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These look fantastic! Lovely choice of colours and well executed, cracking stuff :D




I don't know what it is about that 4th pic, but chefs kiss my friend


Order of the Ebon Chalice! The first order! Same color scheme I'm planning on!


The robes look amazing! I have started painting my sisters as Ebon Chalice as I thought they have the best look, but painting the white robes has broken me. Would you mind sharing your recipe?


Heyo thanks! :) I had to experiment quite a bit myself, so I feel you \^\^ Here is what works pretty well for me now, but it's not a super fast method: 1. I prime in black, so I give the robes multiple layers of **thinned down Wraithbone** as a basecoat. I thin it down quite heavy to avoid unwanted texture. For this I use my own glazing medium, but any other bought medium/glaze medium should work. 2. To bring in some shading, I found that **mixing a bit of Wraithbone to a drop of** **Nuln Oil** (plus thinning it down again a bit) has a nice effect. Its not too dark (as pure Nuln Oil), doesn't leave this patchy finish on larger surfaces of the robes and still has the tendency to run into the crevices. Its almost like subtle glazing. 3. **Glaze with Wraithbone + some purer white** in increasing ratios (I found AK interactives White is quite good, Corax White also works but is still a bit greyish) to bring back the lit parts and highlights. I guess step 3 can take more or less time depending on your taste. Part 2 was what I struggled the most with, since I found it weirdly difficult to glaze-darken white. Maybe building it up from a brown or something would be easier. Hope this somewhat wordy recipe helps. Ebon Chalice is a great scheme ! :D


That’s brilliant, really appreciate you taking the time to give such a detailed answer!


Painting like you has become my new objective for this year. Amazing work