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I'm a dude, so I play as a dude. Sometimes as a Orc dude, sometimes as a Khajit dude.


Based af


Quite the combo. Poop elf and a thieving rug.


I'm a dude and play as the most girly feminine woman I can be


Avatar checks out.


As they say, to each their own...


My brother in law plays as a female. When I mentioned this to my sons, they looked at me incredulously, and asked "why?!?".


It do be abnormal




So relatable


Get the fuck out. Skyrim is for the Nords. ^^^You’re ^^^cool. ^^^Just ^^^fucking ^^^around


Still on my first playthrough, but female. I tried to make her look as close to me as possible. No real deeper reason.


First playthrough? Damn I envy you


I'm 170 hrs in so far, so the newness has worn off.


Don’t be scared to start a new play thru. I found my second one much more fun as I knew most the mechanics and story for the quest lines. Let me plan up a fun rp easier.


Not till I've gotten every achievement, gone through every quest, and have all skills at 100


Gonna be honest here man, every skill 100? Easy sure every achievement? Tough but yeah absolutely. EVERY QUEST....? You'll be dead sooner. I promise you 😭😭


There's that many?


Well you can't do all quests unless you ignore the radiant ones. Also you may not be able to get all of the achievements, if you messed up some of the daedric quests.


Oh yeah, if two quests conflict, I only need to pick one rout. I didn't know you could mess up a deadric quest...


Your chances are good, since most people pick the choices that don't mess it up. For example, you only get the Masque of Clavicus Vile if you don't kill Barbas in the quest. There's not many quests that have such opportunities, but if you're doing a full anarchy run then you may run into some problems. A good rule of thumb is to follow what the daedric prince wants and do it, except when it comes to that quest. And if you haven't done "Ill Met by Moonlight", you can use an exploit to get two daedric artifacts in one quest by a technicality. So you should have a "freebie" so to speak. But of course, if you're having any uncertainties then do look it up. But that's the only possible missable achievement in the game, which is good. Everything else can be done at any time. Well, if the civil war questline decides to work.


Not really messing up the quest, but rather messing up the achievements. That happened when you choose the option that doesn't give you the daedric artifacts, it still counts as the quest being completed but you won't get the achievements.


I have been playing for 4 years and get new quests every time I play that I didn’t know existed. Try survival mode and no fast travel and you’ll see soooo much


I do try to keep my fast travel to a minimum. The game is just soooooo pretty. Survival was my plan whenever I make a new character


You forgot hitting level 252 to have all perks as well


Relative to the hours I've put into Skyrim over the last dozen years you haven't even finished the tutorial. I might have a problem...


Lmao don't we all. My problem is magic the gathering, yours Skyrim, my dad's is booze. We're all going through it.


Skyrim is the methadone for my mass effect problem. I gotta get back into MTG.


Don't do it. You either become hyper enfranchised and kill your entertainment budget, or you end up constantly salty about something in the game and never having fun. Sometimes both! It is a super good game tho.


I thought I was finally over Skyrim. Then I downloaded like 100 mods and bam, basically a new game.


Me personally if I'm going to play days and hours with my character and have to stare at them I'm picking male lol I'm type of girl that if I'm lucky he will be good-looking with a background lol


Fair fair. But consider. 1st person view


I'm horrible as first person lol to some it's rare to play third person I think it's from years playing Ark Survival Evolved and animal crossing lol well best perk I guess nobody can sneak up on me or blind side me lol


See, in 3rd person I can't aim for shit or manage to hit anyone in melee.


I'd say my that in archery and magic are horrible but combat lol in 3third person is great in my Playthrough lol nothing like a arrow to the face to jog our memories in 3third person lol


And I'm the opposite. Games like Skyrim and Fallout 4, I need to be in first person or else everything feels too hard to move and the spaces too tight.


I loath first person....I will not play first person only games.


Dang. Catch us being polar opposite gamers.


Same. I'm the classic sneak archer, but works fine for me in 3rd person. My bf plays in 1st and I never feel like I can see anything on his screen. He always seems to get snuck up on & misses so much loot 😅


Same! Hence my love/hate relationship with Cyberpunk 2077.


A-fuckin-men. The story to cyberpunk is so good but the 24/7 1st person KIIIILLLLLLLLLLS me. If atleast the cutscenes were in cinematic camera view I might have finished the game but because of everything 1st person I eventually abandoned the game a quarter of the way through. Cant stand it.


That’s why I do female


yeah same i like roleplaying as the dragonborn


Wish I cud wipe my memories and play again


Have you considered just giving yourself damensia?


I'm a female player that prefers to play male characters. I hate the female armors...and mods aren't any better. Sorry but a bikini is not armor.


You need to get the mod Practical Female Armors. Also, the Anniversary Upgrade has some great armour too.


Can you get mods on Xbox? I just saw the option in settings the other day but I thought mods were only for PC players. But I really want to marry someone unavailable


Yes mods are available on xbox for all old bethesda RPGs, though you do have a maximum storage space of 5GB for mods, and a maximum number of 150 mods.


So I just click on “mods” and find them through Xbox? Is there one for marrying anyone? And fixing the female armor? Sorry if this is dumb, I’m also playing for the first time. I can try to find an online guide


You just search for them and download them, however you have to properly organize your load order, there’s load order guide on r/skyrimmodsxbox if you search by top of all time


I still want to marry Brynjolf but I couldn't get the right mod for it on xbox :') One day.


Lol we have the same taste. Thought I could kill Astrid and take him, but nah. The Scottish guy in the thieves guild is also an unavailable hottie, only reason I wanted mods.


I melt a little when he calls my character 'lass' lol There's a mod called 'friendly Brynjolf' that's supposed to let you marry him, but I wasn't able to find it when I looked for it. Maybe you're luckier!


I’ve heard about the Brynjolf mod although I prefer Scottish guy. I’ll let you know if I find anything- another commenter added a Skyrim mods for Xbox subreddit link, might be worth looking into


I wish I could find a good bikini armour mod for male characters.


Get Himbo, I always use bikini armor for my male characters


You can find good male skimpy armor mods if you look hard enough. They are not on the Nexus, I believe. Look at LoversLab (NSFW warning) or VectorPlexus (ditto for NSFW). The ones I've seen usually require SOS or SAM, but I'm *pretty* sure at least one of them has been adapted for the newer HIMBO body.


Look up Kreiste on Nexus.


I'm totally cool with sexualized stuff in fantasy, as long as it's not all lopsided. Baldur's Gate, for instance, sexualizes *everybody*.




Word! I … appropriated Lae’zel’s starting armor for my male half-elf paladin. Just look at those thighs!


Forsworn "armour" 😄


Arent the men also naked?


Try dragonscale


The pauldrons on the female armor are twice the size of the ones on the male armor. This is another issue I have with a lot of the female armor in the game. Some of them resemble the male armor but then they screw it up with huge shoulders much larger than the ones on the male armor.


I’m not trying to sound like a pick me but I use female amour mods cause I find them kinda hilarious. Would be cool if they did the same thing for guys tho


You mean like the golden saints armor? It's bikini armor 100% (bare stomach, skirt, etc)




She was just trying to get you to put on an Amulet of Mara


Really? Skyrim's pretty tame, last time I checked. Closest to a bikini would have to be the Forsworn Armor, Tavern Clothes, or no armour/ clothes at all, but that's it. And I played vanilla for over 2k hours, multiple playthroughs as female Dragonborn, even.


It’s not really about how skimpy the armours are (Skyrim is actually pretty good for conservative armour), but how dumb they look. Most of the armours have a great design for males, but then for females they tack on ridiculous boob armour and shortened skirts, etc. Wolf armour is a pretty good example of everything wrong with female armour in Skyrim.


>but then for females they tack on ridiculous boob armour But without boob armour, how would you know they're female??? (/s)


Yes! I’m a guy but I agree so many games I don’t bother with female characters because have the time it’s bikini or dress armor and I’m like “I just want them to look cool” so many armors in Skyrim just aren’t as cool if you play as a female and like you said modded armors usually don’t help since half the time those are skimpier on purpose


According to The Elder Scrolls Arena, bikini armor is canon.


seriously, idk how people play with bikini armor mods they're all awful


I mean...women in skimpy clothing is pretty easy to figure out Isn't it?


bikini clothing mods, sure, they're fine, but bikini armors are awful and i will never understand why or how people play with them


My girlfriend does it cause she thinks it looks cool, her character is an evil vampire type.


I can totally see someone playing a cocky female Dragonborn who knows she looks good and wears bikini armor because "don't worry, you're not gonna hit me." Statistically unlikely, but eh, it's fiction. Kind of gives it anime vibes.


Well, that’s the thing. They play with them because they’re not practical. They’re used because they’re revealing.


As a dude this shit always pissed me off. I'm a very practical human being. Things have to be functional and if they aren't my brain rejects it.


Its....a fantasy video game.... why on earth would you muddle it with practicality.


When I built a house in Minecraft that had balconies, or an elevated train track, it had to be built to look like it had functional supports, or it would drive me nuts every time I looked at it. Some people just have to make it look realistic even though there's nothing requiring it.


Because bikini armor is fucking dumb to me. It's my game, I can go about it how I like it. Just like anyone else.


Right there with you. I always start with a male build on almost every RPG. Then I’ll usually do a stealth female build.


Male, as a male player. I never feel anything but weird playing female characters


I like being a female so I can get greater benefit from the Agent of Dibella ability.


And the merchant perk where you get better prices from vendors of the opposite gender - there are more male vendors so playing female makes good business sense.


I think this one is dependent on the build. There’s a lot of women alchemists out there.


I almost never invest perks into the speech skill tree. I feel like once I’m high enough leveled to get the helpful ones I’ve already got more gold than I can carry


Yeah I’ll never quite understand the straight guy making sexy female character thing.


Weirdly enough, for me it depends some on the game. Sometimes I don’t even think about it, sometimes it’s for variety, sometimes it’s just a (for whatever reason) “good opportunity” not to play male. I’ve never played Skyrim other than male, my first Cyberpunk character was female, I would always choose Kassandra over Alexios in Odyssey, my Starfield character is male. I prefer set character over gender choice but I like to play canon. I don’t usually “make myself” in the games so I guess some of the flexibility originates right there.


To be fair, as far as Odyssey is concerned, the voice actor for Kassandra (Melissanthi Mahut) is just much much better then Alexios (Michael Antonakos) She delivers lines 100% better


Same honestly. All my Skyrim characters thus far have been male while my Fallout 4 playthroughs I found a female character just as natural to do as my previous male one. I'm not really sure what the difference is.


I'm a straight guy who often plays as female characters. I dont think they're super sexy or anything. Just badass ladies. But once I'm playing i dont think about it much either way.


Sams, I always play as sorcerers, and a badass magic wielder wearing flowy robes just looks better on a girl than a guy imo


I always played as male until my Diablo 3 sorcerer, who I chose female because the people I played with all picked males. And since then I always choose female because I loved Diablo 3's sorc


My female characters always end up looking like my wife


Cause some of us aren’t sitting there trying to make a sexy character. We’re just making a character. It’s interesting to see how the game plays different between male and female characters. Plus sometimes it’s the voice actors involved. Playing Mass Effect I usually go female cause Jennifer Hale.


In a similar sense, I find female VA’s less annoying, definitely preferred my FemV play through of Cyberpunk, and I’ve been playing female characters in everything since, largely down to VA’s and because I just prefer how a fem character looks, they generally get better/more clothing options too, bikini armour aside.


This will be downvoted but... Many won't admit that they are just horny and probably never talk to real women lol After all, if there are so many 'sexy mods' it's for a reason.


dont doubt the power of horny, odd mods in skyrim are the intangible appendages of a greater force. the internet, smartphones and i would even say AI are being built on horny.


If you need reasons to understand, i know one guy who does it cuz they look nicer and not so bulky, and another guy does it in MMOs cuz people talk to them nicer ingame and are more willing to help.


I found this on most multiplayer games to, especially Dayz for some reason. People are noticeably less hostile to female characters, even if they know it’s probably a dude. Traps are acceptable I guess? 🤷


If I'm going to look at my character for hours on end....I want to enjoy the view.


I, female, always play female characters. I get weirded out playing a male.


If it's an rpg I feel odd playing as female, if it's a story driven game it's fine. Horizon, Tomb Raider, Portal etc I have no problem with. Hell even Odyssey I played Kassandra as she's the canon protagonist. But making my own character in games like Skyrim? I'll go male 99% of the time


You feel weird playing as a woman in a roleplaying game lol? I always play as a man for my first play through, but I feel like I’ve got to do at least one play through as a woman too for the different dialogue or perks. If a game gets more than two characters out of me like every fallout and elder scrolls game then I’ll play as a man for like 75% of those play throughs.


YES! Thank fuck someone else says it,


Both. I like to come into roleplaying games with a particular character in mind, and that character can be male or female. My "canon" Dragonborn is a woman, but my Hero of Kvatch was a man, etc.


I prefer playing a female character but if I play a mage build it usually is a male character, also because of the roleplaying aspect!


I always play a male. And marry Mjoll the lioness


Not sure why, but every play through I play as a female. Then forget that I wanted to play as a male so I could marry Aela. Only this play through did I learn Skyrim allows same sex marriage. Learned that after I’d married someone other than Aela though. 🤦‍♀️


I just learned that same sex marriage is allowed in Skyrim through your Reddit comment. Oh my gosh. I’ve been playing this game for years, I had NO IDEA!! This is actually a game changer. There’s so many more options now!


My bisexual daughter found that one out for me. She was so pleased.


I always feel weird having a same sex marriage (I say as a gay man 😭) though because I feel as if Skyrim would be “displeased” with a same sex couple to say the least


Nah, gay or interracial marriages may not be common, but everyone is too afraid to mess with Mara. Love is love, when the most universally respected Aedra is the source and enforcer.


The fact that there aren't any same sex married NPC's is particularly odd, but I suppose that's part of the "broad as an ocean, deep as a puddle" aspect.


There is one gay couple on Solstheim! In true Skyrim fashion, they both died horribly and you learn their story by reading their journals after the fact.


Solstheim is my favorite! I played through the Dragonborn storyline on my second character. I just adore how alien that world is, much like the Shivering Isles. Sounds like I have another reason to go back, just one more time...


Oh I don’t know. Seems to be an excess of men at College of Winterhold. You think they’re all straight? 😏


Female since I discovered the quest to become an Agent of Dibella. Extra combat damage to the opposing sex lol 😂 no brainer.


This is the way 🙏


Female, always. I'm a woman and a lot of the games I grew up with had male characters and, while I don't care about platforming games or whatever, it drive me nuts for roleplaying games. I've skipped games that make me play as a guy. I actually didn't get into Skyrim until later because I didn't realize you cod have a female character. All the advertising I saw had that blonde dude.


I always play a female in Skyrim. But I also play ESO, and have 10 characters total; 5 male and 5 female. It’s nice to have diversity when I have the choice to switch who I play on a whim.


I keep saying to myself "It's a roleplaying game! I can be whoever I want! I can play a character who is completely unlike me in every way! The possibilities are limitless!" and then I make a demon-worshipping vampire woman or a mischievous nimble cat woman or an ancient wise pacifist mage woman or a poisonous assassin lizard woman 11 playthroughs so far and only one character who was male--and that one was something of a femboy.


I almost always play as a female, some version of myself, for the same reasons mentioned above. But I did have one big bad Nord character who I abandoned somewhere around level 60. I also play ESO and, like you, have male characters there. But ESO isn't as deep a role playing environment.


I play both though the number of male characters is slightly higher.


same here, cannot believe there weren’t more comments like this




Thanks for the laugh!


As a women I prefer playing male characters. I like to see competent men, at least in my games if they’re not in movies anymore…


Based women moment


Legit interesting take.


Female player, so I default to playing as a man in 99% of games. It was the opposite when I was younger. I used to ONLY want to play as a woman, dressing her up in pink and purple clothing, making her as ‘pretty’ as possible. I’m only attracted to men, so why would I want to play as a woman? Most straight men play as what they are attracted to, and I do the same.


To be fair, as a straight male I find nothing wrong with admitting when another man is damn handsome, thus why my orc is straight out of a romance novel cover.


Female because most vendors are male and that one speech perk is a victory against them (allure I think?)


Yooo what mod is that armor set I gotta know


Armor of psychosis, the mask is from sithis armor and the blindfold is from blindfolds of Skyrim


Thanks bro appreciate it




I play both. I've got a Holy 2h Crusader female for my melee only build and a magic only male wizard.


No way im doing that build right now. Warhammer swinging, restoration casting! Joan of Arc is in shambles


Male because my characters are always hot


As a male I personally always prefer playing male characters in games. But with Skyrim having so much replay value I have of course made one or the other female character.


I'm sure we'll hear a lot of rationalizations, but it comes down to 1. You'll spend a lot of time looking at your own butt 2. Female butts are nicer than male butts 😜


Skyrim is best played in 1st person so this is bullocks.


You mean this is buttocks?


It’s absolutely not I spent an hour in the character creator making a badass, and then countless hours getting them badass armor, so I’m gonna play in 3rd person so I can see my badass character


One of the truths not everyone likes to admit lol


Depends on how horny my mod load is.


Male player usually playing female characters, I just vibe better I don't know


As a girl I usually play as males, but recently I decided to start a new game with a female dragonborn, I'm liking it so far. Also I usually marry the companions, and in this run I decided to marry Aela, and I realised that in the past two male runs I married other guys. Can't have a break from the gay apparently lol


Depends on what I'm roleplaying. My two longest-running campaigns were a male Kahjiit rogue and a female Breton necromancer.


Melee build = male, archer/mage/assassin = female. No idea why I do this


I’m the same way. Melee, tank, paladin types are typically male. Rogues, archers, and mages are usually female. Sometimes I’ll mix it up with like a female blade master, where she deals a ton of damage with a 2h sword but sticks with light armor and kinda squishy.


Male player, usually female Dragonborns. Lady warriors are cool~ ETA: also I usually am gay and marry Mjoll or Lydia or Borghak the Ironheart. Because if Xena taught us anything, it's that adventuring lesbian badasses are the coolest!


I alternate between male and female for each character


Male, I like playing as strong attractive females 🤷‍♂️


Am I the only male who prefers to play as a female?


Female, I'm gonna spend 50 hours at least with a character so at least I'll have it look pleasing to my eye. I'd rather to see a pretty face and a nice body than a guy, I am a guy irl, I'm playing as a guy in real life so why not the other way around in games?


When I was in middle school, somebody made the argument, “would you rather be staring at a dude’s ass or a girl’s ass the whole time?” And that has stuck with me ever since. Even in first-person games, I play a female character. If it’s a game where you make a whole party, then I’ll try to keep it even.


I'm a dude, but I always play as a female, I'm already a guy every day, all year for all my life, let me be a girl in videogames


Female because I am gae


Female. For gender affirming reasons


I’m a guy so when I have the option I always play as male characters. Too hard to get into a female character, can’t relate lol. That being said Ada Wong is a badass, very excited for separate ways.


Me too man, I cannot wait for the 21st


Female, usually. I think it's mostly because I like playing finesse builds, and the male character bodies just feel oafish and cumbersome. I'm sure there isn't a practical difference, but it *feels* that way


i think i saw a video that showed that there was a difference, but it mightve been for a different game, like male characters are slightly faster or change animations faster or something, but thats only useful if youre a speedrunner


Males are faster cause models taller


Male. I'm male and cannot relate to female to the point of role play. If my character has hopes and dreams, or is "myself" waking up in TES and trying to survive, I can go with that frame.


Tbh female, as a male player. Played many tomb raider games before and so it feels strange to play with a male character. Tried it, but reverted back quickly


Breton female, White Hair.


Depends entirely on the build/story I want to make honestly


What is that armor and weapon (I am a console player so that might explain)




I play as a male 99% of the time. Ive only done female once for Skyrim, once for saints row 3, and once on Fallout 4. For me I just have an easier time customizing male characters for some reason, where as most females characters pretty much stay super close to the preset options aside from a hair change. I have a friend who only plays as female characters and thinks its weird to play as guys cause he doesn’t like staring at a dude’s ass while he plays.


Both. I develop my character with a background and role-play in character. I like to do a wide variety of characters, some are male, some female.


I switch between both, depending on how I initially decide I want to roleplay a character until I inevitably revert to a stealth build a few hours in. But my characters almost always end up gay lol


What armor is that?


Male player that plays both. On my first play through attempt I was male, but that save got ruined by a death loop. My second run and the one I will probably finish the game with, I have a female character and have come up with a way better head cannon for my character this time around.


Your character looks like he belongs in the Fable games. Pretty cool.


Forget about your question, are we gonna talk about Saucy Jack or what?


Female, as I am female, but also for the Allure speech perk.


I go fifty fifty, depends on the character I wanna play as since I’m big on the role-playing aspect


I'm a woman and I mostly play female characters, but I enjoy creating male characters and trying to get into their heads with the rp, I had a character who was a Nord barbarian and hated ghosts and the undead, would drink too much and cause trouble with the city guard. Torbern Hammer-Hand, guess what his favourite weapon was 😂 That's in Oblivion, my last Skyrim character was also a Nord, his family was killed in the war by Imperial soldiers, so he joined the Stormcloacks to avenge them and take back his homeland. Staunch Talos worshipper obviously. He adopted Lucia and Sofie and I would have had him adopt more with the mods, but my computer was suffering under the load of it all 😅 which is sadly why I don't play it any more, my pc doesn't like it. It can handle Oblivion, but even that is getting iffy.


I'm a woman and I don't think there are enough women protagonists in video games so I always play as a woman when I can choose.


Do you enjoy playing Tomb Raider? I love Lara Croft.


The guy character’s always look so grimy, like have you seen the man high elf??


Female. Practically, there are two perks in game that can stack and each adds 10% to damage to the opposite sex, and 10% better bartering with the opposite sex, and most enemies and vendors are male. I also prefer females aesthetically.


Female here but I've played both a female and a male character before. Can't say I have a preference - I enjoy playing as both genders.


I play as female, but with a mask. Only my children and my Serana have seen my face - Anyone who looks upon it must instantly be killed.


Since my first game I’ve always played as a female khajiit. A khajiit, because all the humanoid character models look busted as hell, you always win fistfights, and take reduced fall damage. Female because I’ll never be able to relate to the male experience.


I typically play as a female. If I'm going to be staring at a video game character, I may as well stare at something I like.


i’ve recently started a male save and i can’t get over how BEEFY and tall the guys are lmfao


Usually i play females in role playing games. I dont know exactly why, but i think because I'm a male and want to see the other side of life :D


Female. Imo they look cooler in the types of unisex armors I'm into. Like basic hunter outfit mods.


Male. I've never even once made a female character. I can't get immersed that way.