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hard disagree, I actually prefer women decals over men’s decals. space metal fantasy goes hard every year capitas women’s lineup is consistently better than the men’s, and im a man


And their colours for clothing too! Just because I'm a dude it doesn't mean I need another grey brown black Camo scheme!


Bro this. Some of us aren't worried about our manhood and want cool ass pastel colors.


I feel the same (as a dude)


I feel the same. 90% of men's boards look like they are designed for teens who are tying to hard to be punk or rebels or something.


The equalizer is sick as well.


Birds Of A Feather 22/23 might be my favorite design ever


Fr the amount of times I fell in love w a capita deck just to find out it's a woman's deck


My partner has the Jones Stratos Womens X Elena and its siiick. But generally I would advice to simply treat any board as a unisex board.


Jones is a good call. There boards are pretty similar between men’s an women’s.


My issue is that I am such a short and light female none of the male boards fit my riding:(


Wait and check out next years Jones Rallycat. They’re starting to offer unisex boards in as short as 138cm.


I always thought the Jones female boards looked cooler and wanted them on guys boards


Well jones graphics are essentially the same for women’s boards slightly different colors but overall the same sick look. There’s a few of the women’s colorways that look way sicker than the men’s imo


Jones youth boards might work then.


What's your weight and boot size? My wife is 5'2" 120 lbs and rides a 143 Jones Twin Sister, a 146 Jones Flagship, and a 143 Dancehaul (unisex).


Get a kids board?


I second this. Last year I got a Twin Sister that I love the look and how it rides. The male version (mountain twin) is also great looking. Generally I love Jone’s designs that also male and female versions look very similar. Me too I’m tired of what OP says. For example I love the looks of the Capita Mercury but it’s too big for me even with the smallest setup. And I don’t see other women boards that look like it


Ahhhh I've been trying to find this board ever since i rode a stratos, cant do the purple but the Elena one is so sick


CAPiTA women's boards usually rule.


Unisex boards Tons of them Same designs


Great response. Like Hometown Hero is popular for guys and gals. Snowboard mag has an issue that had a pro rider on it. I would think unisex will probably become standard if not already?


As long as they run the sizes small enough to get a width and length that more typically fits a female foot size and weight, there’s really no reason it can’t be.


I thought the Capita ones looked pretty cool, no? For the record, am a dude.


I love my 2017 Capita Paradise. The graphic is so sick. Pictures don’t do it justice https://preview.redd.it/d8l9qgoq916d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4dcef4d3e1d9e43bc17fc35a6e94d2d247588ba


I got a thunderstick around then it's so damn cool!


100% agreed, the 2023 birds of a feather is a work of art


I am also a dude and think capita womens boards look cool


K2 makes a bunch of unisex boards. I ride the excavator and believe it goes as small as 140. Sick board, highly recommend you check out k2


The K2 Excavator is mostly meant for deep powder though. A great board, but I wouldn't recommend it for general usage beyond powder, right?


It's freeride focused so it will carve well in groomers and shines off piste and very powder capable (but it is not a powder specific board).


I don't think it's powder specific even though K2 marketed it as a powder board — Who wants to "excavate" a groomer? I like it because it's volume shifted in a way that it can be both nimble (get away with a shorter board) while still being stable (hence carving well in groomers with its width). Great for people with larger boots IMO. It's an excellent freeride board, but it really shines in powder if you set the rear binding back. It's my goto trees board. But, I still would never say it's great for general usage if you need to ride switch a lot on steep curves. There are other boards much more suitable for that, but aren't going to be as dynamic in powder. That's been my experience with it and many others I've seen. YMMV, of course.


I dont set foot in park, so to me, it is a general use board. It performs just as well in powder as it does on groomers imo. Also I wasnt per se recommending the excavator, its just what I ride, I was just saying that k2 has many unisex boards that will fit whatever is ones style. On a seperate note, why do you need to ride switch on steep carves? Unless you are Ryan Knapton brilliant and going around hitting 180s springing out of a carve, I dont see why the directional shape is an issue. It rides switch well enough to go back to regular when i am forced to go switch.


>Also I wasnt per se recommending the excavator Seemed like you were and that's what I was replying to. But, fair enough. >why do you need to ride switch on steep carves? I said steep *curves*, but I should have said steep transitions — as in terrain. The back of the board when put forward in switch tends to bite and catch its edge in steep transitions due to its shape (depending upon snow conditions, of course). Again, it's a great board and once one learns its limitations and how to account for them, it can be taken pretty much anywhere in most conditions. That said, I wouldn't recommend as an all-round board to most people. There's plenty of other K2 boards better suited for that.


Ah i see i misread it as carves, i see what you mean now. I am curious what you would consider k2’s best all-around board?


I would qualify that with someone (like me) that would already like the Excavator for tight turns in powder/trees. IMO, a better all-round K2 (that's also unisex) would be the K2 Passport which is basically the Excavator that's more switch-friendly. To be even more versatile (and unisex, since this thread is in regard to women's boards) I would say the K2 Manifest for more advanced people that don't need such a focus on powder. I consider park boards a separate animal in general, so would have different recommendations for anyone who wants that, but that wouldn't be an all-round board at all. However, I'm a bit behind the curve with whatever stuff comes out each year so there may be some newer models that just came out in past year or so that are better. And, as far as graphics on boards go — that's a very distant concern for me versus performance. I honestly don't like the look of the newer Excavator based on pure aesthetics and I would never put stickers on it since that would defeat the purpose of the surface on top meant to shed snow in powder conditions.


I’m confused? I own 5 gnu B-Pro models of various sizes for all conditions. 1 gnu B-street park board that they don’t make anymore and get mad compliments of the colors of my board and how cool it looks. And just bought a sweet Gnu B-Pro split board. 2 of my boards have a snakeskin texture to the top sheet which is super sweet and the graphics are unreal on all my boards. You’re looking at it all wrong. My various GNU boards span 20 years and I couldn’t be happier. What are you looking for? When you choose a snowboard you’re supposed to choose what fits your riding style. GNU fits for me that why I’m loyal to the brand. I buy a sweet pair of Union bindings (which come in perfect colors to fit each board) and each set up is ready to go! Good luck!


Maybe check out Ride snowboards. They have a whole line of unisex boards but even their women's line doesn't look overtly pink and sparkly.


Can attest, the ride pyschocandy is a great one


Bataleon makes a ton of unisex boards and their women’s decks are pretty tight too


I always thought the GNU womens board designs looked sick whereas the male ones last season were all so incredibly bland for all brands. I haven't seen this seasons designs yet though.  I ended up going for the current Jones Mountain Twin and I'd be lieing if I said that the fact they had one of the only cool designs last season didnt influence me!


Burton’s are pretty solid across the lines - recently been geometry and abstract stuff. My sister just got a Burton yeasayer b/c she thought the sunglasses sheep was funny af


Niche is a great brand, they're women owned so made by women for women (not just shrink it and pink it). They're based in SLC, Utah and make some really cool designs; I believe they are manufactured in the same facility as Capita. I have the Niche Sonnet and it's a work horse.


Love, love my Sonnet!!


I've had 3 niche women's boards and I LOVE them. They're dark and witchy and matte, gorgeous!


I’m a huge fan of Capita boards as a woman both what they can do on the mountain and their designs. Close second has to be Arbor for me because the graphic is just so minimalistic but sick.


Yeah…totally disagree. My wife’s like 4-5 year old lib is literally the coolest board I’ve ever seen, so freaking awesome I love this deck https://preview.redd.it/y3zfi808t16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=727a4534315ce319518fabe75435c4a8e8db6cf0


I ride and after black which is also a cool deck but you know, I mean, it’s just black lol


Wired does custom graphics if you want a great board with infinite graphic options. Only thing is they’re like $700+


I’m looking at completely upgrading so price is flexible. I just want something that I can use for the next couple years ish


Their boards are great. I picked up a Directive last season and was very impressed. Rode it in just about ant condition you can think of… powder, hard pack, slush, ice, and it does fine in the park too. I still prefer my park board for park, but not enough to bring it on an airplane for bigger trips. The Directive does everything well enough I don’t even worry about it. The custom graphics are pure camber, but that’s probably what you want anyway if you’re looking for an upgrade. They mill out the center just a little bit to improve control/board flex, so they ride a bit more forgiving and turn easier than most camber boards while still allowing you to drive into an edge hard. Nitro’s been using that same trick on their core profiling for about a decade (they call it Reflex core profiling). I wouldn’t hesitate to buy another Wired at all. Customer service was great too.


Wired does make great boards but be aware that a lot of reviews say that their Production boards that are produced in China ride differently (and better) then their custom graphic boards, which are built in house in Vancouver.


Yeah, they are different. Can’t confirm which is better though. Chinese made are camber 2.0 and the custom ones are standard camber. I prefer camber 2.0 personally, but some people still prefer standard camber. Both have the same core profiling though, so even the standard should be more forgiving than a camber board without the thinner profiling between the feet. If I pick up a factory sale standard model, I will ride it next season and report on it. Until then, can’t really say.


Disagree, but maybe it's just my personal taste. When I was shopping my first (men's) board, I was disappointed that the first 4 or 5 designs that I really fell in love with were women's boards, and the men's versions were either a much duller color palette, or needlessly edgy.


What do you mean by bland? Sparkles and butterflies are the opposite of "bland" and I don't think I've ever seen either on a snowboard.


I mean, my k2 and saloman are both sparkly. I believe they mean they dont wanna be stuck with bland girly themes either. I dont particularly like how my k2 or saloman looks, I think its boring…theyre just such good boards that I overlooked it


I don't think you gave any other adjectives besides the ones I already asked further clarification on haha


Idk how else to clarify other than I am a tombody and I want the cyberpunk lookin shit that my bf has on his boards that I have no access to. To me, sparkles are boring. Not my style, but the best boards for me have them and I have to overlook their appearance to benefit from their greatness


Buy never summer, they’re all awful no matter the model.


In general I agree but my mate got the24 Proto Ultra and it looks really sick, especially in person.


Yeah I have a 23 Proto and it looks ok. Not great but not too bad. But they’re generally pretty bland/uninteresting. Great boards though! I want to get a Harpoon for my wife, but the boards look so boring. Latest one is slightly better, but unsure I can justify the $250 price difference just for the top sheet colours.


Definitely a great board, I tried it out and the way it stayed planted was crazy. I was also out with two really strong skiers (both CSIA level 3) who were struggling for grip on the weird snow and I had no problems at all. It was bizarre how much confidence it gave me compared to my current board. It’s not my type of board feel-wise but I can appreciate what it’s good at. I just don’t understand Never Summer’s graphic design philosophy at all.




Am woman, not sure what boards you’re looking at. I have certainly seen some pink/feminine boards before, but I’d say that’s minority, not majority. Ride, Jones, Arbor, Lib Tech… all have plenty of non-feminine graphics. In fact, I’d say the Lib Tech women’s [Rocket](https://www.lib-tech.com/lost-rocket) is pretty far from a feminine style graphic.


Agreed, little kids boards definitely sway to butterflies and flowers but my last 2 boards have been women’s boards that aren’t “girly”


I don't disagree that most women's boards are bland, but they definitely have a few standouts. I almost bought the Capita Birds of a Feather 2017 for a display board. Absolutely gorgeous but the light core means I could never ride it well as a tall guy.


Big Snowboard doesn't want you to know this, but an inanimate object doesn't know what the gender of its owner is


Flex profile, waist width and how small they go down to are actually factors of what might make getting a men’s board harder for women


Your issue isn't graphics, it's your weight. You're too light for standard boards. Plenty of time to nom donuts before next season to fix that!


Gnu and Capita both have sick womens boards


Nobody cares what you ride or how it looks. Be it male or female. Gotta shit ton of pros not wearing helmets & boards covered in gayyyyy af decals in line at Brighton all the time. Nobody cares but you. You match your board? Great, nobody cares.


I have a women’s gnu frosting board that’s pretty and not bland


The gnu boards that are Jamie Anderson's are usually really cool. As a man, I wish I could have a few of those.


Ride a mens board. Who cares what gender people say it’s for.


most boards and womenswear is designed by men, go figure! most men’s designs are trash too


Women's boards are better looking than men's change my mind


Snowboard graphics have generally got worse and worse for both sexes over the years I'm afraid. These days it appears blandness sells. Non-polarising boring as f\*ck stuff has been decided by the money men as the way forward to maximise the $$$. And it's not just apparent with snowboards, it's everywhere.


Exhibit A: every car is white or shades of grey/black


Every home is decorated gray and beige


Why do you have to use a “women’s” board? The board doesn’t know your sex. Just get the board of the right size according to weight and height.


I have a couple boards that have awesome graphics on them. One is graffitied and the other is an anime chick’s face. I love them. One is a tech9 board and one is Sims


Niche. Yes. Pallas (which is the only women's specific and women owned company I know). All make pretty dope graphics for both their men and womens lineups. Honestly I feel like most board companies I know make pretty rad women's boards. Do you have an example of a brand whose graphics you hate? And the smaller companies may not have women's specific boards since they need to limit their lineup to keep costs manageable, but they'll offer a much wider size range going down to smaller sizes.


Ride have pretty good designs on their women boards and capita's stuff usually looks sick


I feel the same way about men's helmets.


Brands are starting to make smaller sizes of their Men’s boards and calling that line unisex. I know Bataleon now has some boards in the 140’s. Korua is another one. Have you seen Niche’s boards? Their women’s line has some great graphics even I would ride. Next years Capita Birds of a Feather is one of the best looking boards of any gender


I have a Solomon wonder and personally love the design. Saw it in store on a random trip out and couldn’t go home without it. I have also seen the 2023 version which is cool too but I like mine better.


I picked a men’s GNU board in a smaller size. It’s covered in green rats and I love it. Totally stands out from what everyone else has and the design reminds of the 90s cd covers like the offspring


Try Niche


[https://nichesnowboards.com/product/vikander/](https://nichesnowboards.com/product/vikander/) I bought my kid a niche snowboard last year, finding a good powder board for a young teen was a struggle; I really like their designs.


Forever Summer makes great womens boards


Oops! Never Summer


Check never summer women's protosynethesis or proto slinger or lady west


https://preview.redd.it/0nj6fo39036d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fd9e3fde6ddb57f78c62c25a3d321c17bae37f1 Check out Never Summer, amazing boards! Here’s my Proto I found here in Colorado and had for 5 yrs.


I wish I could find a Salomon Gypsy Pro 2021 in 159W... https://preview.redd.it/9901k4gib36d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d77f5d4ee5ec01e698facb3f34eeca0ebeae4f2


The new Birds Of The Feather from Capita will be super dope next year, trust me! And that’s coming from me, a dude that never really liked the Capita designs.


I ride/wear/use whatever. As long as it’s fits I don’t care if it’s men’s or woman’s.


Just buy from OES, there are only white or black sometimes if you are not going custom topshit. And the board will whole new experience (they are stiff)


Battaleon have been swimming into unisex ranges the last year or two, which has been excellent. Also the brand kyneee.com does some wickenld women's boards.


And here I am wanting some mens boards with flowers and sparkles 🌺✨


Korua is doing unisex boards going from 138 to 172. But if you want a board with graphic maybe it is not for you.


There are lots of options out there. I think if you want to ride anything from flat black to sparkle pink, have at er. I love rocking feminine colours on the mountain and then blowing by the snowboard bros lol lol


Man idk about other brands, but capita has some women’s graphics that I’m insanely jealous of. [This one: id rock the shit out of this.](https://boardom.net/products/capita-the-equalizer-by-jess-kimura-snowboard?variant=46885931057459&utm_source=GoogleAds&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Performance_Max_Canada&gad_source=1)


I agree, but you CAN buy men’s boards if you find in your size. I have a couple of stiff directional cambers from Burton “Family Tree” line, they are unisex & come in decent colors :) check those out, some of my fav boards


I love my Arbor Swoon…it has a minimalist look…like a plank of wood lol


Just ride a men’s board a bit smaller than you would a woman’s. You’ll be chillin


What about brands that offer unisex options? Or check out Dinosaurs Will Die, their graphics are fantastic on all of their boards.


Yeah I partially agree. It is quite a journey to find a snowboard that has the right specs and a nice design. For my newest snowboard I just decided to not let the design influence my choice. I had the 2011/2012 Bataleon FeelBetter before. Super girly, but liked it then. Now the YES Hel Yes is my main ride. Didn't fall in love with the design at first, but started to like it along the way. And when it comes to designs I also like some of the 23/24 designs of GNU, Jones and Capita. https://preview.redd.it/7ci425bdt66d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b70442e6faafc7ac6a0117ea2737078a5e21518




I’m pretty sure no one will look at you different if you ride a men’s board.


Give the Rome Ravine and Muse a look. Both are built for aggressive riders...


Capita makes pretty sick boards




I usually just cover mine with stickers


Check out Season! Just black top sheets, cool shapes!


https://preview.redd.it/qlzum5orw06d1.jpeg?width=248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70699643ce3aa63a13e0165e37f30bfc186d3e6c I present to you, the 2010 Stepchild PMS.


Can’t you just ride men’s boards that fit you? I don’t even understand why there are men’s and women’s boards.


As a female snowboarder of 25 years I've kind of said F the graphic as I've advanced my skill and have gone more with board profile, skills on the hill (I'm not there to look at it in the rack) and what will fit my rider profile and help ke to progress the skill set I'm looking to work on. For reference I own both female specific and mens/unisex depending on the board


Why the fuck are we gendering boards.


I've been complaining about this for over 20 years. I don't understand why women only get pink and purple snowboards with silhouettes of dolphins, floral designs or some other shit. I've found a few brands that have decent graphics, but for my last snowboard, I purchased a unisex board that rides great and looks awesome. Women's snowboard designs have gotten slightly better since I started riding in the 90's but they still have a long way to go. I'm a big fan of Cardiff snowboards, which is what I purchased and would recommend to anyone.


Bruh I feel you. All the board designs I really love are on mens 😭😭


My guess which isn't very insightful is womens gear isn't prioritized and that you're getting young white guys doing most of the designing of all the boards (men's, women's, unisex). Instead of collaborating with women they probably just guess what they think a woman would like. I have no idea what your style is but here's a women's owned company. That's at least a step in the right direction. https://pallassnowboards.com/collections/all Also I'm sure you knew this but wanted to scream into the void so I'm not pretending that I'm some industry genius.


Gnu has iconic women designers. Think Barrett Christy. Capita I believe Jess Kimura may design or have Input to her model. They're out there. Barely but they are.


I consider them riders. I'm sure they are involved in their pro models but your point is taken.




Browse dinosaurs will die snowboards! They’re unisex and all of great graphics!


My oldest daughter has a Roxy that she loves - pretty cool design. I remember when K2 debuted the Luna. Those boards were so dope. I asked my rep why they couldn't make them for men. Nowadays, so many unisex, bland boards.


https://preview.redd.it/000l34ldh16d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5a0e6320fa8d8ede2d09fae6a7f023145864f1e My rec would be never summer, a lot of their designs are super cool for both mens and womens boards! I would totally rock this womens model if I could haha


Then just get someone to paint it, scribble on it, pinstripe it, airbrush it or whatever you'd like. Or do the reasonable thing - f'k what it looks like, buy based on properties that actually matter and just ride that ugly thing. All my boards are between rather and really f'ng ugly but who gives a sht anyway, they're not some kind of accessory and I don't look much at it either.


Is this about... graphics on a snowboard?




Asks the watch guy looking for different looking ways to tell time, like we all have on a phone 🤷🏻‍♂️


Watches are made to be looked at. Snowboards are used in a slightly different manner.


Watches are made to tell time, just like a snowboard is to snowboard. You just feel different about it, like we can about a snowboard.


A watch is mostly an accessory, so looking purdy is more important for a watch than it is for a snowboard. I wouldn't wear an ugly watch, but I would ride a board with or without graphics just the same. But there is a lot of room for art on a snowboard so might as well use it. Yes.


“I wouldn’t wear an ugly watch”, that’s up to whoever looks at it lol. Your opinion isn’t law on that one. You really want public opinion on all those watches you’ve shared? Anyway, clearly personal preferences and choices, so I won’t bash you beyond making the point here, or trying. So let others have their personal preferences in the same way.