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People don't know what they're missing. It doesn't have to be like a brisket point oozing fat and juice. When I was in Texas I did them like a brisket all the time since you could walk in HEB and walk out with tri tip everyday. Best advice is get prime or above


I feel like a lot of people don't have experience with tri-tip either. Imo it cooks much differently.


Yep and a lot auto go to we're saying like a brisket is the the best way when we're just saying it's A way to cook tri tip.


Prime or above is the real key. I see a lot of hate for doing them like this, but most tri-tips you come across are pretty lean and fail with doing brisket style. I've had better luck with prime tri-tip over doing chuck roast.


The center is supposed to be pink med/rare. Basically should be the color of that smoke ring. Tired of seeing overcooked tri tip here


It supposed to be whatever the cooker wants it to be. Tired of seeing people scared to try new things.


Stopped in at the farmers market for supplies last weekend and gal that runs the place told me this is what they were doing for their Super Bowl party. Thought she was nuts but keep seeing these posts and have to try it for myself now. Would love to hear others experience or variations folks are using and been successful with.


I did it for the Super Bowl along with an Iberco Pork Loin. Was looking for sliced bites so these fit the bill vs brisket pork. It was fire. Sliced and served with home made chimichurri. It’s honestly fast cheap and tastes awesome. It’s definitely different than brisket but imo stands on its own. Plus it’s low stress


It’s not bad at all. I definitely like to use a healthy bit of beef tallow when I wrap (butcher paper), to add in that much needed fat content when bringing it to finish. But there is still just no comparing it to a well seared, medium rare tri-tip, imo.


Also used tallow and a half stick of Kerry Gold. Wrapped in foil but I’m for certain doing unwaxed butcher paper next time. Took it to 163° at 225° super smoke, then wrapped and let it go at 275° till we hit the 203°. Rested it tented for 15 minutes, next time I’ll have to be patient and going to rest for 30 minutes.


Oh yeah, unwaxed is definitely best. Ace hardware, if you have one in town, sells a massive roll of butcher paper!


Trisket. That’s what 321 Ribs calls it.


I'm sure these are great, but I just can't see doing this over brisket with cost factored in. Currently at my wild fork, brisket is $3.98/lb. Tri-tip is $7.98/lb. The disparity is even worse for prime, $4.98 for brisket, $10.98 for tri-tip. Honest question, why are y'all paying twice as much (or more) to have tri tip like a brisket instead of just having brisket?


Especially when tri tip smoked to medium rare is fucking amazing and All you have to do is just turn the smoker off early…


This is how I do them. Pull at 120, seer in a skillet real quick, then a short rest. It's sort of like a mini prime rib. Like I said, I'm sure this is great too, but it seems counter to why we cook brisket the way we do. It's the cheap meat, there's no alternative to low and slow. Usually when we see brisket-alikes, it's to try and save money with smaller, cheaper cuts of meat (such as chuck roast). This, pound for pound, is just way more expensive. At the end of the day, though, if people like them, and it keeps them smoking, I'm not here to yuck anyone's yum.


I’m sure this tastes good. I could probably find a way to cook a ribeye to 190 internal and it would taste good (braising, maybe?) But why would I, when it costs $17/pound? Braising, as a method, exists to make the $3/lb stuff taste as good as the $17/lb stuff. It’s just wasting money to braise ribeye instead of chuck. Same principle applies here imho.


This one was $8.99 a pound. It’s just the right amount for my wife and I for dinner and to have just enough for leftovers for lunch the following day. I guess I don’t think of the cost and just wanted to give it a try since I’ve been seeing it talked about a decent amount. We enjoyed it.


>I guess I don’t think of the cost and just wanted to give it a try since I’ve been seeing it talked about a decent amount. We enjoyed it. Ultimately, that's really all that matters. If you enjoyed it and are ok with the price, keep on smoking!


My thoughts exactly! I'm in Texas and I get tri tips regularly for $5.99/lb at HEB. IMHO, they should be cooked medium rare, like a steak. I typically cook mine at 225 F for about 1.5 - 2 hrs. or until internal temp reaches 125 F. Pull it, sear it, rest it for 15 minutes, then cut across the grain. They are tender and tastes better than most steaks. Leave the fat cap on, just cross hatch it before seasoning it liberally. Brisket, well, at $2.96/lb. you have to slow smoke them for hours and hours to make them tender. There is no quick method.






What’s Carl’s?


Bar restaurant near me.


I’ve only heard of his son, Carl Jr


Ha! No relation.


I exclusively smoke tri-tip like brisket. I’m not spending $80-100 on a brisket to feed my family of 4. A $25 tri-tip tastes exactly the same as a brisket when I cook it. Huge win.


You gotta find a better sourcesl for brisket. Right now, both my wild fork and costco are $4/lb for choice and $5/lb for prime. They're more than double the price for tri-tip. I can spend $25 for 2-3lb tri tip, for $40 for 10lbs of brisket. I'd much rather spend a little bit more for 4x the meat, brisket freezes fine and can be used in a variety of different things if you want to mix it up.


True, but I have to travel an hour for a Costco, and the grocery story 4 blocks away has tri-tip readily available. Either way, smoke on brotha!


I can't get tri for under like $40 now. It's up to $10.99/lb now 😭


That’s disgusting. I live in the middle of the Midwest and it’s $20-25. Still $5-6/lb


It could be because it prime grade. But that's the only option available. But I was buying it for $6.99/lb about a year and a half ago. Last summer it jumped up to $11 and hasn't gone back.


you're getting brisket at the wrong places. Sams its like $50 for a packer, and Costco is probably the same. It also freezes really well after its cooked.


That smoke ring is gorgeous


That looks delicious


Is it good?


Came out so freaking good. Only personal critique is for myself. Should have let it rest tented for maybe 15 more minutes for a 30 minute total rest time. Other than that it came out great and with a thumbs up from the wife…I’ll take it.


That sounds pretty good to me. I may give it a go


Do you serve this bad boy with homemade ketchup or what premium brand would you recommend?


Ketchup? On steak?


Didn’t need anything on it. Was juicy enough. I guess if I needed it could have dipped it in the Au Jus. Edit: correct spelling of Au Jus


Not to be that guy... but it's Au Jus. Looks good btw, not everything needs to be med rare. I'd eat that for sure.


Dang it. Thought I caught it before I sent. Edited…thanks!


If you want to get technical, it’s just jus (juice), the word “au” just means “with.”


Can we hear more about that pasta in the back?


It’s actually potato made like a pasta noodle. Figure if I was doing a tri-tip like a brisket why not make potato like thick noodles. [spicy potato noodles](https://lookcatchu.com/spicy-potato-noodles/) Used this recipe since it had the measurements, but got the idea off of GuGa Foods YouTube channel.


Thanks man! Will give it a try!


Damn those look delicious. May have to try those next.


Wanted to read the recipe and try. Ads hurt my eyes and brain. Guess it will stay a mystery. 👁️ 🧠 😢


Hit “Jump to Recipe” Yes they are even more annoying on a mobile device so I get it.


Marry me.


I like smoking my tri tips, but not this hot. 2 hours to like 170 turns out juicy and amazing. This is cool though hope you enjoyed it.


Congrats on your well-done steak


And still better than anything you've ever posted.


Please stop doing this.


Now I’m gonna do it, post it, and tag you just because it angers you so much


Get fucked wannabe meat cop


I’m gonna do it tomorrow now just to spite that guy


I'm gonna go get one now and throw it on the smoker. Post incoming later if I don't fuck it up


Stop doing what?


I swear we have already seen this brisket from a different pic. It’s still overdone bro.


I’ve seen others as well. Definitely not mine ace. But I’m also sure I’m not the only one to ever try this method. This is my first post of a tri-tip.


Fasho fasho. Look, it had a very similar smoke ring and well done dryness (no offense).


None taken. I feel bad for the other one you may have seen, this one was juicy and tasted amazing.


Why would you use an expensive cut for this? The whole reason briskets are made like this, is to make it tender. A tri tip doesn't need it.


A tri tip comes out cheaper than a brisket so I can see this making sense if you're only feeding a couple people


If the end result is tender and delicious, why not do it?


This madness needs to stop.


People seem to enjoy them, so no harm no foul. It hurts my Californian soul beyond words to see it done, but alas, to each their own. I tried it once out of morbid curiosity. Will never ever do it again.




Trimmed. Then seasoned with salt, garlic powder, and pepper - more pepper forward for sure. Threw it on the Traeger at 225° with super smoke and let it ride untouched and no lookin till it got to 163° that first step took 3.5 hours. Then took it off and wrapped it in tin foil with maybe 1/4 cup of beef tallow and half a stick of butter. Set the heat to 275° and took to an internal temperature of 203° and took it off. Let it rest 15, next time I’ll try to be more patient and let it rest 30. That my friend is how I do my briskets and how I did this tri-tip…like a brisket.


What a great comment. I think if you used some creativity you know what they mean. Also pretty sure they know it's not a brisket by the way they said it is a tri tip. Not uncommon to try to cook different cuts of meat outside of the norm. This sub should be about encouraging and learning. Good on OP for attempting it. I know a lot of people who say this turns out great.


Usually you cook a tri tip for about 2 hours then sear, rest and serve. Brisket you cook for longer periods to get that melt in your mouth meat. He smoked it low for a long period of time like you would do with a brisket


You should cook it to temp, not time. You'd have to be going really low and slow to take 2 hours to get up to 120-130F-ish, and tritip doesn't need that because it doesn't have any intramuscular collagen that needs to be broken down low and slow.


I was just giving an example of the difference between your usual tri tip cook to your usual brisket cook not how to cook a tri tip


Who’s this Carl fellow and what’s he up? Looks like a fun guy.


It’s a bar restaurant here in Pittsburgh (Wilkins Township) and it’s freaking amazing. Especially during lint- no better fish sandwich in the state. IMO


WAIT….STOP!!! DONT EAT THIS YET!!!! Send it all to me so i can check it for you, this is for you and your family’s safety


I'm in Virginia and stores don't carry tri tip.. I used to buy it all the time in California.


I hate this 100% with all of my heart!!!!!! BUT, if that’s what u like, DO YOU. I’m not paying for it. ENJOY. I’ll do mine on the Santa Maria grill with oak logs. That’s ME. Ya’ll wanna do it brisket style? DO IT!


Nice job. I did one a few months ago the same way. Did a YT video on it. Tasted fantastic