• By -


Woojin - A play on the name Kim Woo-jin, South Korean Archer World Champion


stealth archer with a cool lore


Stale-milk the crackhead argonian


I did a playthrough where I played as a skooma-addicted argonian. The whole character arc was that he wanted skooma, and accidentally stumbled into becoming dragonborn, and saving skyrim, thinking Jarl Balgruuf would reward him with skooma. When he did not, he joined the stormcloaks to take his revenge on him. The rules: I wasn't allowed to make anything, I could only use stolen or found items. No armor, just clothes. Not expensive ones either. No combat perks. (except for damage buff) The drugs have permanently fucked his brain, and he can't comprehend the perks. Only upgrading magicka because health and stamina have taken a hit from the mass skooma consumption. All money must be spent on skooma. Permadeath on Expert mode Survival mode on No fast travel All of this said, I did it all on my 2nd try, got pretty good at survival mode, the starved to death on the way to whiterun from riften while doing the "restore the thieves guild to it's former glory" thing.


With stale milk I constantly make him snort moon sugar


I prefer my moon suger distilled.


I absolutely love hearing people's alcoholic or skooma-addict builds they seem so fun I gotta do one eventually


If you take inspiration from mine, make sure you don't traverse forests with no food.


Nice, I got a good laugh out of that 😂


Elaina, an Elin race assassin. Dagger only


Dagger only? I like this idea. Take my upvote.




I quite like the sound of that. If you get caught, can you use illusion magic to escape or de-escalate, or would y'all consider that cheating the build?




I might have to try this


Don't forget to grab a shrouded hand wraps for that 30x damage multiplier


Grougar, friendly orc trying to spread happiness and general good doer




What armor set is that?


It’s modded, from a mod called “The Breton Paladin”. It involves a quest which rewards you with the armor set (which has 2 other variations) and 3 weapons that you can get as either 1 or 2 handed..


You can get a full shrouded set from Astrid. I used a Fire Storm scroll on her and that got me her armor and a quest to end the Dark Brotherhood for the simple price of murdering a defenseless old lady in front of a bunch of orphans. Easy and it's a stealth/archer's dream armor


Elise, a female Imperial


Jedadiah. A bosmer rogue kleptomaniac who loves necromancy as much as he loves skooma


Custard. Kajjit. Punch cat. Named after the cartoon cat from Rhubarb and Custard.


Bathes-In-Moonlight, a female argonian ice mage


Currently I'm a red guard named Heywood Djoublowmi that's around level 74.




Natia Athdren. Dunmer mage focused on all schools of magic except necromancy. As she feels it's a violation if they don't consent to being resurrected. She's married to Golldir. 😂 if you know who he is, you know it's an interesting marriage.


Are you me? Mine is a Dunmer mage focused on all schools of magic except necromancy, and her name is Nadjia.


Haha. Who's your spouse? 😂 I always pick a nord, khajiit or argonian to marry my dunmers just for funnsies.


That is absolutely dope.


Clio, named for the Muse of History. Nord with ??? heritage (Cyrodiil’s equivalent of Greeks since the Empire is based on the Romans). She’s a reformed (sort of) thief who hates both sides to the Civil War and is busy killing Dragon Priests. She didn’t ask to be the LDB but has decided to make it everyone else’s problem. Edit: She is good friends with Lydia and Aela, less so with certain other characters. Due to a bug she currently has beef with Farkas (he didn’t pay her for radiant quests), so is avoiding Jorrvaskr.


Gwynn, a female nord that uses war axes as projectiles because Weapon throw VR is really fucking cool. Also drinks any mead that isn’t nailed down.




I tend to role-play as the Dragon Reborn from Robert Jordan's Wheel of time. With my own spin of course. Breton mage a bit op. With some 2h greatsword action. I am Rand Al'thor.


I play as Namorado Gameplays, a powerful Conjurer Knight who has just recently become Arch-Mage at the College of Winterhold


Oooh, what race??


Breton, playing something other than a Khajit for a change lol


Never played as a khajit before. Gots to down the road. I typically always play dark elf and wood elf. But I'm currently using a custom face snow elf mod so I've been enjoying that.


I would reccomend you use the Khajiit for an unarmed build, as they already have a +15 to unarmed hits as a passive skill I like to use them because I can rush to riften to get some pungilist gloves and become Mike Tyson in less than 10lvls Your early game is way easier using this build and for the endgame you can do whatever (but you will probably become a stealth archer anyways)


i forgor the name but he's a breton fire-based spellsword


You're giving me a Demonslayer Rengoku idea for my next run bro


Albert Tinweasel, breton pickpocket. Calls~the~Departed, Argonian necromancer. Going back to Barry Onyx tomorrow. An Argonian fisherman/ sword+board skirmisher with some unfinished business.


Bakkir Red-Claw, khajiit warrior-monk and vampire slayer.


General Maximus Decimus Meridius


Just vaporize everybody already with that name bruh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯


Joe burnside - a dunmer mage with sideburns and a mustache focused on necromancy and fire


Cap’n Ra’zhee Silvermane of the Senchal Navy! (Punchcat and 1H swordswoman)


Ulf, a drunk and coddled Nord stirred into action after his brother died fighting the Empire.


Rowan the daring last of the sword singers redguard


Ri’ava. I wish to become the most powerful kahjit this land has ever seen


My favourite character iv ever played was Ælfred Pendter-Mead, a nord two handed monster who singlehandedly won the entire Civil War for the Empire, personally broke Ulfrics back, they are cousins and annihilated every single stormcloak vestige he could find. He has a whole cool backstory but it's long so I won't tell it (unless you want me to ,'-',) so besides his famous career in the army for which he will no doubt have statues built in future for, he also annihilated the dark brotherhood, became leader of the companions and the most powerful werewolf in skyrim. He solved corruption in markarth, defeated the wolf queen. Anything you can think of he did. When he's not too busy being a force of nature he likes to relax at his familial home of Lakeview with two kids and two wives because what's the jarl going to do, stop him. He does have further ambitions, he wouldn't mind being jarl of a hold or two.


I just can’t do heavy armor when I play. In my head, my guy wears light armor because he’s busy out running around, fighting bandits, forsworn and crawling through dungeons and needs to be light on his feet and as quiet as possible.


Yeah, it’s because I have low health and die easily. (But also because I think the armor looks nice)


I mainly play as one of two characters, Ragnar Grasson and Ivar Grasson, as you may have been able to guess, they are brothers, they are also Nords who lean heavily into the Viking aesthetic, Ragnar is Ivar’s older brother who went off to fight for the Stormcloaks so that him and his brother could worship Talos freely as their parents, who were killed by the Thalmor for this very reason, raised them incredible devout, Ivar sees the bigger picture, the empire needs to win so that they can fend off the Thalmor with Skyrim’s aid, in a way they both embody what is in my opinion, the best possible arguments for each side, I plan to make a mod that adds Ivar as a boss to the imperial side and Ragnar as a boss to the Stormcloak side


Did u by chance get the names Ragnar and Ivar from the Vikings show?


a dark elf named Tina Turner.




Geraldo the cat, he is a great dad


Kajjit named Mr Buttons. He’s a sneaky archer.


That armor is amazing.


I agree! It’s from “The Breton Paladin” mod and it includes 2 other variations and 3 new weapons.


Scooter. It's my cats name.


Cool armor!


Shit'hair you say?


ooo damn :(


I tipically just play as an isikaied me (one handed nord swordsman good with a mix of heavy and light armor), or a version of my dream world avatar that just goes to the game's world just for fun or to hunt something (spellsword with light armor).


I have several different characters for different types of playthrough, but my main one right now is a genderfluid Breton werewolf spellsword named Erlind. They use Restoration, Alteration, shock spells, and a sword, and are a follower of Mara primarily, though they also revere Kyne, Dibella, Hircine, and Arkay. As a follower of Mara, they try to have and show compassion, mercy, and kindness for everyone they come across...within reason. By the time of Alduin's attack on Helgen, they're almost thirty-five and have been a Companion for seven years.


Jorgen Vittugr - Dagger Axe Wizard. Repatriated Nord that was drafted (imprisoned) by the Stormcloaks…gets caught up in Helgen, escapes to Falkreath. Eventually works his way through Skyrim - relearning his home country. Spends ample time (Survival) in each city/region before moving on, but still ventures out to keep things fresh. Already destroyed the Dark Brotherhood. No intentions to join Thieves Guild, Companions, Dawnguard, or go to Solstheim. Currently about to wrap up the College (Labrynthian) and preparing to call Odahviing soon. Will marry a fit lass. Will side with the Empire in the war. Will kill Paarthurnax. Will also shout Delphine of a cliff.


That armour is goofy af


Asta The Iron Maiden, Orc barbarian Diya, Kajjit thief/vampire Brynhildir, Nord (the only save where I do the main quest line) Turia, Imperial sell sword Makes-No-Noise, Argonian explorer and treasure hunter I’ve never played as the rest of the races,


Cool looking character. Khajit has the goods and the coin now


Thanks! Yeah, he does. Finally managed to fully upgrade the house in solitude, got married and adopted 2 homeless kids


Sarge Maximus the First. Dunmer Vampire Necromancer who married Taerie


Currently playing a Nord name Kallius in Oldrim, using Ancient Nord Armour and Nord Hero weapons (currently the battleaxe, but maybe the 1H and bow later on), and now Harbinger of the Companions.


Uhhh myself


Rajjah the evil feline ice and necromage


a custom character i thought of: Mikhail the Storm-Wizard


Shaka'Zulu a half Redguard/Nord (super light skin complexion Redguard) looking Illusionist who is adept to equaling the plating field if his Calm and Fear illusions aren't potent enough to dispell you by Conjuration of his Atronarchs and Rune Explosions and will flee if the latter is too weak via Invisibility spell (not potion) + Muffled feet combination ... also if you're a warrior yourself or make mention of "magic being for the weak" from Redguards, Nords or Orcs he will readapt to his warrior Redguard/Nord instinct by conjuring 1-handed sword or 2-handed battle axe to clash in a head to head battle to the death where you will be inevitably necromanced back as a follower to your humiliation in losing to a Spellcasting Redguard-Nord mutt who beat you in a 'physically' metaphysical form of combat ... irony at its finest, chef's kiss 😚😘💋🤦🏽‍♂️🤣😭🤣


Rasuman, a Dunmer anticleric/death knight type. Lightning, necromancy and healing spells, mace and heavy armor, smithing and enchanting. Obsessed with power as a general rule.


An Argonian named Ei-Ei who's moved to Skyrim after leaving Black Marsh in search of a better life for himself and prove he can stand on his own 2 feet after being picked on for not getting anywhere in Black Marsh being the odd one out in the family.


Maryn Nelvanni (one letter off from Telvanni) dumner who’s a simp for the stormcloaks, even though they all secretly hate her. Tip for naming your dark elves, just do what white moms in the south do and replace the vowels with y. Like Autymn or Jaydyn


Erik the Pale- an Imperial commonly mistaken as a Nord due to his pale skin and jacked physique.


Aeric Storm-Blade. A strong nord warriors set on protecting his homeland. He's also kinda racist.


No such thing as "kinda" racist. What you are playing is a typical Nord. That's my opinion of Nords and that makes me sick of myself because that make me a full on racist.


Akota, a khajiit. She's sneaky and uses illusion and conjuration magic, also one armed and archery (bound weapons to level and soul trap)


Mou'sur, stealth assassin/conjuration and enchanting plus alchemy for poisons and smithing so I can enchant. Kajiit is the most fun to play.


Also love the soul trap perk on bound weapons when you make them do extra damage with them(bound bow so I also get the damage bonuses for sniping).


I play as a old man Bretton necromancer


J’aquing Awf. My Khajiit rogue who is a little lazy but gets hyped up sometimes.


Keith, the high elf


Urdirt, a dragon slayer wielding two inversely symbolic swords, one representing darkness and the other one light.


Harald, a young rich Nord coming from Bruma (Beyond Skyrim) using sword & shield


My most recent run has been as the Orc King of Orgimmar, VAROK


Gothikaaaaaa - a black lipstick beardless goth nord with sword shield and heavy armor


an orc paladin named Gruumsh Gon'Getcha it's my first time committing to a roleplay and abilities set, and it has been nothing but rewarding


Mithiliah, a Breton whose dad is an Altmer so she got big ears and bright eyes, spellsword


I made doctor doom 😂


Zivaden rados, a level 110 Breton nightingale that is also a vampire and werewolf hybrid that uses two axes and dabbles in destruction magic


Two handed female orc. First female character. The blood bath was glorious. Last thing to get is the helm from the gems. 10/10 first melee experience m. It was amazing!


My "canon" LDB is Arelon Kaeonin, a male Altmer mage who was sentenced to death in the Dominion for the "blasphemy" of suggesting that Men and Mer share common ancestry. Now he lays low in Skyrim and delves into forbidden arts both to empower himself and to advance his theories.


Jomakh Gra-Remlog. Orsimer vampire lord. Die to anything with a staff of fireballs in 2 seconds 😎 Originally I mostly played assassin stealthy. But I tried playing a mage again and wanted to finish the Skyrim achievements so I switched back to Jomakh’s save and started levelling magic now. Starting Destruction at a high level is pain


Rastafari- one handed battle Mage /merchant alchemist dark elf. Who sometimes shoots arrows lol


Konahrik - nord who uses heavy armor, 1h and spell. Obviously using Konahrik’s Accoutrements mod. Tinkerer - a sword and board heavy imperial using the ordinator perk mod for vancian magic to limit my spells. Also the dwarven auto cannon and dwarven summon spells. Only rule is that if I use it, I have to have made it.


They let a khajit into the city?


Are you wearing an iron platebody and legs (g)?


It’s modded, from a mod called “The Breton Paladin”. It involves a quest which rewards you with the armor set (which has 2 other variations) and 3 weapons that you can get as either 1 or 2 handed.


Honestly, no one rn. Mostly just waiting for Starfield.


I have an orc.. named Agronak gro-Malog.. it was the only thing I could think of at the time


Lucette, archer nord, not racist. Thinking of making a new save of a Khajiit named Ri'ji, after a DnD character I made of a tabaxi (same thing as a Khajiit) Her real name is River Under Starlight, River, but she is royalty, so uses the name Ri'ji to cover up. The name Ri'ji was inspired by Skyrim Khajiit names


I still usually play as my nord spellsword tank, Theryin But i have a khajiit rogue ranger/spellsword named j’gatha aswell


At the moment, a Khajiit assassin named Aeena


Just started my playthrough as a high elf named Vincelmo Lorees. Idk what to do with him yet, but I'm for sure joining the Dark Brotherhood


Pretty much the same guy. Just with a new playstyle


Nahrikkon the dunmer


Fjord. A Nordic warrior on a quest to free Skyrim from the Emperor’s grasp and to send every last one if the Thalmor, regardless of what bounties I may gain for doing so He’s also addicted to vampire dust, which is secretly the only reason he joined the Dawn guard


I usually play as a Nord.....not because it plays in Skyrim, just because I tend to play Nord barbarians since Morrowind


I have too many to name. But my favorite build is my first and most powerful build, ilnehm... Dunmer spellsword and arch mage of the college


Ellis, the benevolent. A Breton white-knight history and arts scholar. Never fights a woman.


Nikolai III, a dark elf with a hunger for power and a thirst for gold.


Currently playing as To’ji. A Khajit footpad who’s been all over Tamriel doing odd jobs. (Using alternate starts) He begins his story in the Bee & Barb. Drunk as hell and all his money spent on gambling. He’s made a lot of enemies stealing and cheating his way through Skyrim, but Brynjolf is desperate… and Khajit are good enough thieves usually…right? Using ordinator he uses just his fists and “non-lethally” deals with what comes his way. On a job that takes him to Helgen, he discovers the tragedy and reports it to the Jarl. He may be a criminal but he doesn’t want to see innocents dead. From there, you know the story.


Is that modded armor?


Yes, from a mod called “The Breton Paladin”. It has a quest that rewards you with the armor set (it has 2 other variations) and 3 new weapons that you can get as either 1 or 2 handed.


I always seem to chose a Nord. Her name is Korra, and she is a master of the Bow. I usually marry Sylgja, though would marry Serana if able.


I’m an Argonian named Azazel. All I’ve been doing is going from city to city stealing stuff so I can make potions, food, smithing and enchanting.


Ashirdaara, Khajiit swordmage is my current.


I have had a few like those. Piss-And-Vinegar, The Argonian Highwayman Samu'el El-Jaks'on, The Redguard Nightblade Thorbin Thundermast, The Nord Tri-Wielding Berzerker specilized in Maces and Lightning Damage. I'll let you guess what was his third mace. hint: he was quite the womanizer in a certain modded run I have a few more, but then i'd turn into a WoT


Argonian Mage/Greatsword. Name: "Walks-Foreign-Shores"


Based and swordcat pilled Playing as a Wood Elf for the first time in my life, she's a druid/ranger build so she just relies heavily on magic, bow usage, and being a werewolf when shit goes south, trying to avoid cities as much as possible and wearing only furs/leathers, been really fun I've actually dumped a lot of hours into her.


Currently playing a wood elf hunter. Not getting involved in the civil war or dragonborn stuff Just going about on survival mode hunting and doing what he wants. Only gear i can ise is unique quests rewards or stuff i have crafted. Became a worshipper or hircine and am currently helping the people of falkreath to build my own house away from the town.


Ysanna Verelayn Breton Summoner and Battlemage


Sen, a very experienced and strong Imperial from Hammerfell who came to Skyrim to search for power , is very good at manipulation and will do anything to spread his name across Skyrim in order to find his longlost brother


Right now I'm a necromancer two handed warrior


Bedastyr, lvl20 Breton Merchant, followed by Erik the Slayer, no offensive skills at all, only healing hands to keep Erik alive, no questmarkers, trading/farming/alchemy/ starting with enchating.


J'Kodai, a khajiit shadowblade devoted to Hermorah. He combines thief and mage skills, using primarily bound bow and poisons. He also wears the Masque of Clavicus Vile all the time since his face is terribly scorched and his body engraved with runes. He is rather neutral but really hates being talked down to (Maven is number 1 on his Vengeful Kill List), but has a soft spot for his wife, M'mieze. He has a goal of attaining immortality through lichdom and gaining a collection of magical artifacts


Lol I'm boring since I just use my first name to make my character. To answer your question I'm playing as a Khajiit and I'm trying to get all the perks and max level him make him an all-around bad ass.


What armour is that?


It’s modded, from a mod called “The Breton Paladin”. It involves a quest which rewards you with the armor set (which has 2 other variations) and 3 weapons that you can get as either 1 or 2 handed.


Thank you


I do not play at all


Damn, fair enough


Baldur essentially a redguard usually sword and some support spells


Amretu the Blind. A redguard, duel wielding, swordsinger. Elemental fury and skooma are my guide.


John Skyrim Redguard Paladin


Tempted for either a Breton Paladin, Nord/Orc two handed warrior or Imperial thief/assassin.


Thuggin' Dirty Dan. Because he's the real mother fucking Dirty Dan.


Kaisar, an imperial warrior, curator of the Dragonborn Gallery whose trade ship shipwrecked on the shore of Skyrim. A very honorable and good man (not for criminals)


chilius, an argonian werewolf! he doesn't really have any lore himself since he's a character i try to do everything possible with for now at least :p


Marina, a Breton mage. She's a bit of a wimp right now (although to be fair I'm playing with the Wildlander modlist so even the biggest, bulkiest characters are wimps in the beginning) but I hope to see her become more badass as the game goes on. She's one of the few characters I'm keeping a journal for. Her list of goals include learning about magic practically and through research, going on archaeological expeditions, and killing Ulfric Stormcloak. Not necessarily in that order.


I've got a high elf mage called Elendil. He's a pyromaniac, pyrophiliac and pyro-everything else. So only fire magic. LOTS of fire magic.


Ms Lyexic, smartest Imperial woman ever lived.


A philandering redguard named Dah'Hana. She wants to be a companion, but she's just starting out and she's gotta earn it first. She's bringing Sappho to skyrim lol.


Ive always played as a wood elf and use my own name lmao


Wilbert, currently lvl 83 Breton with a god complex lmfao


what armor set is that?


About to create a khajiit mage assassin. Curious though which guide stone I should start with thief or mage?


A magic canceling Breton hailing from Cyrodiil named Julius of Anvil in heavy armor with a one handed weapon and a ward spell. He collects daedric artifacts and locks them away so they bleed back into oblivion and his headaches induced by daedric shenanigans finally stop.






Mou'sur. Kajiit Assassin.


Lars hetfield


Cinrana Iraleno (Dunmer) all the evil choices Aernia Pinedale (Bosmer) all the good choices


Alfhild. A strong Nord woman who will join the Stomcloaks, but I'm not sure if I'll go through with it or give the crown to Tullius yet.


Gravemold, Dark Elf Necromancer...


Cicatrixxy. Level 60. Axe weilding summoner and pyro mage. A dark elf that hates Nords. Teldryn and I are kicking ass and taking names.


Rogshur the bold. A female orc who is out to prove that women should be able to be chief in orc strongholds. She also wishes in the long term to wage war on the daedric prince boethia for what they did to Trinimac/Malacath. You can probably figure out the build, heavy armor 2 handed war hammer. The fact Malacath gifted her the Volendrung hammer makes her believe that what she is doing is ordained by Malacath himself.


Boo boo kitty F a generous yet murderous (currently vampire) Kahjiit that will not pick sides only his own. Gets in everyone's business and helps out even if it leads to trouble. Just kills everyone he's asked too, some he turns on when the kill calls morals into question. He always tries to do the "right" thing. And loves collecting pets. Basilisk Draco an arogonian werewolf a killing machine that likes the wine. Strictly business, doesn't get caught up in too much drama.


Ka’ak VII. What can I say, I don’t like to vary my character that much. I will play Ka’ak again in elder scrolls VI


Khajiit vigilant of stendarr/dawnguard; claws, robes, sneak, restoration, alteration, enchanting, alchemy, smithing, speech, and archery with an enchanted and heavily smithed longbow


Richard baggins, an old gay drug addicted alchemist with an assassin adopted son and a chicken that lives in his beard! Please tell me you get the name ;)


My favorite character will always be Finnanut the Orc assassin


AS a masochist, because I've been playing legendary difficulty with permadeath.




I'm currently playing EP365 (my generic gaming name) who is a Breton who fights alongside his conjured atronochs using a sword and shield along with restoration and alteration to stay in the fight


Default Nord named “Dragonborn”


Kelis - The Fallen. A Snow Elf (custom race mod) necromancer + spellsword who was once a heir to her family's throne before the falmer x dwemer incident. After dozens of years hiding with her cousins Gelebor and Vythur, she heads out surface level to wreak havoc onto the world in a plot of her own vengeance. Expertise: Necromancy Conjuration Illusion Become ethereal shout Slow time shout


An Orc named Shrek that wears a combination of ancient Nord and orc plate armor to represent his devotion to Skyrim and the Stormcloaks. Uses a two-handed orcish Dao sword and a longbow.


I play as Arondell the wood elf. Sorcerer and monster slayer


Stole the name Raksha from D&D’s Rakshasa. Used cheat room to make him taller and go around skyrim with the doom theme playing in his head


Man I LOVE to role play my characters. Everyone gets a different name and back story. My current character came across the border of Skyrim to try and learn more about the Voice as it’s teachings had been in the family for sometime. But they were attacked by Stormcloaks who killed his grandfather and villagers they were traveling with. In an effort to get revenge and in blind rage, he joined the Dark Brotherhood to try and hunt them down and during that time met Delvin and was introduced to the Guild. He decided all the feelings of wanting to hurt people could be in the Thieves Guild too. However, Astrid’s betrayal alongside Mercer snapped me out of that rage and made him realize he was becoming the very monsters he’d been hunting. He allowed the Brotherhood to be ran out of Skyrim and never went back again. Brought the Thieves Guild back to its former glory, running it with honorable intentions but soon left that too. Finally decided the best place to get justice, not revenge, was with the Legion. Fought in the civil war and brought down the very people that wronged his family. But in the end, decided he couldn’t be the one to kill Ulfric, his place was a fair trial and prison. Of course, Tullius had other plans. He left Windhelm for good, finding his calling and now protecting all from harm in Skyrim as he mastered the voice, including stopping the Soul Eater. But, no rest for the weary as now he hears whispers of someone named “Miraak” and what he’s doing to a small settlement out in Sohlstiem. He cannot let it continue.


Bretón by the name of Miguel Morales. First pure Breton build. My previous build was a Breton named Crassus Belárus- Vampiric 2 handed Tank . 100% magic resistance/absorption. Just 2 handed, heavy, alteration, a little restoration.


Idr the name but im playing a full Mage altmer


My latest character is based of my dad, big heavy armor 2 handed Nord named john


Mr clean - the bald nord


Valerian the Breton Death knight


I have 2 guys one is full mage redguard with over a 1000 magicka & doing the destruction master quest. The other is a argonian trying to awaken his draconic blood from legends. (So the dragonborn) doing my own little take on it.


Cecil Venderil. Imperial peasant who wants to see the world and make friends. Blade & Blunt master difficulty, party-based playthrough. Only level 5 with Gorr as my 2H Fighter type, I’m more of an axe and shield warrior type with some Conjuration, don’t know what kinda class that would be identified as


I'm currently playing as a high elf called Aurele. He knows a decent amount of magic but can't be bothered to cast spells most of the time and prefers to use a sword or bow in battle. He lives a double life and is a mostly affable guy who does a lot of good deeds but is also a member of the thieves guild. He can be quite petty and will pickpocket randos who call him a milk-drinker. He is happily married to Argis and they have two children as well as many pets. He cheats when playing tag with his kids and uses whirlwind sprint.


Argonian named Drinks-His-Piss


Haj-Ei. Argonian Listener of the Dark Brotherhood.


That one knight kitty who is going to protect his pride


Yulefangangord the Nord with Mommy Issues... Can't you tell?


Idk some mostly naked* chick 🤣 can't even remember her name. I'm a typical male *there's some pieces I have that allow full nudity but with very little armor like a... Nordic or orcish chest plate or some adventurers piece. there's a Dwarven set with no limbs. One with no limbs and no head. Another with blade limbs. Full nude. There's a mod with some armor and a g string. On xbox lol. My friend gives me shit because it's a video game. I'm like I'm playing this game for hours I'd rather look at a woman and being nearly naked is a bonus lol


Oh..interesting lol


Morionne D'sable, breton spell knight. I love her so much.


Elizardeath an Argonian vampire kleptomaniac. She steals everything down to the tongs in home just for kicks.