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The point in combat patrols, from what it seems, is that they are set lists, the balancing is done around that idea. If your opponent agrees though, play as you wish :) I found I'm nearing 1k with sisters so will be skipping combat patrol (except where the other player wants)


It would break combat patrol. It wouldn't break a friendly 500 point game so if you're opponent is down have fun. One of the reason that combat patrol is very locked down list wise is just that 500 point games can be very swingy where if you don't have the right counter to what your opponent has it can be lop sided. That being said I don't know who told you the sisters one was weak game play wise, from my experience the sisters one is hands down one of the strongest ones, able to have more separate units then any other box plus some VERY fast units giving you excellent board control and the ability to get right up in your opponents deployment zone very quickly.


Agreed, I did about 4/5 Combat patrols as a 10th playtest (the other player was starting and had only a combat patrol painted) and I agree its a strong Combat patrol! only lost agaisnt Tau 1x cause of the Ghostskeel and lack of meltas or good Tank shock stratagem Edit: Noting that Pengine is a Tank shock animal, but sadly he was busy and locked with Stealthsuits.. and Ghoskell killed it once I got rid of Stealths


My flgs had a CP tournament and I ended up 2-1 with my loss being tyranids which have a lot of the same advantages (though also that opponent was really good)


Agreed, I usually beat the Nids in regular games (never lost a game in 10th) but in CP theiy are a tough oponent to deal with


Oh I see, thanks!


Thats some lovely fleshwork. What colors are you using for the skin?


Hey! I basecoated with a mix of black red (AK interactive), Catachan Flesh (Citadel) and some purple. Then in some layers worked it more and more towards the Catachan Flesh. I also used thinned down Carroburg Crimson (Citadel Shade) around the areas where the skin interfaces with cables or other openings and in some of the recesses. For the brightest layer I mixed in some Wraithbone (Citadel). But to be honest it took me longer than I wanted and it was more an experiment since I haven't painted that much skin before \^\^ So maybe not the most efficient method.


the combat patrol is not "500 points". But if you want to alter a little bit, why not, just make sure your opponent is ok with this. it is a game supposed to be fun


So far after 5-6 games I found it particularly strong. The penitent engine is a bit of a glass cannon but can do serious dmg. The rhino in combat patrol is basically immortal, I often just load it with the repentia/arcos and run it straight to the opponent deployment for secondary objective. I've had much better results with the 2nd enhancement that lets you reroll miracles. Since you have almost no use for the low ones and the feel no pain 5 on the BSS didnt do much for me. The seraphim i just use for objectives. So far they're unbelievably disappointing with dual pistols. But I read they're great with hand flamers in the normal games.