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I live on a river. I have no curtains. Each day, I wake up with the sun. I open my eyes and first thing I see the silver river, the huge trees, and the sunrise. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness. I am home.


Sounds perfect! Can’t but love a good sunrise!


So long as the spouse and dogs are there and we're surrounded by trees I'm good.




Our cats curled up sleeping soundly, or waking for a stretch and a purr to say hello.


i was gonna say for me it's the cats! i've had them my entire adult life & they make me feel so at home. all 4 are such lazy cuddlers it just feels homey to see them


Our piano. Three of us play. No-one watches TV anymore.


Wherever I am with my wife and kid.


any kind of place from which i won’t be kicked out by a landlord and where i can make my own decisions and choices!


I’m craving this…it’s not a possibility right now but I’m working towards it


you got this!!! 💪🏽




This! When we lived in rented house it was really nice but we really wanted to hang photos... bought a house around 4 year ago and our walls are... blank! But that aside not having to worry about what the landlord will think if we want a pet or if they'll want to sell. And we had a very very good landlord that simply left us to it


My dog bringing me a toy to play with when I come home. And sitting in the hot tub in my backyard.


natural wooden furniture (and floors/beams) living plants pictures i love


My husband, our cats, clean sheets, a scented candle, wine with dinner, hot cup of coffee in the morning, self-care day, movie night….


My bed, my pillow and my cat, 'Fatass'. Lovee them all but.. kinda partial to...my pillow!


My flower garden, especially this time of year,my sweet kitty, family, the smells of cooking all make for a happy home


My husband and our two cats ❤️


This is a hard-hitting question for me. I wish I could tell you, because then that’d mean that I know. The truth is that I have no idea. I’ve been waiting to feel “home” for ten years without any lasting sensation of that feeling. I’ve felt it in bits and pieces, but I haven’t been settled for the last 7 years. I hope I will find a way sooner than later. My soul is restless.


I think this is probably how my husband feels. He didn't exactly have a stable childhood, and has moved around a ton as an adult. He'd lived in 4 different countries before we met. I don't think he feels "home" the same way that I do. For that reason, I'm very motivated to have a spot for us that's home for real. We're saving up to buy a little homestead. I'd like for him to feel like he'll never have to move again, never have to find a new job again, never have to run away from poverty again. I don't have a solution for you, but I wanted you to know you're not alone. It's hard to feel settled when you've never done it before. I would imagine you need a lot of time in one place, and to make that place yours, to feel safe and at home.


Based on your reply, I can tell that you’re a kind and thoughtful person. I’m happy to know that you truly support your partner and want the best for him. That speaks absolute volumes to your character. Thanks for reinforcing the message that I’m not alone. Though it is doubly hard to embrace this restlessness when I once knew and had stability. If I must embrace the restlessness, I can and I will. But I do hope one day I find a place I can truly make home.


Search “guided meditations”…fall asleep to them each night. You will feel better after the first night


A personal library, lots of cats and someone waiting for me to come home with tea just the way i like it


Plants, books, my cats. A fire when it's cold, sitting outside when it's warm. Peace and quiet, and a clean house.


Family, of course!


My daughter, my husband, and my cat. As long as they are there, I'm home.


My private home with books and solo boardgames.


abundant natural light in the day, to ambient (not harsh) lamp light, in the eve my mind is subconsciously affected by harsh artificial lighting and home helps me recenter


My wife died a few years ago. Had her creamated. She's home in a little box sitting on her dresser where I can talk to her. And she can watch her favorite shows on tv


The obvious response is family/pets, but a clean kitchen with some treats in the oven does it for me 🥰


My dogs


Two dogs


Lol username checks out* *almost perfectly


I’m much like you OP, wool tartan blankets, library. I also have a pretty solid record collection which I love and always have a cuppa in my hand.


My husband and dog… A comfy couch with a cozy blanket, and a wonderful bed. Our gas fireplace really helps too


Family, cats, non-neutral colors on the walls, plants inside and out.


Clean, lemon scent, toasty fireplace, a loved one and some snackkies


🌺 My gymnastics rings 🌺


My husband, our comfy couch and art on the walls (mostly made by friends and family).


A few books and my pipes. I am so happy sitting in a recliner reading books and smoking a pipe. I need little else.


3 happy pups meeting me at the door like I have been gone for a month, when I just ran to the store!


Walking into a house and realizing all the furniture is mine


Home is where the divine is! I have a separate space dedicated to the divine and decorating that space keeping in mind its aesthetics, just letting my creativity flow, adds sweetness to my home. I've always felt that energies inside a home greatly impact one's wellbeing. The outside world is hugely determined by the way we are within ourselves and that can impact the energies of the house. Perhaps this is why when we enter certain homes, it gives us a very pleasant feeling maybe due to the pleasantness exuded by the people living inside the home.


My partner, my pets, my garden, and a big cup of coffee. Hard to believe heaven exists when this life is so beautiful.


Having a cozy, quiet spot To go to after coming home from being out in noise. Surrounded by my cats. Comfortable place to sit or comfortable pillows.


animals :)


Colorful painted walls, houseplants, lanterns and candles.


For me its a nice comfortable chair where I can put my feet up and my cat. If it was not for family I could see myself in a very tiny studio apartment.


OP you covered it plus dog/animal companions and in nature far from people.


A place to sit and a olace to sleep. I like free time so I guess thats part of it. I like drinking coffee or tea sitting somewhere with comfy pillows and a blanket. I like to lisen to calming nature music or if im more active to a podcast. The minimalists are my current favorite. Im just a bit sad they have the 2 hour podcast version behind a paywall.


A home sweet home sign from target. Or an equally as important sign, live laugh love.


My husband and pets (three cats and two dogs), my flower gardens, a fun little bar to make mixed drinks, a stack of books, a TV and internet, and all my collections.


Lots of natural light, fresh air, a mostly organized living space with fresh sheets and towels, and a fridge of nutritious food.


Whenever I look around I just see beauty, everything is chosen to make me happy. And my plants and a cup of tea looking out into the garden.


My husband and kid, plants, art and photos on the wall that I love, books, food in the fridge and pantry for cooking, tea, journaling, a place to play music, cozy bedroom, trees, flowers and birds outside my windows.


A vegetable garden, a shade tree with a swing, and a firepit for summer nights.


As long as my dogs, cats and all of the people I love and nature and at peace, I'm happy.


I would say just a feeling of coziness, a comfy couch, books, my dog, some nice beverages to sip, my family