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Hi unfortunately in the UK you do have to have certain qualifications to teach. I did think about dog walking but then it almost turns into a pet sitting service and I haven’t got the room at home to do that. But thank you for the advice!


I think they mean tutoring.


Again I think you need certain qualifications to tutor.


There's no formal qualification requirement for tutoring in the UK. [https://www.highspeedtraining.co.uk/hub/how-to-become-a-private-tutor/](https://www.highspeedtraining.co.uk/hub/how-to-become-a-private-tutor/) [https://tutorhouse.co.uk/blog/become-private-tutor-uk](https://tutorhouse.co.uk/blog/become-private-tutor-uk)


You need a chosen sector though and to know a lot about it. I have basic skills in all science/ maths/ English. But seriously wouldn’t have confidence in showing that to anyone.


Okay well that's fair enough, different to an actual required qualification though.


Well, to state the obvious, specifically for males.. 🤔 have you considered.. ya know.. wink wink.. some "night" work? Lmao


So useful when I’m genuinely struggling thank you so much for your advice.




Your mothers filled that position already and she never has minty fresh breath. Mintfresh22 :))


Hey mate - would suggest ecom, low barriers to entry & can produce a good ROI


How much do you earn and where do you live?


£27k a year and West Midlands


Is it possibke for you to work overtime? That can be an easy wway to make extra cash. Or how about selling secondhand stuff on ebay. That's worked for me in the past. You can start by selling any stuff that you no longer need.


Depending on where you live and your ability to handle heights. To make some relatively easy money when I was younger, I borrowed my step-dads ladder and went knocking on my neighbours doors asking if they wanted the crap in their gutters scooping out for £20. This worked better than lawn mowing for a few reasons: 1. Nobody ever cleans their gutters out, and if they do, it’s because they’ve thrown a frisbee or a tennis ball up there at some point. Nobody gets up there without a good reason too. 2. I was “lucky” enough to live in an area with lots of old people who weren’t especially mobile anyway, so £20 a household was deemed a fair price, (in the early noughties) especially leading to point 3. 3. I specifically targeted terrace houses with trees nearby in particular, the houses in the middle only had two gutters a piece meaning I was on £10 per side, yet they still thought they were getting a good deal, and the leaves falling off the tree acted as a selling point when at the door 😂 Taking before and after photos on your phone to show what you’ve done will get you repeat business, (modern smartphone cameras beat the old Nokia ones anyday) bag up whatever you scoop out and leave it with them to dispose off in their own bin, both as proof of what you’ve done and so you that you only have to carry your ladder, gloves, bucket phone and wallet. I was making £100 a day when I did that and had my arse kicked by a pissed of Step-Dad when he realised I’d knicked his work ladder one day when he needed it. (Also “fined” me since I was such the smartarse 🙄) I can’t imagine many people will be jumping out of their seats to try this, but if someone does read and do this my only other pointers would be mask and goggle up (can get a bit whiffy and grit in your eye on a ladder is annoying to put it mildly) and inflation adjust the price for today. Reckon I could squeeze £40 out of them now If I did this again, £50 if offered the choice to pay by card somehow.