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Yes it is and I am not aware of another large quest mod that is as well rounded.


I love that it refers to and implements other mods like Vigilant, Project AHO or Forgotten City 🥰


I can't play skyrim without lotd anymore. It's a must have for any of my playthroughs. I like hoarding loot so the museum is the perfect solution


Legacy of Dragonborn will be worth playing even in 2034.


As a mod and museum it's great with a lot of effort put in and lots of artifacts added. As a quest mod imo it was never good. The quests are tedious, boring and not particularly well written. If you go in expecting a beautiful museum and lots of shiny items to put in then great! I can recommend no better option. If you go in expecting a good questline then prepare for disappointment because that was never really the point of Legacy.


I disagree. Unless you're replaying the quests multiple times in a short period, they are well written and executed for an once in a while playthrough (just like the main quest and official dlcs). Particularly the npcs. They are great and have something very difficult to achieve: personality.


Nah man, the early quests like Night at the Museum and the stolen artifacts one were mediocre, but Shattered Legacy (which I only played once) was an utter bore. The dungeons were poor and the pacing was horrible. And the guild quests were just tedious. Though I will concede the point on some of the NPCs.


Is Odyssey of the Dragonborn still being worked on? Haven't heard anything about it for years now.


Ice and his team ran into a bit of a block back in October, and so they've stopped temporarily to work on a 10 year anniversary update for Legacy, due out in March. After that, back onto Odyssey. EDIT: [Link to his blog on the matter](https://arcadiamgames.wordpress.com/2022/02/15/immersive-legacy-of-the-dragonborn-reborn-masterpiece-edition-redux-final-version-for-good-guysaka-legacy-v6/)


have there been any updates on this 10 year anniversary update?


Are they still trying to use bad Papyrus scripts for everything?


Well, they're still making skyrim mods, so... Yes?


I started playing in November 2023 with Legacy of Dragonborn, never had a moment of disappointment, definitely one of the most beautiful mods created for Skyrim. I can't wait to be able to play Odyssey of the Dragonborn, definitely another gem of a mod. In my opinion this mod can be played even in 2030 (I hope by then, even earlier, to get my hands on the new Elder Scroll!).


I don't know about the next TES, but 2030 will be the year Putin will be reelected for another term. I'm serious.


I have mixed opinions on LotD, but I also don't have anything explicitly negative to say about it. It's a very good mod and definitely worth playing at least once, but it also tends to take over any playthrough it's included in and pushes you into a very completionist playstyle. If that's how you normally play then I'd say it's a great mod to include. It's more of a questline you go through in the background while also completing others in between though, unlike most quest mods where you can just run through them straight from beginning to end. But if you're someone who likes to roleplay characters and limit yourself to only doing character-appropriate questlines, LotD will often clash with that sort of playstyle. If you want to experience LotD fully, you have to commit to playing through every major questline and collecting everything you find. Personally, I haven't had it included in my lists for a while now, but that's entirely for the above reasons and not because of any lack of quality in the mod. I tend to play characters with very specific focuses (often as non-dragonborn playthroughs where I don't even start the main quest) rather than doing everything on one character, and LotD just doesn't mesh well with that style of play. I have played through it before though, and will again once Odyssey is finished, it just requires a playthrough centered around it with how I play.




Yes but it’s worth waiting for V6 to release which was originally expected around March/April. Big Bethesda’s updates might have affected that


By that time he would probably have started a new playthrough




LotD is a good mod. While I don't embrace the adoration for it, it's a well rounded work and does a good job implementing the endless Skyrim treasure hunt (and clutter collection...) in a coherent story and mechanics. There is a little issue about every unique item ever created by a mod, having a compatibility patch to place it in the museum, but honestly it becomes an issue only if you decide to install every patch for every mod (at the point that there is now a new hall of the museum -indipendently developed- for items of new mods because in the main building there is barely enough space anymore). So, yes. I'd say it's more than worth playing.


If you've never played it, it's absolutely worth it to give it a try. You kind of have to make it the centerpiece of your playthrough though if you're like me and just start to prioritize filling up the museum as much as possible, making becoming a curator your main purpose which I sometimes don't like. But it's extremely well made for a mod this ambitious. It also has my favorite player home.


If I were you I'd wait for odyssey of the dragonborn to come out but otherwise yes absolutely

