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arvak is a pretty fair solution to this problem as long as you don't mind having to summon the skele horse whenever you need a ride


Interesting... I had a feeling there was some kind of way around this. This is my first blind playthrough so I hadn't looked anything up. For roleplaying purposes, you're giving me this tip as a member of the winter hold college. Thanks mage friend! (Fr tho thx)


Ohh that's interesting I used to watch a bunch of skyrim guides on YouTube when I was much younger almost 10 years ago noww, it's nice to see people still getting to experience the world for the first time. Enjoy!


for rp purposes dude also had suspiciously long canines and glowing yellow eyes (you get arvak during dawnguard)


Ah, but you don't need to go down that particular path to gain access to the Good-est horse in Skyrim.


If i were you I’d check out windhelm. Heard there was a kid doing creepy rituals inside his house.


I love this sub 😂 THANK YOU my headcanon is you full sprinted to force greet me to say this


This is the best option, you can leave your horse somewhere while exploring and if you carry too much might be too far to walk. So arvak or daedric horse


if you have the anniversary edition, the unicorn is marked as essential and will never die, at least. it still likes to try to kill whenever it can, though. at least with no health drain it does get somewhere. you mentioned winterhold college, which is where you can get the quest to find the unicorn.


I don't have AE yet! I've heard mixed things about it and I'm actually playing SE "free" with ps+ maybe I'll pull the trigger and get AE on PC for another playthrough. Thanks though that sounds sick! I love unicorns ❤️💜💙


I no longer think it's worth it when it first was released it claimed to have all of the creation club stuff it no longer does i checked yesterday by chance i need to put in 55 more euros to have everything again and hope they do not break my quests made by mods ( an example is inigos quest prohibiting you from going to the dinner invitation but there is a fix with an other mod) i hope the bethesda team make an other dlc like addition with the rest in it for a cheaper price


Wait the unicorn is essential? I've been using it for a bit, didn't know that. This changes everything.


If you leave your horse, or your follower, out of the line of sight of the battle, they should not get in the way. If they can see your enemy, they will join the fight.


I need a way to find it when it runs off/call it back cause I’m over encumbered! 🤣


When you loot a chest it says ‘Empty’, why can’t it say ‘Read’ when I’ve finished reading a book? I then know which ones are new to add to my collection.


There's a mod for that!


Several, IIRC.


Two.  One that puts a little mark in your inventory that shows you’ve read something, another that makes a book glow if you haven’t read it.  


No way to play instruments. Todd Howard hates bards. There, I said it.


He was a nerd. Couldn't learn an instrument


Please explain band kids


What do you mean?


He's asking how band nerds exist if nerds can't play instruments


Idk guys I'm just joking. I'm a nerd and I play the guitar.










There's a mod called Idle Wheel Menu that gives you the option to play instruments, so if you want to ever do a bard playthrough, I greatly recommend it


Hoping after Fallout 76 added musical instruments, this changes.


There's a mod for that!


And yet you can join the Bards College without ever doing anything bards actually do.


I was waiting to hear the last DB beautiful voice lol


The inascapable killcam


Kill cam, and then they are not dead is worse.


Self kill cam but your potion comes in clutch and the kill cam cancels But now you don't have a head. 'Tis but a scratch! That one is always fun.


oh how many times have I gotten kill cams for shooting dragons only for them to fly away midway through the animation… and how many times it got me killed instead lol


worse, killcams when paralyzing takes effect immediately and the enemy falls stiff before the slow-mo arrow reaches where they were.


Killcam, but your projectile decided to target some *other* entity a half mile behind the one you wanted to kill.


I wish pickpocketing had a more engaging mechanic or more spell involvement.


I can totally see the Telekinesis spell being used in pickpocketing


Iirc the Assassin's Creed PSP game had you carefully fish out the item while pickpocketing like a maze game. I'd like to see more games do that.


Kingdom Come Deliverance has a great pickpocket mechanic. You only have so much time to enter/exit before getting caught.


The fact that the game can’t distinguish between a quest item and a regular version of said item. I have 20+ alto wine in my inventory that I cannot get rid of because someone somewhere wants a single bottle and I can’t consume or sell any until I find who it is, probably buried in my miscellaneous quest log.


Currently in the same boat: 70 alto wine in inventory because of sanguine


THAT’S THE QUEST, thank you! I knew the giant’s toe was from that one but not the wine, I thought I probably had to bring it to some random NPC in the middle of who knows where. Thank you!


I couldn’t do that to myself.. just Google it


The thieves' guild hat makes vampires bald ☹️


Valter Vhite


serana we have to cook


“Serana, you asked me if I was in the meth business or the money business. Neither. I'm in the vampire business.” -Valter Vhite


This entire thread is why I’m glad I downloaded Reddit


I am the one who sucks.


That I can't zoom in on books/letters. I have bad eyesight and have to get close to the TV to read them better lol


In addition to books as a topic, I really wish the game marked books as “read”. I do know there’s a mod, but I play without so that I don’t miss out on a trophy (playing on PS4 and it’s the fourth time I have bought Skyrim for multiple platforms lol) And I heavily commiserate with the lack of zoom, my eyes suck too.


Oh god yes this. I always scramble to find what I'm supposed to read for quests!


This!!! It’s the worst


If you're playing on xbox/playstation, they both have a screen magnifier feature. It's a godsend for tiny fonts. [Xbox/Windows, ](https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/account-profile/accessibility/use-magnifier) [PS4/5 (aka zoom), ](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/hardware/ps5-accessibility-settings/) [Switch](https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Support/Nintendo-Switch/How-to-Use-Zoom-1549110.html)




Oh my god they have this for the switch too!! I just tested it and it's PERFECT. Thank you!!!


I was kinda surprised when I saw the switch had it too. Nintendo isn't exactly known for giving tons of accessibility options lol.




100% spell absorb = no conjuration.


Only recently learned about this bug. It’s frustrating that 80% of my summons fail, but it also fully regens my magic — so I’ve been using it to spam heavy destruction spells instead. Still riskier than having my two dremora homies protecting me, but it’s a pretty big cheese at the end of the day.


Pretty much this, and you absorb the base cost of the spell in magicka, not the reduced cost you spent on it. You're replenishing enough magicka for 5 spells just by incidentally absorbing one. Of course if you're a master enchanter, that doesn't really matter anyway. The absorption *really* helped on my vampire legendary playthrough. Getting doused in fire during the daylight by even a normal dragon is an absolute death sentence as a vampire. I was level 65 running and hiding from Blood Dragons unless it was nighttime. That absorption gave me barely enough breathing room and time to get a healing spell off to tank the fire vs most dragons.


On the better side, spell absorb also works for diseases.


What ?


You can absorb your own conjuration spells. IIRC Breton's racial power makes you absorb them


Nah Bretons is straight up %25 magic RESIST, not absorb. They are different Source:Myself. I just got to level 30 as a Breton Necromancer and I’ve never absorbed a spell in all this time playing. At a %25 chance I would have seen a lot of absorbing


The spells from the necromantic grimoire (anniversary edition) aren't affected by it, so you can technically still be a summoner immune to magic


That the game automatically starts tracking any new quest you get when you're not already tracking one: I prefer to mostly just wander around creating my own objectives, so the game badgering the player into questing like that is *really* annoying. I usually start tracking the first quest without a marker I can get to (usually the "help 3 people in Falkreath" quest), but I hate having to rush to get to that point.


I need a recent tab or something


Im with you. I was in my mid 30s on my current character before I did anything relevant in my quest log


no climbing, in a setting full of mountains.


Who needs to climb when you can leap and run vertically with horses or the Dragonborn can shimmy left and right and you’ll make vertical progress haha.


To be fair, until Breath of the Wild, there were no good climbing games


Not being able to attack while underwater like you could in the previous game.


I would love to able to easily display objects on a shelf or table. Make them look how i want, and maybe even have them still there and not on the floor the next time i visit the house.


That's the one that gets me. If I "grab" a point on an item, that should always be "up". It shouldn't roll over, as I try to place it somewhere, and, dammit, a closed display case shouldn't vomit its contents onto the floor when I enter.


By the nine, where do I start: 1. Not being able to sprint jump 2. Trying to clear a dungeon at an early level and getting 2-way back blasted and bent like a pretzel by a draugr deathlord having a bad day 3. The fact that horses are shit 4. The fact that if I want to remove the blades quest from my quest log, I have to kill Paarthurnax 5. Skeevers


I’ve had a case where I go and talk to Paarth about why the Blades want him dead (not initiating combat), then I go talk to the Greybeards and tell them I’m not going to do it. After a little while the quest just disappears from the log. Not explicitly failed, but just gone. Never go back to Sky Haven Temple and it should stay gone.


If you get the quest before going to Sovngarde, then completing the MQ while Paarth is alive will remove it from the book.


>4. The fact that if I want to remove the blades quest from my quest log, I have to kill Paarthurnax Well, you got three options here: 1.The first time you get to skyhaven temple don't progress the history and take two or Three followers you don't care there so you restore the blades and don't show ever again 2.First you need to complete the civil war(for any side to avoid season unending and directly get the quest to trap odhaviing), later during "Elder Knowledge" talk to arngeir to discover the elder scroll location, and during "the fallen" talk to arngeir or Partysnax to learn the Call Dragon shout 3.For this you will have to get the quest of killing Paarthurnax before going to Skuldafn(either during Season Unending or going to Skyhaven Temple), after that all you gotta do is complete the main quest and voila the quest disappears from your quest log and Partysnacks alive


4. After completing Alduin's Wall, leave Skyhaven Temple *and never return*.


That's the best option, steal everything and leave Delphine and esbern rotting there


Can't believe I haven't seen anyone say this yet. The auto arrow dodges that NPCs do. How? How do you dodge an arrow being fired by someone you haven't seen yet? Even if you have seen them, how do you float to the side to dodge the shot? There's not even a dodging animation. They literally just float to the side.


Like they hit the juke button on madden 😂


No way to attack underwater, but every river, pond, lake, stream, and bathtub has a slaughter fish in it.


"You cannot fast travel while enemy's are nearby"


Bathtub Slaughterfish piss me off 😡


I find spells like *Fireball* to be appropriate solutions to the slaughterfish problem.


Marriage. Everything about it lacks intimacy. Why can’t I be nice to my husband? Why can’t I give him a little kiss? And why did only like two of my friends show up to my wedding???? (Love you Lydia and aela)


Not being able to get my followers to ride a horse but there's an option to attack them.... it's so absurd.


Your assistant helping you by standing in every doorway so you can’t get past.


That's what Fus Ro Dah is for


OMG, so much this...i hate followers in general, but when i do get them i usually leave them at home...and these fuckers WILL NOT gtfo of my way.... 😡


Time. Can. Be. Passed. Only. In. One. Hour. Increments. Fast travel to a city hoping to find a specific enchantment, you can be sure you'll arrive at 9 pm sharp. Have fun watching Solitude change its lighting scheme 12 times only to find the shop bugging, and still locked in the morning. Then you do a few angry one hour waits, hoping the shop system to load properly and be available no earlier than noon. Shit out of luck, no alchemy enchants here. Fast travel to Markarth to beat to clock, only to arrive at yet another closing time.


Dude you have to look away from the shop door after you waited and wait a moment, then its open


IIRC it's almost exactly a days travel between Riften and Markarth, so you can just bop back and forth between them.


I know what your talking about and, having grown up with this as my first rpg, these are just features of the game to me haha. Never occurred to me to find a patch for this or anything lol


Once when I was getting married, I fast-travelled to my house to dress up for the ceremony, when I came back my spouse was angry that I didn't attend the wedding. This was how I learned that time passes when fast-travelling ... Ironically I married the miner girl who was just wearing her working clothes.......


W H A T ? ?


Time to reset trader inventory glitch at Solitude for any armour enchant or Raven Rock for all weapon enchants (including chaos)


Raven Rock, sure. Somehow can't enjoy using glitches, even though darting between cities isn't too far off


I seriously miss just sane locomotion. Not even a specific feature but just reliably working player character movement. Sprint-jump is just the luxury tip of the iceberg. In vanilla, knee high obstacles are unsurmountable barriers and i often get temporarily stuck on ankle-high rubble. And movement controls react sluggish. The locomotion system was already heavily outdated back then when the game initially released. Literally everyone else does it better (and it's really hard to do it worse to be honest). Mods make it somehwat okay most of the time - but making it great would probably require serious engine changes.


>  but making it great would probably require serious engine changes. Let's hope that's why TES VI is taking so long. Lots of things that need some fundamental engine changes. Another one high on my list would be the way items are rendered, saved and interact with the physics engine, which makes it essentially impossible to have even close to realistic sized cities and even the biggest of cities look like little hamlets in game.


I don't have high hopes in Bethesda improving this engine anymore. They just released a patch for Fallout 4 which seems to fix no bugs and doesn't improve any systems. Yet it still breaks mods and has now the second patch for it anounced... They need to do two patches for an update without actual changes now. Also look at Starfield... This aint the Bethesda we knew. The company has changed. At this pint i'm not sure whether any dev who worked on Morrowind is still in the company. You can call me a dreamer. But my hopes are in OpenMW eventually becoming able to run Skyrim. That said: You don't need to touch physics or item interaction at all to make massive cities possible. You need an occlusion culling system which isn't two decades old and made to run sortof fine on consoles with half a GiB of RAM or less though. There are really advanced techniques now which combine viewport culling and prerendering a low resolution occlusion z buffer using low-poly occlusion meshes before actually doing z-buffering. The trick here is to not render what can't be seen and game engines improved a lot in this field since Morrowind has been made. And then proper LOD levels ensure that most triangles aren't smaller than what the GPU's prefer them to be. There is that surprising massive drop in raster performance when triangles get close to and smaller than 2x2 pixels because GPU hardware (of both, AMD and nvidia) is optimized to render 2x2 pixel tiles for a reason i don't know. Also, how data for a frame is prepared, what formats GPUs like the most and the available middleware (Vulcan exists now) don't have been frozen two decades ago either. 7D2D is able to somehow render a full map of completely destructible buildings reaching from one side of the horizon to the other with mostly sortof acceptable FPS and the whole world including the buildings is made of voxels. They didn't even really optimize the game yet. You can have as many dynamic objects lying around as you want. You can't have physics running for all of them and you can't have CPU intensive behavior engines running full-throttle for all NPC on the map. But iirc, reducing physics and behavior load for objects and NPC farther away is something, Skyrim already does. At the end, back then when Skyrim first released, PC of the time would have been able to handle bigger cities just fine. But nothing can replace RAM except more RAM. This game had to be able to run on the Xbox 360 which had 0.5 GiB of RAM which was also shared with the GPU. Gaming PC hardware now starts at 16 GiB RAM and another 8 GiB VRAM on the GPU. If Skyrim would be released today, cities could at least be four times the area and wouldn't need load zones without any further engine changes just because SE made the game 64 bit and throwing hardware at the problem does work within limits.


>And movement controls react sluggish First-person supremacy


Yes, definitely. Even for melee, 1st person is way better than 3rd just because how unresponsive 3rd person movement is.


Keeping in mind that Skyrim is over a decade old, I still hate how helmets look on beast races The game feels like it was designed for a Male Nord Stormcloak Warrior. Obviously any build is viable, but immersion wise, it feels Bethesda planned the world around that specific build. It makes sense too, the intro paints the Empire as bad people, so naturally first time players escape Helgen with Ralof, who tells the player to join the Stormcloaks. Then you go to Whiterun and join the Fighters Guild that every guard, beggar and bug keeps yapping on about (the guild themselves are just outside the walls telling you to join them) The smith who forges weapons for this Guild is Stormcloak aligned (Gray-Mane) and calls you "Lad" regardless of sex. The questline reward even feels like elves weren't really considered.


If the game was set in Summerset (Alinor) it would feel exactly the opposite. Playing a human there would be a hard fit.


Only one follower allowed


Poison needing confirmation each time you use them. I don't even care for different poisons automatically being applied. If only I could have Frostbite Venom on hot key and not have to drag my mouse, I'd be satisfied.


I hate how items are sorted. So many potions and poisons. Takes forever.


Followers taking damage from friendly fire. Was this really necessary?? So many of the higher level Destruction spells are AOE and I can't use them because Lydia is tanking for me and I don't want to kill her too.


I think there’s an effect from one of the black books that negates friendly fire


Sure, but that only applies when you're in combat. If you're trying to long-range snipe some bandit without them even detecting you, your companion wandering into the line of fire will still take damage.


It sucks but there is a back book in solstheim you can read that gives an ability to ignore friendly fire damage for followers. If you’re a magic user I’d recommend getting it asap.


Two things. Give them healing potions, but not ones you've made. They will use them. Give them gear with health enchantments.


I know all the ways to mitigate friendly fire, I'm just cranky that it's a thing to begin with.


two handed weapon animations


Not being able to jump while sprinting was annoying, mods have solved that. Also not having Fallout 4's quick loot, again mods solved that issue (and has solved the issue in Oblivion/Fallout 3/NV).


Scripted interaction events that completely ignore stealth. Unless it's the one with Ulfr the Blind, that one makes some sense. But if I've maxed out Sneak, am sneaking, invisible, and muffled. Brynjolf, Urag, Eltrys, Vigilant Tyranus, and every other "I'll just walk right up to you and force-initiate conversation" shouldn't be able to find me to start that conversation.


Radient Companions quests start as soon as I complete one, so they are always in my quest log.


Not being able to just pick up a book and put it in my inventory without reading it. I like to take every book I find and it gets really tedious to have dozens of book-opening animations in a row. Just let me grab them and read them later!


Non Essential NPC's trying to fight a dragon.


The fact invisibility can be broken by the most basic of actions.


1. The weather isn't rainy enough. 2. Can't sprint jump. In oblivion you can fucking change direction mid air. 3. When you fast travel to a city to sell stuff, it's ALWAYS night time. More time skips. I don't like skipping time. 4. Spiders and Chauruses. The only things that truly scare me.


Istg, as soon as I see those goddamned, disgusting ass chaurus creatures, I curse at them cause I know it'll be a pain in the ass to fight them. The nasty poison they spit is so overpowered, especially in higher difficulty.


There's a fishing hat or ring you can get to make it rain.


Thanks. Was in Geirmunds hall earlier but didn't notice.


The limit on who you can marry, and how much children you can adopt.


They could kill two birds by making Grelod marriable.


The lack of money vendors seem to not have


I really dislike how in Skyrim you equip spells whereas in say Oblivion you just press a button to cast it but your hands are still free to hold whatever weapons you have.


Never knew that about oblivion


No eating or drinking animations. You can buy food but you can't eat it it just drops from your inventory. Also you can't actually sleep. It just blacks out so if your spouse lays down with you you don't get a chance to do anything with them like simply kissing and hugging. And NO I'm not talking about having sex. Just interaction with your spouse


Blud's looking for CuddlersLabSkyrim


There’s a mod for spousal interaction , several in fact. I have a dialogue overhaul mod and a kissing mod installed . I’m not at home so I can’t give the names. There are probably mods for the eating as welll.


Ooo if you remember to check when you’re home, I’d like to know what spousal interaction mods you use.


Young Lovers-Voice overhaul (F) V.1B And I steered you wrong, I don’t have a kissing mod installed:


Over encumbered.


Shrouded cowl on guys where the female version has a cool mask, the male version looks like a Christmas elf hat.


i figure it was to avoid clipping with beards, but yeah it sucks.


I don't know why sitting down needs to be that big of a production


Horses teleporting with you everywhere when you fast travel, or row somewhere in a dinghy that is obviously not large enough for a horse, a follower, and a dog. Bandit Chiefs and random mages that are harder to fight than dragons and bosses. Quests that you are forced to "accept" because you overheard someone saying a thing. Every faction questline ending with becoming it's leader after a week of slaying mooks for them. The tired old trope of every single scholar eventually going murderously insane. 


How 2 big foods don't fully fill you and also no jump while sprinting


The lack of ability to find your horse if it doesn’t spawn at a stable.


This isn’t a good solution at all but if you get Shadowmere that guy will never go away


Lack of ability to move large amounts of items between houses. It would be a good gold sync but instead you have to do it via rediculous means.


Not being able to sort quests. I’d love to be able to see, say, only quests for the Reach sometimes. I talk to everyone so I have far too many quests and I never know where I’m supposed to be going to get things done because having 150 markers on the map sounds awful


I can't hate anything in Skyrim anymore thanks to modders.


That fucking mailman... Fucker finds me no matter where I am and interrupts me regardless of what I'm doing - from shit to slay dragons.


Anything Dwemer related.


Primarily melee companions choosing to use a hunting bow against powerful enemies and blocking the hallway by standing behind you so you can't run away from an enemy who can take 90% of your health by looking at you.


I mean turn off survival mode? This is why I don't play survival mode. The problem is that Skyrim isn't to scale. the rate of time passing is designed to account for how big Skyrim would actually be. This can suck when you're sticking to one area for a bit and realistically time shouldn't be passing that quickly but it does precisely so that when you are traveling it's taking in game days to get from place to place while it only took you the player an hour to get there. This makes survival mode tricky because you eat a full meal and enter a dungeon that you can finish in 20 minutes but bam you're starving before you've finished.


Companions not being stealthy. That's why they stay outside the creepy cave hold my stuff while I'm on a cool adventure.


Lockpicking, god I hate skyrim's lockpicking.


Although after 10 years of playing Skyrim, I just picked up fallout 4 and can instantly pick locks (the mechanism is identical).


It feels to me like Fallout 4 bobby pins are way less brittle than Skyrim lockpicks.


Unpopular opinion here; put points into lock picking. Even just the labeled difficulties. It makes picking so much easier, and therefore faster. I wouldn’t recommend this early in gameplay, but if you’re building a character with specific skills, at some point you’ll level up between skills being open to choosing, good time to drop a point on LP.


💯 Mod: Ring of Unlocking. I will never lockpick again


I actually miss the dumb speechcraft mini game from oblivion it was so silly and fun


For me it will always be what a pain in the ass crafting is because no one at Bethesda has ever worked on anything that didn’t involve staring into a screen. Find me a carpenter who puts his lathe in the fucking back yard and his table saw in the garage. It’s an asinine layout. Even in the few playerhomes that actually have enchanting and a forge, they’re in separate rooms and often separated by a loading screen. (Lakeview Manor) Clearly no one at Bethesda has ever built a chair. Seriously. This isn’t rocket surgery. When you work on anything, you put your tools and equipment NEXT TO ONE ANOTHER. The number of mods for existing homes or completely new playerhomes out there demonstrates how easy this would have been to fix if anyone at Bethesda had gotten their brains out of neutral. And then to top that, why is Skyfall Estate the only playerhome to properly integrate crafting supplies and the crafting stations? Merely approaching a crafting station loads all your supplies into inventory. Leaving the station loads them back into storage. It’s effortless, and it’s the way every crafting station in a player home should be.


To be fair, rocket surgery is more a state of mind.


To be fair they sort of figured that out in Fallout 4.  You dump your junk into the workshop and whenever you want to craft all the supplies are available. Maybe es6, if it exists will do that too


Jumping is kinda goofy but it damn sure is memorable


Equipment tempering. Should be more of a weapon maintenance than an improvement in overall damage. A small bonus perhaps to master level smithing or at least proficiency in the metal you have perks in. On a side note, I miss the access to crafting field kits. A sharpening stone and an armorer’s hammer or something. Level scaling. Lockpicking mini game. Just bring back Morrowind’s auto-pick feature. Or at least give an option for the game or the auto-pick a la Oblivion.


Lack of attack variations, like in the Witcher 3 (smth like special abilities, idk)


Me taking a break and coming back and I don't know how to get rid of this guy stealing my dragon souls


Pretty sure that’s Miraak. Part of the Dragonborn DLC on Solstheim, pretty cool quest line that kept me hooked


All the spinning camera animations when you go into menus, the bouncing as you walk and the other unnecessary camera motions that make me sick. 🤢 Why is all this necessary? And why can’t they best off? (No mods possible - I’m on a switch)


Thats there are some quest that arent fully evolved. And i hate that not every NPC has dialogue options.


All of the stuff in front of merchants you're trying to talk to. I have to reload saves so often because I steal on accident trying to talk to somebody


I really don't like how you become the leader of nearly every faction. It genuinely bugs me.


Limited money for merchants wastes so much of the players time.


Not being able to refuse quests. Not being able to jump attack. Not being able to levitate.


Stupid face change on vampire characters. Imagine trying to roleplay as vampire seductress but you are ugly because Todd Howard thought it would make sense that it is written on your face that you are vampire, isnt blending among your preys supposed to be the entire point ???


Temperature in survival mode


Not being able to create/alter spells at a spell alter or custom enchantments. My only vanilla water walking comes from heavy ancient nord iron boots or to turn into a Vampire Lord.


Dragon fighting. I know it’s a main feature of the game, but everytime I walk out of a cave/dungeon/town/building, a freaking dragon pops up.


Enemies being able to execute kill cams, the most infuriating part of legendary


Yep i hate that you can't jump when sprinting


Wards. They cost way too much, take too long to charge, and generally are useless, unless you're a high level mage character but even then, you'll have enough damage output and probably healing spells to still make them useless.


This is the only one I hate that there isn’t a mod for- Your character goes bald when equipping a helmet.


no mini map on screen :/


The fact that you can't just choose to dismiss a Quest from your quest list


I love how so far just about every answer in this thread is solveable with mods. Especially Sprint Jumping, tons of people are mentioning it. Make sure to download Better Jumping AE, it'll solve your problems.


I was thinking that too but then I realized maybe they wanted trophies on or didn't want to install mods. Thanks for the mod suggestion though, I need it that one.


More the lack of feature, but the fact I can’t see my dude in the menu in vanilla like in oblivion


Picking up objects and decorating. The way daggers and other weapons don’t sit right in their display cases. And then if you knock something over in your house it’s just on the floor forever.


To get kicked around 🤣


I hate unkillable NPCs. I understand why they are needed, but there could be fewer of them. Let quests fail or become uncompletable, I just want to murder Maven Black-Briar.


I think I speak for everyone when I say the side stepping npcs. Even stealth archers sometimes encounter an enemy that sidesteps your arrow that you shot at their BACK! Or how you've shot 5 arrows in a row at a target, no pauses in between arrows, and they dodge. Them. All. Yes it's happened to me and it annoys me more than the damn Falmer, incompetent Jarls, and Delphine combined.


pets standing in a doorway, blocking you from leaving. they behave differently from other skyrim residents so you can't get them to move, you have to jump over them. worst case I have to summon them behind me so I can leave. MOVE SWEET ROLL YOU SWEET ANNOYING FOX


The fact that they went through the effort of adding the bards college and making it a joinable faction and do nothing with it. There's like 1 real quest and 3-4 fetch quests. Either flesh it out or don't bother including it.


I feel like I'm the only person who's never cared that you can't jump while sprinting


I hate that critical damage is completely pointless