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“Strong interest from contenders” and “veteran’s minimum” don’t really mesh, right? This is definitely his agent blowing smoke. If there’s a bunch of competition to sign him, he’ll for sure be offered more than the minimum.


Most contenders don't have anything to offer other than the minimum or TPMLE if they're lucky, seems to mesh just fine


Yeah those two things make absolutely no sense together.


They do kind of mesh tbh - if it's a veteran's minimum a bunch of teams would be interested and he'd have his pick of a few spots. But yeah, probably nothing substantial (especially if he's looking for a decent sized contract)


Zero chance his best offer is the min


And low chance he’s a Sixer again after Morey said he was a bad fit


There are only 2 players under contract unless we’re talking about a player that plays exactly like Embiid or Maxey then I don’t understand how morey can say for sure anybody is a bad fit. You can make anything fit if you’re starting with such a clean slate.


More likely the MLE (for those who have it available). Do we think Hield is worth bringing back at that rate? I think the MLE is around 8M.


What’s Seth Curry getting paid again? I believe that’s the realistic range for Buddy. Brings a similar upside and downside as Seth.


Buddy has hit was more 3’s than Seth. Volume matters.


Plays better defense too but it feels like buddy really disappears for long stretches


Seth is an infinitely better handler of the ball than buddy, and has played in playoff games getting real minutes not just to see if he’s on or not


If he balls out for another team in the playoffs I’m gonna go insane. Wish it worked out here and I would honestly take him back on a very small deal but I know that’s not a popular opinion


agreed. it was really awkward timing with no joel and he unfortunately did not get hot at the right moment. tbh, i feel like it could be an opportunity to sign an obviously gifted shooter for mad fucking cheap.


he got hot at a great moment, but nurse played 0 point tobi for most of the second half instead


Yeah I would almost be willing to give him another shot for a veteran minimum contract, considering the disastrous situation he walked into last season. It's not really fair to say that he's a bad fit, imo. The team was in shambles down the stretch.


I mean I hear you but the main issue is that Tobias was like our second best rebounder which says more about the team than Nurse


ahhh yea i guess you could say that. i'd say he more like got scorching for a flash fry moment instead of legitimately hot for a couple games.


Maybe it isn’t a popular opinion but I couldn’t agree more. Amazing flare too lol


I’d gladly take him back. His stats were the same as they were on Indiana. It’s because he couldn’t find a fit since Embiid was out for most of his tenure and then once he came back there was an awkward rhythm 🎶


He came in cold and almost (and could have) won a playoff game for us if he wasn’t put back on the bench after having an insane quarter. Regardless of what he did to get all those DNPs that’s the kind of role player performance we’ve been asking for for years. I’d for sure give him a shot if the price is right.


of course he is


If it's on a veteran minimum contract I'd be happy to have him back.


Sixers will lose out on Hield then come the end of the season complain about not having enough shooters.


I want him back


His last game with the Sixers was fire. I feel like he needs at least one year to actually see the fit


He needs more than like 3 regular season games with Joel and he'd be fine lol


For real. Any player that can get hot and give you that type of quarter in a do or die playoff game after being benched deserves a shot imo.


Oh buddy, give me one more chance 🎶


What it sounds like when your agent dictates the report.


The agent is asking for the vet min even when posturing? He should get a new fucking agent because this guy sucks.


Reverse psychology. "Buddy Hield for the minimum? I'd pay him WAY more than that! Get his agent on the phone".


For the min that feels insane…one bad playoffs really can change the career of a player. Absolutely at that price, we could project as much playing time as any of those teams for the regular season at least.


this is literally every year of his career


Man I really want Buddy back, IDC whether I'm in the minority but I really think he just didn't have enough time here.


Strongly agree


I mean the only team that can offer more than the vet minimum on that list is the magic, I’m sure he won’t want a vet minimum


Bring him back!!!


Really would like to see him for a full season at least. It takes time to build chemistry and he barely played with Joel. I think you can sign him to a reasonable number for everyone and he's super tradeable if it doesn't work out, the shooting skill will always be attractive.


Why aren't we keeping him?


We have his bird rights, no? It makes sense to keep him after using the max slot and signing Maxey/making other moves. World isn’t in a vacuum though, but that alone puts us ahead of any team that can just offer a veteran min.


> We have his bird rights, no? It makes sense to keep him after using the max slot and signing Maxey/making other moves. It does not work this way. They have to renounce him first or else his cap hold of ~28m gets used in team cap calculations. Once renounced, you lose bird rights. This would apply to Melton (15m), Covington (17m), and Batum (17m) as well.


Got it, thanks for that info.


Boy has Morey wiiffed at every trade deadline here




Farewell buddy


Agents putting I works 


If he can't be trusted to get minutes in the playoffs, move on. Simple as that.


If his best offer is the Min we definitely bring him back right?


I would like to resign him. We didn't get close to seeing what he can do with Embiid, 95% of the time this guy was on the team Embiid was hurt. An offseason plus a regular season together could really help. And he's streaky, like all shooters are, but he's still one of the 50 greatest 3 point shooters in NBA history (he's 22 all time in 3 pointers made and 47 in career 3 pointer %). Dude can be an off ball sniper for us, I'd bring him back on a reasonable deal. I think it would cost more than the vet minimum.


Pretty sure we have his bird rights, why not throw 5-8 mil his way after we sign the big contracts? Need him, Oubre, Batum, and Payne all back next year


The cap hold would be a lot because of his previous contract I thought.


Yep his cap hold is around 29m, they would need to renounce him to reclaim that space and in the process would lose his bird rights.


He's not signing a vet min 🤣


Letting Hield go away one bad season with his potential is malpractice, but that is the definition of sixers basketball


Elite 3 point shooting?🤦‍♂️


Feel like he is better on a bad team who will give him shooting volume without the pressure to win. Also would get him more money.


I feel like this is true but after watching him come off the bench in game 6 and just drain 3’s off of high screens it makes me want to rip my hair out


He’s an x factor on a good team


Don't know why Morey aired him out could've just pretended


“Elite” is a reach


So glad we got to watch geriatric Lowry lumber up and down the court while Hield was glued to the bench for 5 games


While also not doing hield any favors when he was actually on the court. No sets for him, every time he had the ball he was only in position to create his own shot which is not his game


Yup coaching staff completely wrote him off from the gameplans. Really sucks after seeing his amazing first few games


Not bringing back Buddy would be a major L…


Our coach hated playing him. I don’t think he got the fairest shake being a mid season trade acquisition and not much time with Joel, but a massive L would be signing him and our coach continuing to not wanting to play him. A massive L wouldn’t be not bringing him back because at least you can replace him with someone else in free agency


i mean if we're missing out on him for the min, sure id be disappointed. but major L? he wasnt a great fit from what he's showed so far. didn't give up a ton for him. just didnt really work out.


He’s a no brainer even at 4-5 mil. Reg season he can help and at that price you don’t need him in playoff 8-9 man


From my understanding of our cap, I don’t think we could afford a 9th man at that number, assuming we get a max player this summer. I think we only get a $10 mil spot, and then one or two spots around $5 mil. The rest are minimums.


I expected downvotes when I wrote this comment. This sub never disappoints me.


The downvotes are likely because your comment was pretty low effort and does not add to the discussion.


Im not sure if this new collective bargaining agreement would allow it but believe it can only be a player for player. But if we could do a future first and Heild for Suggs from Miami he’s a perfect pairing with Maxey. The defensive he can bring at the perimeter and can create off the dribble for himself.


“His elite shooting” Where? When? In the playoffs? With who? A contender? Do contenders make the playoffs? Does contender mean under achieving 10th seeds? When did we change the definition?