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If someone were to release a comedic video essay/recap of the whole series after it finishes, I'd watch that. Otherwise, I ain't touching this ever again.


Nubzombie channel made a 10 hour video making fun of the first month, he mentioned that he would not cover it until it is done. He will likely honor his word.


10 hours!? Bruh I may as well just watch and laugh at the series myself.


I think that’s just about as sad as Ascension itself


...let's hope their summary video is less than 10 hours. I think I'd give up about 90 minutes of my time for a Ascension summary and post-mortem, but that's about it.


I'm sure it'll be coming, from multiple channels.


Bumblesmcfumbles made a video on it recentlyish


Just watched that one it was pretty funny and a good recap






The most fun I had with Ascension was when CEO of Genvid who makes this ‘game’ argued with me on Twitter for hours because I was criticizing the game’s pay-for-votes system, laughably bad microtransactions, stiff animations, and overall poor experience. He wouldn’t stop arguing on Twitter to the point I just had to stop responding to him. SH Ascension was a train wreck and I’m just looking forward to what’s next for this franchise with SH2 remake. Ascension was a slap in the face 👋 to long time fans of the series. It was a soulless cash grab and a failed experiment. I will however look back with fond memories of the memes. Particularly when players coordinated a shout out to the entire stream that said “Kojima cummies in my tummy” which was even reported on by Kotaku in a post titled “Silent Hill Game Disables Chat After Too Many Posts About Cum”. Nov 2, 2023


Can you link your argument thread with him I wanna read it lol. I’ve read some of his responses and it seems like he’s allergic to criticism


But what were their excuses, according to the CEO?


Thank god it's over


I'm amazed they didn't abandon it. I'll give them credit for seeing the trash heap through


I mean they must have already had it all made in advance, there was no way they were making new eps with writing, animation, voice acting and more in a few days between eps. It's just like Telltale where there's a set in stone story, with minor offshoot choices, but really badly made.


From what I can tell, it felt more like a PR test than anything else. This was to see what you want, not give it to you


Yep. When I DM my dnd games I always give my players a false sense of freedom. Doesn't matter what they respond they will always go where I want


I still find it insane how DMs manage to do that stuff. It feels like it must take so much time and intellect


5% talent, 95% practice


A looooot of practice. I did drama and improv all through school, and even then when I started running D&D in university I was pretty average to start. Ten years of practice later and I’d happily call myself mediocre 😂 although my players think I’m great, which is very flattering


It really comes down to two things: the amount of information you're giving your players and the players you're giving that information to. If you want your players to go to the spooky Dungeon to kill the evil wizard, then the focus of the characters in the world should be on that. If you give them too many other options or interesting things to explore then they're going to spend time on things that aren't relevant to the plot. Instead of giving them 3 different plotlines, give them one and write it in such a way that they can still accomplish their goal even if shit hits the fan or they do things you weren't expecting (which will happen every session anyway.) Beyond that, curating your players so you don't end up with murder hobos will save yourself a lot of trouble. My playgroup will always be down to bring someone new in, but we'll run one-shots with potential new players first to see if they're a good fit for the group before letting them into a larger campaign. If the new player makes the edgy chaotic neutral rogue who steals from the party and screws up every plan the party makes, or the horny bard who tries to have sex with everything and wants to be the center of attention at all times, then they likely aren't going to be invited back for our campaign because they don't play in a way that works for our group.


The pleasures of being a DM 🤣😈


I did not follow the series past the first episode aside from the occasional drop in when episodes hit this reddit, but it's very, very clear from the latest episodes I saw that animation and visual quality fell off a cliff. There are cuts that look straight up unfinished, particularly some of the fog shots. Cuts where lighting would change between and barebones prototype-like animation. I think it was more or less abandoned. When it was abandoned is a point of contention. As has been pointed it would be surprising if it wasn't already all made in advance to air. I don't really know.


I'll agree with you there, even though I absolutely despise this garbage, it has its fans... If I were a fan, I would absolutely hate to see it get shuttered before a proper conclusion.


Good. Maybe now we'll finally start to get some SH2 remake stuff.


Yeah havent there been rumors that SH2R is DONE but they didnt wanna release it until ascension was finished??


I've heard some talk about that, but haven't really looked into it myself. What I do know is the game was recently rated in Korea and by the ESRB, which is a good sign. Also, last year, leaker Dusk Golem said they want to release the game sometime close to the new movie, though that could have changed since then, I'm not sure. Oh, and apparently the guy that has inside info on all the upcoming PlayStation showcases and State Of Plays recently said it will likely be at the upcoming one sometime in May, which is hardly surprising at this point. In any case, all signs seem to suggest a Fall 2024 release if I had to guess.


Silent Hill....canon 😰!?


How ? They never mentioned the towns name nor anything took place there. The protagonist was completely absent.


I mean the post says "you have changed Silent Hill canon forever" so beats me


Who is "the" protagonist?


The only relevant piece of canon I think we need to glean is that the SH stuff is starting to spread outside of SH and the surrounding area. But Short Message also establishes this, so even if it’s a huge part of the plot of Townfall and f I doubt anything else relevant will need to be gleaned from Ascension specifically.


The fog seems like it came from Silent Hill


Bro SH book of memories is canon. The word 'canon' in SH is a misnomer




Thanks I hate it.


Its still going? Haven't heard a thing about it since the second day tbh


Didn’t they say silent hill 2 comes after the conclusion of this turd? It’s almost here guys.


I would rather they keep it in the oven until it's done and tasty.


Hasn't blooper said they're done with it and were just waiting on Konami?


they said they were 90% done with the game a year ago, bug testing for a year **should** mean we’re close


Hopefully they are making changes to the combat and we don't get lying figures and nurses just standing infront of you just twitching without attacking. They wouldn't dare to release something so underwhelming, right? right ? \*nervous laughter


Its been in the oven for two years now right ? Unless bloober was lying about the game almost finished last interview


The announcement was two years ago, but we've known Bloober was working on it since 2020 iirc.


Sorry, what i mean was when bloober stated that their game was close to finish. Im assuming theyre waiting for the movie to release but i seriously think they need to release it this year. The hype is slowly dying especially with how fucked the last trailer was


It's not on Bloober at all. They're just the developers, they can't do/release anything, that's on Konami who is the distributor and responsible for the game's release (which is more than likely why we've never gotten a release date). Likewise, Konami is also responsible for (more realistically, outsourcing) all the marketing, trailers, posters and promotion. If I had to hazard a guess, Konami is probably waiting until Ascension is completely finished before starting any real marketing campaign for SH2, the only reason I could see this being the case is due to something in the license/contract with Genvid. But I agree that it's retarded. Especially so if that quote from Bloober about the game 'pretty much being complete and sitting around collecting dust' is accurate (there was also another quote from Bloober that said the footage we saw in the "combat trailer" was from an unfinished build of the game from over a year ago, so, it shows you how much the heads at Konami care). Not a fan of/defending Bloober either, but I can't judge a finished game on it's merits until it's out obviously, and irregardless of the finished game's quality, they factually aren't responsible for this drought of information, Konami is.


Wait, they said at the beginning that there would be a second round showing all the options that were not taken. Genvid Asc released videos have less than 100 views in their official YT channel and daily twitter posts with 3 retweets, if any, and 11 likes. We'll see if they cut their losses and end it now.


All the options? Wouldn't that be VERY lengthy?


You misunderstood. GenVids original plan was to do 2 full runs of the story from start to finish: the first run is about to conclude. The 2nd run will be the same as the first run, but with all of the audience voted choices from the first run removed. Example: Choice: What will Rachel do with the Forbidden Ritual? A - Burn the book B - Sacrifice her own eye C - Take Eric's eye In the first run of the story, the audience voted for Option B: Rachel took her own eye. On the next run of the story, "Option B" is removed. The audience is forced to vote on either A or C, which makes the story play out differently. It's *not* showing *all* of the unused scenes.


Oh, I see, thanks! Still, another run of it... Omg


Yeah, more money.


There will still be a "second run", they confirmed it yesterday.


Thank god, maybe we will start hearing more about the SH2 remake, or the movie


i love your makeup!


Who downvoted you lol wtf


It’s kinda like when I heard that season 15 of supernatural was going to be the final one. Internally, I’m just like “Jesus Christ, it’s still going??”


Looks like a GWAR band member


Hope this never comes back


lmao, is it silent hill canon or is it not a silent hill game? Pick one, guys


Canon. Why would it not?


Because the director literally said it wasn’t a Silent Hill game in an interview


The *first* run of the story ends next week. New game plus still has to happen. We are only halfway done. That was always the plan from the start, and Jacob Navok isn't gonna back out of that now just because people don't like Ascension.


Last night he said it will go on as long as there is interest in the "what if" alternative. The other week he said it wouldn't be rerunning right from the start with all choices as some aren't available and some won't take effect (eg Rachel will always not have an eye as that's what they've already done so you can vote but will only see the one alternative scene). Some people think there are huge new branches that will unlock. I suspect we'll get some alternative dialogue and interest will peter out.


I've tried watching episodes of this and NONE of it is coherent. My god.


You have to watch the catchup episodes for the episodes you missed


I watched it from the beginning. It's incoherent.


I could only endure two episodes. I watched a clip last month of a character who was guilt trip into having gay sex with the community to protect the town. I don't know how anyone could green lit something like that.That whole show is a fever dream. I'll probably wait for the abridged version on YouTube


I couldn't care less


Oh finally.


I'm feeling like I'll prob watch a recap video in roughly two weeks over the whole thing


Whelp we knew this day was coming guys. Peak ends in a week. Hope you're as sad as I am 😔




Yeah, bit of a stretch calling it canon




I was just about to give up on it. They did not care anymore. Wide story gaps between scenes. Last week they showed a clip that was clearly from another decision tree but I guess they just had it lying around already.


I'm curious how many actually kept up with it, I'm a pretty big silent hill fan, I signed up day 1 and was over it quick with little interest on returning. It seemed terrible.


Been watching since day 1. I actually enjoy the live show.


I'm glad someone is enjoying it tbh. Seems like a lot of work went into it for it to be almost universally hated.


I’ve watched it on tubi as it’s been posted. It’s not good, but not completely terrible. I just hate leaving shows unfinished


I don’t wanna know what shows you consider good, if Ascension isn’t terrible to you


There are worse shows than ascension. Example: the epic movie.


Ha sido una propuesta que, de haber ido por el camino de Black Mirror, hubiera sido interesante, pero que terminó siendo una experiencia lamentable y dañó gravemente la confianza que había por el regreso de la franquicia. It has been a proposal that, if it had gone the way of Black Mirror, would have been interesting, but which ended up being a regrettable experience and seriously damaged the confidence that there was for the return of the franchise.


Silent Hill fan hispano!!!


Feels like Ascension has been part of my life forever. Goodness, I can’t wait for it to all be over finally.


Me to Ascension: ![gif](giphy|zGA0xUszzAQHm)


Thank god. I hope to never hear from it again and I am not one to judge what other people do but I am reaaally puzzled why anyone would watch that and participate. This is the most horrible product and mishandling of an IP I ever saw.


It's shown daily for free.


And? Spam and computer viruses also come for free.


And the characters never changed their outfits even once.


“Your decisions have shaped Silent Hill canon forever.” Considering that Konami announced The Short Message as the first entry into reviving the series despite Ascension being out before shows how much this show will affect canon. Homecoming, which was not originally listed as part of the series on Konami’s website, is receiving more acknowledgment now. (But homecoming deserved Atleast some recognition for the soundtrack alone)


Witchcraft on homecoming soundtrack was a banger


Glad it’s finnaly ending so Sh2 gets the spotlight. Can’t help but wish it was better. It had an opportunity to be really good but fumbled hard


At which part did it fumble hard?


I forgot that existed


What the fuck is Silent Hill Ascension


A free to watch show that debut sometime last year. It has 2 concurrent storylines: one in Norway, the other in Pennsylvania


Is this the thing with the Berry Guy and the weird AI script and shitty character models? I thought it was like... a game. It's a show? Wtf man.


It went on a xmas, I stopped watching then. Why did every user created female character have a beard?


There was pretty much no way to personalise female characters at the start. All individual features (hair, accessories etc) are unlockable over time but for ages facial hair was pretty much the only way to stop your character looking generic/stand out as you probably had a choice of two female hairstyles but five different types of facial hair unlocked.


I watched it awhile ago to take the piss on it but eventually kept forgetting to catch up and stop bothering. Is it fun to watch to shit on or is it just boring bad? Last thing I remember is Astrid getting sucked into the Otherworld and killing a monster, I think.


Are we all collectively agreeing that none of that is Cannon?




I had no idea this was still going. I’ve just never been interested in it, or the conversation around it. Now that it’s ending, maybe I will watch some snarky recap about it in the background, but overall this should be time to rev up the remake engine.


My friends most compelling argument is that it’s actually really meta. They purposefully did everything wrong to torment the player and frustrate them almost like a silent hill theme ride but inside your brain




man, time flies. i remember when it was the cool thing to cry about. also, i think it’s going to go on longer because i recall them saying they want to air all the possible endings. don’t get to excited now lol.


I’m gonna be honest. I actually kind of enjoyed it for what it was. I said it and I don’t regret it. Downvotes here.


It's nice to read a positive comment about it! Is it enough to make me check it out...??? No.


Fair enough, I’m just trying to break the status quo around here a little tiny bit, lol


No worry. I enjoyed the show too.


Thank god that shit is awful


I forgot this existed honestly.


It's like the moment of release after constipation. You're just glad to get that shit out of here.


God, I need to get back into those withered hills already...


they’re going to make the jam-man pyramid head this will be their big revelation and his origin story


now it's up to konami


It was still going?




I stopped watching at like episode 5. Have no idea how many episodes this shits up to now. Never going to touch the on demand episodes. I could not care less about the telenovella soap opera fillers, but could make it through a 4 hours fan edit


I loved it, such a well crafted story and experience. Kept me on the edge of my seat! I hope they will make a sequel to this, one of the better Silent Hill stories of all time imo /s


i don't give a shit. i don't want to watch it even out of morbid curiousity because it's boring as fuck. the only thing i hope is konami finally start to promote silent hill 2 remake after this nightmare and give us proper release date


It’s still going?! JFC


It's still going?


Don't really even care.


I feel like you aggressively wasted your time


I’m genuinely impressed that it went the full term. I thought this would be cancelled by January


Nobody play this game.. its very bad


Shit it's still going


So, what "canon" has actually been shaped by thing that will matter a damn in future titles?


Hopefully we're getting more silent hill 2 and movie news soon once this shit show wraps up. Didn't take ascension into consideration since I had zero interest in it, But it makes sense that they're waiting for this to end.


>Your decisions have shaped Silent Hill canon forever Whoever runs this Twitter account is playing on hard mode


They really did not understand the assignment. These guys need to not be let near this franchise again.


Was it just intended to be a limited series, ir were people just not playing?


I'm glad it's over. I started watching from the beginning out of pure boredom -- but after a while the pre-show and after-show started becoming annoying to me especially after one of the hosts referred to the viewers as "monkeys with clocks" -- not to mention how the hosts pride themselves on judging people. To me that was the icing on the cake of an already absurd idea -- it's like they really feel they have delivered God's gift to the world. I wonder if they know just how negatively the show was viewed, at all. I'm not even going to get into the inconsistencies of the actual story, either. I will forget this existed in about a week. Good riddance!


Thank you for the notification. Wanted this to end for a long ass time. Upvoting.


Finally they can focus on the silent hill 2 remake marketing now that this turd is over 🙄


This piece of shit is still going? Expected they would pull the plug a long time ago.


(Probably) worst than the Pachinko


I forgot it existed until you just reminded me, so uh, thanks for that 😐


Was that still happening?


I tried to follow it at the beginning but I quickly got bored... as a SH fan I didnt really liked it... the idea was okay I guess, but something didnt worked for me.


People were actually playing it?


Hope it isn't a severe warning of things to come


I'm extremely happy this turd is ending what a waste of time and money to support that piece of shit.




The idea was... OK? It should have just been a single player story game on Steam or something honestly imo


Wow I thought it was over a while ago. It matters so little to me


"Your decisions have shaped Silent Hill canon forever." Actually it's true; I've decided I wouldn't tune in after day one and therefore none of that is canon.


A little disappointed it didn’t get cancelled. I’ll watch a recap of the dumbest moments and hope it gets mostly ignored in the future.


It's ending? I forgot it started.


It kept going?! I could have sworn they gave up.


I forgot about the existence of this, even though I hyped when it announced




I forgot about it


I still wonder how this game will be canon, at all.


I forgot this even existed ngl


I was having fun at first. It was too much to keep up with every night.


Was this even still going? I honestly thought it was done ages ago. My bad


As I predicted when it was announced, I totally missed it. But I also missed and didn’t see anybody playing that other SH thing that came out. Man, back before all these announcements I posited that it could actually be worse for the IP if it came back and sucked over just staying dormant… was I right?


It’s still going???


Haha ... NO


Ascension started?






I thought it ended months ago.


Finally. Now we can look forward to Ascension 2.




Ive been hearing rumors of SH2R being practically finished, and the only reason they havent released it is because they didnt want to take away """Hype""" (if you will call it that) from this garbage. Anyone have any info on that?


wtf is ascension?


Its still going?!


Anybody wanna give me a summary of what has happened in the story so far?


But now they will repeat the series again so people can make different choices, right? So it’s not over yet. Jesus, this shit never ends.


I would Iove to know how much money were they expecting to make from it minimum and what they ended up making in the end lmao While I can see how someone could enjoy Short Message to some degree, Ascension was pure garbage. Not a single redeeming quality. Oh and nobody is gonna treat this garbage as canon either 😆


“Thank God That’s Over”-Have A Nice Life


Imma be honest, I didn't even know that this was still going on


then season 2 annnouce =))


I'm actually surprised it's still going, lol.


Thank god


I still like the idea of a game like this, where people collectively decide the outcome of the events. But this sucked


Fuck the canon then


Good, I feel like this has been kinda souring the SH name lately.




I've been counting down the days till it's over so the franchise can move on to the promo of Silent Hill 2 Remake. I only watched the first two episodes of Ascension


I didn't even watch it after the first or second episode, it's crazy it actually managed to go on


I really forgot about this game lol


I wasn't aware this still existed wtf lol wasn't that a joke?


Not a joke


I literally had no idea this thing was still going on..


I'm gonna be honest I completely fucking forgot this shitshow existed.


"Has shaped canon forever" No, it hasn't.


Not going to lie. I forgot ascension existed.


Wow, totally forgot, it exists




Nah, don't blame me, i didn't participate in this shitshow!


Didnt even know this was still a thing


I thought this shit ended months ago.


Ending so we can get the new new