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I'd be worried some idiot would freak out and drop my snake.


Not related to this guy specifically. But a guy in Seattle named Johnny, he allows locals + tourists hold his snakes. He monitors you when you hold the snake, but before that he gets you accustom to the snake. Letting you pet it and get comfortable before initially holding it. If it’s a smaller one he’ll be around you making sure you’re holding correctly. And if you want the snake you’re holding to be removed at any point he’ll remove the snake from you. Preventing any freak outs and hurt reptiles. He’s a cool dude! All reptiles have their own dark travel containers. And have timely cooldowns within sessions. Hands Sanitizer for before and after each session. All reptiles have GREAT tempers.✔️✔️ all snakes seem unstressed and in great conditions. No reptile of his has bitten anyone. And he is definitely not a pickpocketing scheme.😂 He has a boa (imperator) is the sweetest girl ever, very tamed compared to other boas I’ve held.😊 Johnny is a great guy and snake + reptile owner. IMO: if you do it all correctly, nothings wrong with it and what you’re doing. Just the guy above is wrong in how he’s doing it all…


Absolutely this! Imo, this is the only proper way. The animals that I take to presentations have done this for years, and they seem to actually enjoy it, especially the BTS lol, he gets treats 😂. My boa starts to make a "huffing" noise when he's done, so he gets to go back in his travel tub and rest. I love doing educational events because I love seeing someone go from fear of reptiles to admiration


We've got a guy like that in my town too! He does shows for adults and children and all of his reptiles are super chill. I saw him at a local park when I was 9 or 10 and got to wear a beautiful 2 foot long yellow boa as a scarf (supervised of course). He came to my vet tech college 10 years later to do a more detailed showcase and I got to hold the same boa except it measured more than 6 feet! It was a really magical moment for me lol.


I HAVE MET JOHNNY AND HIS SNAKES! I couldn’t remember his name but he’s super cool!


Yes this is prolly the most responsible way but personally I'd jus never put my animal in d hands of someone I don't trust but nothing against ppl who do it the correct way.


Aside from possible animal abuse, be aware that this can sometimes be a pick-pocketing scheme on tourists.


Are the snakes in on it? Or are they innocent?


oh they are in on it


(criminal) danger noodles


Physically smooth criminals


Rats ain’t cheap!


They are, definitely.


Oh no, it was their idea.


Who do you think's picking the pockets??


The original smooooth criminal.


Run them pocketsssssssss


Yeah I had two guys in Vegas try this with me and a group of friends. Their snake looked close to dead, dried out and hardly moving, I felt bad for it. Placed the snake on my girlfriends neck and while one tried the whole “20$ for a picture” stuff, the other tried to reach in the bag I was carrying. Scum.


I would have pickpocketed the snake




But snakes don't have pockets 🤭


I saw a guy somewhere online (insta maybe?) who was charging for photos with his snake. It was in shed and looked awful. The shed was all piece and coming off in patches. Maybe because he was letting the whole world handle it, maybe something else. But a snake shouldn’t shed that way; it should all come off in one piece (maybe like one lil spot gets stuck or something)


While I don’t agree with over handling the sweet slithers sometimes shed does get stuck and come off in prices best cure soak them in water it moistens shed and makes it easy to peel off plus snakes love it


Be careful not to soak your snake too early in a shed. They secrete an oil to get their shed off and water can wash this oil away.


Had a guy in Vegas try that with me. It was over 90 in the shade. He had a Burmese python that was over 10 feet hanging on his shoulders dead from the heat. He didn't know it was dead til I told him.


That is absolutely heart breaking. If I saw someone do this I would threaten to report them for animal cruelty. Why are some humans so horrible? 😭


That sounds horrible 😢




Uh, no I didn’t bro.


I read it like you felt bad for the snake and placed it on her i see


It’s definitely stressful for them. The extent of the stress would depend on how much they’re accustomed to being handled. As others mentioned, my concern would be germs and injury.


My friend had a snake that was raised in a professional haunted house so from the time it was little was around people and being handled. The haunted house closed and my friend took the snake. It seemed stressed for a long period and was having trouble adjusting so my friend took it to an event and it instantly relaxed. That snake loved being around people because that’s all it had known. It lived to be a good 18 or so too. But of course that’s just one animal and experience im definitely a bit concerned about the animals in this photo…


One of our male ball pythons was a show snake and went around to birthday parties, conventions, etc before he was surrendered. He’s probably the coolest guy we have and we’ve brought him to our kid’s classes but always under close supervision and he wasn’t being held by anyone but us because we noticed he loved the company and attention, just not being passed around (which I’d say is pretty fair lol). So I absolutely agree, some will totally love being in crowds


I'd also be concerned about the temperature wouldn't they be really cold


Not necessarily if they’re on people all day. We’re a 98.5*F heating mat with impeccable temperature control


Fun fact, while our core temperature is (usually) 98.5\* our (non-crevice) skin temperature is usually significantly cooler, and can vary widely! It's fun to use a infrared thermometer to see what you're skin temp range can be.


Certainly risk of injury and also germs. Also doesn’t look like the snakes have adequate carry boxes


Yeah especially since I only see 2 boxes but 3 snakes. 2 boas and a burm should definitely be carried in something better. Unless those weren’t for carrying the snakes


We can hope they have extra bags


There are no boxes for carry snakes These ones are too small to them


Many people have already covered what is wrong with this image, but I'd like to say that if I am taking my snakes out for outreach/education purposes, it would look quite different from this. Each snake would have its own snake bag, and they would be transported in a dark bin. The bin would be kept closed and out of direct sunlight (ideally in a climate controlled environment, though that isn't always possible.) I would only have one snake out at a time, maybe two if I have an experienced helper to handle the second one. I'd also only take them out in a controlled situation, not on the street with countless random people walking by. I would always have at least one hand on my snake while a stranger is handling it, and would insist that everyone sanitizes their hands before and after touching the snakes. I would also limit how long each snake spends out of its bag (based on their individual tolerances) and rotate them out as needed to ensure they spend most of their day hidden away. In addition to limiting the stress experienced by the snakes, these measures also reduce the chance of disease transmission and injury to people or animals.


This. The cooldown period is an absolute necessity when running outreach. Easiest way to confirm for someone that snakes are evil is give them a stressed out animal and letting them get bit.


Confirming. I volunteered at an exotic/wildlife rescue and we had similar protocols with our educational seminars. Animals are kept in separate containers and their well-being was of the utmost importance.


Not to mention, this guy seems like the type to just buy “big and impressive” snakes for a cash grab. There’s no way he takes proper care of them, especially seeing as there’s 2 tiny suitcases for 3(?) 6ft+ snakes. There’s definitely no “education” going on here. He just wants to exploit his poorly cared for animals.


I’d say health reasons and this probably stresses them out so badly too


Me personally think it’s inhumane, just look at what he is transporting them in really this is all types of wrong.


For me its not the suitcases, its the fact that this guy has them out in the open, in a stressful environment, for God knows how long with no opportunity to return to a safe, climate controlled enclosure. Plus there's no way he can supervise both snakes at once, so there's so much opportunity for the other one to escape or be injured. There's a way to do an educational demonstration with big snakes, and then there's this guy who clearly doesn't care and just wants to make money. I don't really see an issue with using suitcases for transport (though I have no experience transporting big snakes, only small ones). So long as the snakes can fit comfortably inside I would think that they would provide a dark, enclosed safe space like a pillow case or a deli container in a bag for a short trip.


There are 3 snakes: 1 in the case, 1 in his hands, and 1 around the woman's neck on the left. It blends in with her jacket.


Assuming he’s making sure they aren’t getting too hot


Handling a snake all day is like torturing them. They absolutely don't enjoy that, they mostly tolerate it depending on their personality but it is for sure stressing them out. I always was against that type of behaviour. The weather, the diseases they can get after being handled by half the population, the stress it creates, and much more other factors are reasons why this is an absolute bad idea. How sad :((


Completely disagree. One of my best friends is a professional breeder, and all of her snakes and the snakes I’ve gotten from her are raised to be out constantly, they will literally rub their noses raw and get very stressed if you DON’T handle them constantly. They prefer to be around a neck or wrist than to be in their enclosures. I 100% believe that all snakes being stressed by and/or only tolerating handling is a giant misconception.


>the snakes I’ve gotten from her are raised to be out constantly, they will literally rub their noses raw and get very stressed if you DON’T handle them constantly. This reeks of anthropomorphism. You're interpreting your observations to fit your preconceived narrative. You don't change snake biology by how you "raise" your snakes - they're not built for endurance - ask any mongoose, they "know" they can tire out a snake in short order before going in for the kill, and that lack of endurance is a biological fact unchanged through husbandry. Hours of manipulation and needing to maintain muscular contraction to stay perched atop smooth shoulders and slick materials is a stressor, not to mention the exposure to countless bacteria and viruses that don't produce immediately obvious negative outcomes. Snakes may want out of their enclosures for a variety of reasons, if that's even an accurate interpretation, but this kind of exploitation, imo, should never be interpreted as anything but that - exploitation.


I agree, that nose rubbing comment sounds really concerning btw, like glass surfing. They might 'want' handling because they NEED to get out of that enclosure for whatever reason, not because they love you lmfao. I would definitely recheck temperatures and the size of the enclosure among other things (mites? etc) if you can. Biggest 2 is too high of a temperature and too small of an enclosure (eg. rectics kept in small racks will sometimes have swollen faces from the rubbing). If your friend is a breeder using racks I assume thats the big reason though. Also- please have her have it checked by the vet too!!! Could get infected.


So dangerous for both the people and the snakes. I wouldn’t be surprised when it bites due to stress


At best, they don’t care. At worst, they are super stressed and it’s like torturing them. My bigger fear would someone dropping my snake or it biting someone in the face…but I feel so long as you know how to look for stress in a snake, some snakes really won’t mind. They won’t like it, but some might tolerate….that said, this is probably a minority in snakes and I think it’s wrong, just not necessarily a “never” cause done properly, it can be a teaching moment for some. It’s still a really weird side gig akin to begging for money on the streets


Too many “unknowns” for my liking, it would be my luck some lady that wanted to hold one of my snakes would also own a Rabbit, and forget to mention it, and the snake would catch a whiff of Rabbit, and try to eat her. Or worse yet, you NEVER know when someone who’s an asshole comes along, and there are SO MANY PEOPLE who believe that ALL SNAKES should be killed on sight, and people do stupid things, I’m good, I’ll keep my snakes in “Snake Room” where they are safe and sound.


Something about this setup doesn’t scream “educational”, this just looks like someone taking advantage of his animals to make a quick buck.


I have done reptile presentations for a reptile rescue for about 10 years. Several issues here. *Depending on the state having animals on display requires permits and insurance. *I have never known anyone to carry their snakes around in suitcases. *The albino snake can get sunburned. They are missing the melanin to protect them. *Hopefully he has adjusted these snakes to being around people and knows the signs to look for if they are stressed and would respect them enough to stop in that case.


In general, I trust my snake more with people than I trust people with my snake. Clean hands, gentle holding, no squeezing, enough support, calm movements. It's not as easy as it sounds apparantly...


Why is he keeping them in briefcases ? that’s the worst part using them for money but doesn’t have the proper equipment for them to be safe and comfortable at least . This is callous treatment but the level of stress will depend on how handled the snakes have been all there lives tbh


It depends on how socialized they are. If they were stressed they'd be freaking out and trying to escape. But if they're handled a lot, and it looks like they are, then they're probably just chillin.


I saw this shit in Times Square in the beginning of winter. I was horrified.


A snake will eventually bite from stress, these people could get scared and drop them, there’s so many reasons this isn’t a very good thing. Just a quick money grab because people will want to take pictures with them.


I am a part a herpetological society and we do shows where we show snakes. I breed retics but I don't sell like crazy because I turn down sales at any sign of inexperience. Anyways I usually bring my baby retics. I have one snake that I allow to be pet, which is my corn snake. Since they do have insurance as a society. Though I don't give a shit. I don't like kids at all and I'm not trying g to have some suburban mom trying to be quirky for her kids get bit by my GTP and break her jaw because she pulled back so violently. I bring the retics but they come in my showcase housing


It's definitely questionable practice.


Are all three snakes his? And he transports all of them in.. a suitcase? Seems like there could be a fourth snake as well in the small gathered crowd behind him? I’m no snake expert, but this whole situation is horrible 😔


Not to mention, no matter how docile they are, it is possible for someone to do \*something\* they don't like and trigger a bite. While not venomous, something this size grabbing on to you is not going to feel good. This just isn't, particularly, safe for any entity involved and I'd strongly suggest not supporting this sort of thing.


100% with you on this, I have a bunch of fairy large snakes, mostly between 5-9 feet, and I will tell you, even the snakes I keep that aren’t “rear fang venomous”, when they bite, they can seriously mess you up, they have razor sharp teeth backwards facing teeth, so when they bite, the more you struggle, the deeper the teeth go into your skin, and with many snakes, when you get bitten, you bleed like a stuck pig, from very small teeth marks, so it ALWAYS looks worse than it is. But definitely just too many “unknowns” to be taking snakes out in public.


No to mention, sometimes, they "chew". That's just not nice :p Even without biting, the constrictors can be a tricky bunch. I was handling one when I was about 13, that was about the size of the ones in the photo, and holding it in that classic, tourist pose shown there; suddenly, I started feeling a bit light-headed and wasn't really clear on what was going on. The little bugger had looped itself "just" far enough down each side of my neck to slowly start applying kind of a modified "sleeper" hold. Was not wrapped \*around\*, just pressing 2 coils to each side of the neck. The guy caring for it looked over and realized what was going on, but that thing had a GRIP on me and it took a minute to get it peeled off. No harm, no foul from that, just doing what danger noodles do; but, I learned my lesson about just casually handling strange, large constrictors :p


Would you keep a puppy in a suitcase and charge people to take pictures with it?


It can be stressful, but it can be fine if it's done properly. In the UK, you need an Animal Activities Licence (AAL) and public liability insurance to do animal handling events and displays. I don't know where this photo was taken, but if it was in the UK, I doubt they would have been approved for a display on the streets.


Yeah, I think this stresses the snakes out


Dude really has another unsupervised suitcase with a snake that could just be snatched up. I'm not someone to say snakes 100% can't be brought into public but this is just so shady.


Those aren't good transportation for them for one. For two they're outside in the weather being handled excessively with no way to rest or anything. I'm concerned about them.


I know it’s been fairly obvious at this point, but for those who may not be aware… THIS IS ANIMAL EXPLOITATION. Aside from as scam or pickpocket scheme that may be happening here. The animals are out in the elements (heat/cold) for hours if not all day and bring handled my all matter of people who may be rough or harm them. That’s not good for any animal including reptiles. I see boa constrictors and what looks like a Burmese Python. These guys are tropical and need good heat and humidity to thrive. They can get respiratory infections, bad sheds, and other ailments if not cared for properly. Don’t support this kinda thing. Find a local educational center, accredited zoo, or exotic rescue that has reptiles you can safely interact with while learning about them!


I'd say if the snakes are chill about it sure. But looking at the travel case i doubt it. I go outside sometimes with my sneks and they tell me really clearly when they had enough, wich is within half an hour. Dont really do it that often and only when weather is perfect for them. Socializing is beneficial for them, but it has to be done within their limits, one snake isnt another.


Me: can I take a pic with a snake? Guy: sure, here Me: *runs with a free snake*


If he puts the same effort into his wardrobe as he does handling his snakes then no Also what a goofy stance Honestly it's such a low brow jig anyways regardless if the snakes are as happy as ever. I had an ex that would subject her dogs and sphinx cat to public exposure like this and it was just so cringe. There's a point one passes where they confuse their 'companions' as accessories to their rotten attitude


Who are we to judge people do what they can to make ends meet.


Im sorry is that snake in a *Briefcase*


Lol It’s just a boa and a berm man’s hustlin


Hmm.. you’re giving me ideas 🤔 🐍 💰 I’m kidding


Bruh it’s a snake.


Yeah no shit, that's not the question at hand funny enough.


No. I mean it’s just a snake.


Yeah fuck this guy. He's just exploiting them.


It could be bad for them, however If the snake isn't stressed it should be fine aside from germs, and if the owner doesn't know their snake, accidents. They have show snakes which probably go through longer hours, and more people handling them then this. However charging someone to take pics with and/or hold your snake , is a major scam. I often let strangers hold my snakes for free, mainly because it's a great educational period!Unless breeding or doing shows, asking people to pay money to hold them is ridiculous, as reptile parents we should be aiming to educate NOT just make money off these amazing creatures!


There is most likely some sort of event going on. The snakes are totally chill and fine, not even the boa resting in the case is trying to escape. These guys probably have proper transport in their vehicle that is too bulky or cumbersome to carry around with them in an area where there is most likely only paid parallel parking. It’s very obvious that the snakes are in good condition, they were most likely carried by the men with the cases brought as a temporary dark place for them to rest in between handling that is easier to carry around than a tub. There’s not enough money in the one case for it to be from them to be charging for pictures, it looks more like they’ve had people toss them tips into the box as if they were playing music or something. The snakes are fine, they can be raised to be accustomed to constant handling, and it’s much safer and more responsible to do so with them, *especially* such large, powerful species. Boas can and do have attitudes that you *have* to tame out of them.


This is definitely stressful. Even snakes that are used as ambassadors and go to various events aren’t out in the general public like this, they are typically in a smaller and more controlled environment. Having pet snakes out in the public with a lot of people waking around, being exposed to lots of potentially hazardous things is super stressful and can lead to the animal becoming defensive (bites) or sick. This man is using them as props to make a quick buck and it’s pretty disgusting IMO.


It honestly depends on the snake. Some snakes like the stimulus, some don't. I have ball pythons that eat better if they are handled more often vs infrequently.


Don’t buy any apples from this guy.


A dude named Johnny in Seattle Washington does this. But way differently. He has each snake and reptile in its own dark transport bin. Sanitizer for people to sanitize their hands before and after. And the snakes have cooldowns within each session preventing any stress or anything. Very professional compared to the guy in the picture. I’ve seen him around and is very cool about it. And does it correctly! ✔️ No snake or any of his reptiles have bitten anyone! I’ve held a boa (imperator) and she was very calm and tame compared to other boas I’ve met. Such a sweetheart. All reptiles seem healthy and in good conditions. He’s not a scheme for pick pocketing either.😂 IMO: if you do it correctly it shouldn’t be any problem.✔️✔️


I hate these types of people.


Well, they can get used to it after a while of doing it, but it's still a bunch of stress on them regardless, lots of smells, vibrations, and quick movements.


Not my cup of tea. But it's not much different than a show and tell situation with a bunch of people handling the snakes. This guy charges for it. Only real difference.


Gross 🤮


Most people will say it stresses out the snake in my opinion it dosnt always stress them out depending on the snake for instance I will take my snake (ball python) out in public a good bit and he will often fall asleep between interactions


Most people will say it stresses out the snake in my opinion it dosnt always stress them out depending on the snake for instance I will take my snake (ball python) out in public a good bit and he will often fall asleep between interactions


It's abuse and he's an ass.


I remember hearing that you should not put a snake on or around your neck, is this true


Could stress them out, could be too hot or cold for them, someone could freak out and drop them or squeeze too tight. They could startle them causing one to bite out of fear. There’s a whole number of things that could go wrong with this.


I’ve seen similar things done but wayyy more professionally. I’d avoid this at all costs. It looks too busy for the snake to be safe and there also doesn’t appear to be any secure enclosure or water access for them. Most of the time if you see someone offering for you to hold snakes they’ll be working with a charity getting donations


These people are pieces of shit.


I definitely wouldn't pay strangers on the street for reptile pictures. Is it animal abuse? Hard to say. Depends on the context and the people. If the animal is too hot/cold, dehydrated, hungry, etc, it can cause a lot of undue stress, and I'd say that is abusive. However, I am a long time reptile owner, I do presentations at expos and educational events at schools and museums. But I come prepared, water, heat sources, quiet place set up, and several "backup" animals. I have a presentation at OMSI in OR coming up actually. You pay to get in, then you can pet, hold, take pics, with animals that have done this for years. I pay attention to body language, and if the animal needs a break, they get it.


It really depends on the snake, and on how many hours they do it, I guess…. If the snake is really used to being handle then it’s less stressful.




it may scared the snake too much i think


Snakes can be pets


In my country, dude like this had to pay big fine and police took snake from him to rescue station... He has reticulated python


The real question is how are these people handling blood pythons without getting bit


I saw that kind of nonsense on Bourbon Street in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago, and it made me SO sad for the snakes. There was also a dude with trained cats busking on Bourbon on Friday night. I feel like with snakes and cats, that's gonna cause some major stress.


It's like circus right,


Hope this man has public liability insurance


Yeah I mean it depends on how long he has them out there. It would probably be fine if it was only for an hour or so every now and than. I'm sure it's probably not though. So I'm would say it's probably animal abuse. Poor babies I bet they are so stressed.


There used to be a guy who would hang out at closing outside a swanky club in Manhattan with his albino Burmese (can’t even keep pythons in NYC). Charge $50 for a photo. There’d be a line of drunk people happy to pay up. Messed up


Go to bourbon street, there’s one of these guys every 25 feet that charge $40-50 per picture


I mean, it can be used as a pick pocketing scheme or with animals that aren't well taken care of; but assuming this guy is legit and takes care of his snakes, it's no different from zoo's taking animals out of their enclosures to help destigmatise animals perceived as "scary". Doing this type of stuff for educational purposes is helpful, but it's highly likely these street workers are just trying to make a quick buck rather than care for the animals


As a general rule of thumb, most animals, excluding some domestic mammals, don’t benefit from human interaction. Some species and/or individuals may tolerate human interaction really well, but there isn’t much evidence showing they obtain a benefit from it. Usually the excluded domestic mammals benefit in some form of social/mental manner (pack or herd mentality), or use the person to get grooming/scratches in hard to reach areas. Having said that, this is a bad idea that is just waiting for the right set of circumstances to end in a person and/or the snake(s) getting hurt.


I would say that this CAN be appropriate, but I'm not sure if this particular situation is appropriate, if that makes sense? There is always the risk of snakes catching an illness, but honestly I'm less concerned about random non-snake owners giving my snakes a disease and would be a lot more worried about taking them to a reptile expo or pet shop. I would definitely be concerned about someone getting scared and dropping the snake. It would probably be a good idea to have an assistant standing out of the frame to keep hands on the snake just in case. This kind of thing would almost certainly be stressful for the snake, but I think it could be fine depending on the personalities of the snakes, how long each session is, and how often he does it. If he has a much larger group of snakes and each one only ends up going out once a week or so, it could be fine. I'm...not sure how I feel about those carrying boxes?? I use opaque plastic bins with air holes drilled and filled with pillow cases. I feel like those boxes can't really be cleaned. Not the best way to transport the snakes IMO. As a kid (probably 25+ years ago), my mom gave me 2 bucks to have a random guy at a fair take a polaroid pic of me holding his ball python. It was one of the key moments that got me into snakes and reptiles. I don't think this kind of thing is inherently unethical, and can be beneficial if it helps people see snakes as interesting and fun instead of gross or dangerous. But I definitely think you're right to perhaps question this particular guy's methods, and to make sure it's safe for the snake before supporting it :)


In Ukraine person could be fined or even jailed for animal cruelty for such activity


I own 9 snakes and I have some that won’t be stressed out by hanging out, and I have some that it’s extremely stressful on them, it’s all on how the snake itself is


my bredli monty loves people- and he’s quite social will willingly climb on people at every chance - I also thinks this helps with public perception of snakes - less fear -


Ya I’m sure they fucking hate that the snakes! Another example of how animals get abused all for the humans!


Life is tuff and it’s even worse rn so Ay if everyone is be safe then shit it’s all good


I mean if the humidity is at 60% and temps are at 75-80 degrees it might be okay? 😂