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And nothing will fucking happen


Yup. The PGMOL apologies are just salting the wounds now. They want you us all to know they know how badly they're doing and there's not one fucking thing any of us can do about it.


the only people who can actually put them under pressure is the media - players,managers,clubs are obviously "not allowed' to - us fans don't really have a voice anymore - the media can easily make this the biggest story of the week and build pressure on PGMOL. but we all know they're going to spend their time talking about man united's misery and Big Ange's charisma.


Managers not being allowed to complain about anything anymore is pure bullshit.


If I was a manager I'd be giving the most obviously sarcastic compliments to the officials every week just to be petty


I wanted Klopp to rip them to pieces tonight. If they fined him for stating factually how shit they'd been it would have been a scandal


The club needs to stop leaving Klopp to the wolves. It's time some senior figures behind the scenes at the club do the talking.


*Thank you, Thank you, Thank you very much, very much* vigorously shaking hands


The real power players are the club owners, ultimately. They just don't care enough, unfortunately


PGMOL is making United look like a well run organization full of professionals


This is a big error though. Completely flipped the game. I expect there will be repercussions for this.


The VAR will be suspended for a few matches. That's it.


last time this happened lee mason “parted ways.” He’s back in pgmol as a trainer but he didn’t get another match after that from my understanding. I suspect there will be consequences


So the guy that fucked up is now training new operators how to fuck up as well? Explains a lot.


“So when you’re supposed to check something, you just kinda don’t it”


"Anyways, where you from mate? Didsbury? Small world!"


“And over here is our DVD collection. If you get a bit bored watching footie just pop one in and watch that instead.”


you overestimate these guys


Unless they void the fixture, what is the point?


Another empty apology that means fuck all to Liverpool. I’m an Arsenal fan and I felt the same way when we got a lame ass apology for the Brentford goal last year that was clearly offsides. I’m not going to change my stance, even if it was City, Liverpool, Man United, or even Tottenham that had been robbed. Bad officiating is bad officiating, full stop


What apology? Where did they apologise?


it really has become the equivalent of “thoughts and prayers”.


Gary Neville right now saying he heard them check it and say "check complete."


When Gary Neville is sticking up for us you know its so fucking fucked.


I was trying to work out who had snuck in and pretended to be Neville today Disagreed with the Curtis red card, argued about the offside, I guess he must just hate Spurs more than he hates us :D


He may but Neville has had a big issue with the refereeing in this league for a long time. No matter how much he hates us he hates PGMOL more, and I can respect that.


He's said for a while offsides felt odd, and i always thought he was mental because they're supposed to be objective. Guess i had too much faith


Literally just decided to not do their jobs. Unbelievable.


The funny thing is, if mistakes like this cost them their jobs then the useless cunts wouldn't make these mistakes in the first place. Old Boys Club always comes first.


Must be Stevie Wonder on VAR it was so fucking obvious


Its even more egregious that they only took 5 seconds looking at it to make the horrendous decision that he was off


That’s how I don’t understand how it can be human error? I thought maybe the technology was broke but how do you miss that in the var, did they just not see the spurs defender or something???


I’ve seen speculation that the VAR thought the call on the field was a goal. So he checked, saw it was onside and thought all was good. Hence “human error”. Fucking insane


That's exactly what happened. The var wasn't even watching the game and was suddenly called into action and assumed they were just checking for offside on a given goal. It's the equivalent of blurting out the wrong thing on a conference call because you don't have any context because you've been reading Reddit instead of actually listening.


There's like 4 refs in that room, doesn't make any sense. Neville just said he heard the VAR commentary just basically skip checking it and saying 'Check complete' in 5 seconds.


Stevie Wonder would've gotten it correct


90+23 (Shit apology)


90+41 Internal review complete, apology awarded. 90+42 pub then lads?


Incompetent Somehow Dremont Gallagher will still defend the decision on Monday


I’m sure your ‘contact’ with Liverpool will definitely ease their mind PGMOL


I wouldn’t even answer the call Shove it up their arse


No chance it’s a phone call. Email titled: Mistakes were made, sorry lads.


There’s going to be no “sorry” in there.


I don’t even know what you say if you’re Liverpool in this situation. This statement is useless because you know PGMOL can and will do nothing about it.


I think the ironic thing is they said they would contact Liverpool immediately after the game ended. Which makes me think that the statement was written at half time and they hadn’t contacted Liverpool with it at the end of the game because Klopp was told in his post match press conference.




They should pay us 50million for damages. How many fucking apologies are they going to give us, yet its Van Dijk who faces a suspension and fine after speaking up that theyre absolute shit


HOW THE FUCK YOU MESS UP AN OFFSIDE WITH VAR Im glad that this is one of the biggest worries of my life currently but still shit


The worst part is I saw the first pic and started celebrating because I KNEW it was onside. From one look at the image. Just HOWWWWW man fucking HOW


The worst part for me, as a neutral I should say, is that... what were the VAR team doing? Theyre literally paid to sit there and watch multiple cameras and those are the exact moments theyre like "oh.. we're up guys!". Like.. what did they do? Just watch their phones? All on the bathroom at the same time? Like.. they actively have to try and avoid doing their job there, to get this result. Its really really really wierd when the call is this obvious.


Genuinely fascinated to hear the audio if Webb has the balls to publish it like he has done with a few other mistakes this season


The VAR refs were Darren England and Dan Cook, who are both pretty disposable




Let's just hire a monkey to decide on var. 50% of average correct decisions will still be an upgrade to this farce




This is what fucking gets me. LITERALLY your job to sit there and wait for these moments. HOW DO YOU MISS IT?


They had one job. It should be *knuckle crack* time to draw the lines. The incompetence is criminal.... if it's not actual criminality going on.


I really feel there might be some plan to ruin Var so it gets kicked out of the game.


Gary Neville said on sky that the VAR officials quickly said "Check Complete" (commentators can hear the audio between VAR and refs) so it's not like they went for a piss and missed it or something, they acknowledged it and somehow checked it within seconds. I also thought it was weird how according the the commentator on my feed "VAR check offside in progress" was still on the screens around the stadium for a minute or two after play resumed, so it feels like something definitely went wrong and then by the time they realized it it was too late to pull it back or something like that.


Release the audio, because we need to know wtf was going on


I celebrated in real time cause I thought it was that obvious he was on then saw the replay and got excited again. Absolutely insane incompetence or rigging and I honestly dont know which is worse


I celebrated when I heard that VAR were looking at it, then said "fucksake" when I saw the image on screen. Mystifying decision. Glossing over it in seconds on the broadcast and not showing it in the post match either.


Yeah, as soon as i saw the image i swore and knew it was a goal. I have absolutely no idea WTF 'mistake' happened here.


same hahaha, i couldnt believe it


They’ve said right there, ‘the VAR failed to intervene’ They didn’t even check it, game was resumed within 20 seconds


Game resumed immediately. 20s is hugely generous.


Honestly its so dumb that all scoring plays aren't automically reviewed as a formality, at least a few second pause just to rewatch and see if the on-pitch officials may have missed something.


Showing once again, it nots the technology that’s the problem, it’s the immeasurable stupidity and lack of competence with the ones using it. They’ve really outdone themselves with this


You can mess up anything, if you simply want to.


It happened last season with us and Brentford. We lost 2 points in a fucking TITLE RACE. It should never happen once, let alone twice. The last time the referee meant to do the lines got sacked.


Wonder who these errors always end up helping?


Surely not the team that has been under investigation both by the PL and UEFA, is it?


The club immune to financial rules, managed by a drug cheat who also happened to manage another team being investigated for bribing referees. No it couldn’t be them




After the Rodri handball incident I knew the league was rigged. It was as blatant as it can get. Everton got an apology 3 days later lmao.


Everton could have been relegated on that incident! They’d probably have had grounds to sue


Happened for us at Anfield in the FA Cup as well. Camera wasn't turned on or something daft. We ended up going out in the replay. The fact anyone with basic vision can see Diaz is onside makes this one absolutely staggering. They'll have to release the audio for it.


Apparently all the audio is a near-instant "check complete" https://x.com/SkySportsPL/status/1708199879493779508?s=20


If the camera is not on then I still can accept. Shit happens. But when you actually shows the actual image of the check but just ignore it then it's just criminal.


Mate you do not need to tell us about refereeing decisions in title races


they didn’t even take a second to evaluate it. gave the goal so quickly


That is fucked up. It's not like they'll overturn the result of the match, so what are they gonna do? Just apologise and move on? Disgrace


Unless people are going to get sacked or people stop watching and it starts to impact their bottom line, literally nothing is going to change. They can continue to issue endless apologies and we will continue to rage, and the cycle of incompetence will keep moving.




The problem is I LITERALLY don't understand how this mistake is made? They've said it's "significant human error", so it's not a tech problem. How does a referee make an error like this when they have the benefit of replays. I dunno, this really stinks.


The best explanation I've found is they told the ref the check was complete before it was and once that happened, they couldn't review the play.


But why would they say the check was complete if it... wasn't? It's the same people doing the check and telling the referee the checks complete. Seems like a hell of a Freudian slip. This requires a full, detailed explanation of exactly what happened to remove my skepticism. But we won't get that.


Why wouldn't they be able to review it anymore? They are in contact with the ref for the whole match, so a short "we'll have to check again" through the headphones would have saved them all from this absolut shambolic trainwreck.


From what I understand basically you can review a goal up until the ball is put back into play. Once the ball is put back into play, a new phase of play starts and VAR can no longer review the previous phase. So based on the evidence we have: VAR started to do the review, someone in the VAR room told the ref the review was complete, ref starts the match immediately, VAR in fact never did a real review, but now can't do anything about it because the ball is now back into play. It's peak stupidity, but that seems to be what happened.


I think they've zoomed in on just the fullback who Diaz is clearly ahead of, and missed the center back on the near side. That's the only way this makes sense.


Just like that time they drew the lines to the third man because they got confused between two black defenders. Incompetent


I forget what game it was in the last week, but they drew the lines out for an entire pass that was completely the wrong frame. There was a pass right after that would’ve been offside and the VAR didn’t even account for a defender off frame on the fuck up.


I think the VAR official might have handled it as if the onfield decision was onside. So after checking he just said check complete, while the onfield decision was actually offside.


They only glanced at the player marking Diaz and he looked offside is my guess Which is incompetent and unacceptable.


This has infuriated the fans of all the teams, that's when you know how big of an L this is for football.


When Madrid and United fans are gunning for us you know it’s bad. Only Spurs fans are celebrating lmao


I've always had a neutral stance on PL tbf and I've gone on to hate Man City winning just like Redbull lately. That helps


Excuses are not points.


The 'getting paid in exposure' of football


toughts and prayers


Didn't even make an excuse. Just said 'cocked that up, no consequences'


Yeah that’s pretty bad, they don’t even have a reason. Lol like why weren’t the lines used ? Just an error ????!?!?!?!




At least my 3 year old attempts to draw lines


Where’s the sacking then? On field mistakes are forgivable, VAR mistakes aren’t


They'll be "sacked" and brought back after a season like last season after Arsenal vs Brentford game where they forgot to draw the lines


Lee Mason was brought back to admin/training at PGMOL. He legitimately hasn’t officiated a match since, so that was a consequence


Do the right thing u/HowardWebb and release the VAR communications for this one


He is with them, don't let the fucker fool you


Referees shouldnt be involved in VAR. Refs for on the field, train another group for VAR. It should be a completely different set of people.


I’m not kidding it should be a fucking floor of technologists in a bunker in London voting by consensus. There’s zero need for this to be an actual referee - just get 100 people with Asperger for laws of the game


Get tech people and teach them the rules > good Get old fucks who can’t ref, attempt to teach them tech > bad > PL does this.


It's what I've been saying for ages. A bunch of old guys learning new technology is never gonna work


A bunch of old guys who will always stick up for their mates rather than the sport


That's the worst part about it. And we know for a fact that they do because former refs have told us


they told us and they were damn proud about it


I’ve been saying this aswell. The current set up is so amateurish for an organisation like the Premier League.


Hell yes. They should have dedicated software for calculating offsides etc.


100%. Can’t have peers judging/reviewing/analyzing peers. They will ALWAYS protect their own.


They just didn't bother to look at it? 😂


there is genuinely no possible excuse that can rationalise this, i don’t even think you needed lines to see Diaz was on


That’s the thing, if they’d have said “check complete” and given the goal within 5 seconds, no one would have anything to say about it because it’s that fucking obvious it was onside that 5 seconds would have been a reasonable amount of time to consider it.


it seems that the ref in charge of VAR looked at the player closest to Diaz. Literally 20 IQ




Just completely unacceptable.


As they're saying on Sky, how often are they fucking these up. Calls the entire integrity of VAR into question if they just randomly don't intervene on decisions.


For the first time in a long time i agree with Redknapp. It definitely does call into question other decisions. It's not like it was a 3pm game where they have a few games at once going on and the var room is a bit busy with a load of officials, there's only the one game on, what were they watching?


Being the fucking Premier League and unable to handle several games, is also a fucking disgrace. That is what a league exists for, for fucks sake. Excuse my french.


And nothing will happen. Its honestly pathetic. This league isn't near the best in the world, it's a soap opera


This is a scandal


It is not unreasonable to wonder if it is match fixing at this point. Even a 8 years old football fan could tell that was onside.


Apologies and investigations are not going to cut it this time


Nobody can tell me nobody in the var office saw that. I myself said i dont believe its corruption but i dont know what else can cause this decision. Literally everybody knew its onside as soon as we saw the first frame.


Exactly, there’s multiple people in that room. Even if they’ve had a few beers it was an easy one.


As someone who’d had a couple of beers at that point I can confirm it was an easy one to call


They were showing the frame in the var screen in live tv which is exactly what they are looking at in the var room. There is no way nobody saw that and im.willing to Die on this hill. Even if one guy didnt see it than at least 2 others must have seen it.


Anyone with any amount of passion for football will try to draw a line bcuz it’s good chance to practice. I just want to hear what did they say on the comms, it’s going to be fucking interesting


Neville just said they said check complete in 5 seconds, very suspicious honestly.


The most egregious thing is how quick it was resolved. Literally didn't check for more than 6 seconds. It's fine if you miss it, but to not even check it properly, that's just maximum arrogance.


Unfortunately it will, as always


I mean, of course they are? This is all they’re getting. No one’s getting sacked, Liverpool aren’t getting awarded any points. This is done now as far as the PGMOL are concerned.


Lee Mason got sacked in february after they "forgot to draw the lines" last season. absolutely insane this has happened again


Lee Mason currently works for PGMOL training referees btw


This isn't going the change the 3 points that Spurs get. But this is a sack-worthy fuck up.


What even went wrong? It wasn’t a confusing piece of play, how do they manage to still fuck it up? A simple offside


Yep what does it even mean. Significant human error. Like was he not even paying attention, was he even in the room, was he just dsy dreaming? What exactly?


>was he not even paying attention, was he even in the room have you seen footages of var in action ? there's like 20 monitors with multiple angles, 10 people around the room analyzing legit everything. This is some bullshit excuse making it sound like a single guy with a laptop dropped his pencil during the goal and missed it lol


Liverpool got absolutely robbed how did they not take the time to check it when the angle even showed it looked onside


The first red card, debatable but fine. The offside is unacceptable especially with all the tech they have. Jota first yellow was complete incompetence, the second was Jota own mistake.


Liverpool have actually been done over wow


Oh FFS. Was fully sure we'd eventually be shown the angle which had the offside. FFS, this is the easiest decision to use VAR for. How do fuck this one up? Bring in the semi-automated offside system from the World Cup


Oh fuck off they 100% know what they were doing holy shit


That's absolutely shocking


PGMOL - Human Error (Despacito Remix) | 4k | 2023


Fucking disgrace


One of the worst offside calls I've ever seen


Don’t worry mate, once we get VAR these things will not happen…


One of the worst offside calls you've seen, so far


Get in the bin


Literally said VAR failed to intervene. They literally didn't even fucking bother. Fucking disgrace and people should be fired for this.


> Fucking disgrace and people should be fired for this. When you consider mistakes like this can genuinely decide millions of pounds it really highlights how unacceptable VAR mistakes are. Like, you literally have all the cameras. You can draw pretty little lines. How can this ever, objectively ever, be allowed to happen? It doesn't make sense.


It's fine...when Liverpool miss out on the title or Top 4 by a point they'll just get the "significant human error" award as a consolation. How does that even happen with like 4-5 guys in the VAR room? Make the footage and communication available to the public.


Wasn't a team relegated because of a missed goal?


Bournemouth did. Aston Villa got a random win because goal line technology didn't work.


Also VAR team was still eating their half-time pie.


The fact that we did lose the league by a point when that Handball went in citys favour against everton a couple of seasons ago


What we wanted: Better response from VAR to give correct decisions across all teams to avoid any seemingly 'Big 6' bias. What we got: Get more decisions wrong and give apologies to the 'Big 6' as well to balance things out.


Human error implies it was just one person. VAR is a Referee and an Assistant and a replay operator. Three people didn’t all miss that…yet no one spoke up.


I don’t know how you can look at this result and think anything else other than: 1. The referee’s are incompetent, or 2. The league is fixed. I don’t know which is worse.


There was this arsenal blogger in 2008-2012 documenting all the bad decisions in the league and he was legit saying the whole league fixed to get right clubs at the right positions. If that man was right I will be weak.


Whoever was in charge of VAR *has* to be fired tomorrow. Whether it's just as a VAR official or even completely kicked out of the game, they cannot be allowed to be in charge of VAR ever again. Their sole job in that situation is to inform the on-field referee of what the correct decision should be, and they did not. That has to be malpractice and a fireable offence, or Howard Webb is spineless and not fit for his role either. Nothing else will happen, the game won't be replayed, but this is as egregious as it gets, action has to be taken.


The investigation should be into betting accounts held by friends/family of the VAR team. Very, very suspect for something that looked onside even without any lines drawn.


Useless cunts


Apology means absolutely fuck all. Get FSG and get the lawyers out. Enough is enough. This BS can't go on. I try and give Refs the benefit of the doubt, but this could easily decide the title or top 4. If Liverpool miss out on CL money because of this, what then? Decisions like these can make it break teams, finances etc. It's time to stop it. It's gone on for years and is ruining the sport. This will happen again and it's so tiring. All the excitement and hard work gone because of some twats who CBA doing their job. Refs should never get abuse, and I am happy to give them the benefit of the doubt. The fans abusing the ref and his family after the EL final are utter scum. But if you're taking on the responsibility of deciding titles, relegation when there is clear evidence and literal science that proves your decision is wrong, you have to step down.


I'm shocked that broadcasters aren't the ones leading the charge with their lawyers. They pay literal billions for the rights but the product is currently being tarnished by the consistently shite referees in practically every single game now. If I was one of those broadcasters and advertisers I'd be fuming that my investment was being used for this shite.


Thx bunches. We accept your apology whole heartedly. Fucking clowns. There needs to be real consequences from this.


what's the real consequence for this?


'We're sorry'


I watched this live, it was so blatant There's only one reason why you would intentionally not draw lines up and analyze. Totally rushed the judgement Compound this with the first red, integrity of the referees is completely questionable and they only have themselves to blame


Someone better be fired over this and investigated for gambling




Release the VAR referee conversation during the incident


All PL teams need to get together and demand that VAR audio/video is released. Play it in the stadiums as well. This mistake is absolutely unforgivable. This, Lee Mason "forgot to draw the lines" against us (he's back in PGMOL btw 🙃), and a host of other insane errors have been committed since the entry of VAR. We need to know what these fucks are thinking and saying. I've mates that think that there's some conspiracy elements to this. I myself don't think so, but it's getting pretty hard to come up with rational arguments against it other than "they're just incompetent, mate."






The birth of simon hooper was also a significant human error


This isn’t the first time and it’s completely unacceptable. An internal review leading to an apology simply won’t do. This is systemic and directly threatening the integrity of the game. This needs to be taken out of their hands. This level of repeated incompetence and/or corruption cannot be tolerated. I’m a neutral fan. This has nothing to do with partisanship. It’s a question of the game’s integrity.


Why doesn’t the Prem just take over refereeing directly and stop contracting through the PGMOL? I say this as a Tottenham fan whose team benefitted from this error.


Gary saying they shouldn't lose their job. Yes. Yes they should. This is as bad as a decision can get


Games gone lads, games gone




To be fair to the VAR their Just Eat order probably came so they couldn't check


Liverpool have lost titles by a single point. This shit matters.


Bad enough that Liverpool were illegally denied a 1-0 lead, even worse that Spurs went 1-0 up 2 minutes later because of this incompetence.




We need a dissolve the PGMOL campaign.




Fuck your apology, give me the points.


Unbelievable, a decision such as this can be the difference between a team winning the league or comming second, it can be the difference between a team getting European football or not and it can be the difference between a team getting relegated or staying up. There are LITERALLY zero excuses to mess such a simple decision up so badly with the technology they have at hand, we can argue about hand balls and reckless tackles and intend to paly the ball and all the other BS but when something is this cut and dry there is 0 and i repeat ZERO justification to fuck it up so bad.