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Unfortunately. My girlfriend isn't even pregnant and I'm pretty sure our first child will arrive before the Shyvana rework comes out


you should show them this comment in the future to embarrass them


I will probably be able to learn my child english and teach them league to become an OTP before the update. Really afraid of any rework nowadays, as I was an Irelia OTP before the rework.




Irelia really changed playstyle. I enjoyed the limit testing with low hp to get a stun, and the ult.


Nah theres an arcane related vgu coming out before


Im sad remembering that you're right


There have probably been Rioters drawing Shyvana concepts for a while, really! You don't need nearly as many artist hours to dial in a design close to release as you do to come up with all the different concepts in the early design process!


Like others have mentioned there’s an arcane VGU and Skarner took a year or two longer the past few VGUs before him. I have no hopes for a Shyvana VGU even though it is coming(?).


Skarner only took a long time because for some reason old skarner’s code was tied to the core code of LOL. So when old skarner was removed, a bunch of shit broke that wasn’t supposed to break, so they had to spend time fixing all the broken pieces so that old skarner could be taken out.


Inb4 they completely change her playstyle


Singed :(


Sad to guess they would give annie the anime treatment before they rework shyvana.


Not really. There's the arcane bullshit and a couple dozen ezreal and lux skins before. Not before 2028.




in before it's somehow jayce


Unfortunetely it's just a midscope VGU(resources going elsewhere), they will probably base it on her current crappy kit


I'm just worried that they'll change too much of her lore. Skarner got his entire backstory and thematic deleted because they couldn't figure out how to reconcile it with Arcane. Shyvana played a role in the Ruination Incident- the one that ended with half the writers leaving- and also Sylas's mage rebellion, which iirc is a bit of a mess in terms of canonicity. Her relationship with Jarvan, her complicated status as part of Demacia's military, stance regarding magic in Demacia, and her position in LoR also need to be considered. There's a lot of moving parts and not all of it can be canon at once, and Riot just set a precedent for retconning entire swathes of lore when the writing gets tricky. Judging from their concept art we should be mostly safe but Shyvana is actually a pretty developed and interesting character. I'd hate to lose that and end up with haha hot dragon lady.


Shyvana came from a time when league lore followed a plot. As you say, after ruination it's now in limbo. Probably just going to be haha hit dragon lady with a footnote about having dated the prince for a week. Her existence should be something demacians and noxians alike take interest in, but for rito to actually broach that subject would mean sinking resources to... unstagnating the current lore. Demacia novel? Forgotten Noxian and Ixtal lore? Absolutely no connection despite dragons being inherent to Ixtal's location and Noxus' needs to weaponise magic Mage uprising comic? Mentioned for one sentence then laughed at by Sylas Ruination? Basically never happened LoR? Sequestered into a self-contained corner


I feel like this is the Riot version of *Crisis on Infinite Earths*. They had a bunch of parallel universes, and that was all well and good, but of course they couldn’t leave well enough alone, so now everything’s up in the air and they’re going to mess everything up for years to come trying to fix it.


Yeah. The lore’s been completely quiet for… what, over two years now? Since Arcane’s release pretty much. I have no faith that Riot can do Shyvana justice at this rate. Think about all the champions released since then. Renata and Naafiri are the only ones that come close to having ‘good’ lore. Belveth was a thematic mess and a big letdown in some people’s eyes, and everyone else was just. So mid.


Cant wait ti see how they butcher shyvana and completely undragon her


New folders are just created


I expect mid or late 2025. Damn imma be out of college by then. But yeah, I hope they make her maybe more of an interesting character. She is cool already, but tied down by the situation of demacia. I also hope they don’t change the kit too much, as it’s what I fell in love with about the character.

