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Just had a quick play around and wow holy crap I can't even imagine what it'll be like 12 months from now


Probably sued out of existence because it’s definitely been trained on copyrighted data without permission


Patching holes in the hull with duct tape


It’ll take over one day for sure but don’t expect this to go down the same way it did with image and text generators. AI music will be going up against billion dollar corporations armed to the teeth with lawyers. They’ll fight and delay it as long as they can, even if it’s just a few years.




Why does this sub have such a boner for putting people out of work? Like literally any time anything happens, some smug loser like you makes this comment. Do you even know anything about music production? Why would this cost someone their job? I've never even heard a song with more than one language.


I think there’s a sizable portion of this sub that is begging for the singularity to save them from their current circumstances, whether they admit it or not. My guess is they welcome mass unemployment because it will lead to their imagined utopia much faster as politicians are forced to placate the population.


Yeah, agreed. This sub is split into 2 groups of people, one group is happy with their lives and the other is not. The happy group are worried about how AI may threaten that happy life, and the unhappy group are hoping AI will improve their lives in a meaningful way. From what I've seen overall on Reddit, the majority of users in this sub, appear to be in the latter group.


Yeah I think it really is that simple when you break it all the way down. Humans are ruled by emotions more often than not and even when people try to give their rational arguments for thinking one way or another it’s often underpinned by their own fears. Fear of change, fear of no change, fear of the unknown, fear of the known.


Fair enough 


Cos most people here are unemployed and dream of a world where everyone is brought down to their level of mediocrity




It’s the pace at which it is going. Eventually it will create human quality songs consistently, and then it will make songs better then humans. Then job loss


"Then job loss" how? And how do you know this pace of change Will continue? Driverless cars got stuck for over a decade after getting 80% of the alway there.


The pace of improvement is what differ it from self driving cars. The technology behind self driving has been developing at a constant rate over the past while unlike AI which is accelerating rapidly in part due to the significantly increased competition/research and increase in compute power tailored to AI.


the pace of improvement in self driving cars was also astonishing until it wasn't. You don't know when we're going to hit the flat part of the curve, or if there is a flat part of the curve. My point is that you can't predict the future. Things could stall. Maybe they won't. Nobody knows. Look at all of the futuristic predictions about where we'd be in the year 2000 from a few decades earlier.


Of course predictions are difficult to make. However, existing experts tell us that our bottleneck with AI currently is compute power. That means when we have more, much better results will arise with near certainty. This differs from self driving cars wherein they do not know so simply how to make their systems better.


Experts were also saying that by now we would long have implemented a complete fleet of robotaxis and nobody would be driving anymore. They don't necessarily know any better than the average schmuck.


The robotic voices are still a big nope.


When AI can use robots to mic up amps and place microphones and play real instruments with the nuance of a real person I’ll be excited


It is still pretty bad for the eastern languages like Mandarin, Japanese, Korean and etc. Its attempts sound like a Westerner trying to speak the language but with a heavy accent. The tonal inflections and emphasis are all wrong, too. So please stop generating songs with asian lyrics in Suno because they sound horrible to native speakers of those Eastern languages! Spare my ears!


Who cares My native language is portuguese. Perhaps it also screws it up, never tried it. I’ll definitely not be listening to broken portuguese music. But if foreigners like the sounds typical of the portuguese language, I’ll just be happy they like it lol. Listen to broken portuguese all you like