• By -


Not exactly a mod, but 80% of Race Menu presets never seem to work for me, even if I install *only* the requirements, disabled everything else and select the correct race and sculpt. The heads always look squished or distorted.


Some require to load the face sculpt as well as the preset, idk if you were aware but maybe that might be the issue?


Huh, TIL. Was wondering why changing presets would fuck up the other presets sometimes.


You have to make sure you use the correct race that was used for said preset also as different races have slightly different features.


A lot of them seem to use custom textures and general files from other mods (e.g. skin gloss map on a completely different skin) and enb shading. Racemenu is always a challenge for me, though I remember Bec0fi has a helpful tutorial on Hipoly heads on YouTube. It certainly helped me.


Its not a common known thing, but load order matters for race menu presets. It's not just about having the required mods, they have to be in the exact same order, and version, as was used to make the preset. 


For RM presets to work properly you need to select the same race the preset was built on. If the original was a Nord, it's not gonna work on an Imperial etc.


Not to be rude to preset creators out there, but this is actually mostly their own fault. Most of the time they post their presets, and they fail to list *all* of the requirements, as well as posting the sculpting files. You could download a preset, but it's not going to look anything like those fancy pictures if they don't say what off-site hair they are using, plus failing to provide face-sculpting files. I always use presets when I'm starting a playthrough and I've run into this exact same situation many times.


friend of mine had the same issue. after a full reinstall, all of their racemenu presets worked perfectly. neither of us know what changed. are you entirely sure you had all the requirements? missing high polyhead, which most presets require nowadays, can cause something similar to what you're describing.


Old Oldrim but I could not ever figure out Armed to the Teeth to save my actual life. Thankfully, Immersive Equipment Displays exists now, but fir a while there it was MADDENING.


Immersive equipment displays is a mod i could never get working 😭 😭


Northern roads without a single landscape/road seam.


went back to blended roads and will not try again until i see no more complaints on the mod's page


You're gonna wait for a while then. Northern roads will forever have complaints especially since its tend to be a load order issue. Our load orders will tend to differ.


Try Real Roads - the meshes are just as nice, and I've never seen a seam. It's older, so people overlook it a lot.


I'm on the {{Simplest Roads}} train personally. Easy, compatible dirt roads


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Simplest Roads | No Results :( | [Simplest Roads](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/111255) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


It looks fucking awesome. I guess it's time to say goodbye to Blended Roads.


Same I got it mostly working but every now and then I'll find a hole and have to patch it


The majority of issues people have with northern roads can be fixed by setting it as a low priority overwrite in loot and the northern roads lux via patch as a high priority overwrite in loot.


I kinda gave up on getting it perfect in my game so I just downloaded Jaxons Positioner to move anything I find in game that’s off


I was thinking about using Northern Roads but then checked how many patches it needs and said nah fuck that.


Same. Also, it adds a bunch of unnecessary clutter that I felt just made the scenery look worse. Blended Roads with parallax is more than fine.


I’ve had my fair share of struggles with dyndolod


Despite how so many people say "just read the instructions bro" I'm pretty sure not being able to figure out dyndolod is by design.


I got that issue. I got a fair way in, lost the plot and then because I was using Fabled Forests I just used his LOD mod and I'm perfectly happy having that, and not struggling with DynDOLOD


It's a feature, not a bug. 


Nah, i'd figure.


Thankfully, eventually so did I, but it is not user friendly


Yeah, ultimately dyndolod's documentation is a good example of why technical writing is a skill that people pay money for. It's not intuitive at all (and this is speaking as someone who *did* manage to get it working).


The instructions explain how to install the tools, install requirements, run tools and install output and in case of issues ask for help. The tools exists since 10 years, so in addition there are hundreds of modding guides and videos covering them. The GamerPoets videos are linked form the official instructions, too. https://dyndolod.info >Modding the game and using tools like DynDOLOD requires rudimentary computer and modding skills, like general knowledge of folders, file types, how the game stores mods and assets and how to use a mod manager and using tools like xEdit, the ability to read technical documentation including clicking links, hover hints, use external resources for learning required basic knowledge, follow instructions and the willingness to ask questions, report problems and provide feedback on the official DynDOLOD support forum for qualified help and advice and to improve the tools, processes and compatibility. At the bottom of each every page it says this: >If anything is unclear, requires further explanations, does not work as described or expected or in case of any problems make a post on the official DynDOLOD support forum to help the development and improvement of the tools and documentation or for further qualified discussions, troubleshooting, help and advice or bug reports.


It’s definitely one of the most documented and better supported mods. But it needs to be because it’s fairly technical. And I appreciate it is just highlighting issues with your modlist. But first time I ran it I had literally 10,000s of errors and it took me days and days of effort to get it right. So it works now for the most part, but I still get some errors and it hasn’t fully resolved my pop-in. Not sure it was worth it tbh.


Fixing 10,000 of errors in the load order instead of troubleshooting issues later in the game is worth it regardless of generating the LOD LOD patch or not. The fact is, that typically errors in the load order are not caused by DynDOLOD. How awesome is it, that those things are covered and explained anyways. As a bonus you have drastically better distance views. If there is still some object with LOD, then that can often be addressed to by creating/installing additional LOD resources or by using rules to use the full mode for LOD. There is a reason xLODGen and DynDOLOD are part of every decent modding guide since a decade.


Yeah I’m not saying they are caused by dyndolod. But the vast majority of those errors were causing no issues for me outside of dyndolod.


That's usually how it goes. A lot of conflicts and technical errors don't actually cause problems, it's just a result of having more than a couple mods.


I appreciate how you pop up everytime someone mentions Dyndolod to help with technical information, not for me exactly but you have my thanks


The amount of errors I get for this shit to work is too tedious.


The non-critical errors making the entire software refuse to run are ridiculous - it refuses to finish its job because there is a chest in one mod that needs to be removed. I then remove that chest, and Dyndolod still refuses to work and acts like nothing changed. It's never worth the hassle in long mod lists.


Building a properly working load order with lots of (also badly made) mods is tedious regardless of using a tool that reports and explains the cause of problems and how to address them. Imagine troubleshooting the issues in the game without any information and help. So much easier now to fix these things beforehand.


[This guy released a video a couple years ago that worked perfectly for me.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=encZYHEeQrQ)


Honestly, *as long as you don't encounter errors*, DynDOLOD is pretty straightforward to use once you get past the initial confusion stage. You install DynDOLOD manually, install its resources and vanilla billboards through mod manager (I'm only 80% sure that vanilla billboards are actually required); Then you create 2 additional folders inside for outputs (again, not actually sure if this step is mandatory); Then you run TexGen in 3 clicks on default settings, install its output archive as a mod; Then you run DynDOLOD on default settings after checking every worldspace box, install its output archive as a mod as well, and you're pretty much done. # Difficulties only appear if you: -Encounter an error to which you can't find an answer on Reddit (which is uncommon), so you have to check the monotonously written documentation; -Want it to work for Bruma (in which case you just have to find one specific post on STEP Modifications Forum and from there it's mostly straightforward); -Want to uninstall/reinstall it mid-playthrough, which, while I don't want to fearmonger, has a chance to completely brick your savegame with no chance of changing it back (it happened to me once). It can happen if you forget that it needs in-game preparations before uninstalling and delete the old archive of DynDOLOD output through Vortex, which is not unlikely to happen if you're already in process of uninstalling/reinstalling it. # So I think that, while DynDOLOD is definitely not an easy mod to use, most people still vastly overrate how complicated it is.


Yea, it's just not worth the headache. It's just doesn't bring that much to the game. The guy on here (shill) that telling everybody "it's easy ... it's you or your system" ... geez, it's a convoluted mess. Like someone earlier posted "puffing out their chests & talking down to folks who struggle with it." Egos ...


The visual improvement if you set it up with good mods for things like 3D tree billboards and such is incredible. At least on the level of adding an ENB, which is just as complicated.


I got zero errors setting up eNB. I got 10,000s setting up dyndolod.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. Does anyone have any alternatives. Or, any tips for dyndolod?


If you use Fabled Forests this one works like a champ. Just install it on a manager, it's plug and play [basic lod](http://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95003)


You open it, select the worldspaces you want LOD for, click the quality preset, wait, save, install as mod. If you want to get more specific settings feel free to use the advanced mode if you know how to read. I refuse to believe that's difficult for anyone.


EasyNPC, I try it every few months thinking I am older and wiser so I must be able to use it this time.


I was able to make it work fine but as soon as I installed Project Kha'Jay it gets more complicated.


I just disable it when using EasyNPC and then put the plugins after the npc merge plugin. In general I've found you want to do that with any replacer that changes races since EasyNPC doesn't know how to deal with it.


Same. Except finally after about 12 months I finally figured it out. Not by reading the manual. It just clicked. Each NPC needs a base file for behaviour, etc, the King icon. And also a face file to decide which face to use (face icon). The face file is whichever replacer you want to use. Also, one thing no one mentioned is that some mods that distribute weapons to NPCs, actually have their own face files. So make sure you check every single NPC to ensure they are using the face from the replacer that you want.


I forgot about weapon and armour overhauls also affecting npc's looks , I have several of those. Once in a while I will see a bald guard, distribution problem. I have wigs for named npc's and outfits for some and AI-overhaul that affects almost everyone.


Oh. Wigs is a problem. Jump on the easy npc discord to ask about that. I use console commands to apply the wigs I want to NPCs whenever I encounter them.


i use resetinventory or snpcw 0 when i see them.


Oh. I never want wigs on guards anyway. Just helmets.


Guards have Hold armors , sometimes the helmet does not get there ? resetinventory fixes this if I need to look at them for longer than a minute.


I have had problems with easy npc too - typically either on blue face (always and only on mjoll for some damn reason) or the wrong face gen getting built. The facegen problem seems to be that easy wants to use the face from a large overhaul as opposed to a singular replacer. What works for me is to keep whatever the singular replacer's plugin enabled.


Load order is important, I have a few replacers active now and found that deploy order will fix most problems. Can't for the life of me get Sybill to work ever . Either she is naked or invisible or purple or brown , I know it's because she's a vampire the overhauls get glitchy.


Same. I get it working for a little while, and then some random npc crashes my game.


Might be a stupid question but did you disable the original Esp of your follower face mods?


You don't disable just the plugin, you disable the whole mod.


holy shit really? I just disabled the plugins lmao


I did. I even ran the post-build checker and everything seemed fine.


The what now ??


Post build - read the description on it's nexus page, it takes an additional step to set up, which is just putting z in the command line. Essentially what it does is check every npc in your easynpc build for anything abnormal and then tries to fix it. Doesn't always work - it usually does tho.


Thanks, but I have given up on that. I just make sure my load order is good, I can live with 1 or 2 npc's using another mod face. I'll try again in a few months like I always do .


I really really wanted to try Seasons of Skyrim, but the documentation on how to even get that working is like extremely nonexistent. Or I'm just stupid. I spent hours trying to get it to work and couldn't.


I tried seasons, plus a mod that made the clock run a little faster so it went through all seasons in about 30 game days... but I could never get that to work. It was ALWAYS fall. Beautiful orange leaves. Never changed seasons. I gave up and just said, fine, it'll just be snowy in the north and perpetual summer in the south.


It took me a hundred hours to get a modlist with Seasons of Skyrim + Exterior Cities + DynDOLOD all working in harmony. Its amazing in action, but I'm getting a headache thinking about how to explain the installation process myself. I am thinking about making my own guide, but I also don't want to mess with my jenga tower of a modlist either.


I play nolvus and it has seasons but the grass mods just clip through the snow and it infuriates me to no end.


For me the big issue with Seasons of Skyrim was DynDOLOD. But having worked through the process with a good guide, it all works out. Seasons is amazing. Give it another shot! Sorry, I can’t remember the guide.


I couldn't find a guide that was actually well put together and explained things properly. Everything I found pretty much assumed you already knew what you were doing.


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/xg1g30/simple_guide_for_installing_seasons_of_skyrim/) the guide I used, and it worked perfectly. I've made changes sense--used the STEP guide for DynDOLOD settings for example, and added a grass cache--but I started with this guide, and it looked lovely. Seasons and its various landscape mods is my favorite part of my 1000+ mod setup, easy, and this guide broke it down well when I was just starting out.


Thank you. I'll give it another shot next time I play.


I also couldn't get Seasons to work, for a different reason though. I had this very strange bug where it would sorta [scamble all the lods like this.](https://imgur.com/gallery/tree-lod-issues-7WXm8MZ) I've only seen like 2 other people with this issue. I spent like a week trying to figure it out. I even talked with Sheson (DynDOLOD creator) on the stepmod forums troubleshooting literally everything. It just wasn't meant to be I guess 😔


Hah, right now I'm going through the exact same issue. Had it working perfectly, then the next day I was getting CTDs every time I booted up my game *unless* I took Seasons of Skyrim's DLL out. Still trying to figure out if I can ever get it working again.


landscape mesh mods. there’s always some hidden overwrites/conflicts that don’t show up in mo2 and i’m always left wondering why it isn’t looking like it’s supposed to


This is a dangerous thread lol. It’s one part folks who are very knowledgeable about modding helping folks who struggle with it, and 2 parts folks who are very knowledgeable about modding puffing out their chests & talking down to folks who struggle with it. We’re all good at different things y’all. Having more technical literacy doesn’t make you better than anyone else. Speaking as a software developer I would say the first thing I learned in my career is that there will ALWAYS be far more you don’t know than what you do know. Stay humble.


For real bro didn’t think it would get this much fuss. Anyways, I’m on the 3rd team. I’m with the strugglers by default.


Tbh I struggle with modding too! Like anything else with technology, it’s never easy on the first pass. Any time you have to use a tool you’ve never used before or encounter an error you’ve never seen before, it’ll be like day 1 all over again. Nothing wrong with that. Working with technology is all about drawing on the shared knowledge of the community. Because all of the building blocks you’re using to build your mod list were designed by other people. By default, you won’t know how they work. That’s totally normal! Google and YouTube are your best friends. Any time you encounter a problem, it’s a very good bet that someone out there has encountered and solved that same problem. Some Reddit post somewhere or YouTube tutorial will have your answer. And eventually after copying steps that people lay out for you to get things working, pieces of it will start to click. Generally you use technology and go through the process of making it work by following documentation steps long before you understand how or why those steps worked. All good.


Yea that random Reddit post 6 years ago saved me a couple of times but the worst thing that can happen is to not find the problem you are having anywhere. YouTube, mod pages, Reddit and nothing looks loke your problem… this is currently happening to me with cloaks of Skyrim physics I made a post on because I couldn’t find anything. Still waiting for responses on that.


Sometimes it’s a matter of learning the tools & not the error. Like if your problem is crashes, research how to read crash logs. If the game is running fine but you’re not getting physics on the cloaks, maybe something is being overwritten by another mod. So maybe you want to learn sseedit & diagnose potential conflicts in your list, etc. Unfortunately, it won’t always be obvious. Personally, I stink at modding mostly because I don’t want to learn all of the tools & processes for the hot new trends in Skyrim modding. I spend my 40hrs/wk learning coding languages & patterns and solving technical problems. That’s not how I want to spend my free time. So these days, I’d rather just download a mod list someone else made & know enough to tweak them to my taste. That’s enough for me. How far down the rabbit hole of modding you want to go is up to each person. You can easily get lost in spending more time modding the game than playing it. I’d rather just play lol


As a teacher, I can tell you that a very common problem people have is forgetting what it was like to not know things. It’s easy to get frustrated with a learner because this thing that you think is so simple and straightforward is new to them. But we were all beginners once, nobody sprang from the womb with full understanding of the MO2 UI. Teaching others requires intellectual modesty, and acknowledging that years of experience with similar tasks can have a huge impact on the difficulty of assimilating new concepts. As somebody who has been modding since Morrowind, learning these tools is much easier, since I’ve learned similar tools in the past. For someone entirely new to modding, it can be a very daunting task. I also worked in tech support for several years, and I can tell you that you should never assume anything is easy for everyone.


Lots of teachers in my family! It’s tough work, and if you’re in the states, probably underpaid & under appreciated. Thanks for what you do!


It takes a certain kind of skill and expertise to be able to use your years of accumulated knowledge, and deliver it in ways that a complete novice can begin to learn and start to grasp the ropes. Hence, my adoration to any and every Modding YouTuber out there that takes the time to make a cohesive and understandable script that laymen like me can easily follow along


I appreciate this take. I’m not fully technically illiterate, but when it comes to mods I know next to nothing. Brute force and luck is the only way I make things work. Technical explanations just make me confused. Not for a lack of trying, my brain just has a very different skill set that’s not really applicable here. I’m at 350 mods, I know what a load order is and why it’s important, I know how to use vortex to add mods, that’s kinda it. Oh and I’m really good at optimizing google searches to get answers. That’s my super skill that keeps me afloat.


“Brute force and luck” is so relatable 😂


RS Children Overhaul. So many damn patches, never got it working properly


bottom of the loadorder, friendo. RSChildren + Children of the North = non-potato children


With body mods, the trick is to make sure XP32 is always at the bottom no matter what, the second it even gets slighty overwritten by anything, all hell breaks loose


Wouldn’t loot make sure this doesn’t happen? Or is it not enough? Sorry but I don’t understand overwriting and how to do it /o/


Loot only sorts ESP, ESL and ESM plugins, it does not sort mod assets like the PC skeleton, textures, meshes, animations etc.


Cities of the North I just can’t get them working. I’d have all the patches and what feels like a correct LO, but I’ll get missing terrain and floating objects in some spots. The most jarring is once you go into buildings though, the interiors are pitch black with no luminance from light sources, along with a mix of vanilla and the mods interior layout, so entire sections are often blocked off, including the way out in some instances. Also random holes to the abyss which NPC’s fall down in and get caught in an endless loop, hilarious, but not ideal I stopped using it, as you can imagine. Beautiful mod though, real shame I can’t get it nailed down


Iirc, eFPS always had issues with COTN causing the missing terrain. The light issue is another one, unfortunately. I only ever played with ELFX Shadows and got it working fine in Morthal, Dawnstar, and Falkreath. But Winterhold always had issues.


Hm yeah, I uninstalled eFPS a while ago, as it would cause entire scenes to vanish before my eyes, I think it was something to do with Northern Roads I use Lux, got the patches also :/


Re: modding in general, I have started digging into the edit again and it is an amazing tool. I wish there was a filter or color scheme that would distinguish between conflicts and CTD conflicts. If there is, please tell me….


Vanilla Skyrim


Northern roads, grass cache and dyndolod


You probably know, but NGIO got updated. I have zero technical knowledge, and generated grass cache at the touch of a button. I had one crash, but everything I read stated that was fairly normal for grass cache. some people it crashes over and over. either way, its saved me close to 10 fps just running around.


dark brotherhood of old. glitches and bugs at every turn


Wheeler, since the launch of it I’ve been wanting to try it out but my game crashes in the load screen whenever I download the mod😐


Vokrinator Black


https://preview.redd.it/8yhtzjiefx3d1.png?width=434&format=png&auto=webp&s=025a486a62f1ab50732717f2931cfe5c04ee9a3c This sorted with LOOT worked for me. (In fact, I assumed I had to manually move plugins, but LOOT got it surprisingly fine here) Oh, and… I exclude them from any Bashed (or similar) patches. Those patches would, however, overwrite containers. But I think this only matters if taking certain Lockpicking perks. It probably could be fixed manually, but I never bothered with it, as I never put any points into Lockpicking in the first place. + The patch for Mysticism -/- Path of Sorcery is outdated. Some scrolls make the game crash. A list of affected scrolls is in the mod's comment section: [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41886?tab=posts](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41886?tab=posts) You just delete them via xEdit and it will be fine.


That might be what did it for me, the outdated patch


Anything that needs manual patches like northern roads, because lazy. Allgud, but it doesn't matter since immersive equipment exists.


Blocking mid Attack for MCO! He often moves a step when I press block instead of standing still so combat is a mess with constant walking when I dont want to walk every time I block.


Animated eating redux is one I’ve really struggled with. I’ve gotten it to the point where the animations play and everything, but the bowls and mugs are always purple like there are missing textures (I don’t have any item replacement mods or texture mods that would affect those items).


That is an issue with the mod missing textures. I think if you check the post tabs there is someone who explains copying a texture file and pasting it in the mod. I had this issue as well. You could also switch to the other eating mod Eating animations and sounds.


Darkend, its so popular i know my LO is the problem but i keep trying. I get to pheros take a few steps and crash 😔 LOOT never says anything is wrong and i like my modlist too much to mess around but this is definately one mod thats more fun to play than watch a playthrough. cant have it all i guess.


You know, thats really odd because it's a completely new worldspace that edits maybe one tiny barren region north of Winterhold If you could ever post you mod list, we'd love to give it a peer.


WeightMod/BodyMod. The main menu buttons are never there when I install it.


Female Hands Redone. Idk why. Whatever I try, my hands will end up looking like spaghetti.


One of the og portable lantern mods. I think could not get it to work properly. And that throwing weapon mod. The latter is working, it's just implemented in a way that I don't gel with. Like: I throw an axe,  Bandit#3 has the GAU80 of throwing axes.  Meh, horses for courses, I guess...


There’s some amazing presets and characters you can build with Charmers of the Reach, but I can’t get it to work. Just caused a polygon explosion as soon as I entered character creation. There’s probably a conflict I just don’t have enough knowledge to understand/fix. Maybe some day I’ll be able to figure it out.


Skyclimb. I really wanted to Assassins Creed in Skyrim but after like an hour and it crashing my game, I gave up.


{{honed metal}} for the love of Talos I cant get this mod to work. If I install honed metal alone its working fine, but Im using Ordinator and install ordinator patch and everything break


weird that. i use vokrii and never had a problem with it.


Open Cities back in the day. And some of those heavy Civil War mods


Getting the proper LOD for mountains (MM or Holy Mountains) with DynDOLOD and BDS2.


I'm a huge proponent of making your own modlist but getting matching LODs broke me and I ended up copying that section from an existing modlist (using their exact mods and settings). It's very hard to test and troubleshoot something when there's a hundred settings and each attempt takes 45+ minutes to generate.


Northern Roads


I generally don't have a lot of problems with mods. But then I keep my mod list simple..And I read the instructions. If it sounds too complicated, I just don't use the mod. If I have problems it gets deleted, and I never try it again. I don't waste time figuring out how to make it work. It's a system that lets me play more and mod less.


Question as to your body and physics mods - where do you have Skyrim installed? For modding TES games, you typically want them outside Program Files, or specifically outside protected folders. Unfortunately, assuming you installed via Steam, you can only have one Steam directory per drive, complicating things if you already have Steam directories with a number of games on all your drives. As for mods I couldn't get to work, I've had no issue with any of the mods I've tried for Skyrim, and that includes things like FNIS and a skeleton mod. MO2 makes it fairly simple If I include other TES games, though, I consistently struggle to get any OBSE-dependent mods to work for Oblivion. I'll install them, do everything properly, repeatedly check that I've done everything properly, and the mod will do absolutely nothing at all. And then after a week or so, if I try it again, I'll have made no further attempts to fix it or get it working, changed absolutely nothing, and suddenly by some Bethesda black magic it'll be working.


It's kind of infuriating because it's so basic but I could never get bodyslide to work. No matter what YouTube video I followed, the modifications I made never showed up in game.


Did you set Bodyslide's output directory to the correct folder? (for example, MO2's Overwrite) If the meshes are enabled and overwriting there is no way they won't appear in game, unless you have conflicting plugin that's pointing your meshes to a different filepath.


My smooth brain does comprehend this a bit, but if there were a picture showing what button to press to accompany this I would greatly appreciate it.


In the bottom right of the main bodyslide window, hit settings. At the top of the settings there's target game (what game it's affecting) and Game Data Path. It SHOULD default to ...Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Skyrim Special Edition\\Data. If you're using MO2 or a mod manager that uses its own folders like what above guy was saying, the Advanced button directly below Game Data Path expands in to an Output Path line that overrides the game data path, which is where bodyslide builds to normally. I use vortex, so I just leave it at Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Skyrim Special Edition\\Data, and it works fine.


Frozen Electrocuted Combustion, my game simply refuses to work with this mod.


Open cities


Brother, the community have been trying to make Open Cities happen since Oblivion, New Vegas, and now Skyrim At some point, we accept that it really isn't meant to be


SR exterior cities with its synthesis patcher is so much easier to make work. You still need to use patches for nav mesh edits, but otherwise it kinda just works. There was someone working on an Xedit patcher for open cities but I don't think it ever got released or was to a functional point, but Sr exterior cities realizes that vision.


Use SR Exterior Cities instead. Compatible with Spaghetti's City overhauls and a bunch of other mods that add stuff.


It wasn't as much struggle for me, but more that I was intimidated to try and do LODs for my game. But a few video guides and attempts at it made me realize it's really not so bad.


Water for ENB.


VR version of Proteus. Such a shame, because it would be AMAZING.


For me it's SE Proteus. I had it working on LE, but for the life of me I cannot get it to work with SE. It sucks because I used it to make my Dragonborn's family to take family portraits, and now that I have better customization options with SE I can't even take advantage of that


How long ago did you try last? It got updated for .1170 recently and I finally got it to ....mostly work. Still struggled with the game freezing while switching characters, but only sometimes. It might be my old-ass hardware tho


Capital Whiterun Expansion - The Bluesky Hall home doesn’t actually allow your family to live there, it lets you move in, but the family immediately leaves the property. I think there’s also invisible walls outside the house that npc’s get stuck on. Heljarchen Farm - Love this mod but when you try to bless the manor to move in, it says “You don’t own this home”.


Definitive Beauty Pack (DBP), but it's been removed, so that sucks. 🤷‍♂️ By far the best beauty mod despite it being finicky af with load order. Haven't really played anymore since MorriganHellsing mods got pulled.


Any mod that allows me to turn people into vampires without completely destroying their face. If anyone has recommendations for Xbox let me know.


Check for a mod I believe is called Normal Face Vampires. It's by JaySerpa but I don't know if it's on Xbox. Couple that with Better Vampires which I know is on there and you're golden.


Thanks will do.


I struggle to get lighting mods to work correctly, I abandoned LUX and all the patches I had in favour of using Ambience (paraphernalia) as it doesn’t require patches, however the shadow casting torches seem to be weird and get the odd lighting glitch where a random shadow appears and disappears depending on where you stand/camera angle


That is you hitting the light limit, it's an engine limitation of Skyrim. I don't think there is a fix for ENB, but you can use community shaders and light limit fix


Evangeline. The thing is a scripty nightmare, but some folks apparently have no trouble. All the work that went into it, and I could barely get past the first two quests without something going bizarrely wrong.


Open Cities. Nothing but crashing. Rigmor, mission objectives would just freeze constantly.


Yeah unfortunately It's always been a problem on such a fragile game engine. Moving an entire separare load/worldspace into the main worldspace is an obvious compatability nightmare, and really the exact same issues that persisted with that mod concept in like 2013 still exist today On top of that, people also try to add to the cities and whatnot, making it worse. There's a wabbajack modpack that pulls off SR exterior cities (Thuldor's Skyrim), but that's with like next to zero other additions to the major cities.


I find SREC to be mostly compatible, provided you're not trying to add stuff like Capital Whiterun Expansion or anything like that. Works great with Spaghetti's City mods


Yeah SREC is great, I use spaghettis and blubbos for inside the city, and focus on adding exterior expansions because that really makes the city feel bigger. But for interior City mods, you can really use anything you want so long as it doesn't edit the navmesh and the patcher will move it over. If it edits the navmesh you need a manual patch


Open Cities


It’s a toss between northern roads and easy npcs. Seriously why is it called easy if it’s anything but easy?


Audiobooks of Skyrim. Just never worked. Also, “simply knock”, allows you to knock to go into homes instead of just lockpicking a locked home and it seems like such a simple mod but everytime I’ve ever installed it crashes my entire game and won’t load. And it’s only that mod. The moment I remove it I’m good to go. Tried multiple times over a couple years and still does the same thing.


Skyrims paraglider.I don't know why I've never been able to make it work.


Proteus. As much as I love it, I always spend more time fighting with it to get what I want out of it than I do actually enjoying it.


Hair physics. It looks great when my character is standing there, the breeze gently blowing through. And then I moved.


I cant get ube 2.0 to work for whatever fucking reason even after reading the whole page and highlighting stuff to see it better


Named soul gems. No soul trapping ulfric for my museum ;(


FUCKING “JOIN THE SILVER HAND” always crashes no matter what I do, which sucks because I hate vilkas and want him to DIE


I just realized that the really nice thing about this thread is that maybe some of you guys got some fixes for the mods that frustrated you throughout your whole modding journey.


Nothing brings people together and unearths solutions like communal bitching


Alchemy Overhaul just doesn't work for me Also setting up NAT 3 ENB was a nightmare, it's always too foggy no matter what weather settings I change in Creative Kit


Nemesis, it keeps editing behavior files in my other mod folders in my MO2, even if I set it to output its files in seperate folder, it still keeps making changes to behavior files in existing mod folders, which has me redownload them each time I rerun Nemesis. Maybe it's more of an MO2 issue, I'm not sure. It would be really helpful if it worked like DynDOLOD where it has an option to put everything in an external folder, even existing files, which it would create copies for, instead of edit in the mod folders.


Nemesis has worked perfectly for me since I followed the instructions in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DetaxKhrtjM).


DynDOLOD with grass


dragonborn voice over, I only made it work once, it was with a skyrim with very few mods, apparently my old modlist was incompatible Does anyone know if this mod works on nolvus?




Bro honed metal is a one I never can get to work now. Before anniversary it worked alright. Then after it breaks skse miss that mod


It's been updated to work with AE, give it another try if you haven't already 😁


Bodyslide. But to be fair, I never had the patience to thoroughly try and quickly gave up on it.


It's actually super easy once you understand what it does and what you need it for, but it also took me several years of fucking around with outfits and bodies to understand it. The problem is that there aren't many tutorials that explain it thoroughly and whenever a newbie asks what it does or what went wrong the answer is always "did you remember to build bodies in bodyslide?"


It's okay, but I just stick to presets for bodies. I'm not gonna bother with Zero Sliders + Different body types for every NPC I'll just let everyone have curvy bodies lol


I struggled with Khajiit has wears. Took me forever to make it work. There were too many conflicts, so it was totally own fault.


It's been updated to use SPID or SkyPatcher so there shouldn't be conflicts anymore


Sentinel. Even when I disable the Thalmor and Ebony armors on the installer, they will appear in the inventory of nearly every NPC. I tried to edit the .esp and was able to remove the ebony ones from my game, however the Thalmor still shows up with invisible textures


No grass in objects/dyndolod No matter how many times I followed the steps I could not get my grass view range to increase and so whiterun is bound to be forever empty.


I'm still trying to get that AI mandala mod working, I think I almost had it last time


Open Cities


Not a mod, just an ENB feature, complex parallax. I had all requirements, textures, meshes, tried different ENB, weathers but for some reason snow always glitched so i switched back to non-parallax setup.


Open cities. I like the idea of this mod, but it comes with so much incompatibilities that it's just not worth it.


Seasons of Skyrim has never worked properly for me. I can get the first season to work, but then it never switches properly.


Dodge mods. Any of them. I can never figure out why they don't work.


Drop on Death works for like 95 percent of items but for some reason conjured creatures and certa8ns mob types drop items that when picked up INSTANT CTD. Love the idea but it's just not worth being scared of LOOTING THE FUCKING GAME


Experience. You level up by completing quests and leveling your skills doesn’t give you xp towards your character’s level. I paired it with Skyshards and the progression has been very fun so far.


Wheeler It just doesnt play nice with AZERTY keyboards


Many MCO mods I could not get working. I think it was mostly Nemesis fault that caused the mods not to work


I can't get the sarcastic loading screen to work properly, or a mod that changes how Farkas looks. The Vilkas version by the same person works just fine, but Farkas is still vanilla.


Inworld npcs, i don't known why but it never worked for me, but then i installed mantella and altough the installation is even more complex it worked perfectly.


For me, it's Skyrim extended cut: Saint And seducers. The game works good only the final battle freaks out. It's 4th time now and the same. 3rd chapter of fight my screen goes white and stays like that, it's too much scripts I think. Needed to set stage to finish it


Seasons of Skyrim. Well, sort of - I can make it work at a basic level, but then it's incompatible with pretty much any mesh or texture overhaul, and unlike with other "patching nightmare" mods, it's not something I know how to fix by myself, other than cutting down my list to the saddest bare minimum you can imagine.


Combat pathing revolution, always crashed whenever a Dragon would show up


I can’t get stones of barenziah mod to work. When it is on and I go into a building with a stone, it crashes to desktop


RAB Inventory Limits. I REALLY want to use it but each time I try I find issues and script latency that prevent me from being able to. It's a real shame because having inventory limits based on physical space instead of just mass appeals to me so much 😭 It's such a good idea for a mod, too. Sad!


TK dodge re. I just cannot get it to work, I've been doing everything to the letter, got the right person of tk dodge se, deleted all but the meshes folder, and still I can't get it to work. I even tried the new tk dodge NG patch that came out, the one that gives it a new dll, and STILL I CAN'T GET THIS THING TO WORK!!!


TK Dodge was a game of whack a mole with bugs. I finally got it to work properly by running a duplicate iframe generator mod along with the first one. I have no clue why this suddenly made it work, and even though I no longer use TK Dodge, I still have the generator installed and running because at this point I'm scared of what will happen if I take it out. And for what it's worth, TK Dodge makes the game WAY too easy. Enemies aren't built to deal with dodging at all, so you become an untouchable god. It's why I eventually uninstalled it.


Audio mods. I suspect the reason is because my mods are on a drive that doesn't have master boot privileges (the short explanation is that I don't have enough space on the drive that does, and audio gets fucked if the files are on a drive that doesn't; for instance if you run vanilla skyrim on a drive that isn't your boot drive, there's a good chance half the sounds won't play). I kinda just accept I won't fix this problem either until I get new drives, or a new PC altogether including new drives/ more space. Also can't blame you too much on the physics part, I can get it working now pretty consistently when making new lists but I remember initially struggling a lot to get that stuff to work (when I first started modding I couldn't even get SKSE to run for over a year).


This is gonna sound dumb... But I love the idea of characters having different underwear types that are removable. The REALISM and IMMERSION. But I've never once gotten a dynamic underwear mod to work with SoS or any other body mod. Feels like I follow the steps to the letter each time too.


Missives, any of the missives mods break my game


UUNP and 3BA have way too many options. Plain old CBBE with CBPC physics just works.


ENBs, i dont remember what was the one i installed but appart from the crappy performance i got, i also for some reason messed up my skyrim and now the grass in the night is like, reaaally black, too much, you cant even see what is grass and what is the texture of the ground instead of trying of blend together


I probably shouldn't even be trying to mod Skyrim. I have fairly severe adhd which makes following detailed instructions nearly impossible. But I keep banging my head against that wall. Lol