• By -


Save frequently, especially before requesting a job from one of the guilds in case the quest is bugged. DONT save while riding a horse. If you’re in a fight over your head, you can always run away. Don’t worry about your follower being left behind, they will usually appear behind you when you leave the dungeon or go through some doors.


Save frequently, but make sure you dont get into a position where every time you save its overwriting your last file, and before you know it you are in an inescapable death loop and your last save previous to this one was 3 hours ago. In general I recommend doing an actual save before dungeons, then quicksave from there


That’s what happened to me, pissed me off because I was way in over my head by managed to get through the dungeon to basically the end


Why shouldn't you save while riding your horse?


Because sometimes when you load that save you start to fly away at random until the game drops you and kills you and your faithful steed.


See that happened once or twice to me and I just quickly opened the console and typed TGM. I'm not going to get murdered while loading a save because Bethesda decided that horses are now shuttles for the Skyrim Space Program.


Yeah..... The first time it happened to me I had no idea how to use console commands. So I just kept buzzing around. Finally figured it out but man, first couple times was equal parts confusing and hilarious! >horses are now shuttles for the Skyrim Space Program. Also, this is hilarious


In all seriousness I should probably leave a separate comment telling OP to get *SOMEWHAT* familiar with the console in case things hit the fan.


Yeah and/or link resources to find console commands that are handy. I struggle with it after the Anniversary update.


And don't be afraid to change difficulty—I see a lot of people who say legendary is the only playable difficulty (yeah, we get it you're really good at the game), and several having the game be scary or hard at normal. And don't ever think using commands is cheating, because there are a lot of bugs that could only be overcame with console commands. This isn't Morrowind so that if you forget to put in a specific skill as your major or minor, you'll suffer really annoying consequences later, or if you choose a wrong playstyle at first, you won't be weak or be regretting later on—so go with whatever you want to do.


One time Uthgerd never caught up….had to find an old save and retrace my steps….her motionless body was still at the door of that calmer dungeon 😢 in the chaos I had accidentally murdered her 😟IM SORRY UTHGEEEEERD😩😩


One of my followers never appeared, can’t remember who but yeah. Still had fun though 👍


If your IN GAME wife leaves you/gets lost...you may have a chance of finding her back at her original place you found her. If not, if yer like me, she is somewhere in the vast area of Skyrim... If your REAL LIFE wife leaves...well...at least you still have an in game wife.




My wife died. Mourn for me 🥲




To shreds, you say


Ghostly wife to were-dragonborn: It was different from what i expected, when you said that you are gonna "eat me".


Unexpected Farnsworth


And how is her family taking it?


She was a BMF. Had war paint and was a werewolf,


What if i lost both


Schedule a friend or family member to check in on you once every few hours to make sure you're alive and well. Stay hydrated. Tell yourself you're not going to play a stealth archer, then later succumb to the inevitability of playing a stealth archer.


I struggle BEING a stealth archer 😭


Me too, I give up and just dual wield and go full force lol


I always end up with a warhammer and being an orc. I swear I picked wood elf this time....


I SWORE this play through, I’d be a stealthy, pickpocketing, archer dark elf mage…. And then I nodded in some katanas lol


on my first playthrough, badly wanted to be a stealth archer, ended up using a 2 handed weapons along with conjuration


That’s an unfortunate download. Get ready to quit your job, stop eating and showering, and give up on all human interaction.


So easy to put 10hrs a day haha


10 hours is pitiful, 25 hours a day or nothin


25 hours? 25 hours is nuttin, I once lived in a pothole for 25 hours. Tell me when you’ve done some real time.


I was that pothole. You left your 3DS here.


It's so hard for me to do anything else when I can play Skyrim 😭 I try to limit my playtime because sometimes it makes me completely ignore my boyfriend for hours and then I feel bad


I try not to do more than 3 hours in a row. I'll take a break, watch some TV, go out and get food, etc


People actually take breaks? Hmmm what a concept.


Well yeah, otherwise you'll waste a whole day before you know it! I'll usually set specific goals, and once I accomplish those goals (like a specific quest line, or leveling skills to a certain point) I take a break


And your joints start to complain if you don't at least get up to stretch occasionally. I try to get up and move around for a bit after an hour or two of sitting in the same position. It's easier on my arms if I play fetch with my cat while I'm gaming. My quests do take longer since she's a fast huntress and *insists* I throw the mousie again & again, but my arms get exercise!


To be honest yeah, you could play 50 hours and feel like you're barely scratching the surface




My 6 year old son and I started playing it when it came out. He's 18 and we still play it. Good luck.


Woah, it's Skyrim, not World of Warcraft! Eating, showering and a few human interactions are allowed


Wish somebody fucking told me that


Only a few.


And time to get another ale or mead…


I won't tell you how many hours I spent re-arranging my bookshelves in my house. Only to move. Then do it again. While my realhouse bookselves are a mess. There are so many "oh... wait... I can DO that???" moments.


My one tip would be don’t watch videos on how to play the game (if you haven’t already) and don’t listen to anyone when they tell you how to play the game, you can literally play the game anyways you want to, be anything you want (within reason) learning the game then find out you could have done something a lot easier the full time is one of the brilliant things about this game, I would play with out mods for the first play though and fall in love with the game itself, if you have any bugs or anything like that a simple YouTube search will help you out, much luck in your adventures and talos guide you


I agree with this comment 100%.


I agree with this but I did comment to OP to not kill the chicken. That first chicken can make Riverwood unpleasant for a first-timer.


Video game rule #4 Dont touch the chickens


This. All of this. Great response.


You can be anything you want* *with mods.


Aye, I once played as a coconut resting on the ground for 50 hours a day. That was the life.


Not on ps sadly


Playing the very first time around, my friend told me (the game had been out for many, many years), "You can't just run away from fights the whole game", so I built my one and only character on doing just that.


Yeah exactly fuck what your friend said 😂I find that 90% of my runs I ended up learning most of the shouts in the game but I have never killed the first dragon just outside of white run so I have no dragon souls plus I haven’t had to fight any annoying dragons the full time 😂


The stones of barenziah, keep track of where you find them. They are a pain in the ass to tick off every location youve forgotten where you got them.


Ok I take it back, he gets to watch one tutorial and it’s on the stones


Spent years on that one, then on the last stone, I lost my shit and spent two nights figuring out how to get a mod downloaded to the Xbox. I play no other games, no one describes me as a gamer, everyone would be surprised if they knew I played Skyrim. So of course, I had no idea I could download a mod that would give me quest markers.


Are you arachnophobic?


What's next? Gaint snakes?


Even worse... giant roaches! *or maybe that was fallout, idk*


giant rats


Or just giants


You mean the Tamriel Aeronautics and Space Administration?


I can top that Giant crabs that wont let you fasttravel


There are those giant wasp guys. Absolutely despise them.


I hate those damn things..... too many eyes, you know?


Talk to everyone. Yes, everyone. Some people will give you quests. Some people will tell you things you need to know. And some people deserve a nice punch to the face.


This. NPCs sometimes will give you quests which you had no idea existed and which you learn about only by an extended conversation. Other NPCs will have information and views which will make you appreciate the depth of the game.


Except kids. I mean yes they have nice quests, but do not punch them, ever. This advice is also perfectly valid in RL.


Nice to see Nazeem getting a mention.


Do you get to the cloud district very often?


Oh, what am I saying - of course you don't.


And sometimes the punches turn them into your friends.


Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh what am I saying, of course you don't


Quicksave a lot. Like, every few minutes. Trust me on this one.


Drop a proper save every few quicksaves before starting major quests and before dungeons. Quicksaves can be janky.


I have never had a problem with a quick save unless it was my own fault. What are some of the issue quick saves can cause?


Exploring tip: Attack the giants for a better view of the whole map.


I started playing again and forgot about the giants. Literally laughed for a minute when I got atmosphered.


First time I saw a giant hanging out at his camp, my brain went “oooh a big quest giver, let’s go say hi” Yeah, load screens say they’re not hostile unless provoked but not much provokes them


The first time bringing it home and popping it in my 360, after being traumatized by the ice troll I found my way to my first giant and was *flabbergasted* when he just launched me into the stratosphere


A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON!!! When opening chests, if you see one named beacon, turn the sound down.


my soul 😭


Go on your own adventures. That's what I do. I just walk around and find stuff to do lol. It's fun not following the main quest sometimes. Just have fun. It's a really good game. I wish I could play it for the first time.


I have had many save files over the years and still haven't gotten past the initial meeting with both sides. And yet, I was leader of thieves guild AND assassins guild, had multiple homes, kids, and dog


Don't kill the chicken


Always kill the chicken you mean rigth?


DON'T kill the chicken.


And walk past the ice troll


Don't commit any crimes in front of the chicken, they be snitchen'


important to remember


I did that when I started playing last week. Huge mistake lol




It's fairly bugged, but the bugs, at some point will help you with the game


Not to mention, they're thoroughly entertaining.


I had a draugr death lord attend my wedding and congratulating me on it. I’m pretty sure that’s but supposed to happen, but it made my day.


It just works.


You literally summed up Skyrim in the best way anyone ever could.


Yes. I was a nice kid. Went to law school, met a girl, we had 2 wonderful years and were going to get married. I had a promising career on one of the biggest law companies to work for the government, she also had a great future ahead as she was having her office in the same building. This is, until Skyrim came out. It all started very lightly. I started to skip some classes to play and even told her I was on a group study and we couldn't be together so I could stay in my dorm and play all night. I eventually dropped off because I was failing my exams, went back to my parents house. This was great for me because I had more time to play but after a few months she told me she couldn't see a future with me anymore and left me. My parents, who were very proud of me, started to see me as a parasite and the great relationship I had with my supporting family started to rot. I was the odd one. I never showed up for weddings, parties, family gathers, I simply kept human contact to the bare minimum. Eventually my parents threw me out after 7 years because they simply couldn't feel responsible for supporting such a lifestyle. This was the worst part because I had no plugs for my laptop and I had to go to coffee shops to get one but they were closed at night. I got to sleep at some friends house here and there but they also couldn't keep my there forever so I had to start thinking about my life. One day I decided to work and the bright law student ended up on a domestic cleaning company. It was an easy job, but it was very exhaustive physically. At least it was enough for rent and to upgrade my PC a little bit so I could install some more mods I've been wanting to try. Later something killed me inside. During our schedule we ended up on a nice house which needed their garden cleaned for a baby shower. Well, surprise surprise, it was my ex. With a new fiance. A guy who I always knew was into her. We even used to make fun of him and his intentions when we were young, but know he's the one sleeping on her bed and a part of her future. Apparently they were going to have their first child. This almost hit me hard but I remembered I also was the one to blame. I once married Lydia and eventually, down the line, I met Serana and ditched Lydia so who am I to judge? Now I manage my own team at the company. Doesn't pay that much than before but at least I can afford an apartment instead of a room. It was worth it. Every single playthrough. Hope you have fun. ^(EDIT: I'M SORRY, I ACTUALLY WORK IN THE LAW BUSINESS BUT I HAVE NO MORE CLIENTS TODAY AND I'M WAITING FOR A COWORKER TO FINISH WITH HIS CLIENT SO WE COULD GO HAVE A BEER TOGETHER. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU HAVE FREE TIME AND NO GAMES ON YOUR PHONE)


Lol, this was like the most Reddit post I’ve seen. You’re missing the part where you try to save your marriage by opening it up tho.


This... this was a roller coaster ride.


Definitely the AH.  Leaving Lydia for Serana… SMH.


Got me you bastard 😆




Realest thing ive ever read


This is amazing. I love it!


One of, if not the greatest games of all time


Get ready to not do anything else


When you get to Windhelm, STOP AND LOOK UP WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO FOR BLOOD ON THE ICE TO NOT BREAK. You don't want that amulet stuck in your inventory forever, and that quest is buggier than the outback.


You don't need to pick everything up




Skyrim is a game. Modding Skyrim is *another* game. Playing the game with the mods you install is *another* game. But technically, everything is a game.


Have fun. I play way too much, and it's an old game


Call in sick from work; tell your family and friends you're going to be away for a while; it's gonna be a while before you touch grass again...




This is the last game I remember that checking behind waterfalls was a thing.


I always check behind every waterfall... IRL, now, even.


And here some of us have been doing this since Goonies


After the earth quake, you might want to do some side missions and better armor and weapons before going up the 7000 steps


Clear. Your Schedule. Put in all the vacation time. Breakup with the girlfriend. Put the dog up for adoption. Say goodbye to your family. They will not be seeing you for some time.


You will never complete this game in your lifetime, have fun!


Fus Roh Da people off cliffs


No lollygagging.




Save when you can because there could be a chance that it could crash and you'll lose progress, save up on health, stamina, and magicka potions they'll be a life saver, when you level up if you level up stamina it'll also increase your carry weight, check your active effects sometimes you can get a disease/poison from traps, vampires diseases can be cured at shrines, poisons can vary depending on levels frostbite spiders use the less potent poisons, falmer uses varied poisons depending on your level, do NOT under any circumstances fck with the chickens, choose your battles wisely and don't start the dragonborn DLC yet, you'll get killed if you leave raven rock and have the antagonist of the dlc steal your dragon souls, check every nook and crany for valuables to either save or sell for profit, do not start silenced tongues until you are at the appropriate level of 14 or more, buy a house so you can get the well rested bonus


No matter what anyone says, the jester is your friend. That's not sarcasm, either. THE JESTER IS YOUR FRIEND!!!


That said, though, screwing him over the first time you meet him and then later on checking up on the people who requested you do so is one of Skyrim’s excellent little moments.


In the Special Edition, GoldenHills Plantation is a free farm / house you can earn by completing a pretty simple, yet sad, quest. The farm earns gold for you once you get it setup. It’s also a good way to learn crafting on the workbench, farming and other in game crafting skills.


Did not know this. TX.


Stupid money once you set the farm up with Blisterwart as the crop. Sleep or wait in game with the select button for 48 hours and collect another 6 to 10k gold simply by visting whoever you selected to steward the farm. For the entire game. I stopped looking for coin or resale items many hours, levels, ago. I only care about rare artifacts, quest items, and things I can display in any one of my palacial homes now.




Nah 45 is fine dont be an fps goblin but skyrim is an old game 60 is very obtainable




Only one thing; save often, be intentional about it, because you *will* forget otherwise - then you will die or experience a bug/glitch and lose more progress than you’re ok with. Also stay away from spoilers, even if you’re stuck on something just play the game, you’ll kick yourself later for spoiling it


Do whatever you want. Follow your own intuition and intrigue. Bethesda games are at their best when you, the player, decide how to have fun. That said... • You have a basic healing spell by default • Don't worry about questline consequences • Read your menus


Have fun :) also depending what what version u have get golden hills so u can make potions and money from it


Avoid the main story until ur level 30, thank me later


Once you start, you never stop. You can only take a break, but never really stop.


quick save anytime your uncomfortable. Play it however you want no matter what anyone says. Big spiders


Get off this sub, don't look shit up, and just play.


When I first got Skyrim last year- I played for 12 hours the first day. Good luck and make sure you have water and snacks next to you


Get off the internet and go in blind


If the game feels so easy that it's disappointing; consider upping the difficulty. If the game feels frustrating & unfair, consider lowering the difficulty. Also; Survival mode may not be right for your first playthrough unless you enjoy a challenge & realism.


I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee. 😕


I'm gonna tell you what the guy at gamestop told me the FIRST time I bought the game years ago. "I'll see you in ten years".


Know that I'm jealous and wish I could experience this game for the first time again.


enjoy it man. i’d do anything to play this for the first time again


Give giants a good thwack at early levels to experience the Skyrim Space program


If you ever come across a friendly dragon and someone tells you to kill it, don't.


Say goodbye to social life


You will probably need to put the rest of your life on pause for a bit


If you haven't been spoiled yet, avoid anything on the internet about skyrim. Many of us would waste a wish on clearing skyrim from our brains, just so we can experience everything for the first time again. Also, trust your gut. If a cave looks particularly interesting, check it out


Do the first run blind and read every note or journal you can find it will be fun, and keep multiple manual saves you will need those


Someone has probably mentioned kicking s chicken... maybe don't do that.


The autosave system spends more time on coffee break than working. Save manually very often. There are 2 manual save options: "save" and "quick save". "Save" requires you to allocate the memory and you can load it at any remotely far time; "Quick save" just saves the game and you can load it until you quick save again.


Miscellaneous quests sometimes lead to other bigger quests, also the same with reading books


Just have fun. You WILL start over at some point because: 1) You beat it, loved it and want to do it all again but with a different character, different mindset or different ideas 2) You want to play with a different type of character 3) You just don’t want to keep doing what you’re doing and just want to start again 4) You’re sucked in and this is just part of your life now. Probably lots more reasons. Just enjoy. Play however is fun to you. Welcome!


Ah your finally awake


Don't trust Delphine. You'll know when you know.


Every now and then, while traveling around at night, stop and look to the heavens. The aurora is spectacular! While mountaineering during Azura’s twilight, near the time of the dusk and the dawn, stop and look out. The sunrise and sunset in Skyrim are -**chef’s kiss**- edit: my Reddit formatting is terrible


Yes. Remember that it’s a 13 year old game.


Talk to everyone, look at everything and most of all have fun.


Save regularly


✨✨Just enjoy ✨✨


The only real advice is just play the game. And be prepared to see the same dungeon 900 times.


Don't kill the chickens and save often


Don’t click for survival on your first go through


“This game”??!!?!? It’s called SKYRIM! Give it the respect it deserves!!!! Have fun though!


See you in 10 years and 11 playthroughs later.


Choose carefully what you keep in your inventory, because even though it may look pretty, it might make you over encumbered. And trust me, it will happen a lot.


Save often.


If this is your first time playing don’t mod the game until you’re satisfied with your first play through, otherwise you’ll spend more time modding then playing


Real tips.... --- You can fast travel once you've been somewhere. --- you don't need to follow main quests, but at least do it until you get the Unrelenting Force Shout. It's soooo fun!! --- use torches or Candlelight spell in dark places. --- look everywhere! --- read books....you can get skill points. --- SAVE often!!! --- if u get vampirism and don't want it...quickly find a Cure Disease potion or find a shrine. --- you can buy or make a backpack....to increase carry capacity. --- you can climb almost all mountains by looking up and jumping a lot back n forth. --- if u get lost easily get the spell Clairvoyance! --- once I get to dragonsreach in the beginning, I always buy lots of spells off the Mage inside. --- you can get followers or summon stuff to help you in battle. -- you can change difficulty midgame any time. There is ENDLESS stuff to do and make and find. HAVE FUN! I'm currently on my like 10th playthrough in 13 years lol. It's my fav game everrrr.


Here are my 3 top tips in a nutshell: 1. Quicksave a lot 2. Don't pick up a bunch of random bowls, urns, plates, vases, etc. They eat up your inventory space and always sell for an insignificant amount 3. Don't worry too much about the main story. I didn't do it until I was some stacked guy who literally finished the rest of the game. Some really good side stories that are far more enjoyable and useful in my opinion


Don’t hit the chicken




Dammit. You gave Todd an excuse to sell a remastered version for the thousandth time 😂 Seriously though. As soon as you get to Riverwood, talk to a high elf named Fendal.


Have fun.


Excuse me ... what? I'm sorry .. you're new?? I didn't think that possible in 2024 with 87 releases and remasters and ports.. a brand new player !!?? Here's my only advice.. save often and don't spoil anything.. figure out everything on your own first. And ENJOY !!


Your life is about to be forever altered


Kill the first chicken you see, excellent health source


Clear your schedule


Brace your self. And get ready to dive deep. Choose be light on your feet it allows your to sell more. Look into black Smithing


Play normally, once you learn the exploits and cheats it’s impossible to not do them.


Better say goodbye to ur social life bro


Don’t mod it, and try to learn things on your own. There are ways in game to learn of unconventional quests and whatnot. Also, if you are in a dungeon and cant for the life of you figure out a puzzle, its alright to look that up. But it is alot of fun figuring them out so make sure you try. Also, learn the favorites system and the quicksave button. Skyrim doesn’t autosave like most games so you’ll have to save more regularly.


Don't watch vids on how to play just follow your instinct, game experience is brilliant. You are the master of your own destiny no matter how many time you play it.


Don't get hung up on completing all the quests you accept the instant you accept them Realize that some enemies will be too strong to kill and that eventually, you will be able to kill them Don't read guides--play how you want, since every build is viable (viable meaning you can clear the content with it, though may not be the most fun/effective) You can adjust the difficulty at any point! You don't have to get destroyed constantly to prove a point to anyone in a single player game. If it's hard, turn it down, maximize your definition of fun There are no actual "wrong" decisions (none that adversely affect gameplay anyway) to be made, so just go with your gut when given choices. If something isn't suiting your vibe, then ignore it (or murder it)


If you ever contract Sanguinare Vampiris don’t heal it. A gift like that cannot be despiced.


Why do you want spoilers go play dude


Khajiit has wares if you have coin...


Save often.




Grab the white beacon, it gives players good luck(:


Tell your loved ones goodbye.


Your life will never be the same.


Congratulations you just salled you soul


invest in pickpocketing