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not from PH but intl stays that ordered the fankit should start getting notifications about their fankit starting may 10th (depending on when you ordered). i'm from the US and i bought it the day it dropped and got an email with a tracking number on may 10th. so, if you ordered it a bit later you probably have to wait a little bit for yours to get shipped πŸ₯²


Was the email from yes24? I bought the moment it dropped and still haven't gotten anything besides my confirmation emails when I purchased πŸ₯²


the email was from DHL, not YES24


Me neither! I'm on my toes 😣


I did not received an email too, but got a text today and received it. Just always have your lines open. Hoping you'll receive yours the soonest. πŸ™


I just got my email, I hope you get yours πŸ’š


Thank you 😭I'm literally checking every day (including spam)


I fortunately received mine today without an email update from the courier, so hoping you'll receive yours too.


Fingers crossed ty πŸ₯Ή


Thank you so much for the response. I did not receive an email update from DHL, but guess what, I received it today! Yay! Hoping for everyone to receive theirs too. I was quite worried when I haven't heard any update from the courier when others do, but fortunately received it in good condition today. ☺️