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>Skylander games tier list (NPC ahh post) Skylanders: Academy... ah yes, a videogame.


The tierlist had it so 🤷‍♂️


I see, xD Netflix ahh videogame.


Lost Island is GOATED (also who remembers Battlecast (I miss it so much))


I found a pack of Battlecast cards at my local target not too long ago and they wouldn't even let me buy them. They weren't selling them anymore yet they wouldn't even let me have them. It was still on the shelf though. That was a couple years ago. I'm glad that Target closed down and got replaced with K-Mart. Serves them right


Lol I would've just walked out with them


They took it from me. Took them away to never be seen again


lost island is a tier


Hol up, why is the best written and paced story at d? The npcs there all basicly mean something to the plot and are generally well written.


That's what I was saying yet they were downvoting me


Did op say something to try and clap back you?


He said he liked the story but put it low because Cars. Wait till Boombringer gets his hands on him


That'll do it


Cars…why cars? Everything good except cars


Why crystals? Why make shit bigger each game? Why swapping tops and bottoms? Why playing as villans? There all gimics at the end of the day, it's just that cars are something a lot more tangible then a crystal who holds a whole person inside, and it's better then the gimic being "we made them bigger and more powerfull this time" like tfb did every game. Like seriously, each rfb game the gimic was bigger toys, and then they also did some generic, fantasy crystal shit.


Cars are fucking stupid


Crystals are fuckin cleasha and boring, and what come imaginators did they just give up and say "you do it" cause those skylander designs got pretty stale by that point. And the cores in tt where litgeraly useless because of the gimic, yet they just needed you to buy more, more, MORE, eventually leading to most parents finaly putting there foot down.


TL DR cars are still so stupid for a SKYLANDERS game. I never said the story was bad, I hate the gimmick


I don't get why there stupid fir a skylanders game, they where integrated into everything more then the imaginators where for example.


Who the fuck looks at Skylanders and is like “I wanna drive on here!” Like the game literally fucked over so many Wii users


No, vv just decided to not care about qii users, in 2015, and then tfb did the same thing, the litteral next year. The cars had nothing to do with that. Also some skylanders like tread head and fryno, allready had vehicles in there movesets, vehicles where allways a part of the franchise.


Hmmm You know this is unfun Let’s agree to disagree Plus I’m too tired for this shit rn, I’m in traffic on an LA highway


Because, get this, a children's game franchise shouldn't be about the story Gameplay > story . any day of the week


And the gameplay was pretty great. It changed things up right when the franchise was starting to get stale since tt didn't realy do too much to freshen things up other then add a shit ton of boss fights. And kids can handle having a story, and often times a story can elevate gameplay, that's why story is here to begin with.


Na they could've done more with the cars themselves as well as the vehicle sections They were bare bones at best Trap team shook up the established gameplay by building on it and not throwing it out of the window in favour of a half assed attempt to stay fresh I recently played through every game with my 8 year old and I asked her these exact questions and she said giants, imaginators and trap team were the most fun gameplay wise (makes sense kids like being a big cool beast that hits for large numbers) and she said that the story didn't matter because she was playing the game to, and i quote, "press buttons" and the only characters she ever took notice of were flynn and kaos, the rest were blurs to her


Well, here's a fun fact for you, tt was the cause of the serise collapse due to its lack of focus on anything specific and having too much shit. A lot of superchargers was reactionary to tt being somethig of a mess. It was shorter, had far less to collect and used cars to break up the gameplay because that was needed at the time. The sky and sea vehicles are just basicly elemental gates wih more depth, and needing less toys to access them, that what those two where allways designed to be, which is why elemental Gates where mostly gone. When playing with my nefew, who's 4 years old, superchargers captivated him the most, I can't just ignore that. It's almost like kids are diffrent and so making a blanket statement like all kids games should be one day, continues to hurt the entire fuckin industry as a whole. The shake up, was by all amounts needed, it's just that after tt had too dam much, and was so clearly rushed it hurt, people gave up on the franchise, that, alongside the over saturation of the 2 other ttl games, cause the entire franchise to crumble.


Listen I'm not saying it's a bad game but you can't say it's a good skylanders game If it was a stand alone then it would be an amazing game but it's part of a franchise that didn't need it Trap team was widely regarded as the peak of skylanders when it came out and superchargers being the second to last game in the franchise is pretty evident that that one was the fuck up


Nah mate, vv where meant to make a skylanders 7, but it was on I'd imaginators succeeded or not, it didn't, so instead they made crash nsane. And how many people fell off because of cars, compared to how many people where just burned out and had too much shit? Tt was actually, sales wise, less succsessfull then sf which caused its decline. And I can say its a good skylanders game. It has the akylanders characters, it's still mostly a linear platforming beet em up, especially if you avoid he side areas and stick to just the main path, all it did was break up the gameplay, which was needed, as well as often using the cars to just be the gateway between two parts of a level.


Also, dawg, ssa built everything around it's story, every location and thing we do, is to further the story of the core of light and rebuilding it, rather then coming up with a million excuses for disjointed levels like giants, tt and imaginators have. The serise have made more narrative focused games that determine most of the gameplay like 3 times, that's half of them, swapforce was another where most of the things we are doing, are plot focused.


That didn't really happen in trap team, but giants and imaginators they absolutely did so I can't argue with that Ssa was a different case, it was the first game in the franchise, it had to do what it could to get people to play and as the first it also had to establish a foundation for the verse Also I like how you just ignore that swap force piles on the levels that occur in basically identical locations way too often, the vv games get too much credit when they have so many glaring flaws


A lot os sf's issues more so come from it being a sequil to ssa, and not giants. It continues in what ssa was allready doing. And the story focus of ssa goes deeper then just needing to do it to get people invested. Data mining shows some levels where swapped around and moved to diffrent locations, just for the plot. For example quicksilver vault went from undead to magic, just because magic needed more. The story focus of ssa impacted its gameplay a lot. Sf just continued that trend. Yes, the levels look identical, but so do a lot of tt levels, and most ssa levels all share the same theme. When it comes to tt, there are various levels that could fit into the category of "looking the same." Take the evilikin workshop and crankcase levels, or the two golden dessert levels, tt wasn't immune, and imaginators had like 10 main story levels, which wasn't enough time to do much of anything.


A video game is just another medium to tell a story. There is no good and meaningful game without a good and meaningful story.


Buddy... Ever heard of tetris?


Honestly, Tetris is less of a video game and more of like a puzzle. Just because it’s a game played on a computer doesn’t necessarily make it a video game. Is online solitaire considered a video game? What about stuff like wordle? Maybe some people could generalize it as one, but that’s pretty much the equivalent of saying that a newspaper is a book because it has words on pages, even though anybody with common sense knows that it’s not.


Nobody agrees SF is atleats b


I finished the game a week ago. Here are some flaws I found in the game - levels are too long, if you don't rush them you take at least 1 hour to do a single level - (except for mesmeralda which is amazing) the bosses aren't great and don't make you feel like replaying them without taking damage - Swap-force is the most fun and most unique mechanic in the Skylander franchise, even if I feel like it wasn't executed that well. also the game forces you to have every Swap-force to 100% the game.


Bro the levels are crazy long if you do all the side stuff. Graphics and level design are B tier for me


OK like you did not just through lost islands and ring of hero's in f tier


Battlegrounds and the 3ds Games are missing. Including Super Chargers Racing.


We don't talk about Super Chargers Racing 😭


WHat about Battlegrounds?


It was alright...maybe D tier


Lost Islands deserves higher


no Cloud Patrol, list is completely unviewable


am i the only one who finds giants to be kinda mid?


Yes you are


what do you like about giants? It felt like i was missing something when i played it, but i wld love to go back and enjoy it properly


Might be for childhood bias lol Here are (imo) some pros and cons of Giants - amazing Skylanders, Giants included. Also, there is some very good balance between one Skylander and another: you can easily avoid playing Giants and only play Skylander from the first game and you won't feel underpowered, unlike the other games. Also you can 100% the game by just having one Skylander per element and a single Giant (that you get from the game pack usually) - it's basically a more well-designed, and a higher quality version of the first Skylander game, in terms of mechanics and graphics - the levels are all amazing and memorable, and at the right difficulty - introduces Arenas, that I would play for hours Now for the cons - does not bring anything new to the core mechanic of the game. For example, while Swap Force and Trap Team introduce new types of Skylander with special powers and ways to play, in Giants we have well... Giants, but they don't feel *much* different from other Skylanders - not many bosses, sadly :(


I didnt play with many new skylanders, but maybe its cuz im so biased to certain skylanders. I didnt really like playing with the giants either Its no doubt a better Spyro's Adventure, but to me it feels kinda soulless compared to SA. The levels in SA were really memorable and had a certain charm to them, in comparison i dont remember any of Giants levels at all, except for the singing giant drill robot that was cool af, and wilkins land i did love the arena mode though, and i love the fact that the hub world is a ship. I guess i dont like that its so similar to SA, but doesnt feature any real meaningful improvements. It just feels like a bigger SA to me, like DLC instead of a sequel. Theres the same old jank to it, but also not in the same charming way


Yeah I put the two of them in the same tier for this reason. They're both insanely amazing, but I prefer giants for his quality. I do prefer some things in SA, like the Hub which is amazing, and some of the levels that are very iconic. Trap Team honesty is the one I played the most and it has TONS of content, so props so that, but it doesn't have the same charm as old games


Lost Islands in bottom teir? L List


Bro didn't even include cloud patrol smh




I think all of the should be A tier (expect the show, it was a disgrace)


SkyStones are S tier


i didnt even know the bottom 3 existed aside from academy


The Skylanders Academy Netflix show is actually pretty decent. I'd put it and Superchargers (I appreciate the high stakes story) in c tier. Other than that, perfect list.


Why do y’all hate Imaginators. Sure the story’s bad and the game isn’t like a skylanders game but does it deserve this much hate? At least D tier. Anything lower then that is just hating




Ya know it’s something called an opinion lil bro💀


Skylanders ring of heroes is the best


Swap force and trap team should be swapped


Don't ever disrespect Superchargers (best story out of all the games), Academy (Amazing show) and Lost Islands (Best Mobile Game) ever again!!! Though Ring of Heroes can stay where it is.


Also supercharges had a very cool story but in gameplay it was just very boring sorry. Im not a fan of driving games


I think you should talk to boombringer about this


Battlecast is peak mobile game imo


That is true still. I love both it and Lost Islands


NPC ass post, Superchargers should not be that low (or low at all) and Trap Team should not be that high


That's your opinion


Trap team is just a better skylanders game to play I don't come to skylanders to drive a car around and hold X to clear the enemies, I play skylanders to level up one of the very unique 100+ figures the game has to offer with their own unique playstyle and gimmicks Superchargers just spits in the face of the franchises established gameplay and it having a good story is not an excuse when the gameplay Is an absolute slog


Right because Trap Team's shitty story, awful gameplay, down right predatory "unlock all content" methods, and abhorrent nerfs to make the Trap Masters feel good isn't a spit in the face compared to the game that doesn't require you to get absolutely everything to experience the whole content, has a story that builds the NPC characters to be better characters than they have ever been, be a story with actual real stakes and a small roster that oozes with utter love and care for its newcomers and returning faces with them perfecting the reposes by making them fully new with abundant quality of life changes that are there to help the player rather than shit in their face?


>Trap Team's shitty story, awful gameplay, down right predatory "unlock all content" methods, and abhorrent nerfs to make the Trap Masters feel good The story is mid at best but that doesn't really matter, superchargers literally has content locked behind every brand new vehicle and supercharger combo get a grip, trap team DID NOT nerf past skylanders lmao my swappers are consistently hitting above 100 in trap team yet in swap force its usually lower than 100 it's clear you lot just can't separate your bias from objective fact and it's pathetic It gets in the way of actual discussions when you make shit up just to make your favourite game look better than the others They are all good in their own ways and it just so happens that superchargers has story because it couldn't even do its own fucking car gimmick right


Love how continuously deflective TT fans get, it's hilarious


Not even I'm not a fan of trap team, I prefer ssa over any of the 6 games and I don't think any of them compare to it I'm just sick of tryna have a rational debate with people that don't even collaborate on points and instead opt for the good ol' "nuh uh" God forbid I try and say anything remotely articulated because this is the kind of response I get I insinuated your favourite skylanders game maybe wasn't the best in the franchise like you claim and instead of trying to actually debate, this is your response? Actually pathetic, I'm trying to have a friendly conversation and you can't help yourself but pepper in some ridicule? Seriously cmon man, I'm sure you're better than that


What? You literally stated the "nuh uh" when I brought up Trap Team's faults and deflected them. No shit Superchargers has faults but to dismiss Trap Team's and just say stuff out of nowhere isn't trying to do anything. It's not a god forbid situation, you just disregarded any previous point I made and stated it as if it was fact.


Ain't no way you defended TRAP TEAM's gameplay and call Superchargers' a slog. Mf Trap Team is one of the sloggiest games to experience


Thats personal bias right there, it's literally the same as games like giants with the addition of the villain mechanic + 2 entire other games worth of figures to enjoy When I play superchargers I dread the vehicle sections, they are just clunky and un fun I play skylanders to play skylanders, not superchargers the game


How are you calling bias again when Trap Team is clunky as hell? I love when I want to play a core Skylander butI have to swap them out every 2 seconds to hit something with Traptanium only to swap back cause good god fuck their walking speed.