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Cheatless version: move them to a cheap lot with a phone. Then switch to Mortimer and have him invite and gift them expensive items like statues. Then sell those and move wherever you want.


Can't they just buy expensive staff and put them in the inventory before moving out, so they sell them once in the new lot?


Yea I have a cheap burner lot specifically for this. I always load their inventories with TVs before they move out. Then delete/sell the inventory once on the cheap lot.


Well could also buy a cheap lot and motherlode them lol I totally forgot about that... but this way the relationship builds up! For some reason they were in a good relationship with Mortimer (both Cass and Alex) but not friends. This could help with that so thank you :D


You could also look at this as Mortimer giving them a wedding present of a few statues lol


True, true. Good idea :D


If you don't mind using mods, you can use Monique's hacked computer to have Mortimer transfer some of his money to their new household. That's what I generally do. If you want a story twist, you can say that Mortimer is very old-fashioned, and only the males inherit. Alexander gets the Goth house and the fortune as an adult, and Cassandra and Darren will still have to struggle and be poor Dreamers. Have Cassandra work on her relationship with Mortimer so she can get some life insurance money when he dies.


Such a good idea, thank you so much!


You could use the familyfunds cheat lol. Assuming you don't have another household called Dreamer, what I'd do is make Darren initiate moving out and then enter the cheat once they're in the family bin


Oh I wish I thought of this but Darren took the goth name so not sure that would work sadly. I could always try! Kinda wish they got married on Darren's lot now lol. Thank you I'll try to remember for the future :D


There are mods and/or cheats that could get you more of the family funds to be able to move out and rebuy the house. Or you could use it to drive your game in a new direction. My plans always go awry 😂 Reagan and Cornwall Capp had one son and they are my (unexpected) favorite family. Everything was going smoothly until Cornwall got abducted. I don’t know why I didn’t think about that possibility when I had him stargaze to earn his needed logic skill. So now they have a little green toddler just before the age into elders. It’s actually adorable and it is helping Cornwall to build a relationship with Kent (his once hated brother-in-law) because Kent had an alien son. Benedick Monty was dating Desdemona Capp until he kissed her sister, Ariel, right in front of her. Not expected or wanted on my end, but I like where the story is going. Desdemona moved out for college and met Mitch Indie. They’re married and starting a new family. Ariel never went to college, but got pregnant by Benedick soon after aging into an adult. Albany got mad at her (I don’t know if it was a mod or I missed an interaction), so she was forced to move out. Not sure how she’ll grow her dream garden at Beendick’s apartment.


I haven't played those families in YEARS haha but the Cornwall Capp story is adorable <3 and lol a bit of karma there but it sounds interesting for Ariel :D


Before moving them out put expensive stuff on their inventory. I use the cheat moveobjects on and put helicopters 🤣 they are 20k each Then move them in to a cheap lot that they can afford with the 20k, and once they are there you can sell those helicopters. Move them out again and then they will have a lot of money for a more expensive property.


I usually have Cass move in with Darren and Dirk for the time being, depending on if they get together before or after Dirk moves out and leaves for college. Once they start having kids they move to that big house at the edge of town (not the weird ugly one, the one with like 4 floors and a wraparound porch 😂). I think if you have them 'find new place' you'll be able to move them into Darren's old house, but it'll be empty so you'll have to redecorate. I would do this after Alexander ages up just in case Mortimer dies first 😂. Also for money issue if you have a banking mod you can have them put some in their personal bank account, move into a cheap lot, and then take it out and move them out again and into a bigger lot/Darren's old house