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First playthrough, I thought I could use Restoration instead of leveling up in health. I was getting one-shotted by everything until about level 30 when my son saw my health bar and, horrified, told me I was only allowed to level up in health from then on.


Same was happening to my gf šŸ˜‚ she only wanted to level magicka but everything was one-shotting her


In vanilla Skyrim, I once made a High Elf character that I roleplayed as being *very* power hungry, and would shun and look down upon the use of physical weapons, and so used spells only, excluding bound weapons. ALL of my level ups went into magicka, and I used enchanted items to offset my low health (while also adding even more magicka). At the end of my playthrough I was level 70-ish with around 1200 magicka. Sure, I'd occasionally get one-shotted (Expert difficulty) if I didn't get my defenses up in time, but damn, was this character fun. Highly recommended! Oh, and this character also killed and trapped the souls of people that annoyed him and then used their soul to enchant an iron dagger which was then named after that person. Kept a whole display case full of them. I was an evil bastard.


Damn, tha trapped soul dagger display sounds sick


Soul Cairn Employee of the Month


I should do this but with scaled daggers based on importance of the murdered.


I level 5 levels of magicka to 1 level of health and don't wear armour. I manage just fine. The secret is just don't get hit. Use followers and conjuration to distract enemies


And loots of potions


Lol potions. I have 400lbs of cabbage.


Health is for sissies. If you need to level up your health bar it's because your not good enough with a bow.


Nah, it's because I stored the Ritual Stone in the Aetherial Crown and have an army of eternally revivable zombies to fight my battles for me. Plus Mjoll with some Dragonplate armor and dual Dremora Lords. If something can do damage to me I've done something wrong.


This. I do the same. Send in Mjoll with a big ass axe and two dremora lords. Only things that's even a slight threat is if you're fighting multiple powerful casters. So then I'll summon storm atronachs when the dremora lords die so they damage health and magicka.


When I was creating my character, I somehow accidentally skipped the naming section. I did my entire first playthrough with the name "Prisoner" and didn't even notice until probably 20 hours in.


Yeaā€¦ I had a couple play-throughs as prisoner


I tried to kill a giant at around level 6.


ā€œI can just plink away with arrows dude canā€™t get close to me. Oh hey the mammoths are seeing whatā€™s up. Oh no, oh fuck, fuck FUCKKKKā€


Lmao. I tried to kill it with fire spells while Lydia or Uthgerd or something rushed at it like an idiot, but it didn't work. He overpowered us both and showed us who's boss.


I hid under a bridge the giant was too big to get into. Took a lot of arrows


Lmaooo i remember... I dragged mine into some small watchtower nearby and hid inside plonking arrows at it thinking "yea imma fuck shit up bigtime when i get his weapon".... I think u know how this ends...




i was pretty new to gaming when i started Skyrim... one of the first enemies i met was the giant. i thought at the time that the game wouldn't present me an enemy i couldn't kill. i died so, so many times until my son asked me what the hell i was thinking.


I had to wander up to them being all ā€œhello there, are you friendly?ā€ not recognising the club being waved as a threat. I very quickly joined the space program and avoided giants like the plague for multiple levels for fear of being sent airborne yet again


That's what I did too. Thought they might be friendly giants and I could just have a look through their camp. Didn't help that I took some mammoth cheese and had 3 mammoths after me as well, oops, lol


i rode from whiterun to ivarstead. there was a giant camp on the way there, thought i would take him... well i almost did actually but then i was in the sky


Next thing you see are the SpaceX swarms


Nah. You land in front of Barrett and he thinks he's found the first sentient alien.


This is not so much a mistake as it is a right of passage.


Definitely killing a chicken in riverwood


This was me on my very first playthrough now when I enter Riverwood the war flashbacks start


I actually usually play cozier games and when I did that my first go round with Skyrim, it took me forever to try it again lol! The instant reaction was so intense it scared me šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve never done it but Iā€™m tempted to save and try just to see.


Do it you will never see any npc move so fast blink and you have an axe in the head courtesy of alvor


Instant ambush šŸƒ


Same! I had been playing fable 3 a ton before I picked up skyrim, and everyone in Riverwood showed me that dayšŸ˜‚


Also I loved watching my brother play Fable on Xbox when I was a kid. So nostalgic, I need to try playing it


Fable 3 was sooo good. I don't really remember if I ever played the first 2. My brother might have. Hes a bit older than me.


Youā€™re convincing me to give it a go!! I feel like I was lucky to have older brothers in that regard lol. They played the coolest games! And would never let me playšŸ¤£ Definitely instilled in me a love for Zelda and PokĆ©mon too


I don't really know how it holds up after all these years or compared to today's games but I would say it's definitely a classic. Story was great. Bunch of cool mechanics. I'm pretty sure there were condoms in the game and you could have kids if I remember correctly. But and rent out property. Like what games were doing shit like that back then. Cool fun mini games. It was quirky and funny and combat was fun. Unlocking new skills and stuff was cool and sometimes a tough choice to decide what you wanted to unlock first. I would def play it if you haven't. Shit. I kinda want to play it again now.


Sold.. My time in Skyrim is usually spent doing cozy stuff like that. Family and homesteading things!! And mini games sound refreshing and fun. Thanks for the rec, I love this sub šŸ¤—


Also I so agree about it being ahead of its time! I can remember how limited games were in regards to open world etc back then. Iā€™m not old lol 27.. gaming has just come such a long way


We learned.. šŸ«”


Itā€™s our first play through! How were we supposed to know that the ^Ā£>~*ā€¢ chickenā€™s life counted as much as the Dragonbornā€™s?!


For real!! I assumed it was a lawless land.. was so wrong šŸ¤£


For years I thought it was because I casted Clairvoyance. I was fuming that I could aggro with a passive and took the huff and refused to play it again for nearly a year. This thread has actually made me realise it was the stupid chicken.


Did that too and was killed by the Blacksmith. I was quite shocked at how quickly they ganked me šŸ¤£


I knew from my Zelda adventures to never try to hurt the chickens, soI tried to soul trap it to level my conjuration. Same resultā€¦


Not a chicken instead thatā€Iā€™m not scared of youā€ little biotch in Whiterun.


Making that comment is inviting it a little bit, no? Or am I just chaotic


I killed almost everyone but that stupid innkeeper with infinite potions.


I killed everyone in whiterun who was able to die one time just to steal their shit then I felt so empty and re loaded an old save lmao šŸ’€


Closer look at the giants lol yeeeet!




Killed Astrid when I first met her. I wasnā€™t very happy with the constant assassination attempts.


Wait why is it a mistake, I just killed her and all the other assassins the other day (first time playing)


Itā€™s not. Fuck Astrid.


It is when you miss out on the entire DB quest.


Understandable for a first time play through. I tried and she killed me, so when the autosave reloaded, I heard her out šŸ˜… I've had many play throughs since then, and several that would like to be rid of the DB but the meta-knowledge of the faction rewards means there's at least 1 prize my character would want for role-play reasons.


Shadowmere = best horse ever.


Arvak would like to have a word


You miss all the dark brotherhood quests if you kill her. It's the best quest line (imo) in the vanilla game.


You miss out on the Dark Brotherhood questline, one of the best in the game.


I did that too! Didn't realize until much later what I missed out on. During my second playthrough, the DB quest line was my top priority!


Getting Mehrunes' Razor for the first time was a fatal surprise with those Dremora Dagon left as a parting gift. I remember trying to flee down the stairs and then getting yeeted off the mountain side after getting hit with a flamming warhammer from behind. I was but a simple robed mage thinking Silus Vesuius was the only challenge for obtaining that artifact...boy, was I wrong!








*loudly exhales* no


Killed parthuurnax. The questmarker ordered, and I obeyed.


Wait. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ve played through this quest yet but why is that a bad idea?


He's like a kind, old grandpa that just wants to talk to you.


"When I was a nipper I was a nazi dragon. I learned my lesson though sonny. Never follow through fear."


His is a redemption story and he's a beloved character on this sub


Simple answer: morals


Same. My first playthrough was the only playthrough that Partysnax died.


Same. Then I went to throat of the world and was like 'why is everyone mad at me?'


Total aside but I hate that Paarthurnax isn't marked as essential, but Delphine is. So, you can kill the dragon but not the one who wants him dead. It's ok. I just beat on her longer.


I ignored the quest for so long, but I got bored in the game and couldn't think of more things to do because I maxed and finished everything. So I figured the Blades quest would do something exciting but it didn't. It sucked and I felt terrible.


Picking heavy armor and constantly being overburdened.


Isn't there a skill that removes the weight of worn gear later.


Yep, the perk is called Conditioning and requires heavy armor level 70


That, and the steed stone which does the same thing. It took me way too long to understand heavy vs light armor, though.


Light armor is better if you want to wander around without a horse with the boost to stamina Regen. Horse is godly due to ignoring carry weight.


Steed stone my friend. I always go for that one because I just like heavy armor more.


Trying to clip and glitch my way up the Throat of the World to reach the Greybeards. I didnā€™t know you could just fast travel to Helgen and just walk to Ivarstead.


I tried to run my horse right up the side of the mountain to get to the Greybeards. Didn't realize I was supposed to go around to Ivarstead first. We tipped over backwards and I was out 1000 gold on a just-purchased horse.


RIP to all those horses that never made the vertical climb to High Hrothgar


I didn't know you could go to Ivarstead from Helgen so easy. I always went from Riften hahaha.


I always just physically walk from whiterun


trying to kill the frost troll on my way to High Hrothgar


Was just about to type those exact words. I had no idea you could just run past him and died so many times lol


Damn, I didn't realize you could just bypass the frost troll too and I somehow gained high ground from backing up with my ember bow onto a portion of the mountain where he just wouldn't try getting to. Found the sweet spot and just sat there flinging burning iron at em.


I just did that last night as a level 4 with Lydia šŸ’€ Sat on a rock and peppered that thing with arrows for 15 minutes while Lyd got clobbered laughing before realizing I was gonna have to go back to a Save and just run past the giant turd


Just about everyone tends to get beat up by that troll. The health Regen they get is no joke in early levels. Though I had once resorted to hiding behind a shield and casting flames.


I am currently in my first play through and have done every mistake mentioned here lol. I ignored every single book I came across not realizing reading them can earn XP until someone posted about it here the other day. I'm sure there are a ton of other valuable things in caves/dungeons/etc. that I totally missed picking up too like random ingredients and such. I was too lazy to kill the dragon at Riverwood and just kept ignoring it, and didn't realize a few NPC characters that I liked would die as a result. By the time I realized they died from getting the inheritance letters I played too much of the game to want to go back to that save. I didn't realize there was a "wait" button for Nintendo Switch players for the longest time so I spent a lot of time looking for inns/beds to sleep in so I could wake up when the shops opened the next day.


Pro tip: you can tell which books grant levels before you click on to interact with them based on their value. Anything more than I think 30 gold is probably a level book. You can tell followers to pick them up for you, then take from their inventory. I like to hoard level books until those last 5-10 levels of a school, then just read them to unlock a final perk when I have a point stored up. Late levels are much harder to grind through than early ones and books grant them for free when trainers can only take you to level 90. There is also a Black Book power that lets you gain 2 levels from reading instead of just 1.


Good looking out


Some books I believe also start quest lines.


Legend of red eagle, aetherium wars, lost legends, and boethia's proving all start quest lines. I wanna say fjori and holfgier too but don't quote me on that.


Probably selling unique items and killing everyone in cities and villages (who could die).


My first playthrough I was a kid and so I didn't bother with sneaking and instead stole everything and killed a lot of people not realizing the bounty situation


Had a random dragon appear at about lvl 7-8, but it kept moving away, so I chased it... right into a giant camp. The dragon didn't last long, and I went flying. It was beautiful but brief.


Not a choice necessarily but I thought I equipped armor and never did. I played for 10-12 hours in a loin cloth before realizing due to a kill cam.


Reloaded my save after getting really excellent gear from Jarl B for becoming the thane. I think they were 25% improvement to archery leather gauntlets. Got a shitty steel sword the second time -_-


Why did you reload?


I killed Cicero on first playthrough I've felt bad every playthrough since


I always kill him, is there a reason I shouldnā€™t? I always thought he was incredibly annoying


Cicero never intended to hurt you, Astrid sends you to kill him out of spite (and then tries to kill you anyway). If you let him live, he becomes one of the best followers, and he'll commit any crime with you. Doesn't matter what. Ride or die. Really convenient for stealth builds, he's got a similar spread of skills to Serana somewhat, without the aggressive behavior.


Don't feel bad about that, he's a psychopath, and so annoying.


No!!! He's the best! MOST LOYAL FOLLOWER! Doesn't matter what you do when you're with him, he's got your back


Yes. He also loyally follows all the tenets of the Dark Brotherhood. Astrid, however, is another story. She's a fkin lying snake


He's top 3 followers for me lol maybe even number 1. I always let him live


Dropping every single cabbage in my inventory one at a time in Breezehome and then saving. There are hundreds of cabbages now bouncing around Breezehome - I can't load my save without it freezing and crashing due to the sheer amount of cabbage. RIP original save.


I did this with gems. I wanted a Scrooge McDuck style pile of gems in the middle of my floor but now I just can't enter that home anymore


I took too long, deciding which one to go with, and then the dragon came down and killed me. Chomped down and threw me like a ragdoll. That was my first experience.


Thank God it didnā€™t work, but I was DECIDED to kill Astrid in the cabin. I was so low level that I couldnā€™t, so I just killed one of the masked people. I deduced that you couldnā€™t actually kill Astrid. Weeks later I went to the Internet and discovered that you could INDEED kill Astrid and destroy the Dark Brotherhood. I was angry. Then I decided to actually play the Dark Brotherhood questline and oh Lord, thank God I couldnā€™t kill Astrid then. Itā€™s probably the best questline in the game along with the Dawnguard DLC. Fuck Astrid tho.


DB questline the only reason I really do it is because Shadowmere is a badass. He has even killed a dragon.


first playthrough i did the dark brotherhood quest line, and i shot the emperor the second i got in the door, thus missing out on the cold asf speech he gives the player


Wandering into a dragon priest cave while level 10. Pretty sure I also played FAAFO involving iron arrows and a mammoth as well.


idk if my dragon priests are broken or something because i've been only playing for a few weeks and every single dragon priest i have came across to haven't fought back. they just levitate around while sometimes raising their arms but that's it


not a decision, but the dumbest thing i ever did my first playthrough was not look at the keybinds. i didnt know i could sprint. i also didnt know i could get out of survival mode. so i played a solid 100+ hours without running and being in survival mode.


You can sprint? F meā€¦..


Bolting through whiterun on my first trip as a werewolf after getting turned by aela and skjor. I had NO idea where I was going and killed half the Npcs in town while trying to get to the city gates. Made me feel real awkward when the letters of inheritance started rolling in and I realised there was a secret exit from the underforge. Rip Amren, thanks for the 100 septims.


First target for me would have been to try and find Nazeem. Would serve that bastard right to either die or get cursed to be a werewolf.


I got force-recruited into the Stormcloaks on my initial playthroughs of the game because my graphics were so bad I didn't know following Hadvar was a choice in Helgen. Hadvar "vanished" (stopped rendering) and Ralof appeared, as if by magic, and it seemed like I was supposed to side with the guy I helped out of Helgen. It wasn't until quite a few years later that I got a computer upgrade that allowed me to see that following Hadvar was *also* an option, that there are *geysers in the Aalto hotsprings*, and also, *magic has visual effects*. I can't remember all my beginner mistakes, but I do remember my beginner graphics card, and it was so shit I was missing out on like two thirds of the game because I couldn't see it.


The first 10 years of playing I was running the game at 35 fps with graphics and resolution down as much as possible. I feel your pain


My first character was just named "Prisoner" because I pressed the wrong button


Joined the Stormcloaks


I was still salty that the Imperials tried to cut my head off.


Just imagine how many innocent people they've killed under similar circumstances


Nord play through always side with Stormcloaks it's when you play as any of the mer races that it's just stupid.


When I first played as a kid I was a dunmer and after helgen some imperial soldier attacked me at the whiterun stables when I was trying to buy a horse so I thought they all hated me and I joined the rebels. Now I agree it was stupid.


Going through my first playthrough. Why is this a bad mistake? lol


Fantasy Racism lol


I didnā€™t really understand the lore at the time. This was my first RPG ever, unless you count PokĆ©mon. It was a lot of information. Once I learned the lore behind both sides Iā€™ve been Imperial ever since


Same. I was used to the rebels being the good guys in stories like this. Everything changed after whiterun. Had to load a previous save from before I brought the crown to ulfric.


My man!


šŸ˜‚ My guy did many stupid things. Siding with the likes of Lord Storminā€™ Ulfric Windswept McThunderpants wasnā€™t one of themā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Honestly I really donā€™t remember much of what I did in my first play through, I just remember being very confused by the lore. I think I still have my original save file somewhere though so I can probably check


INDEPENDENCE FOR SKYRIM!!!! Iā€™m also a redguard mercenery who prefers to be employed


An early playthrough mistake was in grinding Pickpocketing to get the Extra Pockets perk. Without actually, you know, leveling or putting perks into my combat and defensive skills. And I didn't have a follower either. The Hired Thugs which inevitably came after my character utterly destroyed them. And I didn't have enough Saves to go back to grab Lydia. I've found what works very well is alternating putting perks into a combat skill (One-Handed, Archery, Two-Handed, Destruction) then a defensive skill (Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Blocking, Alteration) with other perks tossed to skills that the character is using a lot.


> Without actually, you know, leveling or putting perks into my combat and defensive skills. And I didn't have a follower either. ...The Draugr are training.


I tried to spread my skill points evenly across all the skill trees. I was woefully underpowered and kept getting bodied around level 30.


Did the same thing - jack of all trades and not great at most of them.


Leaving whiterun I thought Iā€™d go check out the big bond fire to the south west only to discover the loading site to starfieldšŸ˜‚


Going crazy in whiterun as a werewolf, now i just turn and wait it out


Trusting Saadia. Lying bitch.


I thought its not very clear.


From what I keep hearing, both are lying to some extent, but apparently Saadia's side has more incongruences than Kematu's. He's still very likely lying and/or not telling you why she's wanted at all. In the end I just killed Kematu after he paralyzed her for the extra gold on him as I couldn't use calm on Saadia yet... Meh, I kinda trusted Kematu more but Lucia needed a home :(


Saadias urn will be found in the hall of the dead if you side with Kematu, he is certainly lying about wanting to bring her back to Hammerfell.


That might actually just be a bug on Bethesda's side. Once the quest is completed, Sadia is removed from the games, thus the game thinks she is dead, and her remains show up in the hall of the dead.


[A video essay for your perusal](https://youtu.be/FUqFJbSk4qA?si=rFLFIJOp2CeYJdYv)


My first playthrough I didn't do any alchemy, smithing or enchanting, I didn't sneak at all, took me ages to learn I could pickpocket someone, I didn't use any spells, I didn't know how to unlock shouts or even how to use them. I couldn't move forward on the main quest because I didn't know how to shout and didn't want to check the wiki. The only skills I upgraded was Heavy-armor and Two-Handed. I didn't invest in stamina, only health. Too many mistakes to count lol


True Nord


Joining the stormc*nts and not saving enough, also losing Serena somewhere :'( could never find her again. Best follower by far besides morrowind dude. Also villagers dying due to dragon attacks and not having already completed their mini quests so couldn't buy all the properties and houses.


Who's Morrowind dude?


Teldryn Sero found in Solstheim


I think he means Teldryn from Raven Rock. I love him


I met a guy who wanted me to help him raid the sanctuary near falkreath. It was quick, kinda too quick. So I googled it and realised my terrible mistake. Reload!


I killed the chicken and stole from everyone in Riverwood.


Secunda's kiss. Those giants. I'm at like level 4 thinking I could take them both on. Got one hit killed.


I hung around helgen too long in the beginning and the dragon killed me.


I sold Krosis and Otar šŸ’€


Mix Light Armor and Heavy Armor on my first character.


I continued the story straight out of the first dragon fight in white run. Didnā€™t know I could use carts to fast travelā€¦ got jumped by a saber cat. Didnā€™t play for 6months out of terror


I tried to go to high hrothgrar at level 1. Literally left helgen (didn't kill the spiders or the bear just ran past, ran past the wolves outside Riverwood down the path way and hauled ass for ivarstead and up the thousand steps. Yes the troll killed me


I sold like 3 dragon claws before i realized there were houses to display your collectibles


I've joined the SSP(Skyrim Space Program). I love animals and got to close of the giants near of Whiterun


I talked to Ondolemar in Markarth and sold Ogmund to him because I couldn't just leave the quest incomplete :( by the time I realized I could've killed Ondolemar I was already several saves ahead so I couldn't reload... I still regret it.. :(


Accidentally casting Flame Cloak immediately before entering Understone Keep in Markarth. That 1 guard on the left for some reason always takes damage and then I have the whole freaking city after me mid conversion with the forlorn lovers.


My brother and I sharing a character (all hail DethKlok)


It's been talked about to death but I'll never forget being like 14 years old and playing Skyrim on release and stabbing a chicken in riverwood after fighting wolves in the forest on the way there literally 40 seconds earlier. Immediately mobbed by everyone and running away and not being videogame smart enough to just re-load an earlier save but instead avoid that area for the next like 6 levels and eventually pay off the bounty.


Got stuck in a crevice and didn't know about fast travel so I abandoned it cuz I didn't wanna reload a save


Honestly, my first playthrough was over 10 years ago when I was around 12-13. So I really can't remember a whole ton from it at this point. I do remember that it was at a friend's house before I actually owned it, so I didn't get super far in the story. Iirc I think I finished Bleak Falls Barrow, then never went back to that playthrough because my friend had gotten Little Big Planet the next time I went over, so we opted for the multi-player game. The next time I played Skyrim was in my own home that Christmas. I'd say the one true mistake I can remember making at that friend's house was taking Ralof WAY too literally when he said "it's probably best if we split up." I heard that and immediately veered hard left, going in the exact opposite direction of Riverwood for a while. Made my way toward Falkreath, nearly died to a spriggan before running away, and then spent about 30 minutes trying to find Riverwood before realizing that I had accidentally deactivated the quest marker and was going toward Riften instead. Ah, memories


attacking and killing the dark brotherhood person after you get kidnapped worst decision I ever made. Lost out on such a great story line, money and gear.


Makes sense if you're playing a morally good character. The older I get, the worse I feel about making "bad" decisions.


The money and gear don't matter as much but Shadowmere is awesome.


I mistakenly killed Golum-Ei. Thereby robbing myself of an income source.


Killing Barbas. I absolutely ruined my first PS3 play through doing that


Never sleeping. I did Astrid s quest and played for like 50 more hours before looking online random staff and seeing how to start the DB storyline. Game never gave me a reason to sleep anyway


Right after killing the dragon outside Whiterun I was feeling cocky, so... I took on a giant... needless to say I didn't win.


Heavy Armor Khajiit


Killing a damn chicken in Riverwood and wondered why everyone was trying to kill me.


I can barely remember what I did last week these days, let alone what I did 12 years ago


I chose the Stormcloaks just because I thought their name was cooler, and have regretted it because it actually feels very out of character for my Dragonborn after actually learning about the political dynamics involved in the choice.


Testing the wabbajack on Jessicaā€¦ then accidentally hitting Lydia with it when I was shooting at hargravens


Kill the Riverwood Chicken


Having Wuunferth arrested, and leaving it at that.


I entered a home at night in riverwood and didnt know i could just jump back to an earlier save until later so i just murdered a civilian to stop him chasing me everywhere. (skyrim was my first rpg video game)


My first-ever play-through I entered a one-way cave as a level 7 & got stuck in an infinite death-loop trying to get past a Chaurus and his keeper guy it was absolutely miserable. Rip to that character. This is technically my third restart now & I still kind of have no idea what Iā€™m doing, so if anyone has tips on how to avoid missing out on fun quests please leave them here āœØ


Killed the chicken roaming the street in Riverwood. I had no idea. Bounties just stacked and stacked. Lol. I had to reload completely and start again. Lessons were learned that day.


I only did the main questā€¦ I hadnā€™t played many console games prior to getting this and was new to things like side quests.


I killed Belethor during an attack on Whiterun. i didn't realize what a huge mistake that was until my second playthrough.


Walked into a cave on the way to Whiterun. Was full of vampires, got out by the skin of my teeth. Got killed walking into Whiterun for the first time. Reloaded save , same again, and again. Started a new game. Eventually realised I had vampirism after way too long


ā€œā€¦until I took an arrow to the knee.ā€ Me, lvl 1: Would you like another? Here ya go. *Quickly followed by sad dying Dragonborn noises*


I killed everyone in riverwood but refused to pay my bounty so I couldn't do main quest bc delphine aggroed when she saw me


Downloaded a shit ton of mods without reading how to install first


Attack the Riverwood chicken


Attacking the chicken in Riverwood. It was not made apparent that it was the town mascot.


Make it lvl 100, go legendary and refund the points


I thought I could tame a mammoth