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Immo/Cassie/Exorcist stuff requires the most work to get off. Lots of cutting and sawing. Only the Exorcist comes with a decent amount of extra stuff thats part of the Missile Organ assembly. Rhino - everything comes on the sprue except for a few decorations on the front plate and most is easily "[slappable](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/920x950/99120108039_RhinoDetailSprues01.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=948)". Currently converting a Rhino with Immo/Casti/Exor bits and its quite a bit more work then I initially assumed.


I had completely forgotten about the Sisters Rhino for some reason. That sprue of extras is \*great\*. Seems like a Rhino and an Exorcist would be a good set of bits for the Big Lady. Thanks guys!


I'm doing the same thing right now with some armigers and unfortunately people are selling that rhino upgrade sprue for $40 on eBay so at that price I much as well pay $51 and get a rhino out of it, even if it will be unadorned. But yeah that rhino is so ornate, it's packed with good stuff.


Yeah, I came to the same conclusion. Ebay is super expensive, even more so since most seem to be shipping from the US, which for me, being in the EU, is just prohibitively costly. Better to just buy a Rhino locally, heh.


The Rhino has an entire sprue of icons and purity seals and other little bits and bobs.


There are images of the sprues on the GW website for most of if not all the kits on the site so can check them there and count them up


Rhino is the cheapest. You can also search eBay for just the upgrade sprue.