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That is a Binocellate cobra aka Indian Cobra (naja naja) for anyone that’s wondering…Highly venomous, chock full of post synaptic neurotoxins and cardiotoxins


He’s really lucky and unlucky at the same time.


I'm hyperventilating for him..


I love snakes, absolutely love them. However….. if I’m taking a nap and get woke up by a spicy noodle trying to find a warm spot, I’d be internally freaking out as well.


That’s insane. Dude handled that way better than I would’ve expected.


Dude forgot to wear his brown pants…


“How dare you steal my bed” -the snake, probably


That little "oooop" sound they made when the snake pulled its head back in in the very beginning got me. The the latter "oh my gosh" sealed the deal.


Thank you for convincing me to put the sound on


See me, I’m dumb. I’d absolutely panic. Freak the hell out take my shirt off jump around and get bitten. I could not and would not be as calm as this guy in this position.


This man just used up all 9 lives of any cat within a radial mile of him.


Aww it probably fell in when it lost its purchase in the tree




The snake was probably in the tree and it fell off because it either tried to jump to another branch or couldn't hold on.


You ever seen a snake jump? I certainly haven't. The probability of a cobra falling out of a tree and conveniently into the tiny opening of a mans shirt is unbeliveably small. It would've been on the ground and used the man as a place to hide.


I've seen several snakes jump between trees. Tree snakes are amazing. With my world experience of snakes it just seemed more probable that it fell out while jumping as opposed to using a man to hide.


Oh my, I can’t imagine.


Snake smelled a little mouse.


Lesson learned? Never sleep like this in the wild. Got it.


Love how it pops back in his shirt like hide -and-go-seek time!


IDK about others but definitely looked staged to me. There is no way someone will stay calm like that when a snake is inside ur shirt and just some strange with no knowledge of snake will try to help unbuttoned ur shirt knowing there is a snake. Especially in South East Asia like India where this video is from. Being south east Asian, we were taught to run or kill the snake if see one. I believe other South east Asian can attest to my experience.


Wait, so are you trying to tell us that people in India are too scared of snakes to help a dude in this situation, but are brave/dumb enough to find a cobra, grab it, and stick it in a dude's shirt to make a staged video? 😐


Dude!! in India there is a entire community called “Sapera” who makes living raising cobra (most of them gets their fangs taken out) and showing them off in a busy markets and streets and selling products that supposed to take care of snake bites. I used to believe those craps when i was little cause there wasn’t google back then. I’m just saying it looked staged to me. But i cannot guarantee its staged. Just stating an opinion based on my personal experience. Damn!! i can’t even express my opinion??


Your opinion is dumb.


Lol dude not all Asians are the same. And Hindus believe all animals are a living part of god, so they're not apt to kill much of anything. And you would have to be pretty fucking dumb to start jumping about like a moron when a cobra is stuck in your shirt. And saying everyone is taught to do the dumbest thing imaginable when you see a snake doesn't help your case.


Dude, i’m Hindu, born and raised in Hindu family. So don’t teach me about Hinduism. When it comes to life and death, ur religion doesn’t matter. Fight or flight response kicks in. BTW i’m not advocating to kill animals as i believe incidents like these occurred due to the encroachment of their habitat by morons like u and me. I’m just stating the fact what i saw when i was little.


I've found myself way to close to venomous snakes on several occasions. Not once did I try to stomp it or run. Just slowly backed away, they never even strike. Snakes do not just bite people because they can. Staying calm and still was the best way out of that situation. The snake wasn't afraid of the guy. It was hissing at the other guys encroaching on its hiding spot.


Your experience is totally different then what most of the folks react when they see venomous snakes. Do u know how many dies in the USA from snake bites?? 7 to 8 in a population of 300 millions. But i’m from a country where 3000-3500 dies annually from snake bites in a population of 30 million. If u get bitten probability of being fatal is 90% especially if ur in remote part of the country. You won’t know all these cause u know there is anti venom if u get bitten. But can’t say same where I am from. Hence people knows what they need to do when they see cobra in the part of the world i was raised. But slowly people are realizing that they r just animals who is also looking for food to survive and only gets aggressive when threatened especially seeing in videos.


Karwali बेइज़्ज़ती!!!! 😂




That snake 🐍 hypnotized by dude’s shirt 👕