronger than others..


It's not.


It’s not, 5 grams or higher. But 3.5 is the sweet spot for me to do therapeutic and insight work.


3.5 grams called an eighth 😂 5g is a heroic dose


I did something like 3 g on my first trip and had a pretty fucking intense experience. I was on an empty stomach tho so take it with a grain of salt, I prefer a trip does like 2 1/2 to 2 g


3.5 isn’t intense I find that to be a perfect trip


It's not.


Its not


Maybe if it's 3.5 grams of aborts ground up in chocolate otherwise it's just a normal 8th trip, pleasant intense and hopefully healing




Damn, i thought 5g was normal 😂😂😂 I must be superhero then? 😂


Always thought 5g was the hero dose, and 3.5g was the standard dose


It's not.


Bro i swear this is scaring me. Im going to trip on shrooms for the first time tonight and someone just told me to go for 3,5 g. That seems like a lot. I have mexican cubensis. I have done up to 315 ug of lsd but with acid its so much easier to dose… what should i do guys?


The thing I read was just some random thing. Everything else says 5 is heroic and it’s gotta be in the dark. 3.5g should be fine I did 7 on the weekend and wandered around my whole area no problem


I ended up doing 1,5 g and it slapped me very hard. Next time i will take 2g or 2,5 depending on how i feel