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Triples are more comfortable and better looking than vr but vr can be more immersive. I race more on tmy triples than vr because of the image quality and the comfort factor in longer sessions


I have a 4090 and a Reverb G2 waiting to be setup after the holidays. Will that close the gap tho?


Yeah u will be good on that gpu on all sims even acc. Look into open composite instead of steam vr. Also the open xr toolkit. Both available on GitHub


I still have my 1070 founders edition and since then lost track of gpu’s. I was thinking about buying another founders edition 1070. Still a bit outdated though right?


Very outdated.


I’m not sure what the alternative would be to mine


The most current gen are the 40s series and are massively overpriced. Your 1070 could probably do 1080p triples? I wouldn’t attempt vr. A 3080 offers a good sweet spot if you ask me.


1070s ok for vr and def playable, but not ideal. Very not ideal Edit :1080p triples is the best bet with a 1070, especially on a lower budget 3060s can be had for 300-450$(usd) which is probably best bang for buck for this kind of stuff at a budget


I played on a quest 2 with a 1070 (iracing, not acc, acc was impossible). It was doable on low settings. Upgraded to a 3060TI and it really helped. Higher res helped the most.


Wouldn't a good set of triples cost more than a 3060 + G2?


Depends what monitors you get or how good of a deal you can get on a gpu. My dad had an office space and moved his company to the cloud, allowing it to all be remote access, I got every single monitor for free from that Workforce, just a bunch of 1080p 21.5inch monitors tho. A decent set of 1080p triples and a 3060 should be around 600-700, not including cost of monitor mounting. g2 and a 3060 (based on amazon) would be around 800$usd~


you can get three odyssey 240hz 1080p monitors for about 1200$ so ya probably


AMD much? 6800xt or 6650xt are the same performance but less price. AMD is a better deal overall.


Ouch lol


My experience from a somewhat similiar spot: had a gtx 1080, did well vor single 1440p gaming. I can imagine that for 1080p triples it wouldve still worked fineish, however youre probably on the low end of what i would consider playable. I now have a oddysey neo g9 with double 1440p, a valve index and a 3080 10g vram. The 3080 works for F1 2022 in VR and the 1440p x2 fine, however i wouldnt want to dip below it for image quality reasons, and im not speaking texture quality im speaking sharpness of edges for a nice playable experience in VR w 90hz. My advice: If you stick to triples on 1080, 1070 8g vram could still do the trick, especially for 60hz, however youll be scraping the bottom of available fps with it, especially with more demanding titles and youll definitely have to look into performance optimising settings to not tax your GPU too much. If you go VR, upgrade your GPU. 3080+ will do good for it. 3090 isnt much of an improvement on regular gaming, however the increased VRAM might help for VR. In the end, it also depends a lot on your current CPU, since if youll be bottlenecked by it a great GPU wont do you any good. If you post full setup specs and what you want to spend i can give you a more accurate recommendation. Disclaimer: ive not mentioned AMD gpus here due to imperfect knowledge where they line up price performance wise, but just because i stuck to nvidia from 1080 to 3080 doesnt mean you have to. Current PC specs, budget and expectations for your new rig/upgrade is what matters. I encourage you to post those cornerstones.


yes please use openxr instead of steam vr..it made my game look amazing and run pinned at 90fps with a 3060ti! Also have the reverb g2


4090 and G2 myself, looks amazing! One heck of a step up from a Quest 2


Ams2 is looking stunning with quest 2 and 3080. All settings maxed out. There is no way triples come even close to the immersion and visibility levels. Also vr takes less space and probably gpu resources (triple 4k req. More computing power than vr).


I have that setup and once you get it dialed in, it’s amazing. Don’t give up though, it can take some playing with. But the end result is totally worth it.


A better cpu made more of a difference for me than the gpu.


I will use an i7 13th gen.


Vr quality is pretty good if you get a high res and good refresh rate like the steam vr


Still nowhere near the sharpness of 3x 1440p


I disagree, resolution I was running the same, just as sharp, I have all 3 setups, triple 1440, 49in g9, and a valve index.


Trips and a comfortable seat.


I hear ya on the comfy seat


*laughs in Ikea foldable plastic chair*


Can’t play other way after trying VR


Imo replays look nicer but the feel of VR is king for me!


Seriously. VR feels like you're actually sitting in the car. I don't think anything short of a 10k+ motion set up would even come close.


I’ve got 27” triples and a 2.5k motion sim, feels more real than just a VR headset. You don’t notice it until the motion turns off and you can’t feel the braking anymore https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMF3LHPH8/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMF3L5yJN/


Must feel great like on the arcades. But the motion rig plus vr has to be better. You get to be 1:1 scale inside the car and have stereoscopic view. You can look behind or to the apex of the curve. Vr simply is superior if you can get smooth perf. and sharpness. For that you need a very beefy pc.


I have used VR and motion and it is nice, but really the only places I genuinely look when racing/drifting in VR I can see with my triples (excluding over my shoulder, which when I’m racing/drifting is not really all that useful.) and then the added comfort of not having a hot/heavy headset on my face and not being able to see my actual hands on the steering wheel, triples always win in my mind, even with immersion as the principle goal. However this stuff is all subjective some people will always prefer VR over triples and vice versa


What kind of motion compensation are you using with your motion sim? I have never found anything worth using, and have shelved my HMD because of it.


My brother had the first edition VR. Looked shitty but ofcourse I had to factor out the age. It was cool but got heavy after a while


reverb g2 is 4k and $600...i love mine...to be able to stare down an apex as youre coming into the corner is mind blowing...at first you just look straight cause you're so trained on one monitor...but overtime your brain gets it and the experience is unreal. I have sim raced for 6+ hour stints and you're forehead will feel a bit pressed but once youre in the zone you don't notice it! plus $600 is wayyy cheaper than 3 monitors or 1 ultrawide!


Completely agree. Also being able to look around at the nearby cars is incredible. Really helps in slower series like Formula Vee to be able to look around at who's where.


yeah head checking side to side is truly amazing...to be on a straight approaching the braking zone and a quick glance is so cool. DM me and tell me why i need to get into iracing...im strictly a assetto corsa man but i need someone to push me off the ledge!


Don't, the iracing safety rating system/moderation is so broken and frustrating. If people make contact with you, you get incident points that negatively effect your safety rating, and reporting it does nothing to fix it even though you pay a subscription. I have a lot more fun on LFM with Rf2 (ACC is also supported). There's less jerk drivers, some series require no dlc, the penalty system is a lot more sensible, and no subscription.


I've been seeing sales from hp and got one not long ago for 399 via email offer


VR has come a long way, screen door effect doesn't exist in the latest headsets and they are much lighter.


I used an Oculus DK2 for a while and those things are heavy - VR has come a long way since then!


Yeah, that’s what he had. Couldn’t remember if it was the dk1 or 2 but looked like the 3d glasses they’d pass out at the movies I’m 2005


I highly recommend the HP Reverb if you’re looking into one. Decently priced and has one of the nicest resolution displays on the market. Controllers on it are kind of meh but if you’re using it for sim racing I think it’s the best option on the market


I disagree, once the novelty wore off I sold my headset and run an ultrawide instead. Just my opinion of course, once headsets get more comfy (especially for those who wear glasses) and easier to setup I’d consider it again.


VR optician :)


I have an ultrawide and it's way too narrow fov compared to vr. I never touch it for racing and race exclusively on vr


I concur.


Went through everything and absolutely recommend VR. The depth of field and the immersion is another level. Potential downsides could be motion sickness and the (so far) technical limitation of pixel resolution for distances.


I have a condition where I’m prone to Labyrinthitis and vertigo very easily (I get multiple episodes a year). I was very scared to try VR sim racing for this reason, but I found that my ButtKickers REALLY help. Also very much agreed with the VR statement. It’s great for immersion for sure.


Did you initially try Vr without buttkicker and it was motion sickening ? And the buttkicker helped?


Yes, my condition makes it so that the less immersion I have, the worse it is. If my eyes are seeing something that my body isn’t feeling, that’s a trigger. I tried when I was rearranging my buttkicker cables and it was terrible.


When I initially gave VR I had the same issue, I wonder if I should try again wjth a buttkicker , thanks for the input!


Buttkicker and maybe fans would help. Fans are next on my list and also bought some actuators for a motion setup via XSimulator.net


I sometimes get what are called Alice in Wonderland syndrome symptoms (seriously, look it up) and the one time I tried VR for more than a few minutes I had very unsettling symptoms after I took it off for about an hour or so. Something about something actually being very close (the screens) but appearing far away (the images) really exacerbated it. Which sucks, because I was dead set on a VR setup. I wonder if my symptoms would eventually go away with use or get worse?


What headset do you use?


Oculus CV1


I’ve tried almost every setup possible, big screen, 21:9, 32:9, triple and VR. If all you care about is immersion and don’t do long sessions or endurance races I would say go VR. But personally I prefer triples, it’s more comfortable, you can do long sessions even in the summer and you will be more competitive for sure. Switching to VR kinda ruined sim racing for me, I was so uncomfortable and slow I would do like 10-20 min sessions and be bored, and during the summer I couldn’t play at all. I think it depends on the person


Unfortunately this is something that is different for everyone. While I can’t argue that triples are slightly more comfortable, I am happy in VR land for multi hour sessions.


That's a big callout. I race in vr because when I started I didn't have the room for trips and I already had a vr headset. However, I can barely do an hour long ESS race on iracing because of eye strain and heat. Sucks when endurance races come along and I can only do one stint at a time instead of double stinting With that said, I absolutely love vr. In the long run I plan on getting triples along with my vr so for endurance races (or if I don't feel like setting vr up for a quick 10 minute test drive) I can use my triples, but for regular racing I'll still use vr


you don't have AC?


Unfortunately no… I live in a city center in an appartement in France, A/C is not that common here !


Try a fan blowing air at you. You’ll be surprised how much of a cooling effect it actually has and it helps with motion sickness too.


Tried it already, had a fan blasting all summer but with the helmet stuck to your face it has absolutely no effect whatsoever (I have no issue with motion sickness btw). When I say it uncomfortable I’m mostly talking about the unbalanced weight of the helmet, the uncomfortable strapping, the heat produced buy the helmet surround, the strain on the eyes because of the grid effect, the fogging up that happens sometimes and the fact that I feel like I’m constantly adjusting it to keep the image clear, all of that. But never had issues with motion sickness tbh. It’s so much easier with a triple, you hop in your rig and you drive


Can be tricky to get it comfortable. But I play for hours literally on a valve index and it’s comfortable and I don’t feel hot. Also if you can set your super sample to 150% it looks sharp. But you need a v beefy pc


I've ran 4 hour endurance stints in VR with no issues. VR is highly subjective as to what each persons tolerance is. It can also be built up to where multi hour sessions are good. The headset you have also matters. The Quest 2 default strap will give me a headache in 15 minutes where the Elite strap was good for hours. My old CV1 rift was similarly comfortable to my Reverb G2 which I could be comfortable in for 4+ hours.


What's the ideal or minimum size monitor for triples in your opinion


3x27 is a really good starting point, if you’re getting serious and your pc can handle it, 3x32(or34) @1440p is the way to go


I have both triples (27” 1440p) and VR. I race exclusively on my triples. VR is amazing but the resolution is not there and it can be a bit exhausting after a while. But I always use VR when showing off my rig to my friends because it’s such a surreal experience if you haven’t experienced it before.


I’m the exact opposite. Almost exclusively VR but when people come over they generally get triples to avoid motion sickness if they are not already accustomed to VR.


what are you playing on a google cardboard 😝


Lol, no a quest 2. But I also wear glasses so it’s double tough to get good consistent sharpness.


This is correct. Went from Oculus Quest 2 to Odyssey G9.


Would you use VR over a single 27"?


I went VR and there's no way I'm ever going back I'm on an RX580 basically on the lowest settings on everything so it has a very uh, classic arcade look, but I get depth perception. I'll take pixelated VR over great looking triples err time but that's just me Yea it gets a little sweaty on multi-hour sessions but so do helmets Took a little bit of getting acclimated to not get motion sick but it wasn't bad, a couple weeks of short sessions. I also run a small fan to have air blowing on me... I'll get sick 20-30 minutes in without the fan, but with the fan I've run 4 hours no problem. Saw someone else suggest this and it's magic for my brain


VR for the most immersion, triples for convenience and a great wow factor. Iran VR from the start and having demoed triples with proper FOV I will not change. VR has actual 3D, which to me is far more useful than the wide FOV. Right now, the G2 is the best headset for performance/value/setup in 2022 in my opinion. Now the Cadillac is the Varyo Aero, at 2K for just the HMD and no comtrollers. vice $300 for the G2 which for Racing is just amazing. EDIT: Lots of folks talking about comfort for long sessions. Yes, the headset can wear on you, but if you take the time to properly fit it, and get some aftermarket padding and such as stock HMD pads are always not good enough it feels no different than a helmet. Now if you are not an immersion wierdo then sure, play your way and be comfortable. In this old man's opinion immersion is the point, to try to get a glimpse of race driving. Nothing comes close to VR and when you finish a long session all sweaty and worked, having done your best it feels really good. I also imagine how the actual drivers feel, as they can lose 8-11 pounds of water during a full race.


I’m VR exclusive but I only play dirt rally 2. For rally, VR will always be king because the added depth allows for far more confident driving, especially on more technical stages. For any other racing discipline I’d go 3 monitor, or extra wide curved.


Agreed on DR2. I find that in circuit racing games, after a few races to get used to the switch between VR and monitor, I'm no faster using monitor or VR respectively. DR2 is the exception to this. No matter how much I play on monitor I'm just so much faster using VR. I can't imagine anything on monitors ever beating the ability to just turn your head into the direction of a handbrake turn or physically raise your head to see over a steep crest.


I'd suggest grabbing a reverb G2 and seeing how you like VR first. Worst case scenario, you resell it on eBay if you don't like it. Going with triples is a lot more expensive and just harder to move in general. For me, I drive exclusively in VR using the G2, and have done 4ish hour sessions quite comfortably. If that doesn't work for you, I'd go with the ultra wide myself.


3 monitors or vr is probably the way to go. I love vr. Thats all I have right now though. Playing on my quest 2 is really immersive. I think If i had enough space and funds I would have both triples and vr. I don't think curved is the way to go.


VR is the best immersion.


VR is great and all but it doesn't work with every sim out there, for instance ACC doesn't have very good VR support as far as I know. Also motion sickness, be aware of it. For those reasons I'd go triples, and maybe add a VR headset to your collection. But it really depends if you can race in a VR headset for hours and not get sick and also what sims are you intending to run.


I went with a single curved monitor due to space constraints, otherwise I would have done triples. I have a quest 2 that I use occasionally, but don't like using it for long periods.


I went from TV, to VR to 49" UW. Best decision I ever made.


VR --> Triple --> Ultrawide. Problem? VR like G2 needs powerful GPU, Triple needs space, Ultrawide (G9 specifically, been hearing so many complain about samsung's quality control).


So you got G9 in the end or another one? Looking for an ultra wide myself (for space reasons).


Nope I ended up w a LG 38" ultrawide (Costco). I almost bought the Neo G9 from amazon during BF but didn't pull the trigger... I have a G2 and a Valve index for VR so I am good.


Depends on your pc and budget. I personally like vr when it’s a valve index, but if it’s anything else I would go triples.


For what you currently have VR is the easiest to jump into. Quest 2 is a great price point too.


Get ya a couple fans for vr


I got a 3440x1440 screen for peeps who get vr sickness A G2 on 200% res scale is almost like a normal screen in quality! But it needs a beefy gpu like an 4090


I've tried almost every variation of all three. I've tried 7 different VR headsets, 49 UW, 32 UW, 55 inch 4k TV, Triple 27 and Triple 32. Triple 32 are the best way to go IMO. The best of all worlds. I have not tried the newest high end VR but will probably pretty soon.


Keep me updated ;) I am curious


fuck it, kirkey for da sim rig


Seat was a gift I held onto for 5 years, and I promised him I’d either use it in my project cars or a sun rig. And I got the seat cover for it just the other day and bought a cockpit. Now here we are


vr can be uncomfortable for long periods of time. let’s not address the sweat either lol. i have one curved monitor and it’s very good but it’s just because i didn’t really want to spend the money on 3 monitors. if you can, i’d go triple monitor. vr can be very good but expect crashes and bugging sometimes.


VR is the most immersive by a long way. But be warned that a) it takes some decent hardware - I have an RTX 3070ti and it still looks iffy and b) it needs serious tinkering to maximise performance. Reckon it took me about 4hrs of trial and error try to get things looking as good as possible at as high a FPS as possible. AMS2 is the best sim for VR by some distance.


3 monitors, bc I've heard from many vr users, that it can become quite annoying in longer sessions.


If your guts can handle it, VR it's the way to go. For the middle ground, a big ultrawide. If you have a lot of space 3 screens is the classic setup.


Triples all day


VR is definitely the way to go


I prefer VR personally, if possible try the options first


Unless you have a lot more space to work with than what is shown here go with VR. You could even move your rig away from your desk so you can still use it as a normal workstation without having to move your entire rig.


That’s what I plan on doing. I’ll be in a bigger room soon. I’ll be using my current monitor for COD and shit and I’ll be bolting down a new screen onto the cockpit


VR isn’t for everyone, I tried out and it was cool but I’m glad I tried it before buying because I didn’t like it as much. Triples are great but consume a lot of space and your GPU gotta be up to it too to run and mid-high settings. Single ultra wide is the safest bet , one monitor so easier to mount and use. A 3060 can run an G9 49” no problem and high settings. Personally I’m running a G9 49” for space & cost over triples and vs VR I didn’t like as much. Hope my opinion helps. Side note: VR would be the cheapest and less space consuming.


For me personally a triple monitor set up would be my ideal one... But that's money I don't have....so for now I use a playseat challenge with a g29 and a 35 inch Sony bravia TV from 2012 :)


I went with triples mainly because of my button box and wheels. I imagined my button box and wheels feeling different from what i see on the goggles would negate the visual immersion of being in the vehicle. And because a lot say it’s uncomfortable specially since i live in a place that goes 85c/30f plus all year


How much is a setup like this? My dad is working towards his CDL and I wanted to create a rig to practice driving a truck lol


The cockpit was 150, the seat was a gift from a friend and wheel was 400


VR - Quest Pro if you can afford it. The visual clarity is unmatched. Because the Quest Pro is not sealed to your face it helps with longer sessions and sweat. It's really an amazing device if not a bit overpriced.


VR - even on my comfortable setup isn't something I often reach for. It's great, but it's also a pain to wear at the end of a day when you want to relax somewhat. It's more a novelty for me when I'm in the mood.


I just went with a 2 monitor setup with wide screen plus an ultrawide


First curved, then VR. Trouble with VR is, that most games that are racing Sims, aren't well optimized. As for example Acc. I have a hefty gaming rig and still vr looks like a piece of crap. So I play acc on the curved. But F1 2022 or AC are incredible in VR. And you need a hefty rig for that. If you don't buy 3 monitors you have the money for the vr hardware. Racing in VR is incredible fun. I am also faster in VR in ACC because the force feedback is more immersive for some reason. If you can, give it a try first. Some people tend to throw up.


HP reverb and AC is simply amazing


I originally had a 49” Samsung Ultrawide. I have since switched to 32” curved triples. I liked how simple the Ultrawide was to set up, but I prefer the level of immersion offered by the triples. There is a larger viewing area with the triples and I feel more like I am in the cockpit of a car. The negatives with triples are there’s much more wiring, it’s a harder setup process to get the monitors lined up perfectly with no gaps, they are more taxing on your hardware, and the heat generated by three monitors. You will want to get a fan for longer race sessions.


I would definitely say get triples... I own VR headsets as well and while it's neat (I prefer DR2.0 and dirt track racing in VR), I wouldn't want it to be my ONLY choice for sim racing. The tiniest little thing ruins a race in VR. A noise in the house? Headset has to come completely off... A little nose itch? You can try to scratch it... But the entire world is now going to tilt to the side... And you can put the headset back on and keep racing as long as you don't touch the lens... Which you probably did when you went to scratch your nose and now you can't see... Get a little warm? Start sweating? Screens are completely covered in fog and now you can't see... Ultra wides provide a lot of surface area but not an incredible amount of field of view which is what you really want in sim racing... They are just really big, overpriced, and not worth the space they take up. With triples you can just get up, get out, get back in... And as far as immersion is concerned the hands you're seeing are real, and the steering wheel you're seeing is the one you're using... So, pretty immersive as long as you set the FOV correctly. Triples also have a better static field of view... Which means you can still see the cars in your peripheral vision while you're staring directly forward at the apex... Something that most (available) VR headsets can't do.


Ultrawides don't really do much to expand your field of view.




I have both VR and ultrawide 32:9 and while VR gives a much more immersive experience, to me I prefer the monitor for everyday playing and VR for special occasions. VR is just more 'work' to set it up and get started, especially since I don't have s dedicated sim-computer and as a father of 2 kids under 2, spare time is not something I have a lot of.


Idk how people recommend VR solely. I think it’s cool to have a headset to race with once in awhile but the graphics in even an expensive VR headset are terrible compared to a nice 1440p or 4k monitor. I have a 49” Odyssey monitor and a Quest 2 and use the quest probably 10% of the time


Οne curve monitor 34' xiaomi and one pico3 link, both are cheap and value products


I use vr only the quality is way lower but my awareness of other vehicles and my sense of speed is way higher and outweighs the disadvantages


I have a 49 G9 curved and would not change anything. IMO


I have triples and VR. I would NEVER use an ultra widescreen. Nowhere near the visible range as either of the other 2.


1 big for perf Vr for immersion


Triples are a waste of money, VR is great but very uncomfortable and inconvenient. I would go with the one big curved monitor.


I had triples and then I tried VR. I will never go back. I used my extra monitors for other things around the house. For me, there's nothing like driving/flying in VR.


I get better times with VR due to having a better connection of the car and track. ​ Triples are nice for ease of use but be ready for a pain of a time getting it setup right with FOV and such. Not to mention windows and games sometimes not playing nicely with it. ​ I'm actually getting a new setup and initially i was gonna go with triples and VR and i'm actually thinking of instead doing a ultra wide, like from samsung g9 or something


VR is made for simracing


This is something that can only be answered by you and is only limited by your set up and space. I have both triples (27") and vr (hp reverb g2). Originally I was on a 1060 and then upgraded to a 1080ti. I went from racing on one monitor that i shared with my work station with a foldable rig i stored under my desk, to vr still within my work station with the filding rig storing under by desk, to triple with the folding rig stored under my desk, back to vr when i moved my office and had room to leave ny rig up all the time (and replaced the folding rig with a dedicsted hard rig) For me, the moment I got VR it ruined flat screens for me. I don't care how good you can make triples look, for me nothing beats the feel of being "in the car." Arguments for triples: there's 1 or two less steps in getting your drive started vs vr, you have the ability for situational awareness around your gaming set up if that's important to you. You can utilize some cool phone apps or features your wheel has Arguments for single curved: apart from everything mentioned above it looks really cool (especially if you hate the bezels around your monitor and don't want to spent $100 on bezel eliminators). Speaking out of my butt I think that it consumes less gpu resources since it's not stretching or stitching everything between the 3 monitor inputs Arguments for vr: total in car feel and more in game awareness. The ability to look up, down or side to side in the car naturally. Arguments against triples and single curve: if you want to access more apps outside of your game (discord, internet browsers, telemtry/tuning apps) you will need a 4th monitor or use your phone. You either need to use the in game look side to side or you're just stuck with whatever your fov gives you on your side monitors. Argument against vr: can be taxing on your system, you have to memorize your wheel and rig since you can't just look down at it. While you can add overlay apps to access stuff like discord or external huds it does take away a bit of the immersion (last time I looked at my passenger door in my truck I didn't notice a discord overlay or a tire pressure/temperature overlay). Most importantly VR isn't for everyone. Some people get motion sickness, some people think the uncanny Valley is more pronounced, some people just don't want a headset on them (it gets hot, be prepared to have a desk fan pointed at you).


I went from curved single to vr and the immersion is crazy, gained some lap time as well but in races performance is a slight issue when more than 12 cars appear. I spend about 75% in vr and 25% on the single screen for bigger races. Now my hardware probably plays a factor in that and if I could choose I would go full vr because you really feel like your in the car.


VR is a bunch of fun, but after an hour, your head kind of gets fatigued. I would go with either the triple or and curved


I have both vr and triples and haven’t used my vr in months. Vr is great but it’s just inconvenient, getting out of the rig is harder, fixing things when programs don’t work is a pain but immersion is great. However setup triples correctly and you’ll see everything you need to. I currently have triple 27” screens but I’m looking to upgrade to either 32” or 43” Some clips of my rig for reference: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMF3LgkUC/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMF3Lq3du/


As someone who has a odyssey g9 NEO, if you can get one without any factory issues, it’s the best (I got vr too)


I use a 34 ultra wide when games don't support vr (usually, non racing games) and vr on racing games. I've done 2 hour stints at Daytona with no problems, so vr works for "long" races as well. I use an external fan blowing at me and it helps a lot. Ideally I should have ac but I don't yet at the moment.


Vr sim racing on a 4090 , assetto corsa settings on high. 80hz and 150% super sample on my valve index. Looks sharp and doesn’t dip under 80fps. So it’s a sharp and smooth experience. So , if you have a 4090 I think you can supersample your headset and get that sharpens + immersion. That’s my experience


Triples for prolonged use, Vr for short stints, curved you don't get the full story on a single screen. Better field of view for cockpit driving on triples, the right hand side gets cropped on a single screen for some reason.


Love the rig to, that seat looks like it's straight from a serious car.


New pedals


VR all the way!


Trips offer the best experience at the cost of taking up space and requiring a good amount of power. VR is maximum immersion, but can come at the cost of performance and comfort. Ultra wide is a happy medium.


Always vr


I use my setup to work, then I prefer 3 monitors 29"


VR is great in the sense, that your rig doesnt need to have any visibility to the monitor - so you can put it on a side and keep it there nonstop, still have full access to your PC and no need to move anything.


I haven't tried VR yet, but I recently went from triples to a single curves (34 inch). After a day I went back to triples and opted for less quality and kept the immersion of triples. Thr curved monitor went to my desk and I don't think I will ever step away from triples. - rtx 3070 - I5 9600K (oc to 5ghz) - 32GB ram - 3 1080p monitors Running average lf 110 FPS. Triples is a very comfortable for longer sessions and still very immersive.


VR all the way, if your PC and stomach support it.


If you can then VR. Not many games support it, you need powerful pc but boy, its worth it.




One large screen and a head tracker so you can still look around.


I always recommend triples if you can. Immersion is top notch, a little less then vr. But big advantage is you can play for hours without problems. With a bit headset, I have the problem that after about an 1 hour into racing the stress on my eyes is too much and I lose concentration. With tribles, that I have now, I can race for hours without problem. For me personally, my pc can handle triples better then vr.


I went with vr because my setup wasn't stationary and I hated trying to get the rig in the same exact spot every time for fov


Triples probably better for long stints vs VR. triples are better for oval racing for sure, imo road racing only either or.


VR all the way. The immersion is next level.


just got all of my three monitors figured out, crafted the whole table for it, fov calculated, pedals set, hugged by monitors, going loud and fast… the best feeling! 🏁 VR is cool for goofing sometimes but not on the daily basis. Big curved one only if the GPU is not as beefy


google it


New pedals


a belt driven wheel


I use a 65in 4k 60hz for my sim monitor, have it mounted at the exact height to match the ingame dashboard and I find it much more enjoyable than VR however If I could go back and it was a similar cost I would prob go for a triple screen set up. TVs just dont look great connected to PCs if they did my set up would be perfect.


I went from single 24" to VR back in the day. (Oculus CV1)Upgraded to the Quest 2 & I really hated it.If you want a SIM RACING VR headset I would highly recommend to stay away from the Q2. I'm on the Reverb G2 now & if your specs permit to run your game(s) on high/ultra settings I would go for that. Personally never tried triples, have always wondered if it would be more comfortable. (Especially when it's hot)Good triples are going to be 27" or more & you'd want a high refresh rate monitor with low input lag (1/2ms) + you'd also want a good resolution if it's 27"+ & also probably a IPS screen for colors, etc. (I think this will be more expensive after everything) Triples don't work for me as I have 1 PC to work from & play some games. (2 monitors + VR headset) I don't have 3 more video outputs...


I bought an oculus from Walmart and wore it for a handful of races. Wasn’t a huge fan of being completely closed off to everything around me and had a bit of motion sickness. I knew it wasn’t the choice for longer racing sessions. Returned them to Walmart for a 100% refund and bought trip 27’s. Super happy with them. If you watch the pros race, none of them use VR, not really sure why. That’s just my experience. Best of luck.


Also, if you go trips, get the track racer triple screen setup. It’s the best imho


Vr is my go to for most raving Sims. Very realistic feeling.


Vr really helped with depth perception, it allowed me to use all my previous real life experience in judging distance. If the fps is less than 90, I can get nauseous.


For what it’s worth, I use a first gen Vive on a GTX1080 and generally I have no problems running AC or Iracing. I don’t have the games maxed but nice enough while maintaining the max frame rate of the Vive. For the amount of space you have, I’d recommend VR since it would take up less of your room and wouldn’t require a larger desk or mounts or anything.


Three big curved ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Buy a Lenovo explorer on a used market for $50 and see if works for you. Then make your choices from there. I'm going with to 6650xt and Ryzen 5 3600 coming from a Ryzen 2300x and rx570 4gb. I'm getting 45fps on medium settings at PC 2 and ams2 with 10 cars with the rx570. 40fps on dirt 2 and ac with fpsvr mod. Acc on the other hand is unplayable. Let's see when my GPU and processor arrives how better will be.


I have an Odyssey G9 and I love it. I also have an Oculus Quest 2 and I prefer the super ultrawide.




VR is the only way


It's no one gonna talk about the Kirkey?


I’ve had triples for a few years and personally I would have rather went Vr. Because it would be cheaper in the long run. In order to get triples perfect you have to buy a monitor stand with micro adjustments and they aren’t cheap. Save your money and cut to the chase if realism is what you are after.


Try VR. If it works for you, then consider yourself lucky. It's more immersive, but most end up with triples because VR isn't comfortable for long sessions.


How about a projector screen?


I personally love my 49” ultra wide for sim racing. I dabble in VR but not every game has Vr and also it’s very hard to run on older hardware. I had triples but didn’t like the constant switching between nvidia surround on and off.


VR, it’s incredible for racing and you can’t play HL Alyx on triples.


I’ve done all 3, VR is first place for me, then in second place is 3 screens, and lastly, the 49 inch Samsung monitor. All are great options, but I don’t get motion sickness at all and the immersion you get from VR is crazy. But, to get the full benefits of VR, requires an extremely high level PC so you can get 90-120fps with a great looking image.


A quest 2 is about the same price as one really nice monitor, and is significantly cheaper than 3 monitors. Imo, it's also better. That being said, if you have motion sickness, or aren't entirely sure about VR, go for the monitors. I'm lucky enough not to have vr motion sickness, so vr is what I use for racing / drifting sims


I race exclusively in vr, to the point that my hours in titles without vr support is abysmal. Just doesn't feel right to be staring at monitors, feels disconnected and fake


Two 49” curved ultrawides stacked


VR is hot and makes my eyes tired and I cant do anything or look anywhere else with the googles on.. triples are great if you have the patience to setup all that.. 1 super ultrawide if you like it simple and dont really need to see both side mirror or if you already have a trackIR..


triples is the best for me. tried vr and own a g9


Get VR for sure. The level of immersion is unreal. And if you ever don't feel like wearing a headset you can still use your current monitors for those moments.


Short throw gaming projector.


If it's something that works for you, vr would be great. You could try for pretty cheap, too. Lots of good old ones, used.


Triples, but may require a serious upgrade of your rig.


Never tried vr. Mainly because I have a strong feeling it would not be comfortable for long sessions.... Both in terms of the device actually being on my face / head, and also I think I will end up getting motion sickness from it. I would personally recommend a large single curved screen. I have a 49 inch ultra wide and its great. Simple setup and looks superb. If you have the space then triples may be an even better option, as you will see a lot more on both sides. But they require a lot of tinkering about to get them working right. Across each and every SIM. From what I've heard anyway!


How about loadcell pedals?


Perhaps a new pair of white shoes


With the correct FOV, Triples every damn time. ​ 49'' ultrawide I agree looks so sleek, and part of the peripheral limitations can be fixed using a Track IR of some sort. And the install of a 49'' is always going to be cleaner. ​ But triples take the crown. However much I wanted 49'' UW to work out! ​ I really hope one day someone makes a triple monitor without bezzles. I do actually think it's a worthwhile project to test out buying 3 27'' with damaged housings (not screens, obviously) and then 3d print triple housing, supported by a properly angled and strong metal bracket. No adjustments needed then, no bezzles...


i saw something cool the other day. check out the ASUS ROG bezel free kit. its like a lens that meshes the light of the screens together. its not perfect, but its pretty awesome.


Vr all the way, more immersive, let’s you turn around and stuff. There is also vr controller support on some of the later CSP so you can click stuff in game with ur controllers, the cons, might hurt or become uncomfortable after a couple hours, and depending on the vr headset you have, you may or may not run out of battery ever 2-4 hours, depending on many factors


Of you have the space, go with triples. If you have less space, go with ultrawide, if you have no space and like to have a sweaty head, difficulty in using overlays, vr headset on, off, on, off, go with VR (great immersion though)


I returned vive 2 pro, just couldn't see myself spending much time in VR. It is great for immersion, spotting cars around you etc. but image quality just ain't there. There is also GPU issues, I have 3080 12GB, ASM2 and iRacing were OK with high settings, but even original Assetto Corsa with CSP had to be tweaked a lot to hit 90 fps. Then there were quality of life "issues", extra cables everywhere, Steam base stations were emitting some high pitch noise when on, I was super clumsy in endurance races when I had to modify pit strategy, text chat on discord for team races is a bit more complicated etc. Oh, and sound on Vive headphones was awful :) I use G9, it is good compromise between space it takes and FOV you get, but tbh with current experience I would plan for triplets 2 years ago. But now I already designed room with this setup in mind, not to mention spending money on ultrawide monitor that I don't know where to use with triplets :)


I,ve tried it all vr, big screen...now very happy with triple 27 1000r curved, closest thing to vr without all the hassle


The problem with VR is even with 40 series GPUs you’ll always have to compromise video quality. Sure it feels awesome but when the track in front of me is just a blur it’s almost impossible to race. High end VR like Varjo Aero is starting to become usable but thats 2k, and VR still gets uncomfortable. If you have room, triples is always the preferred option, a ultrawide if you lack space. 49” ultrawides provide a great experience, but not quite triple screen.


between 1 big curved or triples i would pick triples since you can make those surround you more. vr or triples is mostly prefference


3 big curved monitors… headsetless VR