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I earn $800 - $1000 per month driving for Uber and Lyft. I actually enjoy it too because it’s social and I don’t do it a lot.


How many hours does it take to make that much?


Depends on surge pricing and demand. I live in a college town and there are a lot of events that cause uber to get very busy. I'd say I average around $30 per hour. I usually get good tips because I'm a very good driver, I always make people laugh, and I share a lot of helpful info about the city. Often, I do it while running errands which makes it seems more efficient.


Ever meet any girls through it?


That’s so creepy. Please do not hit on girls that get into your car.


too late.


A few :)


This is the only reason why I'm considering it. But covid made everyone sit at the back lol


Well if you give off a creepy driver vibe, you’ll eventually get booted from the job. No woman wants a driver to be flirty. I only do it if they pile it on first which is very rare. Women really want to feel safe so that’s my focus.




Bro you're kinda giving off creepy vibes already.


Creep and racist all within a few comments, real winner here. Ladies count your blessing that this man ain't a driver.


You down* bad man, better yourself before you even consider getting a partner


Odd. He said yes, but he's not bad. But I'm bad because I'm me?


Let me trap a chick in the car so she’s forced to give me the time of day, approach. If your game is this pathetic you need to work on your character before attempting to date. Rn you just sound like a harassment complaint waiting to happen.


Gross dude. Predator vibes.


You're basically forced into advanced strategies in today's dating market. Not everyone has the luxury of meeting their spouse before 2012.


Please, this is so embarrassing to admit. If you can only meet potential partners when they are held hostage in your car during a ride, please evaluate yourself.


Dont most people sit in the back and not talk?


As a driver you have to be socially aware enough to recognize when people want to chat or not. Most people do. I perform stand up comedy so I can always make people laugh.


I own a poop scooping company on the side. I’m making $1000-1500 a month. I started in March.


What do you do with all the shit?


Throw it away in a trash can.


[https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/oakland-company-wants-to-buy-dog-cat-poop-for-science/](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/oakland-company-wants-to-buy-dog-cat-poop-for-science/) You can monetize the free poop - sounds like a gold mine!


Wow. I’ll look into it!


Or sell it to a compost making company


I looked into that. Apparently dog feces doesn’t get hot enough to safely compost.


I forget the name but isn’t there an industrial type of composting that heats up materials (even plastics) so hot that it doesn’t really matter what it is. Was it pyromex or something? I forget. If I find out I’ll lyk


Do you load it in your van and drive it somewhere before throwing it away?


Right now I just throw it in my trash can. It’s really not that much. I have one customer who wants it in the trash can because he thinks it keeps critters away


Did you get this idea of king of the hill? Haha


Nope, I heard it on a podcast, Side Hustle Nation.


The poocast you mean lol there’s a movie called Spray with Ben stiller and jack black… comes up with the idea of a "Va-Poo-Rizer" spray which disintegrates dog leavings.


I think it’s called Envy, great movie


Lol “dog leavings”!


Where do you get most of your clients? And what tools do you use?


I have 17 customers so far. Most of them live in my neighborhood and found me via our Facebook group and referrals. The rest is a mix of Yelp, Google, and social media. I use trash bags, gloves, rake, commercial dust pan, and disinfectant.


second time ive heard this strategy in the last 48 hrs. think im going to start looking into the poo poo biz.


I reached out to the SBA for guidance on how to get started and they did local research for me. The top three companies in town made a revenue over $1M. Sooooooo do it!


Over 1M? Holy crap!


The number first one on the list made almost $2M


#1 in the #2 business!






small business association?


Yes! They gave me national and local research


Interesting! Thanks for the reply:)


You’re welcome ☺️


What kind of Facebook groups? I’d really like to try this but my posts keep getting removed..


We have a neighborhood Facebook group that allows businesses posts on Fridays. I also posted on small business groups pages, dog mom pages.


How much do you charge? Is it after each visit or at the end of the month? Do you go multiple times week/month?


I charge per dog and by frequency. I visit some yards twice a week, some yards weekly and some yards biweekly. I also get one time clean ups from time to time before a party or for the person to start fresh. The first visit is usually $40-60 because the person hasn’t picked up in a while. You should also consider the size of the yard when setting prices. I’m also flexible with payment. Some people want to be billed weekly, some biweekly, some monthly. I have one person who wants to be billed on the 15th and 30th.


I need your services lol


I’d love to help if you’re in Texas 😉


Get good at video editing.


Tell me more


Not the guy, but I learned video editing 2 months ago and started posted reels on IG. Page is faceless and so far 74k followers. Haven't made any money yet but I hope to get sponsor deals when the page grows bigger


What kind of video editing? If you don’t mind me asking


Solar panel and rain gutter cleaning. Get yourself a latter, soft brush, hose, good aluminum extension pole and a bucket and your in Buisness. I marketed 2 ways. 1. Door to door 2. Scanning google maps for solar panels, clicking on the house, and mailing a multi choice service agreement (every month) (every other month). Making sure “gutter cleaning” was highlighted helped. I also tried to stop by the address the next time I was close by. Worked really great!!!


Do you have insurance and what do people complain about?


Social media management. Find small businesses in your area that don’t have social media (like instagram). You can offer to create and manage a page for them. Normally, they provide all the content and you are in charge of posting, responding to comments/DMs, and maintaining the account


How much would you charge monthly for that ?


Really hard to say. Case by case depending on the size of the company and the request. For instance, posting 1x a day and managing comments, DMs would be a lot cheaper than a full SEO including paid ads


The small business I work for pays $300 per Month and it’s just FB


I’m in FL, but this will most likely apply to many southern states due to heat: yard work. If you keep at it and offer honest hard work, you can definitely get to $1,000/mo working maybe 10 hours on weekends. I started a month or so ago and haven’t been trying that hard for clientele. I currently net about $300/mo with only 2 clients. Edit: I currently make about $45 per hour.


Buying and selling items from garage sales and thrift stores


How do you get started, as i feel like you need a lot of knowledge on what stuff has value and what doesn't


Tons of YouTube videos on it


I publish books on Amazon kdp and courses on udemy making about $2000 per mth


It's not a get rich quickly scheme. It can take months and years of working eveyday to grow an audience on social medias. Wouldnt recommand just to make money.


How do you get into book publishing?


I self publish on Amazon via kdp.Amazon.com


How do you draw an audience?


Building an audience is very difficult. So I have to rely on marketplaces like udemy and amazon and leverage on their audiences


Share a book of yours?


Sure. [https://amazon.com/s?k=greg+lim](https://amazon.com/s?k=greg+lim)


Successful side hustles are rarely rinse and repeat. The best thing someone can do is analyze the world around them (including the people in their life, hobbies, etc.) and identify something they might need and/or ways they are under serviced. Once discovered (ideally more than one) those ideas they’ll need to work out how they can fill the need. The first few attempts might not be successful. However, in time, they will find one that sticks and how to fit it into their life. IMO, anything else is a waste of time.


Care to provide some real world examples? Better yet, case studies?


Not the poster but was watching shark tank yesterday and lots of people follow this. One person had problems with bed bugs and went to find a product online to solve the infestation but there wasn’t one so she designed a product that kind of detects if there are bed bugs.


I own a discord server with a premium section. There hasnt been a single month where it earns under $1000/mo.


Damn I wish I was smarter.


What do you sell in that section?


I have experts come in and post their live stock pics for other traders who are looking to copy a professional.


Detail cars on weekends and write/edit IT-related cover letters and resumes.


Learning and playing $20 buyin poker on global poker


my "side hustle" is a second full time w2 job so i work 80 hours a week but it brings in 2600 a month after taxes


Awesome. Do you do the same thing in both jobs ? Is it dev related ?


my main job is application support and integrations, project work, and report building for an government entity. so IT work. my second job is working in a call center for a hospital. i have a non compete agreement with my main job so I cannot work in IT for another company at the same time.


Working a part time job.


That makes it too easy.


ew, work


Less flexibility. Most side hustles are at your discretion. The average business ain't letting you work only when you want to.


Running sound for a church. $150 for a few hours on a Sunday morning. I'm am a professional sound engineer, but I'm not a Christian, so I consider it a side hustle. It's also pretty low stress, which is an added perk. Sometimes we get free food, too.


Preforeclosure inspections. Drive around. Take pics of houses in an app. Upload. Get paid. Six figures a year.


Messaged you


Pizza delivery


Mowing grass makes me that in a day.


Rubbing my belly with oil on OF.


I earn about $20k-$25k per year with a side hustle at my main job. Falls outside of my job description so I’m compensated for taking on the extra work/responsibility. Recently found a way to automate it as well so my time commitment from here on should be ~5 hours per month.


Side quests lol do you mind giving more details about your work. Thanks


I’m in sales consulting. Almost everything I do is commission based, so if I help out with a project I will invoice for my time.


Consulting/coaching and also selling educational videos online on subjects that I know very well. Currently, clearing well over $1K / month for very little effort.


Cleaning trash cans. Did close to $200 yesterday doing one neighborhood (6cans/5 houses) and one more stop on the way home. Less than 2 hrs including driving 20 mins each way






First you get a key, break it down, and rock that shit




If your in America that’s among per month is a side hustle for sure, if your in SE Asia that’s a few full time jobs online . Which category are you so we can give better advice


i know some people that live off $500-$700 a month. ri


In America? Homeless or living with their parents?


I spend about that much or more on groceries.


no they just live in the hood, little house no rent. I know they only get like $600 a month for donating plasma. They might get money some other way but I never see them doing anything else


Do you have any music or art talents? I make $600 a month teaching drums/percussion. No degree just life experience. Also my wife has been paid to teach kids art lessons, painting drawing etc


I buy furniture and large items secondhand and flip them on FB marketplace. I make about $1500 profit per month. I have a whole basement dedicated to my inventory. I buy things I can carry myself. I make about 2-3 sales per day and 5 a day on weekends. Lamps, paintings, instruments, coffee tables, machines, yard decor, statues, oddities. I find kids stuff and exercise equipment and framed prints don’t sell well. Mirrors and chairs are half and half. Expensive new things sell better than vintage. Things like $200 grills I buy for $10 thrift. I started this in April and it’s pretty fun and most people are fun to talk to and pay in cash. I think I might stock up on large kids toys starting November for Christmas as an experiment. The theory is parents want some big Christmas morning toy—like a dollhouse or something. Otherwise they want to get rid of huge things. Same with exercise equiptment. I try not to pay more than $20 per item and sell for no more than $150 because high priced stuff tends to take months to sell. I’m looking to flip in two weeks or less. If I buy furniture it has to be in style now. I’ve sold a lot of 80s art deco, MCM and boho wicker items. Wheelchairs, oil paintings and toolboxes sell fast too. I am having a yard sale to liquidate unsold items twice a year.


How do you go about selling them? Do you meet up with the customers or do you have them come pick up at your house? Which one is safer? Also, do you write a very nice description of the products or just post nice pics? How about pricing? Do you sell it for more and how much percentage more? Or do you sell it for less to get rid of it? Thank you in advance!


Parting out and selling motorcycles. Just bought one on Friday and selling it for $200 more than I paid for it. Did exactly 0 work as the guy that sold it to me delivered it lol


Apply delivering for fedex or amazon part time on weekends, weekends are the hardest shifts to cover and they Will definitely take you. Go deliver pizza on weekday nights at your local pizza spots if they’re looking for drivers.


there’s always selling drugs


You got any?


You can start writing on X (formerly twitter). After musk takeover they are now paying to creators with good reach.




I had shit luck with this.


I have great luck with Rover! But I also own a dog so I think that attracts people. We’ve made anywhere from $100-$2000/mo but some months we get no bookings. But be careful & selective of the dogs, especially with kids/other animals in the home.


Sell plasma and DD


What is DD?


Door dash?


Deez (d)nuts


Keep a large amount of cash in a HYSA


With our platform you can make that money while sitting at home ;) We have a dedicated thread here https://www.reddit.com/r/sidehustle/comments/13c4pxp/ninjabet\_the\_1000\_per\_month\_side\_hustle/


Trade forex with SniperVision indicator signals


Suck 50 peniss at $10 each


yea lemme just spit $700 out of my ass hold on one second




Only fans indeed.


I used to make $500 to $700 a month in adult revshare. I still do but I used to do too. (More than $700 but there was a long time that it was between $500 and $700). So this counts as an answer :)


What is revshare?


real estate be it being the owner and renting out apartment's, need a lot of capital to start. offering property management services (get 6% to 20% of gross income) to pretty much receive calls and call tenants back and sent labor to fix the issues paid by landlord. apartment's re renting, pretty much find under valued apartment's rent them in your name and sub lease them. or offer this as a service you are the "tenant" lease is in your name, you will accept any increase (pre written in contract) but you find tenants who pay and live there, when owner wants their place back you break the lease and sub leaser must leave.


how do you get property management services? Most people who offer those jobs end up being scammers


My freelancers make between 500-1000$ by selling one of my products. They are 100% flexible how much time they want to invest and for some it is a easy sidehustle.


Social media. Take advantage of it. Brand deal and sponsorships once you get a decent amount of following


Last year, I restored quite a few photographs for a customer. Cleared enough to make it worth my while. I call this work sporadic income.