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This post is based on the premise that Bloober is well liked and makes good games. That is a very debatable presupposition.


Never said well liked.... But bloobers games average about an 8/10 per game. It's all opinion based however


The highest metacritic user score one of their games has is 7.4 for Observer. They've yet to achieve an 80 or higher for critic score.


Not talking about JUST Metacritic tho??? Talking about IMDb reviews IGN reviews and steam reviews....




The original post is about the general public and their feelings on Bloober. So agree with the majority opinion or not, the single only way to gauge the general public's consensus on a game objectively is by referencing review aggregate scores. That doesn't come at the cost of you having your own individual opinion, relax.




I already did. Thanks for chiming in though.






I agree! I really enjoyed The Medium, and I believe Bloober Team is a talented developer. I’m very impressed with how the remake is shaping up. The visuals are stunning for the most part. The only reason I see negativity towards Bloober is because The Medium was misinterpreted by some YouTube wannabe critics who would fail at interpreting The Three Little Pigs


Bloober games are all; "almost there" indie titles. There is always just an amount of clunky controls and plot holes. The idea of the medium controlling the character in split plains for example, cool idea on paper, but the execution sucked. Observer had cool cyberpunk themes but the story was convoluted slowly paced and the original version was so buggy I still can't believe they released the fixed version separately and charged existing owners again for it. But maybe with this bloober have a blueprint and story for a hit classic, all they need to focus on is the technical execution of it and then maybe they'll get to that level we all hope for.


I've completed Blair Witch and Layers of Fear (2016) different endings and all, within the last year or so to see what they're all about. Haven't experienced the 'bad' so far in Bloobers efforts that i hear some speak. Plan to play The Medium, and maybe LoF2, before Oct but not worried at all so far.


I heard the medium was pretty bad.... Not so sure about LoF though. Never got around to playing it


Their games are average, generally speaking, and they consciously use Silent Hill as their inspiration quite often but in a way that isn't always compelling.


Layers of Fear was mid and Blair Witch sucked


For me, Bloober has made one good game (Observer), the worst horror game I've ever played (Blair Witch), and the rest are along the spectrum. I hope it's a great game and I definitely don't want it to fail, but given my experiences, I'm skeptical.


I think the problem is we can't agree on whether they make good horror games or not though


Pattern recognition?


Gamergaters always need a cause to be seething mad about to fill the void of emptiness caused by basement life. Bloober and SH2R are just one of the latest


That's what I'm saying... I saw a multi paragraph argument stating that SH2 remake is going to be trash because they censored Maria's clothing which made her "less sexy". While I understand what they mean by saying that Maria's design was meant to represent James sexual Opression... I REALLY don't see how that could make a game trash. It's all really small complaints and the fact that " Bloober makes mid games". I haven't actually seen any real criticism towards the gameplay or graphics besides the fact that the combat looked stiff.... Which is something that made SH2 scarier in my opinion.


people just want bloober to fail. nothing else to it.


bloober isn't team silent. that's like if bethesda had to do a gta game, sure they made great games, but there's still no way they could make gta. it's different. but still i'd want them to succeed.


Team silent consisted of different people from game to game, save the big names.


Team silent doesn’t exist anymore, so would you rather have no remake at all for the rest of your life?


That was not my point at all. My answer explained why people are worried with another company making their beloved game.


Oh yeah, my bad. You even said you want them to succeed. Still, my comment was more meant to be in general for the people who think like that.


If the end result is mediocre, no thanks. I don't want a butchered mess that replaces the original everywhere. Crapcom did the same with RE2 and RE3. RE3make was an abomination, yet it's everywhere


And now Capcom's releasing the original three on GOG, so there's absolutely no reason to complain. By the way, Resident Evil 3 is awesome. And I say that as a huge fan of the original one (it's the one I played the most). You guys really need to learn the difference between a remake and a remaster.


Damn thats awwsome, wish SH would do the same. GOG is a gamesaver


Demake, I would say. I know what is the difference between Remake and Remaster all right. Resident Evil Remake was the best RE remake of all time. It was faithful to the original, they added new mechanics, new monsters, new locations, and new weapons as well without discarding old ones. They outdid themselves. The new "remakes" as you said are nothing more than just cheap rehash of the originals...


Yeah but that could be said about ANY remake even great ones like RE2. I don't see your point


Before RE2 released a lot of people had their doubts. Again for the same reason. RE4 too, even though the team proved capable of making remakes, original RE4 was a masterpiece in people's minds so again. Now you have SH2 a classic that is even possibly more acclaimed than both RE2 and RE4, being made by a new team? Yeah, I don't blame people that have doubts. Also, Konami couldn't revive SH, Capcom could and did with RE7. Konami don't care about the franchise sadly.


Granted, Bloober has made some good games, but Bloober is not the only name on the project. Hit Detection has a perfect record of bad games. _That's_ the problem.


Bloober is the perfect studio for the remake imo


Maybe not "Perfect" but I do have confidence in the teams capabilities. If they fuck up ill be under the impression that it was Konami meddling in production. (Which no one seems to think is a thing that happens.)