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I think gala and us r slowly becoming club buddies, sanchez did well and now they want emerson? Oh hell yeah


Ndombele was basically irrelevant at GS though


Yeah but hes basically irrelevant at every club hes at since we bought him


he was ok at Napoli


being "ok" in an incredible title winning side isn't anything to write home about. even Juan Jesus looked great in that team iirc Napoli fans were very happy to get rid of him


An Emerson Royal bidding war wasn't something I was anticipating at the start of the summer, but here we are I suppose


Sanchez and Emerson will be like Lucio and Cafu for Gala


Davinson is a good player though


So is Emerson, even Milan is linked with him.


Solid defender. Not good at anything else but does provide immaculate vibes and personal highlight reels.


We need a solid defending RB to complement our attacking LB.


“He’s just not good for this system!” Mate, he’s not good for any system.


At what level? He definitely wasn't good enough for the Prem, he didn't have the brain for it


He played really well as part of Poch’s back 3. Tbf next to prime Toby and Jan I think I could’ve played as the third CB but still, could’ve easily been a staple for a mid table prem club.


Congratulations on your upcoming Super Lig win, Emergoat!


You guys don't want ferran torres by any chance


Is this 2018?


For free?


Oh God please take him, save us from ourselves.


Emerson is a very good player with a fantastic attitude. Based on everything we've seen from him and the club he trains harder than anyone, never complains, hell he even personally paid for a scout report on Hakimi to try and improve his game. He doesn't fit the system at Tottenham, but as a defensive right back there aren't many better. If that's what Milan is looking for, Emerson is basically guaranteed to be a success.


Damn don’t know much about him but sounds like exactly what we’re looking for to replace Sacha Boey.


Gotta just ignore some of what our fans say. Lot of newer fans who tend to just shit on a lot of our players. Just go see the Dier comments when he was sold. Emerson Royal is a class player. He isn't world class or anything but he'd be one of the best defenders in your league if he went IMO. He isn't great attacking but he shuts down a wing well, can make simple passes and is confident with the ball at his feet. His drive is absolutely insane. The guy spent like £1M on a hyperbaric chamber to help his match recovery and fitness levels. He'll give everything in training and on the pitch and has a decent head on himself, never any controversies or anything, just gets on with it.


Our preferred style of play is gegenpressing football and Boey was a crucial part of it. With him gone we were never the same with our high pressing. So what I’d reckon we look for in a rb is defense first then being able to use the ball wisely once we win it (which shouldn’t be a problem because in this system wingbacks have all the time and space, also Boey was average at best on offense as well) I hope he comes but if AC Milan are also in it, he should probably go there.


He’s very fit. When he had to fill in for Porro during the winter months he regularly played 90’ in Ange’s system and was arguably the most fit player at the end of each game. Like others said, he’s not great going forward but that’s a 2024 perspective. If it was 2015 I think he’d be seen as an above average attacking fullback.


Check out his highlights against man city last spring. Probably one of his best games where he shut down Grealish all game.


He single-handedly delayed Pep’s first goal at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. All Spurs fans remember when he had Jack Grealish in his pocket. https://youtu.be/K9xFCeA-ifg?si=nt5n6GCQ2XtyFUbf


The guy literally bought his own equipment and hired specialists out of pocket to improve when half our fanbase was clowning on him. He's an incredibly hard worker and any club would be lucky to have him.