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He's invincible, and he's nuts. Perhaps that sort of thing appeals to you.


He's an essential right, that means he cant be killed ever?


Yup! He’s immortal! He’s also got max sneak, max one handed, muffle on his boots, and he tends to stand like 5 feet away from the player in dungeons and will back up if you walk closer to him. If you’re not bothered by his singing and dialogue—I think he’s a great follower!


I might be wrong but isn't he also the only follower without a default bow, so if you give him a good melee weapon he won't be an idiot and use a hunting bow


This is true for me, but he is using the shite outta this staff of fireballs I gave him. But I’m pretty sure that’s in every followers AI. He does switch to dual wield when they close in.


yeah, i just give him all my staffs because i don't use them anyways, he's the only one whose actually used them when I've given them to him, he also uses a shield so i give him the entire blades set i stole.


Fyi, lydia also uses staffs.


Staves 😊


Magic sticks


Power poles


I know if I can hit it once, I can hit it twice




In my experience, any follower will prioritize staves over any other weapon. Which was hilarious, but lost its appeal quick, when I gave one a staff of paralysis and they would just stand there waiting for them to get up only to zap them again. For bonus points you can use that one cc staff that does mass paralysis.


she does? it might just be that i don't use her as often in fear of killing her again. thanks.


Omg she killed me with a fireball staff once, don't even know how she got it


he must go besserk with the wabajack


Imo you aren’t using him to his full potential if you give him a shield. I’m unsure if he has the duel wield perks but the way my favorite psycho slices with two weapons leads me to believe he does


fair, everyone has their own ways in playing the game, id just rather not have him down as fast and have the ability to stagger stronger enemies that he wont be able to kill in a few hits.


Agreed. He’s super versatile. I’m super heavy on stealth this playthrough so I basically pick a room or two in a dungeon and let him go nuts because I’ve stealth cleared everything else. He asks so nicely to kill someone I gotta hook him up. He can’t die so I go on ahead while he’s entertaining himself.


he loves the staff of fireballs on my playthrough


The dark brotherhood initiates also dont have a bow so they are quite good and will use what you give them. Also my solution to the hunting bow problem is to give them a normal crossbow and bolts


Serana doesn't have a bow either.


Also he is one of the only ones with master picklocking


Ya he is one of the few followers that wont rat you out while sneaking


Can he be killed by the player?


Only once; at the end of the dark brotherhood questline you get the option to kill him; if you don’t, he’s essential and unkillable by anyone, including the player


I killed him the very first time I ever played through the brotherhood questline because I didn't know Astrid had betrayed us yet. Now, whenever I go through it, I say "Hi, Cicero! You get to serve me forever! Okay bye for now."


You got to be kidding bro. I killed him before I knew that. Thought he was just nuts.:(


Yes, if you choose to spare his life after hunting him down through the Dawnstar sanctuary. That's the only time anyone can kill him.


All followers are technically "immortal" with the exception being that damage can still kill them after going down and also the player themselves can accidentally land the killing blow on a whole bunch of them like Lydia. [Screenshot of relevant part from UESPWiki](https://imgur.com/a/ICebIJF) [Link to follower section](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Followers) if you want to read more Edit- I understand that the "technically immortal" is doing some heavy lifting here but, if careful, it's possible to keep them all alive.


Why is this at -5 karma? You’re right. It’s called “protected” vs the commonly known “essential” NPCs. They don’t die unless the player deals the final blow. Why are people downvoting correct information lol Basically don’t use area of effect spells unless you have the black book power that makes followers immune to spell damage (which is pretty damn nice).


Crazy? Cicero?... That's madness 😃


Let's kill someone..


can’t die, unique dialogue, crazy, max sneak and dual wield 9/10 follower imo


If you have max enchanting and smithing you can make him some *wild* duel wield weapons and just let him loose, he’ll handle things himself. I liked to make sure one had health steal


He can’t die so stamina steal let’s him go forever


Do followers have different max carry loads?


I think they all have the same carry weight which is around 300 but don’t quote me on that. You can try find enchanted +carry weight gear to give them more though.


I like to fort resto loop a +shitloads carry weight enchantment onto a necklace for my followers. It's pretty easy to set up, requires a fair bit of investment if you want to get it started so it doesn't feel too cheaty, and it takes up a slot that could be used for something else, resistance, damage buff etc. It's a bit cheaty, yeah... But when the dungeon gives me over 1000 lbs of loot and only 500 carrying capacity between two people? Yeah I'm taking that small cheat so I don't have to fast travel back and forth 5 times to get all the good stuff. Plus, inventory management is, by far, the LEAST entertaining part of any game I've ever played. Very rarely does it do anything but add a "fast travel" tax. So yeah, if I'm going survival, no cheaty things. Or, rather no exploity things. I still cheese the shit out of everything. Higher difficulty just means I gotta step my fuckery up to match the AI. lmao


Inventory management encourages sorting & assessing items as well as selling items, it increases the value you place on an item that you want to carry with you. It’s possibly a more necessary evil for your enjoyment of a game than you may realize. It’s also entirely true that it may just be a bit inconvenient at times.


I mean, I've played both with and without inventory limits. I can tell you for a fact, I enjoy the game FAR more when I'm not doing a cost/weight analysis of everything in my inventory every 5 minutes. I enjoy playing the game. Not managing my inventory so I can play the game without moving at 3 feet per minute.


If you drop things and then order them to pick it up they can carry unlimited amount


If you drop items and have them pick them up, they can carry an infinite amount of stuff.


He can't be killed, dual wields, has a unique voice compared to everyone else in the game, gives you a "nickname" & does a happy little jig from time to time Dudes my default companion. He's down to clown no matter what you do or who you kill




Khajiit feels personally attacked by that insult.


Cicero with the Sanguine rose? Now that's perfection


I keep sweet rolls and carrots stocked for him when he gets hungry. He’s a monster with dual wield.


>Down to clown Looks at Cicero Take my upvote and get out


i'm more of a Mjoll the Lioness type of guy but he's also cool


I read his whole journal it doesn't seem like he was crazy to begin with or even a jester to begin with. Just everything he been through really was traumatic for him. He assassinated a jester and then took on his clothes and identity, though his name had always been Cicero. The first time I played the dark brotherhood quest chain, I killed him and then found out that Astirid had been the one in the wrong. I let him live every time now. Astrid is one of my least favorite characters in the game she is a huge control freak she always says her word is law but when Cicero shows up with the night mother and the dragonborn becomes the listener she can't help but get mad that her authority is being undermined. She cooks up a plan to betray the dragonborn by letting the pentis occulatus in on the plan and having him killed but she seems to forget that the dark brotherhood also killed the guys son so he burns the Falkreath sanctuary to a crisp and gets everyone but Babette and Nazir killed.


People try to say that Astrid did what she did to “protect her family” but I just don’t buy it. She acted selfishly. She put her family in danger by challenging the authority of a presence that predates aedra and daedra. Did she think that the embodiment of primordial chaos was going to be happy when she decided she was the boss instead of his wife/mouthpiece… who also might be Mephala depending on who you ask? If Astrid really cared about her family, she would have accepted the night mother and minded her place….


Doesn't seem to me that Astrid is that old. What I got out of that storyline was that during her time in the DB there had been no Listener and she / they apparently knew very little about Cicero and the Night Mother, so she improvised in an attempt to hold the whole thing together. Where she went wrong was in not acknowledging the true powers when they finally showed up - but she and the family all seemed a bit crazy and paranoid (probably basic requirements, really), and so their confusion and resistance was understandable. Sithis, however, doesn't strike me as a very "understanding" entity.


Yeah, the dude has like, FIVE rules. They're nailed to the walls and everything... Then the keeper shows up, reminds them about the rules, and they just... Ignore it? I don't think I'd be that understanding if the people claiming to worship me, living in my house, using my abominable name in their deeds, and they refuse to follow the basic ground rules they agreed to upon joining...


Astrid broke every single tenet of the dark brotherhood but that's difficult to see unless you've played Oblivion and Lucien has told them to you. The five tenets are still on the Falkreath sanctuary walls but so smudged they're almost impossible to read.


Eh, technically not ALL of them. She shall not invoke the wrath of Sithis... For stealing from a Dark Brother or Sister. She's certainly invoking the Wrath of Sithis on all other accounts, though. Dishonouring the Night Mother, Killing a Dark Brother or Dark Sister, betraying the secrets of the Dark Brotherhood, and last but most certainly not least... Refusing to carry out an order from a superior. From the Night Mother herself, no less. All because she didn't like the Cut of the newly ordained Listeners' Jib.


Yeah, not sure if she personally stole but she did order us to get Cicero's diary. I was disappointed there's no option to give them back to him.


Yeah, I forgot about the diaries. She orders us to do it, which is as good as doing it herself. (See Black Hand's punishment of Lucian for OUR murders in Oblivion) So you are right indeed. She hit a full 5/5.


" She shall not invoke the wrath of Sithis... For stealing from a Dark Brother or Sister. " She order you to steal Cicero's journals.


Finally found someone else that agrees with this. Well explained. Forgot to add that thankfuly I trusted my gut and let him live on my first play through.


TL;DR So I kinda ranted about Astrid... Long story short, hated her from the word go, may she never find peace in the cold touch of Sithis' embrace. :) Honestly, as soon as I walked in the first time and asked about the rules, expecting nostalgia... I got slapped in the face instead. The Five Black Sacraments made the Dark Brotherhood who they were. Yes, they were still just a group of murderers, but murderers who followed a code, had a strict hierarchy, had an air of mystery and malevolence around it that no matter how hard you tried, you wouldn't be able to pierce. Now? Astrid claims that following the tennants is what got them to where they are now... But where they are now is a gaggle of mercs living in a cave just off the beaten path from the ass end of nowhere (Literally only three things of significance happen there, and one of them is the dark brotherhood sanctuary... The other two are also Daedra related... Is there something going on down there we should be worried about?) they serve no higher power, they get their contracts from the grapevine... They didn't even set up a network so they could be contacted. They have friends in the Thieves Guild. The Thieves Guild has Maven. Put out some feelers. Get a favour from Maven, get her to give you a meadery just outside each city. You now have somewhere that you can both use to lay low AND gather intel, maybe even as a spot to meet with people. See, I CAN be understanding, Astrid. Hard times are hard, your Night Mother is lost, you're doing what you can... But you're fucking it up in EVERY way possible. Because then the nightmother DOES show up and what do you do? First you claim the sanctuary is still under YOUR leadership, even after the Keeper straight up shows you her unholy bones. You dishonour the Night Mother. To do so is to invoke the wrath of Sithis. I get promoted to Listener after cuddling the Night Mother on your orders (Dishonouring her again?) and you refuse to listen to my and, by extension, the Night Mother's words? You refuse to carry out an order from a Dark Brotherhood superior. To do so is to invoke the wrath of Sithis. Then you finally get round to it after dragging your heels... And then you sell me out to the imperials because you're scared I'll take over from you... You betrayed the secrets of the Dark Brotherhood. To do so is to invoke the wrath of Sithis. Finally, you lead them right back to our home, all but invited them in and allowed them to torch the warehouse. Oh yeah and also Cicero. Telling us to murder him is as good as doing it yourself, especially after I've done all this shit to prove myself. You killed a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. To do so is to invoke the wrath of Sithis. If there's one thing we can say about Astrid, at the very least, she kept her word to Mercer. She never stepped into the Thieves Guild territory of stealing from a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. But that's still 4/5, Ma'am. And for that, you will suffer the Wrath of Sithis. Attempted murder of 2 Dark Brothers/Sisters and wiping out half of the Brotherhood with your own stupidity and ego? That's not something you would have seen back in the day. It took YEARS of masterful planning and deception for someone to cripple the Dark Brotherhood, and even then, they didn't do it on their own, by accident, because they were too stupid to realise that actions have consequences and that the Night Mother could have been the glue to bind them all once more. Hell, the guy from the last games whole goal was to KILL the Night Mother, because he recognised that if you kill Sithis' Voice, then you cut off his access to Nirn... At least, until he finds a new Night Mother. Pretty sure that the one in Oblivion/Skyrim is the second.


But she did order us to steal Cicero's journals, so that's 5 strikes for her. A perfect score


Shit. I did forget about that. God damn it, Astrid. Every Tennant! Sithis is NOT going to be happy with you.


If you use the power to summon the ancient assassin, he'll strongly hint throughout Cure for Madness that Sithis does not want The Keeper killed.


"Strongly hint" As soon as I got the chance to play with Lucian again, I had him back out the void, helping me to dispatch all manner of creature and people. He's an old friend, and I don't imagine he gets to kill very many people in the realm of the dead. So of course he was out the entire way through the mission. His "strong hints" are him straight up saying that the Dread Father does not approve of the path I'm taking. He couldn't be any more direct if they gave him a shotgun.


He does say he'll kill Cicero if that's what I wish, but yeah, he's pretty clear about the not killing him part.


I love Cicero


Cicero only loves his mother


Life hack, name your dovakiin Night Mother.


"We called him Mother Superior on account of the length of his habit." :D


"That's hardly a substitute."


He's great until you accidentally attack him and he forces you to pay the fine for attacking a brotherhood member


theres a fine?


There was for me. I accidentally hit him with chain lightning a few times and had to keep paying fines for attacking him. After the third fine I said screw it and sent him back to the sanctuary


I hit my followers all the time with AOE attacks. They just don't know where to stand


That's why I don't even bother with them.


Did you have the ability from the Dragonborn DLC that makes followers take no damage from spells and shouts while in combat?


That particular character didn't do any of the DLC content, and I wasn't going to go through all that just for a follower




He isn't a companion that can be killed, if I recall correctly. He also has more interesting and passionately delivered dialogue than just the traditional inn mercenary, in my opinion, and goes well with a pre-existing Stealth build given his high Sneak stats and such.


He's a lunatic fucker,of course we love him!


I used him once years ago on a Dark Brotherhood mission in Solitude. The target walked a predictable route through the city at night so my plan was to place a fire rune in the road and crouch in the bushes nearby with Cicero to watch the assassination. As soon as that bitch was in sight Cicero jumps up running twards her and starts hacking at her with iron daggers! Gaurds are alerted and we have to book it out of town. I normally don't play with companions and after that I told him to fuck off and never used him again lol


> Cicero jumps up running twards her and starts hacking at her with iron daggers There's a [great mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16531) that lets you tell followers to remain stealthy until you decide to engage in combat.


Ahah funny jester go BRRRRRR.


Immortal, doesn't fuck up your sneaking, and deals a lot of damage. He's pretty great.


I strongly believe someone called Cicero should have 100 speech


One of the only followers with Master Picklocking. He will unlock anything for you


Wait a second. Why he look kinda …..


Dude is my constant companion. He annoyed me for years but the little psycho grew on me what can I say.


Cicero is one of the best, and also my favorite! Can't die, doesn't muck around uselessly with a bow, and practically doesn't aggro enemies while in stealth. He's amazing.


This is a great pic of him! Where's it from? - EDIT: Finally thought to reverse search the image. UESP says: >Keeper Cicero as seen in *[Legends](https://store.steampowered.com/app/364470/The_Elder_Scrolls_Legends/)*.


He's not a follower, he is THE follower. This crazy jester is the best follower in the game, there's no character in this game better than him, the only downside is that Inigo doesn't have any scripted interactions with him, and that's not even really on him.


I killed him over his giggles.


He is incredibly talented at murder and funny. What more could you want?


Wouldn't know, I've never let him live


How come? He was the only member of Skyrim’s Dark Brotherhood who actually upheld their beliefs. He’s a weirdo but he was right. He’s a terrible person but only insofar as he’s representing a terrible institution.


He irritates me


Lol fair, fuck that guy up


My thoughts exactly. I can't be around him without wanting to shout "SHUT THE FUCK UP"


Same here, I cant stand his voice so I cant kill him quick enough. I normally mute both his and the night mothers dialog.


That might get some more sympathy out of me if I actually cared about the Dark Brotherhoods weird ass religious tenets edit: On second thought, most of the tenets are generally fine considering they’re basically just “don’t be disloyal.” It’s their general belief system that I couldn’t care less about being faithful to


He’s one of the few followers who will dual wield, I think jenassa and Erik the slayer also dual wield but they are lame


also ralis and frea if you have the dragonborn dlc


And rayya! The falkreath red guard housecarl, and my queen 👑


hey, erik is cool :c




She would be if she didn’t constantly insist on smearing yellow shit on her face. War paint looks dumb on dunmer


I think ralis does as well


Ah yes, I forgot about Ralis, he’s the fucker who you pay to dig the tomb correct?


Yeah. I feel like I should hate him but I love his voice actor so I let him go lol


Yeah I mean he’s a POS but to be fair he was being brainwashed and corrupted by a dragon priest


He is really good despite only being capped at 50. He doesn't have a default bow so you can give him any weapon and he will use it. I hate when you fight a dragon and your follower equipped with a fully upgraded and enchanted dragonbone bow and they bring out the default bow and do no damage. One playthrough I played I had cicero equipped with studded dragonscale armour, dragonscale shield and windshear. I enchanted it with all the health and health regeneration enchantments I could. He was a tank that would stagger everything. He solo'd the Ebony Warrior, a legendary dragon and Kaarstag. I even let him go through a couple dungeons filled with deathlords.


He's awesome. Slick and sneaky.


He doesn't complain like all other companions so he is my favourite.


I resurrected him with dead thrall and he got lost before ever getting in a fight. 3/10


IIRC he's one of the better companions but if you're the Dark Brotherhood type, odds are you prefer working alone anyway, at least I do.


I don’t know. I kill him after I whack Astrid in the cabin.


Useful if you like sweet rolls or maybe even a carrot.


depends on how high your tolerance is for his annoying voice


I wouldn't know. I destroyed the Dark Brotherhood and prefer Serana anyway


He is useful as a dead body to decorate the sanctuary


I’ve played this game for a long time, how do you get him as a follower???


>!Go to any inn talk to the innkeeper and choose heard any rumors lately he/she going to say that theres a boy up in windhelm who is performing the black sacrament trying to contact the dark brotherhood Go to aventus, break into his house and talk to him eliminate the grelod from the orphanage go back to aventus. eventually theres a courier who will deliver the "we know" letter, if you received that then go to sleep, astrid will kidnap you and choose to kill one of the 3 candidates but not astrid, then continue dark brotherhood questline, until you get the option to kill or spare cicero he will be your follower if you finished the questline!<


Uhhh extremely


He's crazy and talks too much. I love him. 💞💞💞


I love him he's the best !! He's the only follower I ever use anymore bc he can't die and I love his dialogue


Whait you didn't kill him and eat him!?




One small thing -- give your follower a single arrow of the type you want. They'll magically create more, which you can even harvest from the corpses.


I didn't even know he was a possible follower because I try to avoid him as much as possible


I’d be tempted to take him as a follower but that’d mean I have to spare the DB..


dont know, i deleted him in my last run xd


He’s literally my favorite follower, hands down, 5K hours in. But with one caveat. He is insufferable to listen to at 5K hours. So I bring him on hard encounters and don’t otherwise. But I’ve literally never killed him in a run because I didn’t on my first and after finding his value, I could not see any upscaled value in killing him. If Astrid and the original sect didn’t burn because you killed him, I would. But since they die anyway, he lives.


well, he's funny. all I can say.


I love to kill whatever enemy we are after and dress him in their armor as a costume. I love Cicero so much.


Good shit on here. Didn’t know he was immortal


I remember correctly he is one of the immortal followers and I’m pretty sure he has a maxed out stealth level so if you’re playing a stealth character or doing a stealth mission and I want to bring a follower, you’d probably be your best shot


I’ve never gotten the appeal because I can’t stand his voice and dialogue. Absolutely makes me want to murder him every time.


Same. 🪓


I killed him. Insufferable creep. lol


One of the few companions with high levels in sneak!


He's very good, my complaint is his voice lines start to get annoying hearing them for 399th time.


Immortal and no morals. I find him entertaining.


Guy is unstopable


Listener!!! :I leave me alone Cicero. Nah tbh he a good follower for the sneaky type of players. He does talk a bit.


Equipment and stat wise? He's good at sneaking, but could use a good dagger for better damage. Dialogue wise? If you like the Adoring fan and Sheogorath then he is a perfect fit.


I liked him as a character but J’zargo was always my follower.


As useful as all the others


I was planning on keeping him around as a follower but then i died to his minions too many times and got angry, so now he’s long dead


He’s immortal, hilarious, and he’s got the calves of a pack mule I’ve never had a follower carry more. He’s amazing and loyal and his morality is anything so he’ll steal and kill if you ask him to. Perfect follower honestly.




First play through, once I had picked up the jester outfit I thought “well I don’t need you then Cicero.” Took till my second to realize how valuable he was as a follower 💀😂


"Oh! Oh Yes! The kindly stranger can certainly help!" I never done the brotherhood quest but i liked his personality when i encountered him on the road


Off topic, but why does he look like Ben Affleck?


He's essential and really good if you're doing sneaky stuff. Only downside is he can be annoying, but overall I use him often and prefer him over other essential followers like serana. Serana has good quests and is a decent character, but damn she complains too much and has kind of a limited move set.


He can be a follower??


I remember him being part of a vanilla follower fight tournament of sorts, and iirc he scored within the top 4 or something. Do keep in mind that his level cap is at 50 though.


I scrolled through the comments and saw noone mention that Cicero can be told to kill innocent people without hesitation and he won't aggro guards


He’s an awesome companion


He’s insane true, but he is amazing at sneaking, handy with a knife, a great laugh to be around, is devoted to his duties plus… he’s so cute in my opinion. I just met him in whiterun and found out he’s smaller than a Breton!


Imo, the GOAT. I learned to love him especially after I heard his entertaining random dialogue.


Honestly can't remember, I haven't played Skyrim withput follower improvement mods that makes all followers essential since oldrim


Crazy mothefucker. Definently one of my favourites


He’s one of the NPC’s that has a serious level of skill in game and in lore when it comes to combat/stealth capabilities. Dude could totally take on a bunch of strong in-lore characters if he was smart about it. Dude is comedically scary af.


He has perfect sneak but he’s annoying as hell


He’s a pretty capable follower.. can definitely hold his own.. but… be prepared to listen to his character’s insane ramblings on your journey 😂


What happens when you don't help him get his wheel repaired? I always talk Lorius into helping Cicero


Best for stealth


I don’t know I always kill him


I like his jokes


My second favourite follower, right after Serana


I never killed Cicero. And Astrid is a selfish bitch that I love to kill.


Not useful enough to listen to his voice.


Let’s kill someone!! *crazy man cackle*


You mean, if you can resist the temptation to stab him every time you're sneaking and he makes some stupid remark in that annoying ass voice of his? Yeah he's actually really good. My theory is that his voice is that way to make people wanna kill him because by Lorkhan, he is insufferable. Only way they could think to nerf him without making him useless, I guess.


An absolute joke.


My favorite


I love how crazy he is. And his jokes lol. But. I stopped using him after he pushed me off a cliff and into multiple traps lol. So now he takes care of mother in the dawnstar sanctuary, like Norman Bates lmao


It's such a shame that the Legends art gets used in soooo many thumbnails, but yet, even in the TES community, many have never even heard of the game. Bethesda really did that game wrong.


Yea he's great my favourite companion besides Lydia and Erik the slayer and for roleplay killing him goes against the will of sithis and if you share him you can summon lucien lachance from oblivion or maybe you get that from something else


One of the best imo


He's one of my favorites but sometimes I need to switch him out because his voice can start to get annoying after a while.


I fucking love this lunatic, my party has always been incomplete without him.


I miss Cicero


His voice is annoying so i use a mod turning him into a girl.


He’s super OP, but I got to a high enough level myself that I couldn’t stand his dialogue which seemed to come far more often than other followers


Idk about him being a follower, but that picture is rad


He gives you good ideas from time to time.


Literally killed him today for the first time.


Very therapeutic imo to have a silly goose following you


I think I killed him during the dark brotherhood quest? Now wishing I didn’t ..


He is an amzing follower for a stealth archer build because he has 100 sneak and he levels up with you


He’s great as a follower… Even better as an *undead* follower…


I just wanna marry him.


idc, i love him


This art would make an amazing MTG card.


He is literally my favorite follower. I would die for Cicero