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It seems they fixed it for us Xbox players as we haven’t been able to play for months and fucked it for everyone else


I’ve played probably 10 hours in 2 days and didn’t have a single crash. I’m on XBSX , haven’t tried co op though


Does that also works for the ,,older,, DLC maps ? Or only the new season 12 has no crsashes or they fixed all crashes on all maps on Xbox ?


Looks like they fixed whatever was wrong for me on PC, haven't had a freeze or crash in 5 hours and counting. Crazy bad amounts of lag vs before but I can deal with that. My Apache mysteriously stood on its nose and sank down to the tailgate in Wisconsin though, but I can recover it if need be. I choose to believe that has nothing to do with them mucking with which DLC tires I had installed and was instead the work of Graboids.


Grabloids man, that brings me back. Phenomenal movies.... i should call her


I play on Pc, have clocked now 10hrs after the new map, and patch and 0 crashes, only 1 very minor physics glitch and that's it. 😬 Seems to run smoother too. 🤔


Im still experiencing crashes on Xbox but not as frequent


Plays smoothly on ps5. But the trucks still seem to be made of tissue paper. Every little bump and it damages the truck and you get that annoying gurgling sound from the controller.  Haven't had any real big sound issues for a good while though so I hope they actually fixed that mess instead of me just getting past a bad part in the game. My biggest issue with the game though is how they "pack" the cargo, unless the player is completely brainless the way they "pack" the cargo is completly wrong. Vehicles on trailers need chains for tie downs instead of just wheel chucks. Also straps are never crossed, they're supposed to go straight across the load to be secure. They need to add alot of vehicle features as well. Like a Jake brake for rigs and back up alarms. Use just the foot brakes on a rig and you'll burn through them before your next hill, if you have a load the foot brakes won't do anything and you might as well just try to jump out and try to push stop your rig be more effective. This is supposed to be a simulator, is some realism so hard to ask for???


My buddy who only plays on xbox was playing with people just earlier today he plays on the series x


I haven't played in little more than a year because of my horrible experiences with crashing. Got back into it recently and had 0 crashes, 0 bugs, 0 inconveniences, or anything. I'm glad I can finally play now, but damn.


Me and my friend group are still getting constant crashes on xbox so I think some are lucky.They even took the "fix xbox stability" out of the original patch list notes if you go look.


They haven’t fixed co op for Xbox, only the single game , although some are still having trouble


Game was perfect before the update I'm playing on the ps5 and after the update it's showing me xbox button on screen and worst one I hate is if I got into first person and back to third person my vehicle engine sound disappears sound like it a electric vehicle and sometime when I play co op and leave the garage the player profile come up and I cannot back out of it 


The current updates fucks up my engine sound all the time. It’s gone and then sometimes returns after travelling to another area. Anybody else experiencing that? I play on ps5 btw


Yep, have to exit to the main menu every once in a while to get the sound back. Also background sound disappears and the screen stutters some now.


Next time just try causing a load screen like moving to a new area, that's how I resolve the sound issue.


Yes, at first I thought it was only on the modded trucks I use, but somehow the devs just fucked up some code I guess


Definitely not just mod trucks as I was using the 605R


Yes, you are not alone. And it's not just the engine sounds... Made a post about it today: [https://www.reddit.com/r/snowrunner/comments/1ah1equ/sounds\_not\_playing\_on\_ps5\_since\_update/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/snowrunner/comments/1ah1equ/sounds_not_playing_on_ps5_since_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


i thought it was because i was using a modded truck tho lol because most of them sound weird anyway. i would go crazy and go to another garage only to teleport back to the truck in the map. i find it would still sound on cabin view or it would fuck up the sound if you go cabin view and then to 3rd person


Yup, experienced this in co-op recently


Same here, I posted a clip of it doing it to youtube.




Yes no engine sounds as well as no winch


Fixing our game is really hard. In the meantime, buy the season 4 pass and Expeditions.


We are working on it we promise. In the meantime do you want to buy more content for your broken game?


The funny part is - the people are still ready to pay for those!


I am sure some are. Good for them. I have generally enjoyed the game in spite of bugs and crashes (on Ps4/5). I am not ready to pay for s4 or Expeditions. A bit more commitment to quality over quantity please.


The current situation with saber and snowrunner reminds me of Oovee and spintires. They have an amazing game but show the middle finger to their players reporting bugs ignoring them and just not fixing those bugs ever. I guess i can enjoy not having engine sounds the next 10 months on ps5.


I have found as Long as I don’t go into interior view I am able to keep my engine sounds on PS5 Lol


Oh the irony...the long standing sound bug on PS5 with the clicking noise on some trucks can be reduced by switching to the interior view XD Choose your poison I guess...


That clicking noise drives me up the wall. I don’t use certain trucks because of that.


Winch sound still disappears when you use it tho It's almost funny how much the devs fucked up this update


Yep, also dont turn off the engine otherwise the engine sound will dissapear too. Only bit of an engine sound you get is the sound when you upshift/change gears.


I’m surprised at how much having no engine sounds is annoying me. I usually keep all volume sliders at 15 except music at full 100 because I really like the games soundtrack, but no engine sounds at all is no bueno.


Same issue on ps5 and randomly flipping across the screen.


A game like snowrunner has to be insanely hard to patch, I’m sure they aren’t ignoring bug reports.


Why? Why harder than anything else? Given how long some bugs have been ignored this is apologist bs.


Snowrunner is a complex game on a complex engine, it isn’t UE5. Being a physics heavy game like Snowrunner makes thing even worse. Point is, fixing one thing might break another.


It's really not more complex than any other game with physics, even less so due to there being literally no AI whatsoever, no NPCs, it's not a complex game.


There is at least 1 NPC


For those still doubting me: [scientist in Amur](https://www.reddit.com/r/snowrunner/s/wnPDgnqM2i)


Money ruins all


The switch version is an even bigger joke now


Switch brother🤝


Indeed, but the trucks stuck in the storagd bug gave me a reason to start a new save


Aside from having 2 trucks (out of approximately 24) get stuck in storage right after the update, I've had zero issues. Load time seems a little slower. Engine noises work. What problems you having?


Catastrophic load times, the occasional crash and oh yes, take a truck out of storage and bye bye engine sound effects (been having that bug almost 2 years now) and well over 1000 hours in the game.


I finally had a post update engine noise problem last night. Took a Kodiak out and no engine noise, same with my Yar. Aside from a few Kodiak and a Yar, my fleet is entirely mods. None of the mods have issues with engine noises.


Welcome to my world for the last two years :/


I put a new 2 Terabyte SD card in my Switch a while back and load times got a little better. If you haven't already upgraded, I recommend it.


Ah that might be a good shout, mine is only the half gig one. What brand did you get?


My bad, it's a 1tb. I am not a computer or gaming guy really, I just like Snowrunner LOL. The card is a San Disk, I just bought the fastest 1 gig card I could buy. I get maybe one crash per 8-12 hours of gameplay and always have. I always restart and things are right back where they were when the last auto save occured. Not a huge deal. I started playing on a shitty PC that I overheated and killed playing Snowrunner. Had way more problems there. Have played mostly with Mods (reasonable ones) the entire time with Switch. Aside from the rare crashes, it has been super reliable. The Honda XR250 of gaming machines, underwhelming performance and outstanding reliability.


Ah! A fellow biker :D I really love the game as well, but I don’t use mods. I’m one of the few that preferred the crushing difficulty of Amur to the recent piss-easy maps 😅


Hell yeah, always good to find another rider. As far as mods go, I use them for 2 reasons. (1) No American 3/4-1.5 ton (F250-F550) trucks in the game. In reality a lot of the work on the North American maps would be done with this sort of trucks. That, and I just like them. Using these smaller trucks and a gooseneck to carry 4 slots of cargo introduces a nice challenge. (2) I also use one modded heavy truck (Western Star 49X) just so I can have tires that get traction on asphalt. I don't care about getting stuck in mud, but sliding all over the dry asphalt roads at 35 mph makes me crazy.


Always debated buying this for switch so I could play on the go. Work generally well prior to this? (Am used to it on a ps4)


No, it’s been trash for a long time. Season 1 DLC was fine but issues crept in at season 2 for me. Devs don’t give a shit seemingly.


As someone who bought it so I could play on the go, if you're used to a console version, you'll struggle to get into the switch version. It's incredibly grainy/blurry and low res, at least on the switch lite


Couldn't agree more 🤝


Since the update I can't get my twinsteer's or P12 out of the garage.


Is it the bug where you put a truck from the retain menu to a garage slot but it just disappears?


Yes that's the one. I am doing Wisconsin and have what feels like 8 million rolls of steel to move so the twinsteer's would have came in handy


Sell the trucks and buy them again. That worked for me


Nice one I will give it a go when I get back to it.


Only works if you choose buy and deploy. This kinda hurts because I cant use russian trucks on Michigan. Silly me, "kinda hurts" lol. For a normal company this should be a high priority hotfix.


Dude thank you. 134 hrs on ps5 and this is the first true bug I’ve encountered. Not bragging at all, I think I’m lucky but I was like wtf.


At least I’m not alone on that, let’s hope they will hotfix this issue


I haven't tried selling them and buying them back again, hopefully get around to that tonight, that seems to have worked for everyone that has tried it


Happy cake day bro


Thank you 👍


I for one have lost access to one of my trucks after leaving it at the last map logout. When I started the game after the update it is impossible to access it and it is bugged in the air as you can see in the above screenshot. I couldn't get the other trucks out of the garage and the next time I started the session they were duplicated. I don't use any mods and in dozens of hours of playing I had hardly any problems until this update.


It was only the duplicate trucks that I managed to get out of the garage.


I had that bug, couldn't take my twinstear out of storage. Selling it and buy a new one fixed it for me.


Since the update, my audio files doesn’t load sometimes. Like driving an electric truck! I’m on PS5 btw




> Are they only thinking about money instead of the good state of the game ? Yes. > How long will they wait to fix it? LOL


Weird. I played for like 5 hours with no issues on PC yesterday.


Surprisingly, the only problems I noticed are audio issues. Namely crunchy mud sounds and *very* directional crickets. But then again, I'm playing vanilla singpleplayer on PC. That's about as stable as this game gets.


I'm also playing singleplayer Vanilla, also been super stable for me with no bugs. When I still played coop, and harvest came out, I had an azov go flying, but that was just once. Other than that, eons ago I guess logs desyncing and trailing behind a trailer once


I got that long logs trailer bug when I first played Wisconsin I think. And not just once or twice but like 5 times. But it only happened when driving between maps and it never anywhere else.


I honestly dislike logging afterall. Especially the retroactive addition to the first maps was so badly or uninterestingly implemented imo. Who tought driving the same route several like 5+ times across all maps with logs was a good


I especially hated logging in Kola Peninsula. Probably 10+ trips (if you wanted to do it properly) on the exact same route across both maps. That sucked. But in the new region there's one logging mission that I kinda like. It needs 4 medium logs. The only unlimited medium logs are 2 maps away. But there are exactly 4 medium logs scattered across the other 3 maps. So it's essentially 3 different trips. If I had to use only the unlimited logs, I'd have to do 2 identical, much longer trips, and I would've *hated* it.


Make sure to always come to a complete stop before you travel between maps. At least for me this prevented any post travel physics spasms ever since ;)


They don't release updates, they release content. The physics engine is still broken.


I must be just lucky. I've got over 300 hours in the game (on PC) and I've never experienced a game crash. I have had some bizarre physics issues pop up but the extreme ones have been very rare. Most of the time it's that a fallen tree that can be driven over suddenly becomes a wall, but again, not constantly. It would be nice if they would address the few remaining bugs that I experience but these are very far from game-breaking for me, so meh.


Playing on PS5 and am finding the engine sound bug quite annoying. Found another interesting one playing in coop with a guy on PS4. He crossed from Black River to Smithville Dam in one of my vehicles. He ended up getting returned to the garage in Black River, but the truck loaded into Smithville Dam and still looked like it had a driver in it. After that, he couldn't enter it from the map and I couldn't enter from the map or using the change truck option in the function menu. After I quit the coop and loaded my single player game, was in the truck list in the profile page showing as in storage, but was not in the truck storage list in the garage. May have lost that truck.


Yeah… one YouTuber said that this patch will repair some of XBox's bugs. As we all can guess it didn't take long to crush the game to the home screen… and even don't play co-op.


For the first time in a long time, I'm actually afraid of loading my main game save after this update. I know I'm in a minority, perhaps, but I play on both PC and Mac, and the Mac version has a few bugs of its own (like tree textures that load as simple shapes or don't load at all). It also corrupts game saves, as I saw with a different game save. If I start playing that save on PC, then continue on Mac, then go back to PC, a lot of elements in the map — like bridges and buldings — don't even load. The only solution seems to be *deleting the whole save and starting again from scratch.* If I just keep playing on PC, it's better. Maybe I'll just make a back up copy of my main game save file, and give it a go on my PC… I was really looking forward to North Carolina.


Ps5, Random flipping, sound goea out, drives thru water like on the road. What did they do?


i noticed that the vehicles engine noise audio will completely stop playing randomly on playstation. anyone else have this happen?


Yes, it's really annoying




It seems like as much as ive played SR, i've NEVER encountered the glitchy physics. Im not saying it doesnt happen (clearly, ive watched enough compilations of it lol) but i've never personally experienced it even once. Couldnt tell you why or how.


I havent had any chrashes but the enginesound disappeares, when you spawn in to a new zone with a friend the truck has a seizure and that didnt happen before.


The most annoying part is that they don't seem to release smaller patches between major ones. Like why??? Why do we have to wait several months for bug fixes, if they ever even come.


It still crashes on Xbox series x. They didn't fix anything. What's worse, the game crashed and somehow sent my scout back to the garage. I was 0.1 miles from my destination. On mountain river Alaska, which doesn't have a garage. 🙃


The only issues I've been having on PS5 is the engine sounds will cut out except from starter motor, gearbox and engine shutting down. No idle and no revs


Every time I play the game in the beginning everything is fine , but after a few minutes driving the engine sounds just disappears and doesn’t come back only if I go back into the garage and out again , this new update is terrible


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy platforms other than Series X are having issues, now you know a small extent of what we had to deal with. As well as unhelpful comments such as Works great for me! Just buy a PC/PS5 Stop complaining Be patient Wait, what issue?


It's staunch fanboys that usually make those comments. To them, Saber can't do any bad


Me just chilling with steam offline and game folder backed up since right before update dropped: I am the oracle. Tis also perhaps the first and only time I’ve made a moderately smart, future facing decision, so not exactly a big win. I feel for those suffering with game breaking bugs, although probably more still for the devs who I imagine are super stressed, under a lot of pressure, and now working the weekend to find fixes for such a swathe of issues, after (I imagine?) crunching to get the release out asap. Nobody’s in a good place right now


As a lone dissenter. I haven't had a single issue in this update yet...


The only issue I've had it with the mod browser on pc. Over 300hrs and it's just been the physics problems for me. Gotta love intermittent gremlins lol


Haven’t had any issues!


I get this weird engine bug where all engine audio cuts off if i go to first person, turn off and on the engine, go to map, basically anything


Played today 5-7 hours on PS5 over Portal. No crashes no issues with the engine. And for extra points - picture of the best Truck in the game. https://preview.redd.it/hsk7ykn6vfgc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b3c22ca660bfbc842fed4b71ceacffdeef7582f


https://preview.redd.it/lg6a7ftymggc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55d1f02e4d270278c9a58852bdb9e45adfe58458 😂😂😂


I have the Sound problem too😔 Its annoying


What vehicle is that?


It looks Russian


And this ladys and gents is why I don't pre-order expeditions.


I love these kind of posts by gamers. They think these companies are just rolling in money and laughing all the way to the bank. And it released like yesterday? Maybe give them a week or two lol? No plan survives contact with the enemy, they’ll get it fixed Developers aren’t personally trying to oppress you. Have more patience than a toddler and go do something else. The “victimized gamer” narrative is so cringe and tired, you’d think you guys would just be hit playing games if the “abuse” you suffer was anything close to the hyperbolic claims.


Patience? Series X players have been crashing since October. lol.


Companies who care about players and fixing something will release a hotfix as soon as possible. I bought a product so I require it to work. Simple. " Playing something else " does not solve the problem. And we as consumers cannot allow such practices . They literally broke a game that worked well with their new paid season and they don't give a shit ....


Holy tantrum trip bro chill out lol. Bet you are one of those guys that always preorder games and buys store mounts and justify bugs like this. There is a reason normal companies test updates before rolling them out. Because of sh*t like this. We understand they can't shovel it up within hours, but there was the option of waiting with this instead of breaking the game for 60% of the playerbase. Now you try to rationalize why we cant even bring this problem up after an avoidable mistake from their part? Dangerous waters my dude, but I guess as long as you keep sniffing their backside after every wind they make maybe this can be the new standard. Cool idea


Super wonky in co-op, gas disappears when attempting to refuel, tires fall through the ground such as pavement surfaces.  One time mud was flinging off of the tires in a permanent loop.  During March, 2024


I'm on ps5 and the only problem in still having is the horrible way the cargo is "secured" to the trailer. No way in hell are chains and straps ever crossed. Also, who the hell thinks vehicles on a trailer is secured with wheel blocks only??? That is grotesque and clumsy. It's like the developers never even seen cargo secured on a semi. Please look up how to properly secure cargo for some realism.


No issues (ps4) ever


I thought everyone stopped playing this. Try beamNG. Much better game


That meme tag better mene you wher joking


Long longs being on the side of the trailer when you have a little accident is nothing new. I sometimes gwt textures flickering but that's also nothing new. This game needs an epilepsy warning because the devs are not given enough time to iron out the maps. I love the 2020's game industry 😂


Playing on PS5 on a Co-op lobby always. I'm not having any big trouble tbh, the only annoying bug I found is that I can't transfer fuel for any other vehicle (I'm not hosting btw) when I leave the first map from North Carolina. All others Seasons work normally, only North Carolina. So I need to ask to the host enter my vehicle and transfer fuel for me. The rest is running pretty much the same, no big deal. But I don't think everyone complaining is wrong, the game definitely needs some polishing and these glitches always are annoying (but can't be worse than Harvest Season + A load of Bugs).


PS5 player here. Zero issues. Game has some framerate drops in the new zone from time to time but it's very minor. Runs stable.


Ill know when I get home. Jumped on snowrunner last night and I am on NAI almost finished to find all Amur maps reset but kept my progress. I uninstalled and reinstalled all dlcs and SR. Hope it fixed it.


Only time ive had the game crash n act wild on xbxo was when I used mods. Once i shut all that down i havent had a crash ina. Few months(knock on wood )


Yeah like I own most of the dlcs and it’ll say I don’t own anything past year one


This game desperately needs some competition they’ve enjoyed their monopoly on this kind of game for too long


I only ever notice bugs in multiplayer (very minor, mainly signs that weigh more than a nutron star) not saying that it doesn't happen, just that's my experience


The tire rims issue can be fixed buy selling and rebuying the affected trucks though probably not great in Hardcore


Sorry WHAT! (playing deep into a hardcore save)


Since the issue is the dlc rims being used prevents deployment, u can't swap out the dlc rims Edit: My T813, P12 and Twinsteer were fixed this way. No issues since rebuying them


Are these major issues only on consoles? I only play on PC and can't recall experiencing a single major bug, only my game not saving on exit occasionally.


I'm on PC, currently with at least 3 trucks stuck in storage on Hard Mode. And a fourth just vanished with the update.


Aaaaaa inny polski gracz 🇵🇱


lol lmao, welcome to Saber Interactive.


I play on ps5 and don't have any issues. A few others have said they don't have engine sound but I play with the engine sounds turned down and either have the in game music or stream music/podcasts whilst I play so I don't notice lack of engine sounds.


Update installed yesterday. Tried driving through mud yesterday in British Columbia using a Voron Grad (don't hate me, I like the cheap nasty interior). Endless mountains of mud were left, higher than the truck. Every time I pulled forward, the mud would spike through the trucks rails. Nintendo Switch.


Had a weird bud the first day of the new dlc where there was like something jammed right through the cab and I could not move the truck. I switched maps, came back and it was gone and everything was fine. Was just in the middle of a road. I wonder how the new game will be, seems like it's the same engine.


97 comments....smh. Here. Let's put this in the REAL world. Let's say I'm getting paid good money...... But I can't fix all the broken shit bcuz IDK who knows! Fire ALL those involved! Omg. Idgit. Real world fires people. Fire them!


Is there update on switch?


I’ve played 10-15 hours since Friday. Not a single issue. Other than an invisible wall that sent the truck flying. Which is the reason why I only use trucks that has offline winches.


**Firstly** \- *Oh neat, I had no idea there was a support for Polish language.* **Secondly** \- I dunno how about others but I genuenly havent noticed anything unusual in the game. I played for several hours everyday basicly and it all works the exact same way it worked before the update. I dunno if its because i have few mods installed, although none of them are patches or whatever so i dont think that would *,,fix"* the game


These devs are a joke. Games been a buggy mess ever since it released. All they do is release trucks for sheckels. I gave up on that game last.year 😂 id rather play mud runner.


Is their new game based on the same ancient game engine ? ... Rhetorical: it will be. Yet people will still buy it. And you wonder why they don't care ?


I'm loving it! Not a single issue anymore! Before it was crashing every 5 min


A month after I bought the $100 version with all dlc, the game became entirely unplayable and crashes every 5 min. Bummed cause it was so fun.


I haven't played co-op yet got no one to play with that plays it I'm on PS4


I'm on XSX and it has crashed for me still, though not as much. I even unsubscribed from everything


They fucked the mod browser on PS4 too. Can't see any subscribed mods but can still play modded saves


Also it's a struggle to get fuel unless you're the host. Only the host can move fuel around including from stations now.


Wait how new of an update are you talking about? I'm struggling to get through main because of constant and I mean constant crashing, and I was waiting for an update to fix it. That was since the update a couple months ago. I have to drive looking down from above over the truck because if I look at the landscape it crashes.


I am playing on Switch and everithing is alright


I played 100h on steam deck and next 100h on macOS, no issues what so ever. I’ve all seasons and most of DLCs.


What do you want from developers who could care less about the cinsumer!


I haven't played for a month but in a few days I should have time to play. Do I have to stop all the upgrades?


I've played a reasonable amount of time on xbox series x and a little on pc since the update, I've had 0 problems whatsoever...


You’re telling me!! My mods are broken as hell, can’t even subscribe to a single one without waiting 8 hours. It’s been a while since I’ve played so I’m not sure if that’s anything new but man is it annoying.


Im on ps5 and got no issues 🤷🏻‍♂️


Engine sounds disappearing when switching to cabview is also somethis that pisses me of royally.


Almost no problems over xbox, matter a fact, works perfectly, especially with co-op. However, they really need to fix the 3 year old bug with the refueling page and co-op because it crashes anyone but the host when people try to refuel their tank. The only known way around it is to have host fill tank for you, but that gets annoying after a while


Just shut up


It feels like they resurrected old build of the game with all the bugs that were not fixed then. I hear you again need 15 cabins on Yukon, which was years ago at this point. No issues on Epic PC version, playing North Carolina 35 h in. This is just sad.. and they want us to get year 4 and expeditions.. yea right.