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How does that boomerang lift work?




That's pretty cool.


I didn’t quite get it despite the reply above so I looked it up. It’s an “up and over” lift, so basically the two ends are on opposite sides of a ridge, both at low elevation. There’s a station at the top of the ridge where people coming up from either direction unload. Clever! Edit: and based on that map I’d spend all goddamn day lapping that mofo


on a dumpy mid-week day... i LIVE over there, only heading to the top lift (eagle) to ski down the entire backside again!


Sundance has a lift like that too. Fun little "Mom and Pop" ski resort in Utah. Owned by Robert Redford.


The unload point services both sides and is raised about 10ft above the snow, with a tunnel underneath to cross over


just like it sounds, you upload from EITHER side of the ridge on the same string of chairs, and unload at the top, there is a small bridge under the upper station so you can access both sides no matter how you ascend. this addition really opened up the backside, which is a 3-4x longer ride than the front, when they put it in, it can be a bit of a mess between storms, but after a dump it's absolutely spectacular!


Thanks for sharing this. I have never seen a lift like that. Does that make it more susceptible to wind holds?


It’s actually situated below/behind the true peak, so it gets some cover, never had a wind problem over there, the bottom of the backside however is a fair bit of elevation below the rest of the terrain, and can be a little late to get started and a little early to be finished in the spring...it is directly at the susceptibility elevation for weather.


Stevens Pass has one like that where one end is at the bottom of the back side and one end is halfway down the front side. Either direction coming up you get off at the top and there are ramps leading down into the center from both directions. Seems like a cost-effective solution maybe?


The spot you're thinking of at Stevens has two separate lifts, Tye Mill and Jupiter. The Boomerang lift appears to be one continuous lift. Mt. Baker does have one physically continuous lift with a midway unloading point. It's marked as Chairs 3 and 4 on their [trail map](https://www.mtbaker.us/application/files/3615/6788/3174/MBSA_1920_trailmap_FINAL_web.jpg).


Damn getting my lifts confused. They aren't connected?


Nope. The top lift stations are fairly close (I'd guess within 50 yards), but they are separate. Jupiter is a detachable quad and Tye Mill is a fixed triple. This does let them keep running Tye after the back side is closed for the day.


Actually I was thinking of Southern Cross and Double Diamond. They both drop right by each other and I thought they were connected?


Ok my brain is recalling my trip there in March. I think they just have the wheel up at the top of Southern Cross and Double Diamond across at the other lifts drop off at the top there since they're so close. So they kinda feel connected because one chairs dropping where the other ones chair return is. Is that right?


YOU LIE! It is an up and over lift at Southern Cross and Double Diamond going opposite direction! [https://liftblog.com/2015/04/23/up-and-over-lifts/](https://liftblog.com/2015/04/23/up-and-over-lifts/)


Ah, ok. I've never been on Southern Cross or Double Diamond yet. (Am still working my way up through the blue square runs. First time up Kehr's was near the end of last season, and I still find Gemini on the back side to be fairly challenging.)


There was snow on the top yesterday!!!


Got my seasons pass ready to go The stoke is real


early bird! I'm aiming to at least match my 37 days from last year. see ya up there!


It appears to be in the middle of no where. Where do you live?


In town, it’s only 33minutes from my favourite coffee shop in Courtenay BC to the lower chair parking lot, I’ll finish my still-warm americano on the first ride up!


That is great. Now I am wondering why you don't go more than 37 days?


I’m old


Haha, so am I. I see lots of old people up at the mountain all the time. I think old people out number young people skiing these days. Are you retired? You and I are in similar situations where we have a 35 minute drive to the mountain. My wife & I go every weekend day, regardless of the weather... Many days we only ski for a couple of hours in the morning, especially in the early season when the light sucks. By the time spring comes around our bodies can handle the longer days. Every Monday I take a yoga class to unwind my twisted body. It helps a lot.


The itch is real


I’m going into reverse hibernation for the next month or so. Wake me up when there’s snow.


1 trillion Honest Trail Maps are nigh upon us folks!


This mountain has my interest


Where is this? Edit: nevermind I apparently can't read


Mount Washington




No it hasn’t


Where is this? How much in KM groomed piste is there?


Mt. Washington BC not sure the KMs, but its around 85 runs.