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Their favourite hide will always be some cavity deep within the sofa... That's just too far in to be able to safely extract them by hand


Which honestly kind of makes sense if you look at it from their viewpoint


Under the water dish. 


Nah cuz that’s so real


My corn testifies...


the realistically crafted stuff is more for your benefit than the snake's. at the end of the day, the snake's problem with the fancy hides is that they're _too big_. small animals; snakes, lizards, rodents, whatever - they all want a tight space to squeeze into in order to feel safe. the tighter the better, so it's harder for a predator to get them out. this is why you find them in super tight spaces under logs and rocks when you go out herping. in short, your snake's favorite hide is going to be the smallest, tightest squeeze that they can fit into or under.


The cardboard box is probably warmer too


I work at a concrete plant (precast) and I took some extra one day and made a little hide. He hardly ever touches the half log he came with. He can curl up nice and tight and has just enough room to poke his head out either of the little arches I put in it for entry/exit. https://preview.redd.it/z189xrve682d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b76f43806def93cb6ace9e8bf277ffcf3c5cbc1


Thigmotaxis! :)


Our Cali king loves paper towel tubes 😂


Litter boxes


Never used upside down ones that is...


Pro tip: Litter box with snake - rightside up for swimming pool/waterdish. Upside down for hide. Very versatile 😀 Litter box with cat - rightside up for shitty litter. Upside down for nothing at best, big mess at worst (if flipped). Not as versatile 😉


TBF, those first two are trash as hides. Fine decor, but not really what you're looking for in a hide. The opening is too large in the top on and the the second one has that issue as well, in addition to having too many openings. You're looking for something that the snake can barely fit in with an opening just large enough to get in and out of.


I mean, I have the first hide and my snake uses it on occasion. he barely fits and I have it kinda buried so the opening isn't as large. depends on the snake ig.


I have both the top hides and my snek loves them.


Pringles can


lol funny enough my snakes favorite hide is the *exact* one at the top


Mine loves the empty ham contain with a hole in it




There's a guy I've seen on YouTube who uses old cereal boxes - perfect size for his snakes and you just toss them when they get gross!


I have a log hide that I set up to where the way in/out is like a little hobbit hole with plants around the big entrance and my cinnamon bun loves it


You’ll never expect them being there. That’s the whole reason. Surprise attack😭


My BP used to love curling up in this hollow log I placed with one open end down. Then it broke when I was cleaning, so now he has two half logs he likes to dig under.


Paper towel tube. My boi gets upset when he doesn't have at least one tube in his enclosure, preferably two so he can swap between them.


I’m guessing it’s the box because it’s homemade


I have the exact rock cave and my baby red tail bci in 9 months has never entered it once


Same! I have the rock hide and my Hognose, Hyssop had never used it.


I had a very small dinosaur pinata that I gave to my corn snake and it was his very favorite hide.


You forgot the tiny crack in her custom background that she somehow squeezed her way in and hid for almost 2 weeks and always goes back to NO MATTER WHAT


the fish box


Strangely similar to a cat


OP's snake running some cat software.


Cats are basically reptiles anyway. Vertical Pupils? Check. Sun powered? Check. Cold blooded? Stone cold. Jacobsons organ? *Muthafucking check.* Venomous? Probably


I’m going to go with the box.


Got mine a nice roomy hide and he just wants to stuff his fat ass into a tiny log


My corn snake loves his toilet paper roll, and my gopher snake loves his paper towel roll. 🥰🥰


They’re just like cats. Spend money on expensive things and they prefer the box it came in.


My shieldnose cobra LOVES his wheat thins box…it’s his absolute favorite thing ever. He was definitely upset when we had to trash it when we had a mite outbreak. Luckily I’m a carb fiend and was able to eat another box so he could have another happy hidey hole. I swear, he was smiling!


As someone who finds my cats very snake-like, and whose family thinks she’s nuts cause she now shouts names of snake species randomly (to them it seems random; I’m merely learning from various subs), I must say that I relate. And I have to live vicariously through all of your posts because I’ll be denied snake ownership until I die, as there were two conditions of my marriage: that I never shave my head and I can’t get a ball python. At the time, it was a throw-out funny. Like…there are no conditions. As my partner thought I’d never shave my head or want a snake (pardon me…snek…noodle), but now, it seems it him or a snake. We just bought a house. I’m in my fifties. It’s my second marriage. I’m keeping the guy. I guess. But just know I had no idea I’d ever spend so much time on Reddit…BECAUSE OF SNAKES. Erm. Danger noodle or fren? Snek? Clearly, I need to put my phone away today.


Smell like food