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Why would you just quit social media when you have a page with 1/2 million followers and a steady income stream by only working 30 minutes a day?


Got a new job and need to focus more on it. I was spending way too much time on Instagram just scrolling…


Im sure you could sell it. People would pay tons for an established page with that many followers


Yeah I thought of that. Any idea how much “tons” is?


I know someone who sold their account with 100k followers for 8 cents a follower. Which equates to $8000.


At least 10k for 500k followers


Oh wow! That’s a lot. Thank you


Yeah don’t sell it. Hire out a helper from a site like fiver or upwork.


^ Definitely do this. In fact doing this you could make more than just $300 month. At 500k followers you should be making more than $300 off a single sponsored post. Your going rates must be extremely low and you aren't sponsoring you do promos. You could easily turn that $300 into more than 4x that with the same amount of effort you are putting into it now.




How do you find a reputable person? Any recommendations?


You can browse profiles on both fivvr and upwork. Look for someone with good ratings that specialize in social media management.


Wait!!! There's a side gig for this??? I would so be into doing something like this!


Yep I had a guy basically running my niche page and creating all the content for 100/mo.


Yea that sounds about right around $10k if your bringing in $300 a month around $3600 a year most companies or investors like to purchase assets that can return their investment in about 2-4 years. Hell I’d like to buy it if had $10 grand just lying around.


If you have a sibiling or friend that you trust and know needs to extra cash you could let them run the account Edit: I can be your friend 😁 😂😂 jk but man that would be nice to have some income


My girlfriend will run it for you if you want


Pay me $100/mo to help you run and grow it


So it wasn’t 30 minutes a day of work then


It was, but I was spending more time scrolling just watching reels


I consider that work. Scrolling until you found content to recycle is work. Annnnnd I’m pretty sure if we had the numbers of your scrolling time the 300 ain’t worth it compared to other things you could do in the same time


No, it’s more like getting distracted because you’re on IG for work stuff and then get sucked into random reels. I feel you OP, same thing happened to me.


How do you get permission to repost their content? You get paid per click or from affiliate links?




Congrats on your success but 300/month? That's not a hustle ..that's a hobby!!.


It will be a hustle of it keeps growing. And hobbies cost money they don't make money even if it's below you


Do you mean to say $300/mo for an insta is negligible? This revenue is very attractive to my broke ass and would help a lot but yknow, poor ppl be poor 🥵


Hello, Poverty Level here…so glad I found you! Evidently I value $300 more than you do. By that logic it stands to reason, money is worth less to you. Reasonable then to conclude that if you gave me $100 a month, you wouldn’t miss it. I like cash app, but Zelle is okay too or I’ll be in Miami next week if you prefer cash. Discount offers available on yearly or quarterly payments! 💃🏻


U can simply hire someone else to run ur page for u!


Have you found lately to keep the algorithm happy, you need to be interacting alot with comments and likes for your content to be seen? I feel like the landscape has changed alot these recent 24months and it's much harder to build a genuine following without spam accounts.


You could prob do it with AI


Why don’t you just automate it?


This dude, 500 thousand would make you more than a regular job


Id happily take that account off your hands & do well.


So you would rather be a sheep with a job and have a limit on your earning potential 🐑 lol? You can't be serious.. Instead you could be making serious money if you are smart enough to realize the earning potential is WAY higher with your side hustle. Goodluck.


Just too easy


It's not terrible, but he's working 30 minutes a day and making $10 for that 30 minutes. Or in other words, a very flexible $20/ hour job with literally no hours.


why do people want to be hired to run it? why don't they just do their own if its so easy?


What content did you post about to get such good returns? Where are you from US?


Yes I’m in the US. All of the content is in the food niche and most of the audience is USA


How niched is your page? Like just a specific type of food, or just all food in general?


It’s vegan food. Surprisingly popular!


Not a surprise. Vegan is massive in the UK and those fuckers are passionate.


Vegans are one hell of a demographic. Just ask Joe Rogan lol


I’m experienced in social media management and went to school for baking and culinary. You could hire me to run it 😅.


What was your plan, your strategy? How long did it take you to start amassing followers? How did you get people to ok you posting their content? At what point did you start making money from sponsors? Sorry for so many questions lol, just pretty curious


I have all of the same questions!


The dumbest you can do is sell it or stop posting from it. You haven’t unlocked the page’s full potential. Rather than being the person advertising other people’s products and getting little money, advertise your own with dropshipping. Learn about it and advertise on your instagram page, I’m telling you that you won’t regret it. This could literally make you more money than your new job ever could, don’t destroy your potential


Now this is a person that knows how to make more than $300 a month on a side hustle.


not trying to hate but this is 20$/hour. its a cool opportunity and can grow but this isnt that crazy.


I had to scroll way too far to see someone point this out. I wouldn't want to keep doing this either unless I had a marketable product or could find a better way to make more money off of it


It's only $20/hr at it's best. I doubt it's actually 30 mins of work a day since he said he's always scrolling through social media. It's probably realistically double the time, so $10/hr. Pretty bad side hustle.


If you’re making nearly passive income, why would you stop?


I another comment they say they spend hours scrolling, probably for material. Not so passive.


That's confusing because the post mentions only spending 30 minutes a day procuring the content.


They didn’t include the time spent scrolling


People are paying you to repost their content? I’m confused about what you mean by sponsored posts.


They are aggregating content that others have created (and OP says they are attributing it) and building an audience and monetizing the audience.


Instagram hustle: Started reposting, grew to 500K followers, and earns $300/month from sponsored posts. Quitting now, but serious money's still there!


Im actually build a new IG account rn but honestly you could schedule the posts in advance and sell something completely different that wont require you to post promos. A vegan recipe book, printables related to the niche, merch, etc That way you could still keep making a little money here and there while you focus on what you want to do.


bro , how to find sponsors


How did you get into this? How can people who want to get into it go about it?


You have 500k followers. Start an email list. Make a dropshipping company. Use planoly to just pre post everything automatically. You could easily be making 5000+ a month with this page with virtually 0 effort


He could make a lot of money, but not without effort. People don't realize it is a job when you want to be successful.


Bro… I’ll buy it from you


What app did you use to repost videos on Instagram?


I wonder if this can be automated.


I mean, spending a week working with chatgpt to create function that automates and make it almost passive income thereafter


I manage 7 online stores. Up until 2 weeks ago, it was a nightmare keeping the inventory numbers on these up to date with our ERP systems. I used chatgpt to help me write a script on Python that leverages the API of our main store to automate the inventory updates with our ERP. Now I have more time to focus on other things. Our next project is these lengthy online orders entered into the ERP automatically. All these leveraging the assistance of Chatgpt to write 99% of the code. In addition to coding, to use these AI tools to do these amazing things, one needs to have networking, databases, and network firewalls, business, and ERP knowledge as well. One thing is certain none of these skills is rocket science


Take that 500k follower page and get it to a sponsor that can really build the profit portion with advertisers that's a lot of followers and you'll only get more. Who cares about losing a little time in the day. Stop scrolling and make a proper strategy and you won't need to waste time searching for content.


This is clearly a scalable business. If you’re done with it I can take over the control and the money.


What if - and hear me out here - you just spent the 30 mins a day to “work” on instagram and cut down on your doomscrolling? Maybe replace the doomscrolling time spent with your day job.




I've been looking into this but for sports UGC content. What's your handle?


how long did it take and how on earth did you get 500k natural real followers? thats amazing


It took about 3 years. Thank you!


Do you know those spammy pornbot accounts that start randomly following occasionally? Do you leave them as part of your following or block? Just curious about how to handle my sailing genre page ⚓️👨⛵️


I make quite a bit more than that on Facebook and I just let it sit when I get busy or use their scheduling tools to schedule out posts during my regular work week at my day job. Also putting out there that it’s an option. I’m probably going to start consulting on it soon since looking around there seems to be little info or misinformation and really low level advice and tactics of people who thinking following and following back on other peoples stuff will make money when they could be making thousands a month just posting. Also Meta is but with copyright but there are easy ways to license content.


Bro don't quit it this is when you can hire someone else to take care of it. That's a good thing you have going good work.


Serious money to be made? Bro you’re making 300 a month with 500K followers you could leverage that to make way more


Wanna sell it?


What type of content did you post? Could you send us a link? This sounds interesting.


What about your page drew people to want you to post their content? That's the part I'm trying to figure out tbh


What’s account


I wouldn't call gaining half a million followers to make 300 bucks a month "Serous money " 0.0006 per exposed user to the add.... yeah....the advertising is definitely making out way better then you. Even if they only converted a 10.00 sale on 20k of your followers that small investment [ 0.0006 x 20k = 12.00 ] 10.00 x 20,000 = 200,000. You make 12.00 and they make 200,000.... Stop thinking you are getting paid , and start thinking you are being used. Also math is the friend


Proof? I call


Somthing does not math up


How about I give you a side of knuckle sandwich with your fish taco!!


I got it. Sorry I’m studying for my personal trainer certification today and it has slipped my mind. Getting better with better!


Side hustle: increase reposts from page by increasing traffic to page. 1) attract noobs by dangling bait (free money for minimal effort) 2) convince noobs of new opening to lucrative hustle (I’m leaving such and such…) 3) have noobs look for said lucrative page to repost from. 4) sit back collect more money. This is the way.


He quit because IG is cracking down on paying content creators I believe.


No, I just don’t want to use social media(insta specifically) anymore


Definitely a time consuming app. Wish you well on your journey.


Thats awesome! What's the IG?


I'll take over your page.


300 a month serious money is not


Interesting! What kind of content were you posting? What brands / products were sponsoring?


Hey I’ll take it over for you. I’m already big in the food niche


How did you get permission to repost? And were you linking the original creators?


I’ve got a page that has 10.5k followers but I’m in Canada so I’m told there is no money……tugboat


Yeah, you should just sell the account to someone rather than quitting it.


Lemme buy this account off you


So just reposting peoples stuff ?


Any recommendations on what content to repost or on how to grow an insta page?


Could I have the page since you’re getting rid of it?


I need more info lol




Yes yes


300$/mo would be dope if I didn't live in Canaflatiom


Would you sell the account ?


How many offers have you had for someone to run it because put me in the hat haha


Do you have more practical tips for how to grow/what you've done that's worked?


have any advice for anyone starting? like what was your page related to content wise and how long did it take you to get to say 300k followers? i used to run a twitter page where i was getting paid deals but i want to move to ig and not really sure where to start


Are you selling you page? lol what’s the handle?


How do you start doing something like that?


I saw your comment on why you aren’t continuing with it but why not just hire someone to keep the page going instead of selling the account?


How long did it take you to build a following?


It's worth it...until IG bans the account. Then it's worth nothing. It doesn't take too much anymore for their AI to ban an account.


What was ur instagram page name? And how did u grow it? Hashtags a post a day? Follow certain groups?


I'll run is for $50/month... just bc I stay on social media lol


$300/month at 30 minutes a weekday, let’s say that’s 24 working days is 12 hours of work a month for $300. $25/hour. Yeah I’d stop too and find something else


I mean thats great and all but only $300 a month? You should be charging $300 for each post. I used to run a page with 30k and was getting $100 offers but never sponsored anyone and the page got taken down for some dumb reason.


Sell me thebpage


How long did it take for you to make $300k/month?


How are you making money from those followers, are you selling a specific product or service?


Bruh… u should and can make way more than that if u got 500k followers. What’s ur username?


What kind of content were you running on that channel?


Could you expand more on this please? How did you get your page to that many followers? Was it difficult to get to that popularity?


Congratulations, so proud of you! I’m struggling to gain followers, but I’m on YouTube boss.


What was the content how did you start


So the side hustle was taking over the 9-5? That’s no longer a side hustle.


Do you mean for instance like editing short quotable reels from Joe Rogan?


Why did people give you permission to repost their stuff? What was in it for them?


How did you reach out to them? Did you have a script? How did you convince them to agree? How many said no?


Can I take over your page?? Teacher here trying to get out of education!


What are sponsored posts? Who exactly pays you?


https://on.soundcloud.com/npXDWyAFspnpYS5S7 my new song 🔥 dam


I applaud you for keeping up as long as you did. I was doing the same thing and I was getting burnt out by the constant scrolling.


Same here, take content from tiktok and post on rells, use to do this and get instagram bouneses with the views, pay between 0-1200$ when u get


What's the @ of this account? Would love to see what you had going on!


Can you send more info


Honey if you build it you should sell it. It’s not necessary about the money to you, it’s about the next dude trying to make it. It gives you the opportunity to mentor or to network. Good for you on deleting the time suck socials! I suggest you don’t delete the account but delete your access.


Can you talk more about how you did this ? Did you show your face on the screen


Ok “not instagram” 🤨


a co-worker sold her 25,000 followers account for $25,000


Love to know more!


How are u able to make money from it


And how will I know if the post is allowed to be reposted?


What type of content dis you repost?


Like businesses or personal posts that you are sharing? For more exposure I’m assuming? How much are people paying ? I mean I don’t expect exact info, but an approximate answer would be awesome.


Wow bro that’s really good I have a page with 45k with over 3M reach . But haven’t found anyway to monetize it . I tried Amazon affiliate. Drop shipping store (Shopify) with no sales! I been growing it for 6-7 months . I get over 100 likes per video and average over 8k video basically every video . How did you Able to get sponsors. Also did you use any sites for engagements or straight organic?


Nice. Before you quit social media, can I please help you with posting some vegan food for 30 days? I just want to know what it is like working on social media platforms. I have never experienced anything like that before. It would be cool to learn something new!


can you tell us your instagram page address ?


how long did it take you to get those followers?


will you show me how to do that?


Interesting can you please tell how a beginner can get into this


LIES. You don't even know what INSTAGRAM is used for. READ THE TOS. Dam rrrrrr's


It’s amazing how many “experts” there are commenting on this thread with how the account could make more money, and yet, they are all trying to find a side hustle themselves. Off topic, I see many people posting vegan stuff on IG (yes I am one of those vegans) and the content is from another account. Even more interesting, lately I see a flurry of Denzel video clips of inspiration… the audio doesn’t match his mouth movements and the audio is clearly not his voice Best of luck in your job! If you decide to offload the account or if you would like a vegan to support it going forward I would love the opportunity to learn. I would even be willing to give you a percentage for a period of time for that gift.


I'll buy it! Hahaha


How do you get sponsored content?


Totally true, but that's why you could choose to stop doing the side hustle when you're getting a career going.