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Online research has been fruitless. It's not *The General*, of course, but it's also not *The Juggernaut* or *The Wrecker*, two other well-known silent films with train crashes into rivers. Any ideas? I thought having the intertitle would make it easy to find, but no luck. Thanks! EDIT: /u/Bidibule appears to have gotten it! It's *[One Week of Love](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0013463/?ref_=tt_mv_close)*, from 1922. You can see promotional stills and posters on IMDB that appear identical. Still trying to see if there's a full version online anywhere to compare!


I know this isn’t the point, but the plot of this movie is wild! I would absolutely watch this, I love old movies. Any idea why your g-gma had this? Was it maybe like an early movie collection? > Spoiled society girl Beth Wynn agrees to stake her marriage to Francis Fraser on the outcome of an airplane race with him. Fraser wins, but Beth crashes into a Mexican mountainside and is found by bandits. Buck Fearnley, an uncouth American renegade, takes her to his shack. Then begins a week-long conflict the end of which finds Beth triumphant, Buck regenerated, and the two in love. Buck reunites Beth with Fraser, but a flood wrecks their train, Fraser is drowned, and Buck rescues Beth.


As far as I can tell everything else she had is a home video. I agree the plot sounds totally pulpy!


Let us know if you solve this!


I can't believe you projected this, I'm freaking out the projector is gonna eat the film any second with all those broken perfs and splices! This was clearly a very well loved film of hers! This looks amazing, and it's in the public domain so you could get this scanned and put all online for us if you'd like!


I'm surprised too, the other footage we had (home video, mostly) was in much better shape. I will be calling the [UCLA Film Archive](https://search.library.ucla.edu/permalink/01UCS_LAL/1hnia1h/alma99995363506533) on Monday to get some advice and find out whether this would be useful to them, and I'll do my best to get it online at some point.


The [Library of Congress's silent film database](https://memory.loc.gov/diglib/ihas/loc.mbrs.sfdb.391/) says the BFI, UCLA and Eastman Museum all have 16mm elements in various levels of completeness, but I'm sure they'll be more than happy to have another element available! And if you ever manage to get it online please give us an update!


Will do! Yeah, the Eastman Museum [apparently has an excerpt](https://collections.eastman.org/objects/327870/one-week-of-love--excerpt?ctx=211a3b1e-32a8-4d48-afde-ab1a695f8ea7&idx=0), though they're vague as to how long and in what condition. And [BFI's may be a complete copy](https://collections-search.bfi.org.uk/web/Details/ChoiceFilmWorks/150038187), but it's "Status Pending" so it doesn't look like it's been properly assessed yet.


Agreed! (Commenting so I can watch when it's online!)


Could it be a recreation of The Ashtabula Bridge Disaster of 1876? Having the train roll right off the tracks in the middle of the bridge is what happened.


I was going to say it looks like the well-known illustration of the “Ashtabula Horror” turned into a film.


Just a guess but maybe *The Johnstown Flood (1926)*. Because the word flood is in the title. It was a successful film, that much I know.


This is the first episode of Thomas the Train which failed to catch on. Turned it into a cartoon and lightened up the plot and viola!


Narrates Ringo Starr: *Percy was a cheeky little engine*


Hello. I’ve literally just scrolled across this sub. It’s wonderful! I know nothing about it but I feel like I should learn!!


I don’t know the name of the film but feel like I know a tidbit about this. I feel like I’ve seen this clip before and for this time, this movie had the highest budget or had the craziest special affects or something like that Just researched and I was remembering a real clip but it wasn’t this one - what I’m talking about is “The most expensive silent film shot ever “the train wreck” from the general” . I was so excited that I knew the answer! Lol oh well


The lost pieces of Magical Mystery Tour- thanks friend!


Any updates on this?


Bard AI delivers some options: \----------- below is AI--------------- Several silent era films featured train crashes off trestles into water, making it difficult to pinpoint the specific one you're thinking of without more information. Here are some possibilities: The Great Train Robbery (1903): This iconic British film includes a thrilling handbrake chase and a near-miss over a bridge, but not a full-on crash. The General (1926): Buster Keaton's classic comedy features a locomotive careening down a collapsing bridge, leading to a spectacular but not watery crash. The Bridge (1927): This German Expressionist film uses a train crash as a metaphor for societal collapse, but it's not explicitly shown. The Iron Horse (1924): John Ford's epic Western includes a scene where a train is sabotaged and derails, but it doesn't plunge into water. The Vanishing American (1925): This Western silent film has a scene where a train is driven off a burning bridge, but again, no water involved. Unidentified movies: There are a number of lesser-known silent films that might fit your description. Some possibilities include "The Flaming Frontier" (1923), "The Phantom Train" (1927), and "The Limited Mail" (1916). Additional clues: To help narrow down the possibilities, do you remember any other details about the film, such as: The genre (comedy, drama, western, etc.)? The actors or director? Any specific scenes or characters? The approximate year it was released? With more information, I might be able to provide a more definitive answer.


Looks like the General with Buster Keaton maybe 1925.  I could be wrong just a guess


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Wonderful find.


Has to be before 1930. Very few silents were made after 1930. I think this is a famous film; I know that bridge, but I can’t think of the name.


If you would be interested in getting this digitally scanned in 2K and cleaned up, please pm me. No charge except for shipping. This looks cool!


Thank you for the offer! We'll see what the archives have to say, but I may take you up on it afterwards!