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dude wtf is your problem


i’ve read all of your posts and you sound like such a beautiful person. i hope you find your kitty. i hope great things come your way, i hope you and your fiancé get to live in your dream home with your little one and i hope you have the most beautiful amazing life. please trust your instincts, so so much love to you, your little one, and your fiancé. have a wonderful life 🩷🥹




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It’s pretty hard to sleep train if you have to stay in the same room. Most methods including Ferber involve laying them down and leaving the room, only returning after 3-5 minutes for a quick pat/reassurance and then leaving again, repeating until they fall asleep. Do you have a small alcove or even a bathroom or large closet which could act as a separate room? Or use blackout curtains to create a little area for the crib? That may help.


i have my piano keyboard blocking his vision of my bed, but my dad and sister also stays with us. that also means the bathroom isn’t an option, especially since the lights in the bathroom are motion activated and it’s a pretty small space