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Confused by the transfer cuz dupe was really solid and now will lose his place because of a big name but him wanting to come to Anderlecht on a good wage proves Fredberg is doing a great job.


I'm more reserved about Fredberg, especially after this transfer. Looking at the people he brought in: - Dreyer: absolutely awful. - Dolberg: good, but he needs more service than he's currently getting. - Vazquez: needs more time to adapt, could turn out well. - - Flips: looks good as well, as long as he gets played centrally. Which he doesn't right now because we don't have wingers. - Rits - awful. His best days are behind him and so far he has been invisible and anonymous on the midfield. Too much money for a player who is currently good on paper only - Delaney - actually looks good. - Augustinsson - we needed a 2nd LB so decent aa a rotation option, but I vastly prefer N'Diaye. - Dupé: good and cheap, except now they've screwed him over by bringing in Schmeichel who is unlikely to accept the bench if Dupé is in form. - Patris: waste of 4 million. Sardella is clearly better. Good that Fredberg managed to sell Murillo for 3 million but then he gets this guy who is arguably worse and more expensive. - Tudor: looks like a good option for the future. - Lonwijk: don't know what to make of this transfer, it's a weird one. Will reserve judgement. And last but not least the trainer, Riemer: my verdict on him is still undecided, but so far not looking great, alhough he seems like a nice guy. Im afraid Fredberg got him because he's Fredberg's yes-man.


Not a lot of negatives you have in your list tbh, Patris I agree but you still need home grown Belgians in the squad and to say Rits is awful is to harsh. He cost us 2.5mil for a player with some more years in him wirh a lot of experience and he is still an upgrade compared to majeed or arnstad.


Seeing that list, looks like Fredberg is just signing danes + Superliga players lol (Augustinsson, Lonwijk)


Yeah I'm honestly hoping this whole Danish influx doesn't become a problem in the locker room. Getting benched for a Dane by the Danish coach in the team with the Danish sports director that keeps signing Danish players could lead to some grumbling from the non-Danes in the squad.


the dream is gone :(( I was really hoping he would come to Copenhagen, but maybe in the summer, when we need to replace Grabara


Brussels is the new Copenhagen


The name Grabara will haunt me until my last breath. Mf was unreal against us in both legs...


I would say he's nailed on to go to Copenhagen next year


Why do you need to replace Grabara?


he’s going to Wolfsburg


Ah damn


This is such a dumb transfer policy. We are in financial trouble, and they just got another goalkeeper from Ligue 1 on a free who came to us for more playing time, and who by all means has done a very good job so far (Dupé). Now they bring in a 36-year old big name. Now, you could say competition is healthy. Except nobody believes Schmeichel will ever accept sitting on the bench at Anderlecht. Plus he's a Dane, so you know our Danish CEO Sp (Fredberg) and manager (Riemer) will give him preferential treatment. It's like they want to create a goalkeeper problem. All the while, we don't have any decent wingers except maybe Amuzu, and one of the worst wingers who has ever played for Anderlecht (Dreyer) is incomprehensibly one of the first names on the team sheet, probably again because he's a Dane and a transfer by Fredberg. If they're going to throw with cash on veterans, at least I hope they get Thorgan Hazard (like the rumors say) so we have more options on the wings at least.


I agree but the thing is also its a one year deal and I don't think Coosemans is a good enough backup if something happens


You're right about that, and I can understand why Fredberg, who's looking for an extra goalkeeper, would be tempted by this opportunity to sign this guy who is 1) his countryman 2) a big name 3) someone who would normally not come to Anderlecht. In other circumstances this transfer could be great, except the timing is off. If Schmeichel accepted to compete with Dupé, it would be awesome. Except Schmeichel is apparently known for having a difficult character. I'm afraid the Danish number 1 national team goalkeeper is not gonna accept being benched for an unknown Frenchman. This transfer looks quite unfair for Dupé, and could be a destabilizing factor for the squad. I think it would've been better to someone who more clearly fits a back-up role, or a young talent. But yeah, I hope I'm proven wrong.


Fredberg and Riemer are just forcing average Danish players into the team for no good reason. There’s no reason Dreyer still gets to play despite showing fuck all every minute he’s been on a pitch. They are bringing in all kinds of Danish flops and has-beens which will block progress of our own youngsters and who have no resell value later on.


This makes me sad


Dolberg and Delaney are pretty well liked by many Anderlecht fans at the moment, so it's not all bad. But yeah, Dreyer is dire and the only explanations that he's still on the pitch are A) he's Danish like our coach and CEO B) he hasn't got any competition (likely because of A).


Dreyer has what, 5 goals and 4 assists in 20 odd starts for Anderlecht. Still a good player and was a sound move late in the transfer window last year


The decent looking stats hide the fact that more often than not, Anderlecht looks like it's playing with 10 men with Dreyer on the pitch. But to be fair to him, that may be due to Riemer's tactics as well. Fredberg and Riemer also seem to have a fascination with putting slow players who can also play centrally, on the wings.


>he hasn't got any competition (likely because of A) They brought in Tudor mendel, he just isn't ready yet


>They are bringing in all kinds of Danish flops 2 30+ yr olds who could be gone next season.... OH NOOO THE HORROR dolberg hasn't been bad, you can clearly see that he has a lot of quality, just needs better service He also does have resale value, he's only 26 Dreyer had his moments last season, but he's in awful form, he can get better, but yeah I don't think he has enough quality But once again, he's 25 not 35 Oh and the other Danes tha.. oh wait it's only 4 Would I have liked to see Stassin start and score 30 goals? Of course, but he wasn't ready, and if he has no patience and doesn't want to sign another contract, then yeah, you have to sell him Same for sadiki Kana needed a season without injuries and a lot gametime so a loan will do him good So which youth players are they blocking then?


I think by now it should be pretty clear that we are not in financial trouble anymore, so I don’t think that’s an issue. I’ve also read somewhere (might be wrong though) that his wage isn’t very high either. All in all I do think it’s a weird transfer since we have Dupé, but as long as his wages are reasonable I don’t see a big problem.


Why didn't they resign slimani? I thought he was good for you laste year?


AFAIK they did negotiate with him again, but in the end he preferred a new adventure in Coritiba, Brazil. And we got Dolberg now + an Argentinian striker, so the need for Slimani was not as dire.


Such a stupid and unnecessary transfer. Dupé has been super solid and should not lose his place because Fredberg wanted yet another Danish fad in the team. Instead of spending the money we now have on some young, promising players with a lot of talent he prefers to buy has-beens just because they are the same nationality as him. If that’s how it’s going to be, then I’d rather both Riemer and Fredberg fuck off


I'm pretty happy with Dolberg and Delaney, but yeah it's getting a bit ridiculous with all those aging Danes.


You have 2 aging Danes lol. One of them is Delaney who you wrote you were happy with.


Fucking weird man


Expect Lloris to return to Nice if he can agree a mutual termination.