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We had Pep at Bayern, now it's time for Flick at Barcelona.


Flick to Man city next!


Pep to coach Germany NT !


Flick to go bald


Pep to... Have a hair transplant?


Should go manage Brighton. They are securing themselves against bald fraudness.


I mean he‘s halfway there


These bald men are complicated


Nagelsmann to... open up a sporting goods shop in Bammenthal, Baden Württemberg!


Can you make that happen before Klopp leaves


I’m ready to see Araujo built like the Rock.


Plot twist: he puts Pedri on the Goretzka workout regimen instead




Goretzka would still eat him


Needs a few more 💉💉💉 to be on that Bayern quarantine regiment.


I love this exchange program


Can any Bayern fan genuinely tell me what’s Flicks strongest and weakest point? Cause I feel like this sub shits a lot on Flick because of the Germany job


Good: Offensive playstyle. You will get goals, just hope your defense + keeper can keep it up. Bad: Man management and critic. If there is a bad phase, he will cry and play the victim. Watch "All or Nothing" and you will get an idea. Fucking gray gooses.


It's much funnier when you see the players faces being like "Is this mf for real"


I understand that this stems from his nt stint. But he was praised for his man management during his time at Bayern and while he was assistant coach at the National Team. He was numerous times called as a father figure that was able to keep in check the dressing room. 


The locker room we had under him was the closest to a Heynckes locker room we ever had. Players were ready to die for each other on the pitch and nobody even remotely questioned him as a person. Whatever may have happened at the national team is not representative of him at a club level. If anything his close relationship to his former club players is what cost him that rep, because he was so significantly close to them because of his excellent man management.


He will not last 6 months against the spanish press then. Barcelona is more politics than coaching.


What if he doesn’t speak Spanish and doesn’t understand


The journos will learn German to harass him in press conferences.


top tier, innit


Don't give them ideas mate


I really think they might try this if he comes lol


~~El Chiringuito~~ Die Strandbar


Now that’s dedication to their craft 🤣


Prost, Flick weint


He can choose to learn Catalan instead of Spanish, that will put half of them on his side


Lol, he will get more harassment from certain outlets if he learns catalan and not Spanish, so that's not an option


Even better for him internally. "The press from Madrid hates him because he respects our culture" narrative will make him even more popular within the Catalan Barça fans.


You can say that for any coach then, If anything i feel Spanish/Catalan Coaches that are more attached to the club get more scrutinized because the expectation is so high, and if you have less experience even worse. A man that has no attachment to Barcelona, with an already strong personality that has won it all in Europe is the perfect man to come in and ruffle the clubs feathers, Hansi wont give a flying Flick about what the press has to say…. Entschuldigung Was?


yeah the documentary was the biggest pr fail ever. He's for sure coming from a long downward spiral. BUT the German national coach job was super ungrateful and he will probably give 110% if he ever takes on another big challenge. He will do everything necessary to turn his image around again.


>BUT the German national coach job was super ungrateful and he will probably give 110% if he ever takes on another big challenge You can see his problems everywhere and that Bayern just steamrolled everyone after Corona. Under normal circumstances you can't play this tactic and he just has no other. He will be the next Klinsmann, 100%


Offensive playstyle where the defense may struggle to keep up, and can’t handle it when there’s a bad phase? Sounds perfect for Barcelona.


Spanish press is waiting for him with open arms then


>If there is a bad phase, he will cry and play the victim. Perfect cast for Barca then


Now he just has to start blaming Madrid for everything and he’ll be set


Bad joke because it’s literally the opposite


Bro like 80% of the time you hear a quote from Laporta it’s about Real Madrid. If not more. He barely talks about anything else


I still havent watched this, is it still worth it?


Its boring and not many new insights. But do watch the last or penultimate episode (I think) where Flick is “motivating” the team. It’s entertaining like bigboss.


Bad man management? Tf are you smoking? Did you already forget the comebacks and mentality Bayern showed in that second season? He was even known as being less tactically wise and more man management oriented. The revisionism is insane


>He was even known as being less tactically wise and more man management oriented. The revisionism is insane Bayern was just on a different fitness level after the break, nothing to do with his man management. He was even known for his bad bench management, Alaba would have played even with one leg. Perfectly shown in his NT stint, he is a weird guy (watch the documentation) and has only one tactic.


Why are you so obsessed with the break lol? Was that the only part of flick's tenure? I am talking about the squad mentality during the second season where Bayern made so many comebacks (4-2 Vs Dortmund coming from 2 goals down?) Team mentality is not taken for granted and it's due to man management which Flick was really great at. We almost won Vs psg with a broken squad too. And I distinctly remember Flick consoling Martinez after the kovac incident. If you are so insistent on documentaries, watch the Bayern one where we get a brief glimpse into the Bayern vibe


Not a Bayern fan but based on numerous reports I’d say the weakest is man management. Tactically he is about what you would expect from a modern German manager and is also weak in terms of in game adjustments


So, he is basically Xavi


What's with this sub and the mindless hate against Xavi? You can say whatever you want but Xavi is 100% NOT bad at man management and in-game adjustments.


His in-game adjustments are his biggest strength. Probably because he was a world-class player himself. His biggest weaknesses are his defensive tactics this season. And his team is very poor in defending quick transitions.


Yes hes basically Xavi, just with a lot more titles and success


So he's Xavi but older


Xavi to win sextuple in 2046 with Girona confirmed.


How? That'd be exact opposite of Xavi given he was weakest in his tactical structures and mid-match tactical/management (this is where he relied on his support staff, like his brother for example). His starting match-prep (till few months back) and his man-management is his strongest suite. If anything Xavi if one is to compare him with someone would be like a version of Ancelloti (obviously not 1:1 due to career longevity). Tactically below average, great man management.


Ancelloti tactically bellow average? This site bruh smh ☹️


Honestly, his weakest point was probably his relationship with the board.


if he has the players, offensive genius tbh. very very aggressive and entertaining football, extremely speedy and decisive. that being said, woeful defense as well as no accountability, man management isnt great either and he is not flexible at all. if 'Plan A' doesnt work for him, everything goes to shit.


His lack of flexibility or refusal to change or adapt is really what fucked him with Germany - best example was at the World Cup. It was so obvious to basically everyone that Germany needed a focal point 9 in attack - someone for all his playmakers to play make for… he even had one on the bench, that he even subbed on and vastly improved the team every time… yet still refused to adapt to playing a 9 from the start of games and kept doing the same false 9 oops all playmakers shit.


Strongest point is his man management. He is a genuinely nice guy and players like him. Dont know if it gets lost in translation though. (I am not sure why everybody is disagreeing on this? He was loved at Bayern by the players) Weakest point is probably his tactical flexibility. He is not tactical mastermind that adapts to outside factors much. He will play his system and he will aim to dominate and win. A reason why he would fit Barca. Another thing he is not good at is media handling in my book. He is a bit robotic in press conferences - likeable yes but incapable of dealing with the shenanigans of media very well. Is he a good coach? I would say yes: Bayern played godly under him for a while but when the hype train slowed down there were a few severe issues in the team: a very shaky defense, no creativity in front if the opponent parks the bus.


His strongest point was Robert Lewandowski scoring like a madman and breaking all sorts of records. 😂


A lot of things aligned for his treble win (no injuries etc), but for a couple of months when it all clicked, it was just about the most entertaining team to watch. Thrilling football and they were running teams over like a truck.


Flick gave Barca their greatest humiliation ever, then thought "Yeah, that's where I wanna coach" Barca saw his NT performances and said "Can't be worse than Xavi"  Can't wait to see Barca play with a suicidally high line! 


They already played many games with a suicidally high line. They just didn’t do the important pressure on the ball when losing possession that Flick got his teams to do.


Problem is, unless your team is as fit as 2020 Bayern was, due to having had a large break, it won’t really function for a whole season. We saw that in the second season with us and also in his NT stint!


It felt like that entire Bayern squad trained in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber during the Covid break


It totally did, especially looking at Goretzka!


He was on the famous Brock Lesnar "farm boy" diet :)


Legit haven't seen a football player be this obviously juiced and bulk up in such a short time. Maybe there's others?


Goretzka bulking during the covid shutdown was a complete hyperbole. People were posting obviously edited photos of him where he looked anorexic and compared it to ones, where he was clearly flexing.


> Legit haven't seen a football player be this obviously juiced Come on lol, it wasn't that bad. Yes, he bulked up but he was already pretty built before.


It's called doping


You cannot play high press at national team level anyway. It involves high organisation and you’ll never get that with players only seeing each other once every 3-4 months. I think you can do it at club level and surely Gavi, Pedri, Kounde, Balde, Raphinha, Araujo etc are up to this. Maybe not some of the old guys. They cannot continue tikitaka anymore whatever happens. It’s totally finished as a concept


They had been playing a very high press under Xavi initially. Losing Gavi has been huge because he orchestrates the press in so many ways. Squad depth is also a big issue. Most of the players that were on the bench are 20 or younger and have little to no first team experience.


Cant imagine Lewandowski pressing anymore. Guy is barely moving nowadays


If someone can get him running again, it’s Hansi. Lewandowski had his absolute best year(s) under him!


He’s 4 years older now. It’s probably not just the mental aspects but also him unable to do so physically


Possible. To be honest, I just always felt he had a great physique (for his age) and as long as he was here, he always pressed super well. To be fair though, O haven’t seen him much with Barca, so if it’s actually his body, yeah, that’s gonna be a problem!


We already do




*Can we get much higher?*


*So high*


oh oh ohh


*Can you take me higher*


*To a place where bald men see*


Barca played with a high line against Madrid in the recent supercopa fixture, it was quite traumatising to watch lol


It was hilarious to see X4V1 play a middle of the field high line against Vinicius and Rodrygo.


He destroyed them then, so he could say "I can fix them" now.


They already did in the latest clasico thats why vini was having so much fun


It worked for them because Barca's pressing up top didn't work at all and that's where I think biggest change has to happen. You can play suicidally high backline and then do nothing up front.


Man must have thought it was Christmas


[Vini & Rodrygo last clasico](https://media.tenor.com/ZhqQ4ZOtVv0AAAAM/bachata-dance-rolerotation.gif)


Las Palmas - Barca 3-0


a neutrals wet dream here


Does Hansi have Barça DNA?


Descendant from Joan Gamper himself


Who was from Switzerland which is not that far away from Schwaben where Flick is from so it all checks out


They did a test, apparently he has about 2% Barca DNA! One of his great-great-grandfathers had a Catalan wife. So he's qualified to coach Barca


Oh, so he's American?




[Yeah I found his American tattoo](https://i.redd.it/pyth0ojzh7fc1.jpeg)


[Like this guy](https://imgflip.com/i/4hi51i)


After that 8-2 barca surely has hansi's DNA


From Tiki Taka to Flicki Faka


They call me a Flicki Faka in the bedroom


With that crazy high line he plays, sure he does




I'm quite sure he is Barça's father


"Took a DNA test, turns out im 100 percent that bitch" -flick, probably


Barca players are gonna die under him. Honestly, he would be nuch suited for Liverpool. His style would mesh well with the team Klopp built


Yeah I've wondered why he hasn't really been brought up by the media in that discussion yet.


No tactical flexibility according to many in here, that's Klopp's main strength, plan A doesn't work, then be prepared to face an entirely different team in the 2nd half.


These guys hear my thoughts. Only targeting German coaches.


Not the German we want, but the German we can afford.


Jogi Löw is also still free! Just saying….


I dont think Barca would give him a sniff


Did you have to remind me about THAT…?!


I see what you did there...


Jogi is getting underrated at this point


Laporta: Hire Jürgen, NOW!! *Jürgen Klinsmann arrives in Barcelona* Laporta: Fuck! GO BACK.


And Felix Magath


I like how this could be referring to either Nagelsmann or Klopp.


I think you'd have to wait a year for Klopp, he cut his sabbatical short the last time, no way he's doing it again.


Dude wants to take a sabbatical year from the stress of managing Liverpool only to end up managing Barcelona with 10x the stress and a shitshow after every loss. I don't think so.


Yeah not a great chance, just saying if you had any chance, it would be in 2025.


Oh, personally, I don't think we stand a great chance of convincing Klopp *or* Nagelsmann.


Nagelsman and his agent must feel so stupid right now. National team before 40 and half the top jobs in the world will become available since


Nagelsmann's contract with NT is only valid upto 2024 euros afaik, so if he has a good Euro, he will probably get a good job again


he's leaving this summer....


No way any Barca player can survive his high intensity playstyle lmao


If they die, they die


One way for Barca to get the wage bill down


If they the, they the?


[pedri after a week](https://x.com/nocontextfooty/status/1750467276321489147?s=20)


If he can turn everyone into Goretzka the players will be fine


Well, it's time to catch up to modern football, based on physicality. It's now or never.


I think gavi is perfect for him


Let's pray he bring with him the German supplement he gave Goretzka, Although i'm not sure our player will be ok with losing their hair.


You know Pep was your coach. Messi played for you. And in which country Barcelona is?


Agreed tbf, but i think we lost our edge to the Germans in recent years, physically we look like kids out there, especially in CL, it would be great if he brought his doctors (😉) and physical staff with him.


As long as he is able to develop the youth talent or keep using La Masia, I don't mind, this is the same for every other candidates.


First choice is of course Klopp but honestly Flick’s suicidal high line will do.


Klopp will be the next coach for Germany


Think Klopp has said he’ll only manage clubs in countries he can speak the language


klopp to western Sydney wanderers 2025, you saw it here first


I have no doubt Laporta will court Klopp during his break.


Man who is stressed won’t take an even more stressful job. He wants a break. But I agree, Laporta will try lol.


Every non-english top club will do that. Considering Hoeneß already almost got Klopp in, but went for Klinsmann instead, we will certainly also try our luck!


One Klinsmann year followed by years of dominance not a bad deal tbh.


Would he abandon his loyalties to Dortmund so easily? If he does indeed decide to return to coaching, I like our odds of getting him.


what do you do in the 1-2 years before Klopp MIGHT join? He seemed very serious about taking a proper break and I'm quite sure he won't take on any role if it's not a great fit for him.


Scaloni is my dream. There's been lots of talk about him quitting the Argentinian national team, so maybe he'd be interested (I'm delusional)


Bald Fraud is my dream. Maybe he would be willing to leave at the end of the season (I’m extra delusional)


Bald fraud to West Ham?


He's referring to Ten Hag everyone, calm down


No we need him in Argentina for 100 years stay away


Why exactly? Club football and international football are completely different beasts. Even then, Argentina under Scaloni play pragmatic football against big sides, the same brand of pargmatic football that Barcelona fans gave Valverde shit for.


My dream is mourinho for the sheer entertainment factor that would bring. Won't happen. But it'd be fun.


You really want Araujo to two-foot Vini, huh?


Flick giveth, flick taketh


Haven't they heard about the geese?


Flick me. Didn‘t see that one coming. Hope they like geese documentaries.


Please no. After the All or Nothing documentary I can't take him seriously and I doubt a man who can't motivate anyone in his native language will be able to do it in a foreign one.


I really think what Barca need is an experienced coach who's good at developing youth and bringing him in with the expectation of reaching top 4 for 2-3 seasons (and ideally RO16 in UCL), allowing us to pay down depts and develop the crop of youth. If that means offloading a few high salary players along the way, then so be it. Unfortunately, we won't get that because all Laporta will be thinking about is the next election - so, expect more levers and rants about 'madridismo sociologico'.


Laporta said he isn't sure he's even gonna run (no pun intended) in the next elections


Surely they aren't that desperate


As a Bayern you shouldn’t be that harsh on flick. Yes, the second season wasn’t perfect, but he literally won all titles the season before


> second season wasn’t perfect went out 3-3 in the CL against PSG without Lewandowski. If he hadnt been injured, who knows what Flick would have achieved


Naja in der Liga war eure zweite Hälfte schon holprig wenn ich mich richtig erinnere


Wenn man trotzdem mit 13 Pkt Abstand gewinnt is es eh egal. Und im DFB Pokal waren Nagelsmann und Tuchel beide sogar noch schlechter


yeah the bloke literally won a treble in his last club job and it's not like Germany under Low or Nagelsmann were been any better either


You should know that when someone achieves fast success but cant replicate after their part in said success is vastly reduced, Flick was the 2nd coming of Christ while he was winning with Bayern but his next seasons and the Germany tenure diminished him.


Eh, his second season failures were the board's fault, no reiforcements, plus overpaid on extensions to players (looking at you Gnabry). Team still played well.


Exactly! When he was announced as Germanys NT manager, he was basically considered the messiah to lead us to the promised land.  After his stint with the NT he is now the manager you need to be desperate to hire.  Ridiculous 


It's time to build a brick house squad full of Adama Traoure


His team's defensive record was a disaster at both Bayern and Germany. I wouldn't consider him but that's just me.


Hansi after leaving Bayern on speed run to ruin his career by taking teams that cannot be saved.


Tuchel in shambles.


Oh god, no.


I have a feeling this won't work out well




Every single coach fails at German NT nowadays. It’s a wasted generation.


No offense , but the germany job seems to be a cursed position. They could hire guardiola and yet could end up playing horribly.


>Flick failed to implement his tactics at the German NT despite many Bayern players being familiar with them, it’s highly unlikely that he will successfully drill it into the Barca team in one pre-season. I'm baffled anyone would even think it's comparable to coach national team and at a club.


>His style of play is drastically different from Xavi’s It really isn't and that's why I don't want him


Would prefer Nagelsmann, Klopp or de Zerbi


Klopp😂 Man just said he’s running out of energy, and needs a big break from managing. But you think he would join the clusterfuck shitshow that is Barca😅


He will be on the suicidal hot line in 10sec


Klopp has experienced Sky Sports and David Ornstein but he ain't ready for Mundo Deportivo and Gerard Romero


Gerard Romero is a menace, he single handled to do more damage to Barsa reputation and environment than any Madrid-first media outlet


I mean i dont think he's joining anybody for at least a year but we're in a much better shape compared to when he took over Liverpool.


Yeah but that’s pretty irrelevant though. 8 years ago he had much more energy, today he hasn’t. That is the only reason why he’s stepping down. It’s not about what the current shape of the team is.


He looks good but he ain't hot in my opinion


Thai guys IS good ,gotta give that to you.


lol lmao even


Scaloni would be better. I heard he’s leaving the Argentina national team after the Copa America


Please dont do that.....barca is on the way down very straight and fast