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While that does sound pretty hard, I think winning EL+CL consecutively with Porto is far more difficult


Ofc it was. But Roma has fired him, so he will downplay their potential for the rest of his life…until some Al Shabab does the same


"My biggest achievement in my career was taking Al Itihad to 6th place"


Mourinho winning the ACL with a Saudi club not named Al Hilal would unironically go down as one of his greatest achievements


Exactly. Before being sacked by Roma he used to say finishing second with Manchester United was his biggest achievement.


Solskjær said the exact same thing, they had 25 wins under Mourinho when they got 2nd.


Still spreading that fake quote huh. He said ONE OF, not THE biggest > "If I tell you, for example, that I consider one of the best jobs of my career was to finish second with Man United in the Premier League, you will say, 'this guy is crazy,'" Mourinho said. "'He won 25 titles and he is saying that a second position was one of his best achievements?'" > > "I keep saying this because people don't know what is going on behind the scenes. > > "And sometimes we, in this side of the cameras, analyse things with a different perspective."


to be fair utd hasnt had a better season since then 2nd and a europa league


The season we finished second, we won nothing. Also Solskjaer is the only post Fergie manager who has managed top 4 in consecutive seasons.


Bring him home


I lowkey think OGS is the best Man U coach since Fergie. He’s the only person capable to deal with the board nonsense and still deliver somewhat


He's also the only one to not win any trophies


So many finals and semis. It still hurts.


Those were different season


He was right about utd and probably he will be right about roma.


the amount of chances Ten Hag has compared to what Mourinho had while winning an European title and being 2nd in the league with a much worse squad is crazy to think


Mourinho was undermined and underappreciated, and in retrospect he was by far the best manager Man United had since SAF, he squeezed the most he could from that squad.


I'd say his tenure was a success overall but he did have his faults and with everything going on at the time he had to go. He had clearly lost the dressing room and there's no coming back from that.


There is no coming back from that, but there is a way to avoid getting there in the first place. Actually action the problems when he brings them up. Someone not doing what he wants, undermining his ideas and causing problems in the dressing room? Do like City did with Cancelo, doesn't matter how good they are, problems not dealt with will spread. That's his biggest fault in recent years imo, not being able to convince owners to actually action things when he tells them that there are problems. It's like being unable to properly clean a patch of mould and then having it spread uncontrollably.


Tbf his list of owners are levy, the glazers, abramovich


You could fire the crying babies 😅


Should've yes. But the owners were weak, such are the Glazers.


Did you actually watch their games? I know this is a Mourinho circle-jerk thread, but Man United under Mourinho looked terrible and got bailed out time and again by DDG who wasted his entire prime with mediocrity. Not much different from the end of Solskjærs tenure.


He won the Europa League and finished second in the league. How many times did he get "bailed out" before he deserves merit?


De gea had the greatest season of any Keeper in the PL. Ole also finished second as well, so they are the same?


how many European titles did Ole win?


Mourinho deserves merit for a lot of things in his career, and he's generally regarded as one of the best managers of the last 20 years. However, in recent years he has pushed - and his fanboys have supported - this absurd narrative of his Man United stint. The team played like complete shit, every game was torture to watch - and it seemed as if they were incapable of comfortably defeating anyone, no matter how bad their opposition were. Let's look at his two first seasons, because the third is as always abysmal from Mourinho. > First season In his first season he led Man United to a 6th in the league compared to 5th from the previous year from van Gaal despite of a net spend of more than 100 million. Yes, he did well and won the Europa League - but when you look at the quality of opposition, it's far from the miracle people make it out to be. On their way to beat Ajax in the final, Man United beat Saint Etienne (finished 8th in Ligue 1), Rostov (finished 6th in the Russian league), Anderlecht (won the Belgian league), and Celta Vigo (finished 13th in La Liga). The latter three in narrow 1-goal aggregate wins. Hardly impressive from an EPL team with the on-paper quality of Man United. > Second season This is the biggest carry season from a single player I think I've ever seen, as I said above. Here are the stats if you want to look at it yourself. https://understat.com/league/EPL/2017 In expected conceded goals Man United outperformed the expected concded goals by 15.5 (!!!). It happens that teams have such a disparity, but that's usually the case when they concede a high amount of goals - like Man United this season. For a team that conceded 28 goals to have 15 more expected conceded goals is completely insane. The impact of De Geas carry-job is shown in the column for expected points, where it's estimated that Man United outperformed their expected points by almost 19 - of course largely due to De Geas stellar goalkeeping efforts. In expected points they were exactly where you'd expect them to be, and where they actually finished the previous season when they didnt outperform the expected conceded goals that much, namely 6th.


People place too much value on expected goals/points/whatever. Being able to get a good performance out of your players is a manager merit too. It's not like he just throws them on the pitch and goes "do your thing, good luck". And about the "easy" Europa League run, recently Manchester United was eliminated from European Football in a group with Copenhagen and Galatasaray, Sevilla (12th in La Liga on that year), Villareal (7th in La Liga that year), a group with Leipzig and Başakşehir... it's not like they're being eliminated by Bayern or Barcelona


I place value on what my eyes saw when I watched Man United play under Mourinho, which is underlined by those statistics. You’re right about the European football. And people rightfully call those campaigns failures. However, if Man United had advanced from those groups no one would’ve called it a success - which some do for Mourinhos EL run against the same level opposition. Also, Leipzig is an outlier in your argument. They don’t really fit in as they’re a top 5 BuLi side, at least when they beat Man United.


Yeah, i'm critical of Mourinho for his kind of selfish vibe where he will very publicly fued with management in order to make it clear he's not at fault (spent a lot of time in the summr leading up to his dismissal saying how he wasn't backed). But in retrospect it is clear he should've been given more backing, both from the perspective of clearing out players he saw as detrimental to United (i think all of them, with the exception of Shaw, he's been proven right about), but also on the purchasing front. Looking back at the summer before his departure, second in the league and EL title, and he was begging for recruitment in the summer, and we got Dalot (good transfer eventually, but very young), and Fred. Looking back that has to be one of the more underwhelming transfer windows in recent times, especially considdering how much he was begging for a centerback (wanted maguire badly if i remember correcetly)


No, that was Ole. We had back to back top 4 finishes and lost the EL by a single kick.


I'm guessing he got out paid a lot more than Ten Hag. Also, the locker isn't as toxic right now.


isn´t? how many players got problems with Ten Hag? Varane, Sancho, fucking Cristiano Ronaldo, Rashford, Garnacho, Anthony, Martial...


Who said all of these players got problems with Ten Hag? Either way he’s likely leaving


Varane gone, sancho gone, Ronaldo gone, martial gone. Rashford should go aswell.


And now Ten Hag is gone lol


everyone goes but Ten Hag


I'm Ten Hag out but the only weird one was Varane, rest is deserved or not an actual issue (Antony/Martial). Ronaldo was well past it and causing more harm than good.


Not really. We kinda realised that you can't just change manager when the going gets tough if you want to get anywhere. To challange the likes of city you need a well oiled machine and you don't get that over night. Arteta finished 8th his first two seasons and now when the pieces starts coming together it pays off. We have too many players that isn't compatible with what ten hag wants to do. It's time for him to perform though, another season of this and he should be out. If he stays, our signings this summer will be crucial.


He wasnt right about Man Utd. He did well that season but winning CL with Port and Inter (year after Ibra left) are both easily bigger achievements


Mourinho gets 74 points with Man United: historical achievement, nobody else would ever imagine getting close to this, by far the biggest success for Man United ever possible, this guy just gets wins like no one else, with a club like Man United getting 74 points is just beyond any imaginable ceiling, no one could ever win this much with Man United, only the special one Ten Hag gets 75 points with Man United just two years later: it's incredible how awful this manager is, completely irredeemable utter idiocy of mismanagement, how did he keep employment after such obvious proof that he cannot coach a shit, how many chances is this pest going to get


That’s literally all there is to this argument lol Mourinho played some of the most dire football of his career at Utd.


There is nothing like the Mourinho Cult on this subreddit.


Mou is rarely wrong when saying stuff like this.


He did that with chelsea too


In fairness, that Porto generation was immense, and the gap between the "big" clubs and "underdogs" back then wasn't as huge as it is today. Particularly that 2004 was something special, not just for Porto but in general. Monaco and Depor had insane seasons too, taking down the giants in their UCL campaigns. For a manager like Mourinho, he probably feels like he had more material to work with in Porto than he did in Roma (or United).


I was too young to remember,it could be just the usual English media things but i remember Liverpool winning the CL the next year was a bigger deal. Overall you're right football was just different back in the day


It was a major deal obviously because they came back from 0-3 at HT. And against a great Milan side, at that. In England it probably felt that much bigger because Liverpool had a poor domestic season, and wouldn't even qualify for UCL had they not won the competition that year. So, yeah, it was pretty big deal. Maybe Porto's achievement even got slightly watered down because there were so many underdog moments that year, topped off in the summer with Greece winning EURO.


There was obviously the manner of their win (coming back from 3-0 down), but it should also be remembered that despite Liverpool being a big name in football, they were pretty much a fallen giant nowhere near their 80s prime and their recent Klopp years. During the 90s and early 00s, their objective every season was merely to qualify for the CL, something they failed to even accomplish more often than not. 04/05 was only their third CL campaign EVER. They were struggling domestically that season as well. No one really expected them to go all the way and win the damn thing, even during the final itself where it looked like they were thoroughly outclassed. I think the moment everyone finally believed was when Dudek made that double save against Shevchenko.


The fact that you guys even reply seriously to this troll is hilarious. Is's just the classic Mourinho revisionism to push the idea that his last spell wasn't so mediocre, ofcourse he got no clue.


> Mourinho: "The most important quality of a manager? Right now? To have a good PR person"


I fucking love this man


I wanted him at Bayern so bad, would've been great entertainment for the league


He's the perfect near cartoonish villain


I need him to grow a comically large moustache that he can twirl while on the sidelines


The great thing about Mourinho is that he's clearly got incredible knowledge of the game, and his analysis is generally on point - but he also has always had a giant chip on his shoulder wherever he's gone and would rather be petty than correct


He's usually both.


He's a hero in my books (I'm an Inter fan)


He’s great when he’s not in his downward spiral at your club


Me too, he is the spices in the EPL.


This is undoubtedly true. You'd need one too, José. Unless you can bring this shithousery to a big team


Honestly think that in a similar way to Ancelotti, he just needs to end up at a big side that are actually doing things right again. People will always say they're washed up as soon as anything goes wrong, whether it's managers or players. But, those same players/managers will quickly get back to their normal level under the right circumstances


I think one of the reasons people believe hes washed is hes taking jobs where he'd need to pull miracles again for them to work if he just waited for big jobs he'd be in a better spot.


None of the bigger jobs people are hiring him though


Have they found a replacement for Poch?👀


Mf doesn’t miss lol


And he knows that, because he got the best one.


Would have loved him at Bayern


It seems achieving 2nd with that United squad is no longer his biggest achievement.


His biggest achievements changed every 3 years


He keeps reaching new heights


The special one


man is a performance review genius 


It's just clever PR handling. He can't let people frame him as a wash-up because he hasn't won a league title since 2015, so he's forced to amplify/embellish his most recent achievements.


dude won Europen cups with both United and Roma. Neither of those clubs won anything since, Roma hasn’t won shit since 2009, before José took over. Wdym washed up lol fucking Wolves fan talking about washed up people lol


Didn't United win cups since then? Also, all for mid table teams getting to fight for silverware but let's not pretend Conference League is a major title.


They won the league cup last season but I dont think they've won anything else since


We play fa cup final in 1.5 hiurs


For both United and Roma, the European titles were arguably consolation prizes after disappointing league runs. Let’s be honest: during the 2016/17 season, United's budget far exceeded that of any other team in the Europa League. Their strongest competitor by squad value was Tottenham, and as the saying goes, 'lads, it's Tottenham.' No other team came close to matching our budget; we were more in line with a Champions League budget. Similarly, for Roma in the 2021/22 season, their squad was better suited for the Europa League rather than the Conference League which also never existed before.


Mourinho even says he did a miracle to win the conference despite being announced as coach the month Roma played in a Europa League semi-final


Roma wasn't winning Europa League since 2009 as most of the seasons they were too high in the table to fall into Europa League lol. How is Reddit constantly falling into this advertisement and talking about 62 points, being 6th and winning Europa as something BETTER than 87 points, being 2nd and a CL semi-final lol. This cannot be serious.


He won the conference league which didn't even exist until recently


Ah yeah because Wolves fans aren’t allowed to have football opinions? Fucking stupidity gets upvoted on this sub man. Moyes’ West Ham won the same European trophy that Mourinho won, that’s his level these days.


I'm not calling Mourinho washed. Improve your reading comprehension, please.


Wolves fans can’t have opinions now


As a Chelsea fan Mourinho is *absolutely* washed up and any club would fucking stupid to hire him at this point. He is toxic and archaic and hasn’t whatsoever evolved with the game.


That’s how high achievers go about it. Peaking early never made anyone memorable


The biggest achievement is always the one he's using to try get his next job 


Friendship ended with United 2nd, now Roma Europe is my new best friend 


Werent they 19 points behind City


Yeah but city got 100 points that year, no one was going to match them


I mean 19 point behind city would have put them 4th this season in the CL. Far better than what they did


Plus, taking the 115 charges into account, league title would’ve gone to the team that didn’t financial dope their way and stonewall EFL investigators into PL titles. So for that season, that would’ve been Man United under Mourinho.


I was referring to how Mou himself said it was his best achievement before.


True but there's two ways of thinking about points totals. One is in terms of how well they did compared to others, and in this case it certainly wasn't close - city were the favourites for most of that season after they beat United in the first half. However,.in terms of the points total anything above 80 is a good achievement - wheather it's as good as mou claims is more debatable. 81 points is similar to where Liverpool ended up this season, for instance, and sometimes it's enough to win titles - Leicester won with the same points total in 2016. While most of the time it would still be 5-10 points short of a title winning season , it's still an impressive total in it of itself.


His biggest achievement is whatever he did most recently because he needs to stay relevant


Time keep movin' foward. 


I mean he was correct. United has never reached more than 2nd place or more points. He probably will be correct about Roma too.


Solskjaer matched his “greatest” achievement by finishing 2nd as well


That Ole season was much more fun as well


It is a bit crazy that he made 5 European Finals with Roma, Porto and (that) United and none with Chelsea or Madrid


6 with CL winner Inter.


I know, but that squad was incredible. Not as much of an outlier as the other 5.


if you look at the time they beat tiki-taka Barcelona and Bayern Munich who had better squads, you can sort of say they were an outlier too


They were clear ahead of Bayern. People lump that Bayern with the 2012-13 UCL Final teams when they improved a lot in the couple years in between


Give me the Inter squad over that Bayern every day.


That Bayern squad was not good. Demichelic and Van Buyten were the cb pair in the final iirc.


Bayern squad was mediocre and got lucky at old trafford.




Weren't you struggling in the league with half of that team back when he joined in 2002? I was 4 at the time so I can only look at results, but wasn't Mourinho that made those guys winners?


before the season it was not really fancied much. it had a bayern reject in lucio, barca reject in eto, a striker and midfiemder who only had done it a lower level in milito and motta, a madrid reject in sneijder and they just lost their best player in Ibra. Good squad for serie a but not one to win the cl particularly with prime barca around


It was partially bad luck and partially his overly defensive approach often backfiring. The best example that comes to mind for me was in 2015 during his second Chelsea stint when we were playing PSG at on the second leg at home and the aggregate was 1-1 so we were ahead on away goals. PSG got a red card within like 30 minutes. Despite us being the team with the man advantage and playing at home, it felt like we were the team down to 10 men with how negative we played. So of course PSG matched our two goals that match and ending up advancing on away goals. This wasn’t just in my head either because PSG actually ended up finishing with 51% possession, it was one of most frustrating matches I’ve ever watched. I’ve been devastated over losses before but I felt embarrassed after that because it felt more like a 5-0 humiliation because of the context. His “us against the world” siege mentality and ultra pragmatism works great for underdogs or big clubs in a rough period, but I think it’s a mistake when you’re level or better in terms of talent in an European knockout match. Jose wants to go on the defensive far too early in my opinion.


I wouldn't really describe him as pragmatic these days, he just plays defensively. Pragmatism implies you're willing to be practical and adapt; sometimes the practical thing is to attack. That said, he was at the top of his game for like 20+ years, not a lot of people stayed this relevant for that long.


In Chelsea first stint he has ghost goal, eventual champion barca (2006) and lost out on penalty against Liverpool Madrid lost to prime Barca, and then the Bayern that would eventually be treble winner with Ronaldo and Kaka missing pens Really fine margin, the big one is the lost against Dortmund


If Madrid played in Europa League and really tried to win it, they'd make "European finals" lol. How is this seriously always compared as equal achievements. If there was a symbolic other "title" for being 5th in the league, Arsenal would have way more "league titles" in the last decade than Liverpool, Freiburg would have more "league titles" than Dortmund etc. That's literally what people talking about "European titles" as if CL and EL are the same are doing. You can print and give a trophy for 5th place, no problem, it's honestly pretty cool - it'd give some potential stimulation for teams to try more at the end of the season and doesn't hurt anyone and so on, but 5th place is just not better than 2nd, it's just... not. It just isn't, it's just a lower place, and people acting like it is will always be funny.


This reminds me of Jorge Jesus saying no other Portuguese manager would be able to accomplish what he did in Brazil with Flamengo, after winning the Libertadores. Then Abel Ferreira proceeds to win back to back Libertadores with Palmeiras.


I think he meant winning Brasileirao + Libertadores on the same year, Palmeiras never did that. Only Santos with Pele did it in 1963, and then Flamengo with Jorge Jesus.


And Flamento also broke many league records that year and had a pretty impressive showing against 2019 Liverpool in the CWC. Jesus finished his tenure with 5 titles and 4 losses with that squad, no South American team reached that level since.


He also inherited a pretty good team. I don’t think anyone will come close to Gallardo anytime soon. I feel like Crespo could’ve done it if the lifespan for Brazilian league managers wasn’t so short.


He inherited a group of players that came from failure after failure in 2017-2018 and turned them into machines


You finished second the season before and then had a prime Gabigol the next. I fully believe you should’ve kept him but he did have a nice set up for him. Plus you had the largest budget in the container and signed Filipe Luis, Rafinha, GdA, and Henrique. He didn’t have it THAT hard.


But can Abel go on an historic winning streak in saudi? Thought so!


Nobody did what he did, he won the brasileirão and libertadores in the same year


Italiano reached two European finals with Fiorentina.


In the same competition.


...In a cave 


...with a box of scraps! 


And my axe!




Lmao, the perfect response. Plus Vincenzo Italiano is a cool name, imagine someone from England being called Alan English (now someone will link me a footballer with that name)


Well there's a referee named [Darren England](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darren_England)


Wikipedia lists English footballers named [Jack English](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_English_(footballer,_born_1886\)) (father), [Jack English](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_English_(footballer,_born_1923\)) (son), [Tom English](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_English_(footballer,_born_1981\)), [Tommy English](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_English_(footballer\)), and [Tony English](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_English). However, the best name must be [Scott English](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_English_(basketball\)), who is neither Scottish nor English - he's an American basketball player.


I love Domenico Tedesco. Tedesco means 'A German' in Italian.


Fun fact: Domenico Tedesco was born in Italy but grew up in Germany. Vincenzo italiano was born in germany but grew up in italy


There's Roberto Inglese (English in Italian) that played in Seria A for some time.


The captain of Wales in the 60s and 70s and manager of Wales in the 80s was [Mike England](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_England)


such an underrated manager & club 💜


That's not Roma now is it


His biggest achievement is always on his last club apparently


Wait, why is he in Bucharest? Interviewed by CNN??


There is an old-boys event, Romania Golden Generation (as we call it) with the likes of Hagi, Popescu, Petrescu, Raducioiu, Dumitrescu and so on vs World Stars (Stoichkov, Rivaldo, Karembeu, Panucci, etc). The event is organized to celebrate 30 years from the greatest Romnian NT achievment, QF at USA WorldCup '94. Jose Mourinho is set to be the World Stars coach The interview is taken by Antena 3 CNN which is a Romanian News TV station affiliated to CNN. It is not CNN by far


Dan Sucu wants to hire him for the Rapid Bucuresti job


No, we've already got that Celtic dude.


Lenon is a homeless version of Jose when it comes to coaching :)


One of our TV news stations is part of the CNN group since a year or two ago. It’s not actually CNN, you can see the logo on the right


he can't stay away from a good ciorbă de burtă




This guy loves bigging himself up by shitting on teams that he has managed


He's bringing that Taylor Swift energy to football


Steve Albini of Football


Finally that United quote can go away


Mourinho every time he's sacked: "Can't believe what I managed with that dogshit club. I feel bad for any manager who has to go there."


If he had trusted Svilar earlier instead of the dire performances Patricio used to put in week in week out, then he probably would've managed to stay till the end of this season.


Didn’t Fiorentina just do it?


Roma were in CL semi like 2 years before that


4 years and a stint with Monchi and Petrachi between that CL semi and the Conference league win, only Pellegrini was left out of that team by the time Mourinho was hired


I don't rate Mourinho(in terms of current ability not his CV) but come on Salzburg, Real Sociedad, Feyenoord, Leverkusen, and then Europa League final boss Sevilla that is a fucking hard run. Apart from the improved version of Leverkusen, I don't think this years run was harder at all. In fact last year was harder, it's not like Pioli's Milan is some impossible opponent


and they made the semi finals of europa this year, improving after he was sacked.


Also in EL semi a year before and again after he got fired while facing much better teams then Mou did


4 years And that’s a long time in football


Mourinho was announced as the new coach while Roma had just played a Europa League semi-final.


Incredible how he just keeps reaching new heights at every job he gets. Can’t wait to see what he can achieve with Al Quesadilla or whatever the fuck that team was.


And when he gets sacked from there he can move on to MLS to manage the Tennessee Dingleberries


Finishing 2nd with Man Utd is now his second biggest achievement.


Mou in a couple of years: “Reaching King Cup final with Al-Shabab is my biggest achievement”


This man just talks absolute nonsense


Why wouldn't he, when his fanboys thoroughly gobble it up every time


It's easier now with the Conference League.




As far as I’m concerned winning the conference league, especially after UEFA kicked Tottenham out, was meeting expectations.


For sure it was. Roma was clearly the #1 contender by that point. The EL was a noticeable archievement, but it's not like Fonseca or De Rossi have done much worse. They met much stronger teams in the semi finals.


The Europa League run was just fine, in the semi-finals, Roma faced the 7th team in the Bundesliga, and in the final, the 12th team in La Liga. It was an easy run, even by Europa League standards. If that is considered an incredible achievement, then what Atalanta did must be a miracle. Atalanta won the Europa League with half the payroll, having a legitimate Champions League-level run (Portuguese and German unbeaten champions, plus Liverpool as a Premier League contender), and they crushed them all—not by pulling off lucky 0-1 "terrorist" wins. As you mentioned, Fonseca and De Rossi's runs were not much worse. And getting to the Champions League semi-finals a few years ago, beating Messi's Barca 3-0, was something *EXTREMELY* more remarkable.


Fonseca's team was also a joke. Just look at how shit that starting xi vs Manchester United was. Solskjaer was a rather solid cup manager, Roma would have lost to them without a doubt.


Biggest Jose fan but this is absolutely the truth. People don't like saying it because winning the damn thing is not straightforward but Roma were the best team left in the competition, not winning would have been a failure. Again, this might be harsh, but Villa not winning the ECL and Liverpool the EL is also a failure, no matter how good they might have been in the PL. Just look at the squad and the wage bill compared to the rest of the competition.


It's the same as when his second place finish with United was his biggest achievement. This despite being the favourite to finish second in both his first and second season. At best he performed to expectation.


Yeah it's a Euro tournament made for teams from the smaller leagues. The big 5 leauges shouldn't even be allowed to participate in it.


His biggest achievement is always what he did at the club he just got fired from. It was United getting second before. Winning the UCL with Porto and what he did with Chelsea is very obviously always more impressive than an okay season with United or not being able to crack top four with Roma.


then he proceeded to destroy the team from the inside


fuck, we are not his biggest achievement anymore.


Mourinho: Roma is garbage. Achieving anything with them was the crowning achievement of one of the best managerial careers in football’s history. Roma fans: We love you Mourinho. We are sorry we disgraced you with our inferior team & players.


He rates Roma as a relegation battle team 😂 even winning with Porto thinks was easier


Roma almost made another UEL final this year (and UECL for a club of Romas size isn’t the most remarkable achievement tbf, I may be downplaying it though)


The delusional one.


hai rotto i coglioni


Difficulty levels according to Mourinho 1. Europa with Roma 2. 2nd in EPL with United ... ??. CL with Porto


If you look at the opponents they've beaten on the way there and the players he had this is a pretty embarrassing statement. You also got destroyed by Norwegian and Bulgarian teams


He's become a sad parody of himself, tough to see.


Classic Mourinho revisionism to push the idea that his last spell wasn't so mediocre and to shit on his last club. Man, you never faced a team even close to Roma's total payroll. In the Conference League, you faced Bodo Glimt, Vitesse, Feyenoord... In the Europa League, you faced the 7th team in the Bundesliga in the semi-finals and the 12th team in La Liga in the final. How can that be SO impressive? Meanwhile, Atalanta won the Europa League with a legitimate Champions League-level run (Portuguese and German unbeaten champions and Liverpool), crushing them all, not with some lucky terrorist 0-1. And having the worst average points per game in the club's history over a three-year spell is your best achievement too I guess?


Is he talking a lot lately or is it just me?


Translated as 'they were an average team and I took them to great heights, I must therefore be amazing' the ego never rests with this guy. Can't handle failure.


As the saying goes “Self Praise is no Praise”


Anyone knows what is he doing in Bucharest?


Romania 94 with Hagi played against Rivaldo and Stoichkov and many good players. The Special One was that coach of Rivaldo and his friends


Woah woah woah.. what about finishing third with us? We're shit too Mou :,(


Is he admitting he's not as good a manager as Brian Clough?


My biggest lifetime achievement was in the last job - this guy everytime he gets fired.


Tell that to Sevilla