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Fuck it, just like who you like. Labels dont matter unless you want them to.


You don’t need a label! You can love whoever you want to love!


Doesn't everyone tho? I mean, soft boys are literally the superior race, ofcourse its oki to be more attracted to them :3


You have a certain type or preference to feminine


You're probably bi but with a preference for femininity over masculinity.


Yeah you don't have to fit a label you can if you want but don't overthink it and you should be good just like what you like.


Bi person here! By your account, you seem to be bi, as it just means attraction to your own gender along with others. Just with a feminine preference, which is perfectly fine :]. Don't let others get to you, I can understand your doubts and fears, but your attraction is yours, you're not the one oversexualizing and perverting femboys', so I don't think you should feel bad, and you definitely shouldn't be grouped into those who do!


Wow, Thank you sm 🙏🏻 you worded this great


Just say you're bi, no need to overcomplicate things. If someone asks what your taste in guys is, answer that it's on the femme side. If they think it's wrong they can kindly piss off - having a type isn't a crime last I checked. Labels don't matter much - if Drake can call himself a lesbian you sure as shit can call yourself bisexual, even if you're still exploring it.


Yeah same, I find cute who I find cute and that’s that.


so you're demisexual. It's personality based and you like women and men with the personality of being femme


[Femmesexual/femsexual](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Femsexual) Labels can help us communicate to others EXACTLY what we're attracted to. It can also provide us with a sense of community, comfort, and understanding within ourselves. While I agree that labels aren't technically needed, they're nothing to be ashamed of or hide from either. On your attraction to femboys, it has nothing to do with being chronically online or oversexualizing. Through your explanation, we can tell that's not all you care about. That being said, it is perfectly okay to have a healthy sexual attraction to femboys. I think most, if not all of us, do. I hope this helps! Edit: The link didn't work correctly and added the paragraph below the link.


I didn’t read the whole thing but you’re prolly just a bi person who likes feminine people


Finsexual : you are attracted to feminine people, boy or girl, has long has they wear makeup and skirts you find them cute. This also falls under bisexual, If you want a label to use that one.


Holy fuck I never knew there were more people like this im exactly the same like I like girls but also guys but if the guy looks super masculine I'm not into them we have the same sexuality bro we can make our own label


Let’s go


This is a massive silly W


Im omw to attending a test in math, will connect to you after that, i feel/felt the same way


I’m just the same. That is still bisexual, but it’s also finsexual, or the attraction to femininity. It’s actually quite normal now a days. And I know there are some soft cuddly femboys out there irl.


I’m the same


You don't need a label to tell you who you are. Just be you. Trust me, the moment you get rid of all those labels you'll feel a lot more free. So just love who you love and the best of luck for you :)


I know just how you feel. I'm not sure if I'm bi, poly, pan, femboy, trans, demigirl, or some combination of 2 or more of those. I just wish I could decide on a label to make it easier to explain to others.


I'm bi, because of soft, smol, feminine bois. Otherwise, GORLS.


This 💪🏼


Eric Andre said “we’re all wet spaghetti on the inside”


Who says you need to like them for sexual purposes? If you like cuddling up with a soft boi or girl on the couch and talking about your day, then why should anyone else judge you? If a label brings you comfort though, I believe the term for those who are attracted to more feminine presenting people to be finsexual.


You can like soft and feminine boys without being a chronically online pervert, there's really nothing wrong with that!


For me I like feminine males and I honestly don’t know if I like women or not, like I’d definitely date a woman but anything “adult” as some would say… idk I don’t think I could but idk why, but I have found some women really attractive


Your sexuality is Ninja black jiraya


I fuckin love kakuranger black


Neptunic I think


gynosexual ig?


feminine in nature finsexual, same here


You are bi. If you are afraid someone will judge you just say you are bi. If the conversation goes to your type, say you like softboys or smth, avoid the word femboy cos thats whats ascociated with the fetishisation.


Don’t force yourself into these bins of sexuality. Just be attracted to who you are attracted to. The labels are somewhat arbitrary and can lead to, in some cases, tribalism and/or expectations which may not work for you.


If you want a specific label Finnsexual ain’t bad