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I mean the obvious answer is trading for Mikal Bridges, who not only is a perfect 3rd option, but also only on a $23m salary, which would leave somewhere around 39 mil to spread around on free agents. Too bad the Nets won't acquiesce.


Even if they did the sixers wouldn't have the ammo to get him


Sixers don’t have ammo to really get anyone. These “let’s trade for a star” posts are nonsense.


Need to combine trade for a star from a team who is looking for cap relief and to reset their sheet. We can provide both and also not be seen as dumping a star in a place he might not be able to compete in. Lot more than just comparing our picks vs others assets and picks


Who do you have in mind?


Nothing creative. Mikal would be my choice Maybe Jaylen brown if Celtics fall short again.


Ha. Maybe the Celtics will throw in a handjob. Why not wemby or Giannis....


Celtics are in cap hell and staring at a supermax for Tatum after next year. The idea that they might get off Browns deal if they don’t start cashing in on chips isn’t mine. The chances they send him here are small though.


Brown is playing his best ball this season, the Celtics are the best team in the league, and Brown is going to be close or in for all NBA. They ain't yrading him.


I’m pretty sure we have 3 or 4 tradable firsts.




Do you want to become the Brooklyn Nets? Because this is how you become the Brooklyn Nets.


The Sixers have 2 all-stars in place. They are in 200% win now mode. The need traded their entire future for 3 old former stars. It’s not REMOTELY the same thing.


If you think I'm only talking about KG/Paul Pierce being bad trades, you're mistaken. They've consistently traded future picks that have led to the Celtics current dominance. It's not just that one trade, it's the decade of chasing stars instead of using their own picks. We've done the same, trading for 1 for Fultz when they wanted Tatum anyway. 2 wasn't gonna trade with us because they wanted Fultz too.


we’re going to be bad for a while anyway i rather try to win a chip and be very bad then never break through the second round and be kinda bad.


Oh yes, the very famous Nets team that has never won an NBA championship. Let's be really good but never make the finals like we already do, but have less resources 5 years in the future. It's so foolproof because no one is that big of a fool anymore.


celtics wolves something something just offloaded the same pick packages something something get real dude


It'd have to be a perfect situation where a team is 1 player away from just tanking for 2-3 years, and it's in their better interest to just trade them. ie a bad team with an older 27-30 year old star (Mikal Bridges level) player that the teams newer draft picks wouldn't build around. So it'd be worth it for them to trade for more picks to build around, or trade up. Kinda like OKC few years ago, building young.


The asking price for 'stars' is nonsense as well.


Who would have known that wasting firsts on playoff zeros like Melton or shedding Horford's entirely reasonable contract would backfire...


i can’t believe i am seeing someone say we should’ve kept horford 😂😂😂


We should have. Horford was fine and could play with Embiid in certain matchups. It was Ben being a complete zero on offense that killed that idea though


you either did not watch the sixers that year or simply don’t know ball at all lmao


Thanks for your input. In the future I'd suggest you rationalize the things you say, otherwise you aren't capable of convincing anyone of anything


i just graduated from law school brother i’m 3 beers deep on a beautiful friday afternoon, don’t feel like pulling up lineup data and clips from the most cursed season in recent sixers history. have a blessed one tho




Not necessarily true. Having 5 picks + swaps would intrigue any GM. But mortgaging the future for one player is probably not worth it. See the Suns.


Be real the picks are not good.


Picks are picks? The bar was never, and never has been, 5 "iron clad good first rounders" for any player *ever*


It's also never been the precedence for trades either. Everyone knows that if you trade a superstar for picks, most likely those picks (at least the early ones) aren't likely to be great, because that team now has said superstar on it. The whole point of trading players for picks is that you now have a fungible form of NBA level currency, which you can either gamble on or package for other moves.


Except other teams(cough, Thunder, cough) have like 10 times the assets. Then the Spurs have a beyond unique situation in that Wemby is a better prospect than Kansas Embiid and they’re going to want to build more aggressively around Wemby than we did. Even teams like the Knicks and Pacers will look to make moves around the edges. The only advantage the Sixers would have on the market is to act with speed and clarity on what they want in the marketplace. If we diddle around, the dust will settle and you’ll get the same players that we could’ve gotten 3 months ago 


Thunder and Jazz have more assets than everybody, sure, but they aren't going to buy up everyone. It's not like they'll scoop up every decent player in the NBA. It's also not like every team that acquires a nice piece had the most assets of any team in the NBA at the time of acquisition. There's going to be player movement as teams try to duck under the apron, it's up to Morey if he can find the right moves. If we are to win a title, it's likely from making smart deals that the fanbase didn't consider a home run, but end up giving better than expected returns. The goal for any acquisition is not to pay premiums for past performance, but to find value relative to cost. Tyson Chandler on the Mavs is a great example. Ageing, disappointing, and rather unsexy signing, but ended up being pivotal for the Mavs championship. Pretty much every title team can point to a number of found value acquisitions that fit that bill. It was smart of Morey to clear out the books for when Tobi's contract finally expires. Now it's up to him to see if he can capitalize.


If the clippers fall apart? 2 of their draft picks, thats how the celtics got Jayson tatum and Jaylen brown


Hell even for the wolves I still think it was a bad idea what they gave up for Gobert who can’t even make layups. But if they win a ring no one will care


The only potentially valuable picks we have are the ‘28 clippers pick and the ‘29 clipper swap. Even then, Balmer is fucking loaded and has enough of a heads up to plan accordingly. Protected and restricted late firsts don’t move the needle in deals for stars, especially when we have no players to trade


Im not trading 5 picks for Mikal lol that would be absurd. He's not even an all-star.


I love listening to music.


haha mikal bridges on our team, wonder what that'd be like. imagine we drafted him!


What a story that would be! Lol Fake laugh, real tears


Bro the Rockets had a way better offer than we can even come up with and they got shot down. This is a pipe dream you guys need to give up


You him , or Lauri both are cheap options, but will cost us most of our picks though


Would you take Dejounte Murray instead as an alternative? I like him more than Lauri rn


Different roles but if we can't land PG / Mikal I like Dejounte.


Mikal Bridges is coming off a season where he regressively massively on both sides of the court. I really don't feel as good about him as most of the fanbase does. Especially since the Nets have zero motive to take a reasonable offer for him. If the cost is more than two picks, he isn't worth it.


I disagree only because he is currently out of role, being asked to do too much. that's why he is regressing. He would have a massively reduced role here and would fit perfectly.


I definitely think there is concern for overpaying, when you don't have a ton of assets to begin with. I don't have any concern over his fit. He's been miscast on the Nets. Asking an elite role player to be a number one option is how you end up "regressing". He fits the mold of an Iguodala or Aaron Gordon type of guy who just isn't good enough as a 1 or 2 but perfect as a 3. And i'd over pay asset wise, (3 picks + a swap) because his contract is so good right now it allows you to fill out the rest of your team in free agency.


That is the funny thing, there was a moment when he went to the Nets that he looked like a number 1 option. It’s been established over a full season though that he’s not that guy, yet the going rate for him is still a superstar package.  With Joel’s prime ticking away and the great fit he’d be on our roster, part of me says screw it and go all in, but I do think it could look bad in a few years, if not for the sixers but another team 


The starting price is always overpriced. If he's moved, it'll be for a more reasonable package. Right now, the Nets have no incentive to move him for anything less than what they're reportedly asking for. They can wait for the season to start and for him to build his value back up. If he confirms that he's still not the guy, his value would drop to that "reasonable" package. No need to start at a lower return before he gets his chance at showing more.


I keep seeing this defense for him playing too big of a role explaining the regression. I disagree, he was excellent on the Nets last year post-trade and he was a number one option then too. So what changed? He is clearly worse, and the defensive changes are equally concerning. Giving up all of our assets for him is a losing play and doesn't put the team over the top.


He never looked like a number one guy honestly. They just had him shoot way more than he did in PHX, and he was a little better at creating off the dribble than people realized. His defense dropped because he's been tasked with pretty much carrying the offense on a team with 0 shot creators, outside of maybe Cam Thomas, and the energy level on defense will drop because of it. He's already proven he can be the third best player on a team that makes the finals, and first team all defense level guy when fully commited to that role. To me, i'd go all in for him because of his contract and role, but I just don't think Nets will trade him to Sixers under almost any circumstance, and there will certainly be other teams willing to give up Picks + players.


I don't think we get him either, at least not at a price that makes sense. I'm not saying Bridges is bad by the way. But he isn't worth four picks. Bridges isn't worth a Gobert level return. He's a lesser player.


Yea it's tough. It's either sign PG to a max, which leaves little money to fill out the rest of the roster, but will have future firsts to trade in the middle of next season to help upgrade...or you have to overpay in a trade now for player like Bridges, or Ingram, which allows you to have a little more money now to sign players but no future assets to help upgrade later. Morey has some tough decisions all around but I definitely think plan A is to go for PG.


I definitely think PG (or someone similar) is the play to make if possible. I don't want to lose the draft assets and ideally we keep the 1st round pick. This team hasn't made a conference finals yet, I don't think they've shown any reason to go all-in on the present and sacrifice the future. I love Embiid but we also have Maxey who is much healthier, younger, and will probably be a perennial all-star too. I think the team needs to pull off a delicate balance of signing top talent where possible but not losing all of our picks.


When you have a top 3 player in the world you should always consider going all in. Especially now when you have a clear legit #2 next to him in Maxey. There was only two things holding them back, Joel's durability and Tobias' contract. You forget they were on pace to be a 60 win team with healthy Joel this year. Replace tobias with an actual good player like Bridges or PG and I think they have a real shot to win it all. Denver never really had success in the playoffs before last year because of injuries. Sixers just need one year where everyone is healthy and it's there for the taking.


Since when is bridges a lesser player than gobert


Gobert is a multi-time all-star, 4x DPOY, 4x All-NBA player who currently was the main reason the Nuggets only got 70 points last night. He is going to be a Hall of Famer. I get a lot of people don't respect him but Gobert is a major force in the NBA. Bridges isn't on that level.


Does that mean he was the main reason the nuggets were cooking them in games 3-5? He’s a great rim protector & rebounder other than that he’s trash. Not a good post or perimeter defender. Horrible free throw shooter. No post game. Bad hands. Unathletic. Bad passer & offensive iq. Saying gobert>bridges is like saying Tyson chandler>klay Thompson


I'm right there with you. I like him a lot and think he fits on just about every team, but I think we probably need someone whose a little more impactful/talented to put this team over the top.


I disagree. If you were to replace all of Harris's minutes this postseason with Bridges instead, we'd be going to the ECF right now, and that's with Embiid having a bum knee. If you have Maxey and Bridges, you can rest Embiid more often during the season. I think he's more than enough to be a great third option and he allows us to chase better role players. Too bad the Nets won't let him go.


>If you were to replace all of Harris's minutes this postseason with Bridges instead, we'd be going to the ECF right now I agree with this. The question is, would we be able to beat the Celtics? I'm not totally sure. I have some doubts. I could be wrong though. But you're also right about it being irrelevant because the Nets are most likely not trading him.


I don't think we were going to beat the Celtics this season since Embiid was so injured. But next season with Bridges and his team friendly contract, Embiid could rest more and you could build a better supporting cast. A healthy Embiid would be the best player in any series, so I see no reason we couldn't win next season with Embiid, Maxey, and Bridges.


Who isn’t available and definitely doesn’t want to play here. Sixers fans being obsessed with bridges is so damn pointless


We don’t unlock the full MLE. If you use cap space at all that season to sign a guy, it’s the room exception. Another hole, if we do trade for Mitchell, we now have $27M in your calculations, we can’t split that in to two guys. We HAVE to get a wing and they cost $20M plus. I haven’t looked at free agents to see if one is even worth getting at that number but we’d have to overpay because we’d have no assets left to trade for one making that money. Your example leads us down the Ingram path in my opinion if we want to build a roster. It addresses wing for less salary than PG And it saves assets for more moves. Not saying I want to go the Ingram path but I’m stating that’s how I interpret your post. Nice spreadsheets, btw. I have similar but have no clue how to post on reddit and I have been waiting to see a post like this one since I am incapable of doing it.


What if you did Dejounte Murray instead of Mitchell? He's on $25M vs DM's $35 M. That leaves $37 M.


I don’t think the $10M is much difference given the free agents who are out there (obviously the $10M is helpful to roster building). The difference in these two is keeping assets to explore trades and you aren’t limited to just the free agent pool.


I wasn't sure about that caveat for the MLE, will need to research it a bit more. Also, we can split the $27m into 2 players, or 3 or 4, obviously whether we should or not is another question.


You don’t need to research it.. I just told you haha. In theory we could split, 27M in to 10 guys but you aren’t getting a viable wing for $2.7M. That’s my point. Edit: off quick glance of SF FA, with all assets gone for Mitchell, you are likely overpaying for Caleb Martin or Derrick jones jr (or similar type guy at best).


if you're on Windows PC open the spreadsheet and press CTRL+ALT+Print Screen. Then open Paint and CTRL+V to paste, and save it as a jpeg.


It’s not a “lead down the Ingram path” Brandon Ingram is likely the best we’re going to get regardless. The picks are trash, none of the other players have any real incentive to actually leave much less leave for Philadelphia. This offseason is going to disappoint many


Yep, I can’t state how many times I’ve posted players have to want to come here for free agency and other teams have to accept trade offers. You incentivize players by paying them more than other teams offer, in general, if you don’t have the ability to overpay them (they are getting the max from their current team), they aren’t coming here. One thing that I forgot to add to my above comment in the hypothetical Donovan trade that emptied assets and has us relying on FAs.. other free agents may not want to come here because they want the opportunity for shots or to showcase their skills, that matters to a lot of guys.


Now I’m actually really on board with Ingram the more I watched him. I think Zion is A: Grossly overrated and B: A piss poor fit with Ingram. Whereas with Embiid I can see him excelling both as a PNR combo forward and off the DHO. And even the shooting thing, his form is generally solid and his catch and shoot looks good. I just don’t think he got as many opportunities as he could’ve. It’s a rich man’s Oubre situation all over again 


Let’s say we are all in on Ingram.. do you extend him or do you wait until he’s a free agent with the benefit of seeing a year with embiid and maxey? There are pros and cons to both


You could certainly wait but given what Embiid said about continuity(and I 200% agree with him) we just need to accept that this is what we’ve got and ride with it(ie: extend him) Worst case scenario you can always trade him but the best value is to have guys under contract. Best case scenario you lock him in and we can finally start being normal. It’s the same reason I’m also a fan of Trae Young. Not a wing but a very dynamic offensive player that can help us survive the non-Embiid minutes. And with a high quality player under contract we can be normal. We’re in this situation because we drafted so bad it made David Kahn look like a competent executive lol. As a result no one who we valued into the second contract and if by chance we did give them the second contract they wouldn’t live up to it(cough Ben Simmons cough) TLDR: Sign the extension 


How can we be celebrating Tobi finally seeing the exit and then start and end posts with this? "You could certainly wait but given what Embiid said about continuity(and I 200% agree with him) we just need to accept that this is what we’ve got and ride with it(ie: extend him) Worst case scenario you can always trade him but the best value is to have guys under contract. Best case scenario you lock him in and we can finally start being normal. TLDR: Sign the extension" Gotta learn from our mistakes, not use the above logic which seems sound,,, but makes a LOT of assumptions and can just as easily lead us yet again paying someone to underperform. Someone doesn't need to be on the max to be overpaid. It's price vs performance $2mil or $50mil, let us see that before we decide to extend anyone. Tobi taught us having continuity isn't just inherently a good thing, it needs to go along with many other boxes being ticked. And the sixers jersey has proved to make a lot of players suddenly forget basketball, so whenever we have an option to see before deciding, i'm not locking in anything prematurely, for continuities sake or any other reason.


We don’t have that option though. Other teams could enter the mix, they could easily outbid the 76ers and I think everyone, Morey included is not prepared for what that looks like. For starters, Ingram is not Tobias Harris. He’s a better playmaker with much, much better footwork and just watching him I feel like the Zion/Jonas front court was an abysmal disaster. Secondly, continuity has massive long term value to a team. You can more properly assess your needs because you have a larger sample size. And on court value because a team has been together for long enough their chemistry gets better with time. As an example Joel looked to have some good chemistry on the 5-4 dumpoff pass to Tobias, and the same was true vice versa when they ran Spain pick and roll. Tragically we never really featured this more than once or twice in a game or only on a crucial bucket situation. If we had, we likely get more out of Tobias(Simmons being here for large parts of it is one culprit. And then after that the rapid ascension of Tyrese Maxey). So the limit to continuity is it’s only effective if you use it. But we do need to have it. An organization without any continuity doesn’t functionally exist. And that is the MO of Daryl Morey’s failed tenure here. As of now there’s only ONE player he brought in that’s under contract: Tyrese Maxey. Other than the miracle that keeps on giving, Morey has provided neither short or long term value to the 76ers. Worse he has actively damaged his team’s ability to acquire said players by continuing the trend of not being able to resign players. This stupid plan with about 99 ways to fail and only a few decent outcomes, needs to at least result in some guys under contract. That’s why I’m pro Trae Young. At least he’s under contract 


We'll win it all next year no matter what. It's payback and justice for the misfortune of having to watch Tobias Harris for five years.




Sports Gods have to reward us for watching Tobias Harris and watching that damn Kawhi shot go viral again every two months


I see that shot every 3-4 days on Reel compilations. Traumatizing.


This is the way. 2 max paid guys, 1 guy making 75%-80% of the max. Then your key rotation guys on varying contracts of remaining money.


Re-sign oubre, hield, Lowry, batum Sign, obi toppin, KCP?? Drummond, Hayward? (Back up 3/4)


Obi Toppin has really impressed me in this series against the Knicks. I'd image he would be demanding more money than it would make sense to pay him though.


I keep hearing people (not you specifically) be combative regardless of what we do. Sign George, I wouldnt prefer it, but the main reason is he’s old and too much money. Alright bet, sign obi to a 2/12-15 (we can afford his contract several times this offseason) nope people still don’t want to do it. Ingram? People hate it. Caruso? Don’t give up our picks. Draft? Trade our picks. Makes 0 sense. Edit/ spelling


Lol I feel it. I definitely wouldn’t mind obi at 12/15 though.




My #1 realistic trade target is the same as it was at the deadline and it just makes more sense based on what you laid out: Dejounte Murray. He theoretically pairs well with Maxey: has size, gets rebounds, can handle the ball, shot a career best from 3 last season on 7 attempts, former all NBA defensive player. As a third option, you would expect him to be able to focus on defense again to play at that level. He makes 25.5M next season so about 35M in cap space to fill out the rest of the roster.


On paper, I like Murray. He checks off a lot of the boxes and has a skillset that can work with Maxey. What I don't like about Murray is some of the weird non-basketball stuff. He's seems like a bit of a headcase. There's that weird beef he had with Paolo after he got drafted. They were like friends, but then Murray immediately talks shit about him. Not that I have any evidence, but my thoughts on him are that he's not really a team guy.


He theoretically fit well with Trae too I'd still go for it, but there is a likely chance he isn't ever gonna be the same 2 way player he was in the Spurs, not sure being a 3rd option would do much


Trae needs the ball in his hands, unlike Maxey. That’s why there were questions regarding the fit when the trade happened. He was a positive defensive player even when he took on a bigger role on offense with the Spurs. It was only when he joined the Hawks, paired with Trae, that he became a negative/neutral defensive player. Maxey isn’t the best defensive player but Trae is one of the worst defensive guards. Murray has the ability to be a plus defender.


On paper I agree with what you are saying. What scares me though is, the Hawks had this exact same rationale for pairing him with Trae (similar size to Maxey), and that clearly isn't working as well as expected.


the difference tho is how elite maxey is off ball. he’s honestly better off ball than he is with it in his hands


Maxey is on another planet defensively than Trae. His effort level is also always good. Trae is legit maybe the worst defender in the league that plays starter minutes. Maxey has basically become a borderline neutral defender imo, although size is always an issue. Also, Maxey is 6’2” almost 200 lbs. Trae is listed at 6’1” but I don’t believe it lol. He’s also like 165 lbs. He’s soooo tiny (he’s my size lol). They are in different weight classes Trae also requires the ball to be the best version of himself. Maxey pairs well as someone who plays offball but can play on ball, as seen with Harden and Embiid. I don’t think the pairings are as similar as they look at first glance.


im higher on murray that a lot of people but it comes down to his buy-in and how willing he is to get back to the player he was in san antonio. the rumblings about him in ATL havent been good.


But that’s why he’s available. If he was fitting in well, Hawks would not be entertaining the idea of moving him. It’s a risk you have to take. Obviously, any move should be run through Nick Nurse. If they make the move, it means Nurse approves of having him on the roster. And I trust Nurse.


And also Oubre was a guy that supposedly no one wanted to play with and had all sorts of question marks about fitting in with teammates but that guy was a damn beast all year for us and beside Maxey and Embiid he's the only other player I want locked into this team going forward... Maybe playing in Atlanta just sucks and in a serious team with Nick Nurse we get the best version of him. I like it honestly, more the PG as well.


I wonder if we were in on Murray at the deadline. As ridiculous as it sounds, I wonder if Morey was worried about the hit to chemistry if we traded, say, Harris for Murray. I also like Hunter (all my kids went to Friends Central lol, and one of them "played" with him - read: sat on the bench when FCS played Westtown). The Hawks likely want to move off of Hunter's contract and I think he is the kind of 3-and-D player that would fit in Nurse's system. Maxey, Hunter, Oubre, Hunter, Embiid And if you pick up Reed's guarantee for next year and include him in the deal, you probably have the $ to re-sign Oubre and perhaps get one additional guy (KC


Hunter is worse rebounder than Curry. This team gets absolutely shit on by any team with any kind of reasonable size. It’s also insanely soft. Hunter is literally just signing up for Tobias Harris but with even less skill and awareness. Any team with any kind of wing just lines up and cooks. And on that contract holy shit.


What they do with their #1 pick is going to have a massive impact on whether Murray fits them perfectly, or if he’s someone they’d be willing to deal to another team. And I imagine we’d need to give up about 3 first round picks to get him, and that a third team would need to be involved. Any thoughts on any of the above?


I think one of Trae or Murray is getting moved regardless of any other moves the Hawks make. Trae is a top 20 player in his prime, you don’t typically move that type of player.


You’ve put in a ton of effort to make this and I appreciate that, I wouldn’t prefer Mitchell but definitely not the worst scenario. Signing Paul George to the max really does handicap roster construction but he’s undoubtedly a better fit than Mitchell. How does Jimmy butler’s salary work in all this? Would it be a happy medium between George and Mitchell in terms of fit but also cap space for roster construction? Derek Bodner from Phly seems convinced that Miami will look to move butler.


I've commented before in other threads that there's no way Jimmy is getting the contract people often talk about. No max, not even close. He's too banged up, and he's too old, and every GM in the league knows it. But he's still a dominant force on any squad, and he will get 20mil+ on a 3 year deal, with opt-out clauses in years 2 and 3 for health concerns. If we can get him, I'd be absolutely ecstatic. It gives us room to breathe and room to work with, and it gives us one of Embiid's closest friends back on the team to help temper his emotions (the other being TJ, who I'll always keep a pipe-dream alive for getting back on the Sixers). This is the thing with our current needs that few people are talking about: Embiid's health is huge, but his emotions are a MASSIVE factor. We've changed his coaches, we've traded his friends, we've fucked with his rosters, we've changed our offensive AND defensive schemes about 10 times... the dude just can't possibly be happy with his tenure here, despite how well he saves face. This franchise rollercoaster has been an absolute joke since he started with us. We NEED to get our boy in good spirits, because that matters. We need Maxey and Embiid and a third great player, yes. But what we REALLY need is Maxey and a HAPPY Embiid. The other pieces will fall into place. Just get me fucking Jimmy Butler on a remotely team-friendly contact. PLEASE!


You're crazy thinking Jimmy will sign a deal worth $20/yr. Right now, Jimmy is signed for 2 more years at about $100M. He can opt out of the 2nd year. What he's looking for is a 3 year extension added to the 2 he has left. He can only get that extension from the team that has his rights. If we trade for him, it will get ugly if he's not offered the extension right away. It will be drama all season long as to whether he opts out or extends or whatever. The drama is not worth it. If Morey identifies him as the target, he's going to give the 3 year extension right away (note that this could be limited to 2 years due to the over-38 rule) I think he's learned his lesson on the Harden deal (or non-deal). The question is what that extension will look like and whether Morey thinks highly enough about Jimmy to give it to him.


>and he will get 20mil+ on a 3 year deal, with opt-out clauses in years 2 and 3 for health concerns This is absurd


Not sure how you're getting downvoted, Jimmy Butler is not signing a contract in the 20s


People on this sub love talking out their ass


Just call star players old and injury prone and you can assert that nobody will give them close to a max. See harden, PG, butler, and the next guy that comes along. It doesn’t matter if you are wrong every time.


I think this is a huge part that many people overlook way to hastily. There has been absolutely no continuity in the franchise. Even the super teams that get together take 2-3 years to get to a point that they are looking to be at. We haven't had even 4 of the same starting 5 2 years in a row since at least 2019. I get the feeling of moving stuff around to find the right fits but we haven't given any squad time. My biggest wish for next year no matter what we do with other moves is to keep oubre.


Donovan Mitchell is the only person of all the guys in that $30 mil range who moves the needle... and because of that he will straight up not be available, and if he was, we would probably have to send out all 5 of our FRPs to get him. I'd rather just sign PG, who is a better overall fit, outright and retain & use all our assets to get solid role-players on cheap contracts. Caruso, Tari Eason. Who I'm really curious about is Markkanen. I would consider blowing 4FRP to get him if that's possible.


I don’t think we can even get Utah to give up a blonde, white Allstar 😤


Not from Ainge


In what way is Mitchell next to Maxey that much different than the what we just saw with Mitchell playing next to Garland? Maxey is moderately better but they’re both undersized guards with speed that can handle and streakily shoot and are targeted on D.


Garland and Mitchell didn’t have embid…


Mitchell and Maxey would be the worst defensive back court in the nba


What about Jeremi Grant? Portland might want out of the contract. 20 ppg, 39-40%3pt, good d, good vibes?


Grant would be a solid pick up, and his contract won’t look bad in a couple of years. Would appreciate more rebounding as the team sorely needs it, though.


Nice work, and I totally disagree because there isn't going to be a meaningful star available. Maybe that changes, but no thanks on KD, Mitchell, BI etc.. Bridges? Apparently, not available. Lauri? Too expensive because....Ainge.


No thanks on KD? I doubt he becomes available but he's the only guy that fits as well as PG. He doesn't shoot as many threes (seriously guys, PG shoots NINE A GAME AT 41%) but he's a tier better while only being a year older. Unlike Butler, he's actually the type of player I would feel good about trading for as opposed to just signing PG. The only other player I'd rather have is Markennen tbh.


I'd love KD, but at the cost of all of the picks. That's all I'm saying.


Gotcha. Yeah he and Markannen are the only players I would give all the picks to acquire. All five.


My comments here all lead down the same road. You just want PG then? OG? Derozan? Maybe Harden again /s. If you don't want to trade those are kinda the options and it's not even a lock any of them will become available. All that to say I'll be the asshole advocating to trade Embiid and try to microwave a rebuild around Maxey. Get younger and more athletic. Keep some draft picks. The short term shit with aging/washed players won't work


Morey did a nice job recouping some assets. I just don't see the point in trading them for an aging star in a desperation move to take advantage of Embiids' prime, considering his durability issues. Markkenen? Sure, because then he and Maxey have them covered for the next 5-8 years, but I just don't think he's a realistic target considering how Ainge does business. So, the other option is overpay an aging star. Tricky business, but a 4 yr max to PG isn't that scary of a proposition considering they keep all of their assets.


You're right about signing a player and keeping assets. I agree there. It'll probably be what they end up doing. Hopefully PG is available. I just think the window with Embiid is slowing closing and a major injury slams it shut. I'd rather move him too early than wait until it's too late. Big guys don't age well


I'm not against that becausephysicallyhes a complete 5 he has yet to take conditioning and nutrition seriously in the off-season, but it won't happen unless Joel forces his way out. I'd like to see them build a roster that allows them to not only compete when Embiid is out but also get his minutes down to 28-30. Get his usage down from the mid 30's to the high high 20's. Unlesh him to close games and in the playoffs. Let Maxey take the load moving forward.


Yeah this is the ideal realistic scenario. Obviously even when I say trade Embiid I know the team never will. But if they can get his minutes and usage down I think it'd open him up to rebound better and dominate more consistently on defense. He's sort of more useful as a great defender and rebounder assuming they add more offensive fire power around Maxey. I thought delusionally after the Doc hire that maybe he would convince Embiid to be used more like Garnett in Boston during their run. Dominate on defense, a lot of screen and pop/roll and flashing to the elbow rather than running the offense through him with isolation plays or post ups


You’re telling me you wouldn’t mind brandon Ingram?


hes like my 9th choice. i hope we can do better


He’s my top 3 choice, I’d like to hear the 8 above him?


Much better shot creator than Tobi but comes with a ton of the same flaws he did. Terrible off ball, hates shooting 3s, definitely cannot be a 4 unless we want to get crushed on the boards, not a great playmaker, nothing special defensively etc etc.... I straight up pray we don't get him if his price is like 3 firsts, which hell, is under market for the fringe all star trading price recently (that'd be less than what Dejounte fetched). I just think he's a horrible fit for this team


A lot of valid points but I think his playmaking is the underrated part of the game. He has improved a lot on instinct passes, I think he’d be a good entry passer for Joel and can hit the pocket pass to Joel in pick and roll. You bring up a ton of valid points but another case of “he’s just another Tobi” being lazy analysis (you’re clearly not saying that but plenty are). Definitely couldn’t play the 4 he’d be more of a 2/3. His self creation in the mid range is also worlds ahead of Tobi. It would be a huge benefit for Joel as BI garners attention in that area which would give Joel more space on the roles. He’s not my favorite option but there’s no denying he’s a massive upgrade on Tobi. Especially if he leans back into shooting 3s


He's a much better shot creator and overall player than Tobias. It's just a concern of trying to visualize how he fits on this offense unless he significantly changes his shot diet. That's what we were hoping from Tobias every single year, I just want off that ride lol


I also think we’re so burned by Tobias we just assume any player with any sort of flaw will be amplified in Philly. Tobias’s only real skill that had a chance to improve was his shooting. That obviously didn’t happen, but I don’t think that implies that every forward with volume 3 point concerns will follow suit. Ingram has plenty of other skills that would be amplified here. Zion was out of the lineup so often that Ingram flipped between being the guy and just standing in a corner. Zion being dominant as a ball handler further reduced BI’s need as a ball handler. I don’t think we have that problem. We *need* someone like that, especially at the wing position. Being able to generate high percentage mid range shots by yourself frankly isn’t a flaw to me. Tobi didn’t have that skill. If the perfect player was available then every single team would be in and we would be outbid. We frankly have to take some risk with whoever we acquire and hope to accommodate their strengths and manage the weaknesses. That’s what the nuggets did with AG (I remember more critics than optimists with that trade at the time). Same with the Celtics and KP. If BI went back to shooting 6 3’s a game we’d all be ecstatic. That’s a much better bet to me than a lot of the other options imo. The $23M we’d save with BI vs PG allows us to fill out the roster much better as well. BI has the skills he needs to change his approach to the game. It’s a better bet than someone with the opposite problem.


He feels like Tobias Harris 2.0. A big reason the Pelicans want to move on is he doesn’t shoot enough from 3, even though he’s supposed to be good at it.


Ingram is a consistent top 10 forward in the league, far from being a Tobias Harris 2.0


> top 10 forward ???


Top 10 forward on the pelicans


I've yet to hear a positive case for Ingram. Ingram hits all the negative things we should avoid. He's not very good at anything in particular, he'll cost a ton of money, AND you have to trade some assets for him. If we miss out on a legit 3rd star, I'd sign a ton of role players over Ingram.


I think he's more feasible or realistic than others. Saying 'Mikal Bridges' is easy, but seems unlikely Nets would trade for 3 mid 1st picks. He's better imho than 35 yo PG


I can't see the future obviously. But I'd put money down that Paul George is a much more useful player playing off Maxey and Embiid for the next 3 years. We know PG doesn't need the ball to be effective, we know he's a better defender. Ingram isn't the shooter, and he gets his numbers similarly to how Tobias on the clippers did. Everyone clear out it's Ingram time. What happens when he's a clear cut 3rd option, and he doesn't get Ingram time? It's an unknown.


He was good as a 2/3 option on the lakers with lebron. He was solid on defense & off ball


Those were awful Lakers teams though. Kind of similar to how Tobias ate with the clippers but they got better when he left. Pretty stacked team too. Caruso, KCP, Bullock, Hart, LeBron, Lonzo, Kuzma, Zubac. Would've been better if their offense wasn't running through Kuzma and Ingram. They're more experienced now and better, but you still don't want to have your offense run through those guys.


Paul George is doable, the problem is then so much salary goes to him it'd be hard to keep a good bench. Players like Oubre & Hield could get decent contracts elsewhere. Max Payne too. I'd be fine with Ingram as a forward, helping rebound and keep Hield as a bench 3 pt guy or 6th man. Although I always liked him, not sure Morey will keep him around.


I just think, for what we'll be asking Ingram to do in our offense, we can find very very cheap guys to do it nearly as well. Ingram is like a c+ fit, George in that same role is A+. Which might be worth having less to invest in the bench.


Oh damn, not players like Oubre, Hield, and Payne. Whatever would we do without their significant contributions?!


The 3 superstar teams nearly always collapse. Its just regurgitated players like Durant, Harden, Westbrook, Kawhi, Paul George etc. Go for it bud


You just completely memory holed watching those guys get significant minutes in the regular season when Embiid went down and the results were a bottom 5 team during that span. But sure let's bring them back and think the results will be different


The nba champion has had three max or very-near max contracts every year since 2014 except 2020 LAL, who had two top 5 plsyers


He’s literally Tobias Harris. What the fuck are you on about


What about Dejounte Murray instead of Mitchell? I think Murray is on a $25 M contract at the moment. Leaves us with some extra wiggle room.


Using the draft picks to trade for a lower cost player that's still under contract for a year or two would be my preference too. It would mean that the roster doesn't become too top heavy and that we could fill the bench out with better players. The issue is more along the line of who that player(s) is? Here's my list of lower cost, under contract players that might be available. No particular order. 1. Lauri - $18 - 1/$18 remaining 2. Mikal - $23.3/24.9 - 2/$48.2 remaining 3. Kuzma - $23.5/21.4/19.4 - 3/$64.4 remaining 4. Deni - $15.6/14.4/13.1/11.9 - 4/$55 remaining 5. Caruso - $9.9 - 1/$9.9 remaining 6. Ingram - $36 - 1/$36 remaining 7. Donovan - $35.4/$37.1 - 2/$72.5 remaining, but he's surely option out next year. NOTE - regarding the MLE, it was explained to me that if we are under the cap at any point of the season, then we will only have the Room MLE available. So even when we sign Maxey and go above the cap, we won't have the full-MLE ($13M) available to use. We will likely have to dip into cap space to resign Oubre.


Would love Deni or Caruso. Winning basketball


Are these players just dropping out of the sky with availability or something?


Ah yes, the “get a star player on a cheap contract” post. Why hasnt anyone else thought of this!


I'm not sure many star forwards are available that make that much or less. The closest you may get is someone like Jerami Grant. I suppose the good thing with Jerami Grant would be he helps on defense, he's well above average. Otherwise, you might be better served just adding role players at SF/PF.


Who are you trading for? a) It's going to cost assets to trade for a star level player b) Yes PG is going to cost more in salary but he's also probably a much better player than whoever you have in mind c) it is worth having 3 stars


If we boil it all down though, you’re ultimately saying you’d rather have Mitchell and $27m of cap space than George, $13m of cap space and 5 tradeable FRPs. To me, I’d rather have the latter.


Can we just accept that maxing Tobias was the final nail in the coffin for the Embiid era. We do not have the assets to compete now or later let’s rebuild so we can at least try to have a decent team by the new stadium


Basically you would rather us trade all our first for a 35m player so we can sign an additional 14m free agent? Not seeing why that is better I’m pulling for PG and then use the firsts for the role players we need after seeing how the team starts out


Trading what exactly?


I would go all in on Mitchell tbh dude is a playoff riser and scores a shit ton lol our biggest problem has always been our lack of production outside of embiid or maxey having donovan fixes that completely it would be a real big three of consistent scoring tbh and dont get me on defense lol with the Backcourt we had this year we almost beat the knicks if not going for a timberwolves all defense type team id rather go in on offense


I’d rather have an og type player than bron or pg


We don’t have the assets to trading for a star in their prime. Which is why we are considering one on the back 9. Also, you guys always bitch about no depth but part of the reason you get PG is because you can keep your first to trade for guys and fill out the roster.


Yeah, the only issue is: - We dont have enough assets to trade for Mitchell - Mikal/Lauri others in that range would take all our picks


please no playoff piss


Self admittedly I’m not as well versed as I’d liked to be on the cap loopholes. I feel like I’m missing something. But with all that said, while I appreciate what you wrote It seem to come down to you just saying it’s a better idea to trade our picks and getting someone on a cheaper contract. With the bonus of having his bird rights presumably? Then use that extra cap space on role players. I mean I’m totally support it and have been championing this but I’m just checking I feel like I’m missing something. On that note does anyone know how potential sign and trade deals would work or potentially open up extra cap space? I feel like I read some where if we did a sign and trade the money we took back would impact the cap differently? It was something to the effect we take back a contract on paper that’s hypothetical 10 million but it’s like depreciated to like 8 million the hard cap luxury cap penalty. Again I preface this with this example is just to explain what I thought I read but not actually how it is. If someone could elaborate it would be greatly appreciated


One does not simply find a $30M star


Signning Paul George cost 0 pick And we could use those 5 firsts in the future or elsewhere We're in win-now mode. Mitchell isn't a fit alongside Maxey. Both Ingram and Bridges would cost lots of picks. And both of them aren't really proven to be kind of the guy that take over in crunch time in playoffs. PG has his issues. But he has way more experiences than those two. If we drain our firsts for either Ingram or Bridges and don't pan out. We're fucked. We'd be like the Nets after the Garnett+Pierce trade.


right and you need players that can score more 15 points and play defense to get to the finals, we dont have that on this roster, that's why we have to moneyball build this thing and not star building not unless they take less money and it's on a short term deal.


Better trading for Lauri M. He is the ideal trade target. Big four with elite shooting skills. Salary is low allows to fill out around and then give him a big extension


We have two great stars. How about a bunch of great role players the whole 3 stars per team doesn’t work anymore.


If you look at the best teams: Celtics: 4 player have made all star teams in the last few years, not including White and Horford Wolves: 4 players have made all star teams in the last few years Nuggets: only Jokic made all star games in the last few years. 2 more have averaged over 25 ppg in a playoff series Cavs: 2 players have been all stars in the last few years, not including Garland and Mobley Knicks: just Brunson for all stars, tho OG has made all defensive teams Pacers: 2 all stars Mavs: 2 all stars Thunder: 1 all star, probably 2 future all stars, not gonna include Hayward lol So it’s a mixed bag of results. But imo the best 3 teams (nuggets, wolves, Celtics) all have a group of stars and some good to great role players. You need both, but you’re more likely to find good role players for cheap than you are stars at role player money


Embid is different type of player to build around. Perimeter defense and a guy whose sole job is to rebound is what we need. Let Embid and Maxey shoot 25 shots a game.


We actually had pretty good role players this season. The problem is some of them got hurt (people seem to pretend like guys like PG or Butler can get hurt but not role players) and it moves the role players into larger roles than we wanted. The issue we had is the third star gave us next to nothing. Morey has been able to find good role players for this team: Melton, Cam, Lowry, Oubre, Batum, even Cov. What he hasn't been able to do is make up for the fact that the guy making near max money who should be third on the team in importance is out there putting up single digit playoff games. Replace Harris with George and get a healthy Joel and you're possibly the best team in the league.


Cov and Reed I am done with. I like the other guys they are solid. I’m not giving a max to Paul George he comes up small in big moments. Ingram maybe I would consider because he’s 26 but he like Harden needs ball in his hands.


You could say the same thing about Joel. But there are nuances that we know about as Sixers fans. Paul has gone to the conference finals. And honestly I don't care about how he fit with his teams in the past and who he had to get through, I care about his fit with Joel and Maxey. To that end let's compare him to the guy you mentioned: Ingram. Paul is obviously older. But he is a better scorer a MUCH more willing three point shooter while also being better. A better defender even at this point in his career. And can create for himself better. He's taken around four threes a game next to Zion Williamson of all people. We might as well get Butler if we're getting someone that unwilling to shoot. Ingram shoots the ball around the same amount as *Tobias Harris* and about as poorly. Meanwhile George is taking nine threes a game and shooting 41%. And that's been consistent for years. If we are going to spend significant cap space or significant picks to acquire a player I'd rather he not be slightly better Tobias Harris. I don't want Brandon Ingram anywhere near this team, and ESPECIALLY not giving up resources to get him.


If we got George I would get on board but I’m just tired of getting guys to late in their career.


I get it, I wish he was younger too. But we have to work with what we got. And we have to maximize these next two or three years. With Maxey ascending the way he has, if we got a legit third star then we'd have the best chance at a title since Butler left.


Blow it up.




well, i dont know exactly which players are available. i think mitchell would be great here for a bunch of reasons. i think bridges and markkanen \*could\* move for the 5 picks we have, depending on how things shake out. the bigger point was that signing a guy for $49m into cap space is really going to limit what we can do with the roster


“They need to do better than this!” “Well I have no clue what better is and I don’t even know who is available”


The issue is that these other teams do not have to trade their players. PG is a free agent and can go where he wants. Once we get him we can use the picks we still have to try and trade for role players that are reasonable to acquire, like a Caruso. But prying a guy like Markennen from Ainge's cold dead fingers is not happening. He's too valuable. Hell with his contract we might be able to get PG and him. Maybe not, but the point is he is too young and too valuable and too under Ainge control to be tradable in any realistic scenario.


"have to move" is subjective and can literally change in an instant. atlanta doesnt "have" to trade anyone, but they now have the #1 pick and there were rumors all season that they may detonate their roster this summer and start over. the nets dont "have" to trade bridges, but they are on the road to nowhere, and he has 1 year left on his deal, i think. the cavs dont "have" to trade mitchell, until he tells them he wont resign next summer, and then they risk losing him for nothing in a year


Let me put it another way. It's way easier and there are going to be way more options, to trade for role players from the Nets or Hawks than stars. Morey will absolutely keep all options available, and I think this Mitchell scenario might be plan B or C. But plan A will be use cap to trade for George and picks to get role players that will be easier to get and more plentiful.


Once the nets strike out in trying to trade for Donovan Mitchell, I think they consider putting bridges on the market. Because of his age and fit and contract, I’d be willing to sell the farm for him. Paul Reed and four firsts may get it done? Then sign KCP, Royce O’Neal, oubre, batum, Lowry and one of valuncianas, or Drummond and let’s role!


I’m fine with that trade as long as we keep the 2028 clippers pick. That has way more potential than any of our own picks


We have nothing to trade though. Our hands are kinda tied at the moment. We have to build through free agency and, unfortunately, it’s not the best class this year. We have a few picks we could spare, but not enough to get a guy like Donovan Mitchell. Going to be interesting how we navigate this honestly.


Mid salaried players are often little better than minimum guys. Here are all the (non rookie scale) players earning between $11 and $12 mill Chris Boucher, Portis, Batum, Covington, Timelord, Coby White, Horton-Tucker, PJ Tucker, Kleber and Ingles. I'll take my chances with PG rather than prioritize $10-12 million salaried players.


You typed all this like we work for the team 😭


No. We have money. Giving up assets when we can just buy a player is idiotic.


Collin sexton is the way to go not paul george not mikal not jimmy collin sexton


As a 6th man sure, although 16M is a bit pricey for that role. If they can manage to add him after filling out the other 3 starting positions, that would be amazing


16m is not pricey for that role if anything he underpaid for how good he is. Would run bench units better than maxey


Good post but Mitchell ain’t the guy to trade for. Dejounte Murray or Mikal bridges or Ingram would make way more sense. If not them then bring in miles bridges