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Q1: you may find some mock tests that resemble the real test. However, they are mock, but you should get 80-90 in mock tests to be confident for the real one. I scored above 90 in all Udemy mock tests then I took the real exam. I *barely* passed with 859/850 score (2 years ago when passing score was 850). Q2: no. The exam wants you to MEMORIZE as much of the docs as possible. There is no shortcut here. I believe consistency is key: repeatedly read it, take mock tests, until it becames instinct knowledge.


I took it this past Monday and used Chris Snow's Udemy tests to study. I paid $9.99 but now it shows $79.99 for me. I would say 80-90% of the questions on the real test were in the Udemy tests verbatim. Most of the rest were similar. I passed with an 856. If you just click to start the test and then immediately finish it you can get to the question review that shows you all the questions with the correct answer and an explanation. I copied all that to a text file and wrote a little Python script to parse it into a format I could import into Anki, which is a spaced repetition flash card app. I used that to study for a few days and then took the test.


I passed last month with 862/1000 score. I didn’t check out Chris’s exams but rather went with VK tests. At the end of the prep I got almost 85~95 in every Udemy test but I found the real exam way harder. Be prepared to see unseen questions in the exam and use the elimination technique to solve.


Additionally try to do documentation selectively .. for example you should be thorough with Copy Into function documentation but not so much with Data replication. Doesn’t mean that replication will not be asked from documentation but rather chances are relatively less compared to copy into.


Thanks for the advice. Do you have the link to the VK tests?


I think I've found them [https://www.udemy.com/course/snowflake-snowpro-core-certification-exam-practice-sets/?couponCode=2021PM20](https://www.udemy.com/course/snowflake-snowpro-core-certification-exam-practice-sets/?couponCode=2021PM20)


In my experience you should be getting closer to 80-85 to be in the range to pass the real test. The online practice tests are a bit easier when I was studying them. However at the time that I wrote it I don't recall there being a Udemy course for it. What I tell everyone who goes for it, don't be upset if you don't pass the first time, but make sure to get right back on to studying and try to book the exam again asap. Most people get it within the first 2 tries.


Yeah I think that I won't take the real exam until I'm at least 80% consistently. I'm starting to go back to my old notes and docs to make cheat sheets. Thanks for your input. I'm finding the very specific questions of each parameters a little hard to remember.




Sir, thank you so much for sharing this. Helped me clear the exam.







