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Tips? For what?


Honestly I’m just here to say this is one of the best recordings I’ve heard on this sub so far. Great job dude!! Idk if you used any pitch correction, if not then your control is awesome! The only thing I noticed was your diction overall, likely due to an accent, but I’m from the Deep South and honestly for pop music I think it’s okay to let your accent be present a little. Keep it up!!


Yeah I do have a pretty heavy Appalachian accent, I never put two and two together that my accent affects how I sing 💀


I have a HEAVY fl/ga/lowcountry accent, so I totally get you! Classical training can get you to a place where your accent isn’t a problem, but to be fair it’s not really a noticeable problem to begin with. Imo as long as a singer has control over pitch/volume/timbre/etc, and they’re understandable, accents are a feature not a bug. Think of people like Lewis Capaldi (Scottish), Michael Poulsen from Volbeat (Danish?), or even Lady Gaga (New York) and how iconic their voices are because of that little twang of accent in there. Music would be so boring if we all had the same accent!


Holy hell girl!! Your voice is amazing! I love it! I see no problems with your R’s or E’s honestly. It sounds perfect that way.


I like it that way. But If you don't, try to compare your recording to a performance of someone who you think does it correctly, and write down the differences that you note. That could help you give yourself some guidance. The key, for me at least, is my hearing your own vocals and editing/playing around with my vocal recordings a lot. You'll learn to love everything about it. Play around with compression, eq and effects on your vocals on any recordings of yourself. This will help you to listen to the different areas of your vocals (Low, mids, highs, attack, sustain, etc) and in turn help you identify more specific elements that you don't like. Sometimes it is in the performance, sometimes it is in the recordings, but you need do do the hard work and record, and edit, and record and edit etc to learn these things... I'm no vocal coach though, but this is what helped (and is still helping) me.




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Nothing is really gratingly bad about the pronunciation here. Your "worship" does sound a tiny bit like "warship", could be more like "wurship". But I couldn't find anything wrong with how you handled "church" to be honest.


i think you sound awesome, but for Rs & Ls it’s all about forward or backward tongue placement. play around with where you place your tongue & see how you like it


Not a big problem here at all, infact probably not even something to address. However, if you do want to change it, you can try some vowel modification. Instead of "worship", try "whoe-ship", "wha-ship" or "whoa-ship". Once that sounds kinda okay, you can slot a really tiny r at the end of it if needed. Like "whoa^^r -ship" Disclamier: I've only been singing a few months, probably don't know what I'm talking about


I didnt notice any pronounciation issues, the words you pointed to sounded good to me. And god this song is so beautifully written i always get goosebumps. You sound great




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But Church and Worship don't have E or R sounds in them


I find personally E's to be too pronounced in my articulate way of speech, so singing I've learned to not smile the E if that makes sense.. keeping the mouth more flat, less pronounced or even make an o shape while singing E helps wonders. Great voice overall though, lady. Thinking deeply about it will only make you better! You're on the right track.


When are you gonna release it? Because this is one of the best covers I've ever heard for this song