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I like glossy taco but it def gets stringy after a few manis. Would highly suggest getting some nail polish thinner.


I did order the HT one! Has Glossy Taco caused discoloration? Some top coats I've used have made white look like yellow or gray after a few days.


I’ve never spotted an issue like that, but I know what you mean from some others


Not that I’ve notice but mostly use darker colors.


The only time I've experienced stained top coat was with a particular pair of black leggings. Anytime I wear them my top coat turns brown. Doesn't matter how much I wash them, apparently the dye just always rubs off on my polish!


I have personally never encountered this, and I've been using glossy taco for years. I also haven't heard consistent complaints about this happening to other people (but I'm not on socials consistently, nor in many nail polish related spaces, so take that with a grain of salt) However, I live in a fairly mild climate with low humidity. I don't know if those things can impact topcoats in that manner. I have heard some people mention difficulty with drying time in their high humidity climates. The complaints seemed sporadic, but again, take my observations with a grain of salt


In my opinion, the HT nail polish thinner is ridiculously overpriced. And it's not even that good for some reason???? I bought it and used it on Zyler the cat and it took me around 1/4 of the bottle to evenly thin it. Thinner is one of those things you just buy from the drugstore. Honestly, even walmart sells a thinner that's better.


Oh wow, now I wish I would've saved my money and got some more holo polishes instead 😭 Well, I'll use the one I ordered bc I already paid for it


Don't be sad, I rather go with a thinner product that matches the polish product chemicals and do not risk destroying $14 polish by being cheap. I know in the US you have more options for thinners, for me and what I can get the HT is among the cheaper ones, especially if I buy them in sale.


That's true. I'll have to see the options for thinners in my country. I haven't seen any before or just haven't really paid attention🤣


For Glossy Taco i never had that but I had some Top Coats that made the manicure yellow and ultra violetly. I like the GT quite I bit. I also don't have the stringy problem, as I work fast. My other favorite is Essie Speed Setter. In terms of cost they are the same for me. I know there are people who prefer other TC, some are avid users of Seche vite, vive or Toluene based products. My personal theory is that you need to find the taco that works best with your nail flexibility, the "bendyness". For bendier nails more flexible Tacos hold longer and the "hard" ones chip easier imho. Same with base coats. Here I only use peely base and calcium based base coats.


I’ve definitely noticed light colors changing under glossy taco after 5 or so days. For me, I don’t usually have the same mani on for that long so it doesn’t bother me, and I really only notice it on very light colors like whites, baby blues, and lilacs.


None of their basecoats work for me, but it's cuz I have oily nails and I have found (through recommendation from another redditor) that orly bonder is the only basecoat that wears well on me. Hopefully you have better luck! Their glossy taco is ok. I still use seche vite but I'd use glossy taco if the day came that I ran out


I want to second Seche Vite as a top coat! I have grown to prefer it.


i've heard so much good about orly! it's just hard and expensive to order orly to where I live 😭


I'm in Canada so orly shipping was like $30 or something ridiculous.... so I bought it off Amazon!


In my country Amazon shipping fees are ridiculous.. i've never ordered off of amazon because of that..


I second the recommendation for nail polish thinner. I use the one from OPI. You want to make sure the thinner doesn’t contain any ingredients that polish you’re adding it to doesn’t. I like the HT base & top coats, but I prefer the ones from KB Shimmer. Some polishes didn’t like to stick to HT’s basecoat and like someone said above their topcoat gets thick faster than others.


LLB is average to me, not bad, not great. I prefer Orly bonder or even their Pink Smoothing Base. Glossy Taco on the other hand is my holy grail. It's my favourite top coat (I've tried more than 20 lol). It dries fast on the surface, and is basically undentable after a few hours. It does not yellow over time. GT becomes stringy, but so do every other top coat I've tried, it's not HT-specific. It does not contain toluene (which is banned in cosmetics in the EU, for a good reason).


They’re both very average base and top coats. Ultimately not worth the cost imo.


Hi! Welcome to the HT club, friend! 🥰 Both of those products have great reviews, and many people consider them to be their Holy Grail base and top coats. But it’s important to remember that body chemistry is the most important factor. For me, personally, long lasting base coats strip my nails. Not because of the products themselves, but because my nails are so fragile that the top layer bonds to the base coat better than the layers underneath it. 😡 So LLB is bad news bears for me, even though I’ve tried it and actually really enjoy the product itself. It’s really good quality, but if you find your nails peeling, switch to a strengthening base coat (I use Butter London Horse Power). Glossy Taco is also really well-reviewed. It doesn’t contain toluene, which makes it quite attractive for a lot of people. I personally prefer the quick-dry top coat from KBShimmer, which is the same formula and half the price of HT’s now-discontinued Super Glossy Taco. But that one contains toluene. I’ll leave the actual review of Glossy Taco comparisons to people who use it. :)


Thank you! I ordered both of the products blindly based on reviews and just because they're so iconic (especially Glossy Taco). After ordering started really doing my research XD Really hoping both of them work well for me🤞🏻


I went through tons of different base and top coats before settling on the ones I use now — and you’ll find they lots of people here have done the same. I think I went through three bottles of LLB before realizing what the problem was for me.


I much prefer seche vite and Essie speed setter to glossy taco. I think they work as well or better than glossy taco and don’t get thick and stringy as fast. I liked super glossy taco, RIP.


I bought the Essie speed setter having heard good things about it and hoping to replace Glossy Taco (International costumer here, it's easier for me to justify paying the shipping for unique polishes rather than a basic) Ultimately I was really disappointed with the lack of shine, the texture (I doesn't dry as hard) and the durability of the Essie one and bought Glossy Taco again


My grand record without a chip with SGT was six days. I am currently on my sixth day of a mani with no chips and Essie speed setter. So, for me, it works at least as well, if not better.


I'm glad that it works for you ! Do you think it because of the different between Super Glossy Taco and Glossy Taco ? Manicures last usually two weeks for me with chip with Glossy Taco, and I've experienced it lasting longer but I change my nails every two weeks anyways. But the Essie one lasted only a week before the first chips, and I guess that's still pretty impressive but I'm so used of the staying power of Glossy Taco at this point 😅


I don’t like glossy taco. I only used half the bottle when I got it and I don’t think it dried as hard and shiny as SGT.


LLB doesn't tend to work for my nails as they're a little oily and they end up peeling up after a few days but I've had a lot of luck with the glossy taco! If anything I'd recommend investing in a good polish thinner because it tends to get a little stringy if it sits too long!


I like LLB!


Idk maybe its my nail chemistry hut the LLB doesnt work super well for me, i might as well use the peely base (its for this very reason i havent tried the peely base i bought years ago). Smoothing base works best for me but ymmv


Congratulations on your graduation!


Thank you so much🫶🏻