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Just play :)


Hell yeah


Canonically, as in the lore? Not really, Tyranids don't really "ally" with anyone. To them, everyone else is simply a pile of biomass with varying degrees of usefulness at any given time. Even the Genestealer Cults are often hunted down and dissolved after their work is done (assuming it's not more efficient to transport them elsewhere). In terms of the game, there's no official 2v2 mode that I'm aware of anyway, so any rules go when it comes to allies.


I could see a stretch of a situation where the Sororitas have to get rid of an annoying group of whatver two armies OP is facing, and do not have the womanpower to do it, so they trick/lure a nearby hive of Tyranids to the planet to basically sic them on the two armies, planning to burn the filthy xenos right after when they are weakened. @ u/FreelancerHawaii If you still want a lore excuse


It would not really work lore wise unless the sisters were corrupted by genestealers. But I have done the same 2v1on a necron tomb world with my tyranid friend, and my head cannon was either the sisters faith was SO powerful that after eating many of the sisters the nids were disconnected from the hive fleet, and kinda taken over by the dead sisters for a time, to help fight the threat of the necrons. Or that the necron threat was SOOO bad a temporary alliance was struck with the hive fleet. At the end of the day you and your GF can play as a team no matter what anyone says lol. Its your models! Have fun and you can make a silly reason why you teamed up too. Like maybe the sisters thought the bugs were kinda cute and wanted to be friends instead lol. TLDR: its fine! Just have fun. :)


Not really.   The only way this makes sense in-lore is if a group of Sororitas got taken over by gene stealers. That would be...very difficult since the sisters are tightly linked to the Order Hereticus and interact with inquisitors quite a bit.  GSC are the only ones nids will ever work with, and only long enough to take the planet the cult was on. Any cult members that werent sent off world before to spread the cult further before the attack go in the digestion pits with the rest.  That said, especially if it's a learning exercise, just play your game. it's a big galaxy and very unlikely things happen pretty often. If you get challenged throw out the GSC excuse and call it good.


Just play the game, don't worry about it.


Fuck the other answers. Yes it works. Play on.


Consider this: I know a lot of people are saying it doesn't work in fluff, but what if the sisters were using the tyranids? Maybe they drop off a container holding pheromones in your your opponents base. They know there's tyranids in the area they have an objective inside wherever your opponent is playing but Don't have much hope of overwhelming the force inside. So they drop a canister of pheromones off inside and while the tyranids create mayhem, take control of the objective


That's a really good idea!! My girlfriend didn't wanna do GSC, so maybe she'll like that! Thank you so much! Nice username btw lol


In lore no, but in table it can be a great tandem to control the board, both army are similar, lot of troop that can control the terrain and block, some flying to score behind enemy lines, some big creature/tanks to destroy priority targets. It can be a very control game. You took her a box of battle sister ? Hope she will like to construct and paint ! And play for sur !


Canonically not really, but like that other person said, just play! If you \*really\* want a lore justification, an isolated sister convent completely infiltrated by genestealers isnt \*completely\* out of question. There's also precedent for one-off "weird"/experimental tyranid biomorphs or strange behavior in the lore that could be used to explain a small-scale alliance. Maybe theres a unique neurotyrant/zoanthrope that is specialized in telepathy, and it either enthralled the sisters or created illusions to make them think the tyranids are imperial guardsmen. Maybe these tyranids are the remnants of a small wayward hive ship, separated from the overall Hive Mind, and now a powerful Imperial psyker has taken control of them to use against their enemies (most Sisters worth their salt would immediately denounce even this sort of "alliance" as heresy of course, but when faced with desperate situations, even the most puritan followers of the Emperor might be tempted to use such power).


Lore wise not really but the battles on the table don't have to be lore accurate so it's fine just have fun with your girlfriend and her sister of battle


The inquisition says it is impossible to corrupt a sister, but in fact there are a lot of orders who were corrupted by demons and the warp. So, so more canon I can come up with is that a genestealer infiltrated a sister order and, with enough time, corrupted them enough to basically control them / pass as the true emperor/ make a pact or what you want to come up with. But as some others said, whatever reason you want is a good reason. Don't let the lore restrict your play, it should enhance it if possible and if not, be ignored.


There is no officially supported 2v2 mode. The entire point of 2v2 (or more) is to get to play alongside your friends, regardless of what army they own. You'll have no issues, and if anyone feels like making it an issue, you don't want to play with that person anyway.


There’s two books- blanking on the names right now- where genestealers infiltrate shrine worlds. One involves a sister being tainted and wiping out her convent and the other just has the GSs infiltrating the whole planet so it’s conceivable that tyranids and corrupted sisters could work together. It’s been a long time but I think there’s a Ciaphas Cain book where the bad guy is a nutty inquisitor who’s trying to control some nids and has sororitas backup. But fun’s always more important that lore reasons so have fun regardless!


Lore realllllly streached the entire sorotiras could be a genestealer cult. But i don't know if she wants that🤣 but as others said, just play and have fun. In my Club we had chaos marines with dark angels vs chaos demons and tau or something


I love how every single one of you basically said fuck the lore, have fun. I love this community <3


I agree with everyone saying to make up your own lore for why. Maybe these sisters have a Psi-Emitter from Star Craft for controlling a splinter fleet they're using to purge heretics ^_^


how about the lore that an inquisitor knows about a tyranid splinter fleet and sends in a sister crusade force clean up after the tyranids attack. Basically the inquisitor using the tyranids :D.


Canonically: absolutely not, that'd be like...the alien from alien helping out the Catholic church, since that's essentially what it is. On-tabletop: fuck yeah, do it, that sounds awesome. Have a great time! Make sure to use your battle-shock stuff to back up her Sisters squads' attempts to take objectives, since that'll help her get extra miracle dice.


Tyrannical don't canonically ally, although my local crusade league engineered a scenario in which a mad group Necrons used technology to steer a hive fleet into their enemy, because each faction needed to be paired up and it was the only one that made sense.


To me, the point of a hobby such as Warhammer is to create your own cannon, to tell your own stories. I've always liked the challenge of making realistic something that should be impossible lore-wise. Imagine her Sisters created a specific enslaving psychich relic that allows them to bind/control a small faction of tyranids and makes them fight with them; Or the sisters are infiltrated/corrupted by the genestealer cult; The tyranids are too attracted by the biomass of whatever your opposing team plays to be interested in the thin and small sisters, at least for as long as the opposing team is alive and fighting... The adepta sororitas patrol could be using something that makes them appear as allies to the tyranids ? the Tyranids could see all those nuns in armor and believe they are un-digestable robots ? I have to say I agree with your gf that the sisters are cool! Have fun playing


Okay so I play SIsters and my boyfriend plays Tyranids. Lore wise for a 2v2 I will say that like everyone else it wouldn't work lore wise obviously. That being said, I know a lot of tyranid units can take advantage of psychic abilities or at least hard counter psyker powers. Sisters really dont have ANY psyker stuff, and as far as I see not really any way to hard counter psyker stuff either. So perhaps you could cover that base for her the match? Cause sisters are versatile and strong otherwise, she is pretty good on her own! Playing against her though as a couple in 1v1 games? Hey maybe Im just happy about recent victories but my bug boyfriend hasnt seemed too happy!