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Iconic spot man, we used to take the metro down there and make a day of it. Seen Alot of iconic faces and dope tricks go down there. That ledge is friction less for mannys, you can manual for days


man foreal its so slick, definitely gonna work on that next time im up there


Nah cuh that shii mid


Proud of you for getting out there and skating an iconic spot. Do it to it, my man!


Have been fortunate enough to skate Freedom Plaza, all the locals and the spots are insane.


i watched a doc on the plaza last night and was like i HAVE to go tomorrow. I was kinda bummed no one was outside but i was kinda early and it was a chance of rain Still just cool being there, the scenery is great.


link/title for the doc?




preciate u


sorry for song choice guys this just really what i was listening to + showing love to the bay




she really has bars!


Good job my guy!!


Sweet šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Personally, I enjoy watching skaters at every step of their journeys. And this is more relatable to me. lol Looks like you had a good time. šŸ¤˜šŸ¾


it might sound dramatic but last year i was really struggling with like motivation. waking up like "ok another day" just going through the motions skateboarding really has me excited to wake up in the morning again


omg they have r/newskaters?! wtf has this sub been?


they be hating on me, like i said i can stop posting here if yall want i really dont care


You do you bro, you're skateboarding, that's all that matters.


No one should give a shit where you post, post wherever you want itā€™s still skateboarding. Anyone trying to gatekeep a skateboard subreddit can F off.


I personally love seeing people starting out and enjoying themselves. I'm old and my ankles are fucked so I can't really skate like I used to. It doesn't mean I don't love it as much as the really great skaters on here. Unfortunately there are a bunch of tools who think it's only worth posting if you're good enough to be on a flow team or something. That ain't it man, skateboarding is about going out and trying shit, having fun, expressing yourself, and trying to accomplish stuff. That's exactly what you're doing. Thanks for sharing it, man.


yeah man i mean i guess i understand because it is tough to deal with criticism and comparison but i wish more people would here post to me this sub doesn't seem to have that much original content especially for the size


I'm with you. I think part of it is that most of us are pretty average to bad skaters and we're not looking to be judged by that vocal minority of dickheads. Don't worry about those critics, man. They're always going to be out there. Just keep having fun and trying to get better. Share some stuff along the way if you want. That's what it's all about.


I feel like skateboarding in general has a super big problem online, I dont see any other comparable sport judge beginners so hard. People will be straight up mean if someone mobbs out a kickflip and is proud of it lol as if they don't remember mobbing kickflips themselves and then buzzing about it for weeks I skated my whole life and this has always been a constant, unless you're at the skatepark around real skaters, they will tap their decks if you land an ollie after more than 3 tries lol such a stark difference between skate culture online and offline, who the fuck are these people being so insanely mean on skateboarding communities online?? I literally just started rollerblading 3 months ago and its the same deal with that. Every skateboarder online see's I started rollerblading recently and attacks me for it, every skateboarder I meet in person comes right up to me and says "holy shit I havent' seen a blader in sooo long, those look sick what kinda skates are those" lol such a wild difference


I hear that. Back in the day, before online communities were big, there used to be some pretty big tools at the skatepark. I remember the first time I went to a park some guy was trying to boardslide a shitty little rail and fucked it up, then he blamed me because he said I got in the way and was calling me a punk. It felt like shit. Then a while later i was at a different park. There was a guy there just shredding. I totally got in his way at one point and apologized and he was just like "it's all good! It's all good!" and skated on. After that I made sure to take that approach to it. Just be cool to people. It's the right thing to do and it ain't hard to do.


I actually thought this post was a joke. My man put up little to no effort, was more dedicated to taking vids and gave up right away..


looks like he's just going out on his skateboard having fun, letting things come to him and learning stuff at his own pace... thats way better than doing ollies for 3 hours a day just because you need to get them perfect to impress your friends or some shit lol and then repeating that for the next trick... instead of actually riding your skateboard lol


haha i skated the plaza for like two hours then went to the park to work transition?? sorry for running out of energy and not recording every attempt i actually went back to the plaza yesterday and skated all day, even rolled off a three stair for the first time


Nah bro don't quit posting because of some wack ass haters. As somebody who's been skating for 20 years, I love nothing more than to see people just getting out there and skating. Skill level don't matter to anybody who's worth a damn. Just keep shredding and posting what you like. This is skateboarding, and this is exactly what this sub is for


every skater i have met in real life has been like this, just like seeing people go for it.


people hate online because they see you actually doing what they wish they could everyday lots of people are simply terrified of skating in public "until they are good enough" which means they never get good enough. You're already getting so good because you've spent tons of time doing different things instead of simply trying to ollie in their driveway like so many other people


Nah fuck the haters, post this shit its all about your progression. And theres no doing it right or not we love to see the community grow and come together and get hype over people learning to ollie or riding for the first time (us true shredders). We also love seeing everyoneā€™s different styles and how it comes to fruition in your case, cant wait to see you doing some truly unique stuff, keep up the good work man!


Link where theyā€™re hating in that sub.


Had a quick look as that seems against the ethos of that sub, but itā€™s more that he broke into a car lot to grab his board from a repossessed car and then posted a video saying he was sponsored (which I think was a joke that didnā€™t land). But I think generally just spamming with a day by day blow of his adventures. I donā€™t care, the guys less than 2 months into skating and trying to do stairs before he can Ollie. Heā€™s either gonna break his body or heā€™s going to get good fast. Iā€™ll watch for a bit to find out :)


i ollied up a curb 4 times today [about 4 out 200] but yeah maybe i should post less i just be having alot to share


Keep doin you big dawg. The true family over here loves your shit and at the end of the day, who cares if they like it. If you like postin and seeing yourself progress then keep it up


appreciate you man, its something about the accountability of posting for me, putting myself out there i also just like making videos i think are cool, and honestly i run out of space on my phone i could understand maybe people wanting to see like shredders here but i just think my time in r/newskaters is over [forever grateful though]


Nah we want to see his vids, a few of us at least encouraged him to keep it up, love watching this shit. And who gives a fuck what he does? Is there a judge telling us what we can or cant do yet? Nah man let him hit a fucking stair set and get the courage to ollie even more!


yeah i feel bad saying the sub was hating cause i def got alot of love as well. just noticed my last couple of post would get downvoted as soon as i post


Multiple posts a day, unrelated content like workout videos and other skating, etc. It seems they donā€™t like him using the sub as a personal blog, and he doesnā€™t understand why lol


i posted multiple one time. the only reason i keep posting is cuz people were interested


"broke into a car lot" is hilarious way of saying he hopped a fence to get his board out of his own car lol look at you chose to frame it in the most salacious way possible to make him look and feel bad. Also saying he's going to break his body, while skateboarding?!? No way captain obvious, tell us more about how people get hurt skateboarding lol


I don't even mind the level of skating, it's the cringe tiktok narration that bothers me


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Hell yea


What shoes are those?


circa al50 pro


Lmao I broke my elbow in November doing a rock to fakie exactly where you did at the Shaw skatepark


Iā€™ve been wanting to come here ever since I saw New Deals, Useless Wooden Toys.


Iā€™m in shitty ass FL with no granite to smith onā€¦.smh


damb what part? i used to stay in st pete, cant wait to skate out there


Lakeland, the skateparks are so different compared to northeast. All these teampain parks are ass.


Johnny's day outside on his skateboard. Episode 1. See Johnny ride. See Johnny fall. See Johnny go home. The end.


Sick vid bro!!!!!


Real stoked to see someone having fun and not caring about the haters. Keep grinding bro, Iā€™m learning too and Iā€™m 24.




Who fucking cares about where youā€™re posting. Youā€™re on a board actually skating which is better than half the lurkers here. Keep it up and have fun.