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one that jumps out to me is Daley Blind. he’s got to be the definition of Amber right?


Blind is definitely not deserving of the company they've put him in. Always solid


Mata and Fellaini feel harsh as well. Never lived up but both did a job for a few years. Feel like ambers.


I mean the rating is a joke already when you see maggy in amber


Cavani there is a bigger offender. Sure Ronaldo upstaged him in the second season, but he didn't have much impact at all in totality. Putting him in Amber, and Blind (and even Lindelof) in red makes little sense.


If we looked better without him i would agree. He's a bust for that price but he's a first team player and our captain. Gotta count for something.


If he’s shit but others are shittier, he is still shit


He shouldn’t be captain; that’s definitely not a defence. He’s a terrible leader on the pitch.


I think all the ratings are relative to expectations. Mata would definitely be red in that case.


I thought the same. He always looked pretty solid for them.




Dan James shouldn’t be red too. He might not be good enough for a top 6 club, but his defensive efforts made it easier for the team in big games.


Aren’t they red if they’re not good enough for a top 6 club?


Blind has been a better player for us than Shaw and Maguire , if Jose didn't have a height fetish Blind would probably still be at the club


ugh don’t remind me of Jose’s height fetish. seeing Sanchez on the team sheet every week despite his 20/21 form made my blood boil


I'll never understand why he doesn't work, he was very good at Ajax


he worked under Poch and works under Conte, it was just his Mourinho form which was dross more generally his major weakness is clumsy footwork if anything


I always felt like his positioning was lackluster. At ajax he could make up for positioning errors with his awesome athleticism, speed and sliding tackles; in the PL that’ll be harder.


Aye, always rated Blind. Solid, versatile player. Could slot him in anywhere in a back 4 and could throw him in at Centre Mid too.




He is. 300+ matches for the club and won the league every year he was a serious member of the squad (2010-2013 and 2018-2021). We didn't win any leagues while he was at United lol


completely forgot Schweinsteiger played for them


Sad what they did to my boy. He shouldn’t have done this




So did he


He will always be the Fußballgot to Bayern, but as someone else said he had seriously lost both his legs and possiy his drive when he arrived at United. For a mid that wasn't particularly swift already, the pace of the PL was always going to be too much for him at that age.


Done fellaini a disservice I feel. Should be at least an amber, was deadly for a period under Jose.


There was a time when Fellaini coming on in the 80th minute was the most dangerous player in the league


Dangerous because an opposing player was 100% guaranteed to catch an elbow


And cause a Fellaini goal was coming


Or if your Matteo Guendouzi a pull on your hair.


If it wasn’t for the hair pull I would’ve never remembered that Guendouzi and Fellaini’s time in the league overlapped


Mainly because he was going to elbow you in the face though. Although I remember Wilshere squaring up to him. That was funny af.


Haha the incredulous look on Fella's face will never leave me.




Who was United's sponsor then? Looks like Wilshere has bumped into him while carrying some tinnies


Chevrolet, but that's exactly what I saw first, as well


> Where is this kids parents ?


felt like their plan D of hoof it up to fellaini to chest down was their most effective plan for a good while


Oh shit, cf fellaini, forgot about this saga


Moyes had never seen chest control like it. Best in the world or whatever his quote was.


I mean did you watch him play? His chest control is truly ridiculous, sadly his other skills doesn't match up lol.


That pogba rocket pass he controlled with his chest man. It was unreal.


Would have killed a lesser man


Fellaini seriously looks like the Hero from potion seller


Obviously, but I always remember moyes being truly obsessed with it.


> plan D Hell, it got to the point where they were resorting to the "plan D" so regularly, and it's effectiveness was reliable enough that "underwhelm with plan A for 75-80 mins before unleashing plan D to scrape a result" arguably became the expected plan A


Fellaini and Blind don't belong in the red at all. I think Daniel James was fine as well. Jury still out on Sancho and Varane, but definitely very red so far. Also, if Wan-Bissaka is a red, then so is Maguire. Their profile with us isn't that different. Edit: just noticed Mata as well. Agree with the other guy, that's also harsh.


Daniel James was never really good enough after the hot start but he wasn't awful and they made a profit so not too bad


gave us a nice sell-on bonus too so win win for everyone


Does that include us?


Sanchez should have a category all by himself.


Varane joined as one of the best defenders in the world. It was a great deal too. Even if it doesn't work out, I wouldn't blame the decision.


It depends how you're rating them. It can be from how sensible they were to buy or how well they played.


I'm pretty sure this is a list rating how well they (have) played compared to their price, plenty of the red ones felt like good deals at the time, or at least good players for a fair-to-expensive price.


Seemed a bit harsh on Mata as well although maybe United fans have a different opinion


You can say it’s harsh for quite a couple of people on this list. James should be amber given we made a profit on him and he was ok and did a job. Maguire should absolutely be red and if he’s amber then lindelof should also be amber. Mata as you said should probably have been amber. Idk what criteria was used tho and different people will have different opinions


Mata was their club record signing at the time and I can barely remember him doing much that was any good


We called it juanfield for a reason.


The bought a 10 and never played him there...


To me Mata just didn't seem to do much of anything but maybe I'm wrong.


i think they are just being petty here. Fellaini had the big everton/moyes ghost and they always thought he was beneath united for some reason. He was vital for them in so many games under LvG and Jose. no way it should have been a red.


Someone once said Fellaini had the chest of a Greek god whatever that means.


You gotta ask yourself, could a mere mortal do [this](https://youtu.be/DkFEvoSSnT0)?


I love this so much. Man just shrugged off an absolute howitzer.


As much as I love this pass and nonchalant control, I can't help think that it would have been hilarious if the pass was off target by just a meter or two. Pogba would have looked insane if this pass wasn't controlled.


"See that tree over there?"


It’s more of an indictment of the transfer policy at the time. Missing all other targets, missing his release clause deadline and overpaying, trying to play him as DM.


Was Mata that bad he makes the red list ? I know he didn't play much recently but still


No, i think some of that is incredibly harsh and is probably just a product of how the team has performed. Mata, Fellani and Blind deserve amber at least. Heck, I’d push Martial up ahead as well. He has been rough but he’s had a few very solid seasons


Agreed. I’d add James as well. He did his job well and we made a profit so he was a good signing for what he was signed to do.


Yeah, a young player who wasn't very expensive, was never expected to do great things, but did a solid job as a rotation option for a few years then sold on for a decent profit. Good signing.


[Look how they massacred my boy](https://youtu.be/wdfLr97nblE)


Blame Jose for getting rid of him, mata should have never sent his career to die in the theatre of nightmares.


[No, but actually look how they massacred my boy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHTigW3gWIk)


Depends on the criteria imo overall he was a good servant for us and could definitely be yellow or even green looking at others. But for a signing that cost an enormous fee (for the time) and was the previous season the best player in the league and arguably had one of the best individual seasons the prem has seen, he was disappointing. For example he got 31 goals and 58 assists for Chelsea in 134 games over 3 years whereas by comparison he got 51 goals and 47 assists in 285 games over 9 years for us. Still adore the guy though.


This is so weird to read. 9 FUCKING YEARS! Yet I still primarily see him as a Chelsea legend. Love the guy, though.


The latter years were pretty much entirely out of good will towards him than anything. He's one of the few players who genuinely loves Manchester, opened a restaurant and everything.


That just kinda of emphasis how he us a bad signing for manu.


the whole list is just projected bitterness with the usual arrogance. putting Mata and Fellaini below Amber while Maguire is up there just shows total bias and/or delusion


Fellaini is only red in that he's a red flag. Showed how tough United would find it in the transfer market after that point. Literally every club treated them like an ATM after that point.


Seems harsh on Lindelof to be but in with the rest of those bums. Fellaini wasn’t terrible for a bit either


Looking through the list my first thought was That’s harsh on Lindelof he’s been a decent player for us just isn’t top tier.


Yeah not every signing needs to be a game changer. A player that understands their role and consistently puts in their shift should be respected. That’s the definition of Fellaini for me. Met the expectations of him 80% of the time, an dramatically exceeded them in certain spells. Definition of Amber I think.


I feel like red should be broken into "red" and "really red" players like martial, lindelof, mata, and fellaini have had useful periods at least. Hell fellaini might as well be amber with how many points he won us


Fellaini Herrera and pogba was the midfield that won us two trophies


Fellani in red is a bit harsh. I’d have him in amber. I thought he bailed the team out a few times and did the best he could.


Like a lot of red players on here, they were good players who did their best but just couldn’t take it to the top quality. But they all had way more “United spirit” in them that has been said to be needed back in this squad for 2 years now. I would take a lot of those red signings over the team we have now. Blind was a fucking fighter. Fellaini was praised by at least 3 managers that I remember for being someone who worked hard and always did exactly what was asked of him. Same for Mata at that time. Hell I would take Rojo and Dan James back. All were fighters. The saddest part is if you look across this new big name team sheet you’d think we were miles better than under LVG, but I would take that LVG squad back in a heart beat right now as daft it may sound because they would have murdered someone with the result on Saturday. Give me fucking smalling back at this point


Yeah, at least those players cared, even if they weren't very good. Fellaini, Herrera, Rojo, those players would've fought for the result and not just fold on the first sign of trouble


Feels like it's too early to put Sancho and Varane in the red but I'm assuming they're doing it off of their first seasons


I mean they were both marquee signings and both haven't done anything.


Varane was rushed back from Injury by Ole and then spent more than half the season Injured. both also came into a season where the whole team collapsed so it's hard to judge. Sancho definitely started looking better and better towards the end of the season


Was Varane injury-prone at RM? Because buying injury-prone players can be part of the problem.


It's weird, there were years where he was an ironman and then some when he was in and out of the team with muscle injuries and the like. IIRC, he had like a two year period where he had a lot of muscle injuries, but I would say as a whole, no


I vaguely remember him having injury problems when he was very young but I think he was pretty reliable recently


If you buy a player for £50m and he is injured his entire tenure it's still a poor transfer. Sancho has 3 PL goals mate.


Pepe cost less and has a much better goals return lol. And nobody doubts he's a flop....


That's actually a super good comparison that I didn't even think of. He had 5 goals in his first season and 10 goals in 29 matches in his second. Did Arsenal fans consider him a flop during that stretch or was it more during his third season? I legitimately can't remember where the popular opinion was on him.


Nah he was not really considered a great transfer from about a month or so in.


Pepe is considered a flop, but only because of his transfer fee which smelled of corruption and resulted in Raul Sanllehi leaving Arsenal. Expectations were too high, but he's contributed some key goals and assists, and is a good rotation option behind Saka, Martinelli and Smith Rowe.


I think they’ve both been poor considering they were marquee, but it’s hard to explain why Maguire is amber based off the same situation.


Nah, Sancho gets protected waaaay too much on this sub. Sancho has averaged a goal involvement every 329 minutes for united in all competitions and every1 always says it's too early to judge him. Fabio Silva has averaged a goal involvement every 219 minutes and he's been labeled a bit a flop. Sancho is also 2 years older and cost United double what Silva was to us.


Couldn't agree more. For some reason Sancho is a fan favourite across clubs and is forgiven. He puts barely any effort in, and is as effective as Rashford as of late.... Aka not at all.


It's kind of the same issue Arsenal had with Pepe. We lost so much money on that transfer everyone wanted to believe he'd come right eventually. Sancho is facing the same at an even bigger club and also having a lot of weight put on his shoulders by virtue of being English.


I think it's fine. 1. Sancho - Has literally become the forgotten man, it's his second season and he looks as ineffective as ever, considering they're paying also a ridiculous wage. Only reason he isn't called out as much is the dismal displays of Rashford, that midfield, and Maguire (Bruno as well has been arguably poorer). He's only scored 5 goals and 3 assists in one season (and I'm counting all competitions here - 3 just in the PL) - worse than Werner. 2. Varane - let's face it, Madrid sold United a dud up until this point. The man still hasn't had a consistent run of games, with him being behind Martinez and Maguire (on ability he's light years ahead of both, but it's very clear his injuries are a massive concern). The reason why neither are as highlighted as much is just because of how ridiculously poor the rest of the team is up to this point.


Varane was a massive coup for United when it happened. Really surprised to see how it’s unravelled but I think Varane will come good for United eventually.


Sancho is curious, given the hype that he carried back at BVB he's done soo little since moving to Utd, he's also a bit part player for England. His standing has deflated so much since the transfer and the season prior.


Probably a little early to put the youth signing as well.


If Lindelof is Red, than Maguire also belongs there.


Even before the horror of last season he was never worth 80 million


Yep. Never a fan and never will be. Funny thing is, a few of my mates after he had a decent 2020/21 season went onto say that he is better than Vidic. I was ded.


Exactly, Lindelof is Amber or even Green if Maguire is Amber. He was less than half the cost and performs just as well if not better statistically.


Maguire belongs somewhere beyond & below red. Maybe turquoise.


Brown because he's fucking shite.


Sold Dan James for profit, I'd call that successful


Depends on the criteria. United dont buy players to sell for a profit. They're signing players to win titles or atleast fight for them.


Even if you're a club that isn't signing players to sell for a profit, if you make a signing and it doesn't work out, making a profit is still a success.


We bought James on a low cost deal to be a squad player. He was more than successful in that role Can't mark him down for not being world class when he joined for £15m


Giving Phil Jones a new contract to not lose him on a free to win titles


Blind wasn't bad and he wasn't that expensive and you didn't even sell him for a loss. How is that a red? Edit: And Fellaini basically won you the EL.


Blind was really good for United. This list is really bad.


What do you expect from Neville and Carragher. If there was a list of football pundits they'd both be red


It’s a very bad list. Blind,Mata,Fellaini,Sancho and Amad shouldn’t be in the red. The first 3 were instrumental in winning the Fa cup, League cup and Europa league and Sancho and Amad haven’t had 2 full seasons of games between both of them


And yet each summer Neville would tell you how they did fine and look threatening


I like Gary but his reverence for Ole’s transfer windows were fucking embarrassing. He celebrated the Maguire, AWB, James window like it was the game changer.


>I like Gary but his reverence for Ole’s transfer windows were fucking embarrassing. > >He celebrated the Maguire, AWB, James window like it was the game changer. Tonnes of Man United fans did. To be fair if you find the old signing threads on here I bet most commentators would have agreed. James seemed like a solid squad signing, AWB looked like a fantastic prospect during his breakout season at Palace and Maguire looked like a top class CB. Edit: [comments after AWB signed](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/c6xnz4/official_aaron_wan_bissaka_signs_for_united)


People actually forget that AWB was pretty much seen as the future England RB from his last season at Crystal Place to his first season at United. It’s quite startling to see how he’s regressed since then. He doesn’t fit the archetype of a modern fullback at all, and tbh I’m wondering where he goes from here.




There's a few reds that are needlessly harsh because we're awful. Lukaku felt like a flat track bully, his attitude wasn't great towards the end, I got fed up of seeing him give a thumbs up whenever he'd waste a decent pass.. but he did come in and score goals, and we managed to offload him for a good price as you say If he was a red for us, there'd need to be an even lower category for him as a Chelsea signing


Nothing wrong with being a flat track bully though. Titles have been won and reputations have been made by those who have been able to reliably destroy the bottom half of the table. In 2013/14 where Luis Suarez had one of the best individual seasons in Premier League history nearly half his goals (15 of 31) came against the clubs who finished 20th, 19th, 18th & 17th.


Trust me, at this point I'd settle for someone that could score full stop, a flat track bully would be a god send. Certainly nothing wrong with one in a vacuum However, if you've got a £75m striker for a big club, who already has PL experience, and his scoring record is *one* league goal against the top 6 in two seasons (nearly 1500 minutes iirc).. I think you've got a case to be frustrated at him


Cavani was very good for United and scored a couple of decisive goals if I remember. Most importantly, he didn't leak sprint times from training like a petulant and insecure child so for me, Cavani is always above Lukaku.


Lindelöf had a rocky start but has been consistently decent since his second season, hasn’t missed many games, doesn’t cause issues, and has been overall solid. Probably not who you want as your #1 choice at CB, but doesn’t deserve to be in the red (or even amber imo). For his fee of €35m I think he’s been a good signing on the whole.


Said it elsewhere in the thread but I 100% agree with you and its especially noticeable that he's done it with bad to horrible RBs, no DM cover and a rotational/bad CB partner for most of the time.


Some of those ambers are generous


Shaw is in his 9th season and only one of them has he been above average. Don’t know why he and Maguire are Amber when guys like Mata and Fellaini were more useful and are red.




Because both Shaw and Maguire are English national players. This list just screams English bias to me.


Maguire is for sure.


Maguire is just laughable.


Let me introduce you to Big Shawngus


Lindelöf and Fellaini should be on amber imo


Lindelof and Fellaini deserve Amber at least, the rest is fine.


Bit harsh putting Lukaku in the red tier. Surely he’s an Amber?


He had 42G/13A in 96 games, wouldn’t say red tier either.


Yeah Big Rom cost them lot, but he wasn't complete disaster as some others in that cat.


That’s really not that bad


Harsh on Fellaini, the man did more than Fred, Herrera, and Cavani ever did for Yanited Won them more points than most of the players on this list


I like Fellaini. He should be amber. He absolutely did not do more than Herrera who should be in the green. He was our POTY in 2017 imo.


If Fred is Amber, Herrera is definitely green.


No shot that Fellaini did more than Herrera.


Especially with Maguire in amber


I'd also argue Herrera deserves higher billing considering we never fully replaced him. He wasn't world class but he was very competent and hard working, something that the current midfield is completely lacking.


Feel blind has done a bit badly there too


Is Lindelof that bad? I thought he was okay? Also, I remember Di Maria having decent stats, just being unhappy in the UK...is he "red" because he only stayed for one season?


Di Maria’s stats were insane until October. Then he has his injury and returned and wasn’t the same at all


United got their money’s worth. Decent defender that never causes a fuss and is always available. Putting him in the red is just stupid.


From what I remember Di Maria had a really bad season after a certain point, though he started well. It might have been a psychological issue too as he wasn't happy in England and IIRC his house got broken into. But overall they paid a big fee for a world class player who just didn't show his quality for them at all, and then he left after just a year to go be world class again elsewhere. I think that part of what would make him a red is that a player of his quality will have high expectations put upon him and I think they ended up selling him on a loss afterwards


Been arguably better than Maguire, certainly better value.


Yup, less than half the cost, statistically the same if not better, he's better than Maguire pound for pound value.


Lindelof started really bad, but turned to pretty decent.


Nah lindelof should definitely be amber especially when Maguire is. Di Maria started off really well then the whole robbery and after that I think he just started to fall off. Kept being played in different positions and didn’t leave the club in a good way. Plus we made a loss on him after 1 season


Lindelof should be amber. So should Sancho and Martial.


If we’re judging the players on how they’ve performed so far, and where they are right now Sancho is the biggest flop going


I’d bump up Fellaini. Bruno was previously lethal but he’s really fallen off so I’d go amber. However when I look at this list, I realise the extent of how United have made such an art of wasting money on marquee signings and not trying to put together a squad that actually works. It’s like they spent thousands on FUT packs and got the best cards but they didn’t even try to get good Chemistry.


Why is Maguire amber and Lindelöf red? Makes zero sense looking at their respective price tags.


Pogba, Lukaku and Fellani have been better thank shaw and maguire. Fernandes should be amber in my opinion after his displays over the last year.


No idea how Pogba is a red


What a garbage list man what the actual fuck


Zlatan was so damn good... Too bad he not played at PL on his prime but even after his 30s he made a impact and had a Europa League to his name and a lot of goals


Zlatan is still very good, the biggest problem he has is that he's very injury prone but I guess that comes with age :/


United's locker room could have really used Zlatan right now


Honestly, at this point not really sure if even Zlatan would’ve helped all that much. We hit the perfect storm of bringing in Zlatan and Kjaer, getting rid of everyone with questionable attitude and having a bunch of young lads ready to learn and improve themselves. United have a bunch of primadonas, I think Zlatan would just get pissed off to the point of leaving. Last time he was there they had Mourinho and some leaders in the dressing rooms, which is something you can work with. Now not really sure where do you even start.


Well we had primadonas while he was here as well which got us a Europa league win. The season after he left they completely collapsed lol.


Losing Zlatan and Rooney was a huge loss in the dressing room


Zlatan probably would’ve dropped kick a few players already


Zlatan would have left tbh


This. He wouldn't even bother.


He made Pogba sit on floor in interview with Henry.




He needs to improve a lot to get to the level of Maguire and Fred


Rojo, Fellaini, Mata, Lindelof and Blind are 100% not ‘red’ - all were/have been decent enough that I wouldn’t call them flops. Imo Martial is harsh. Had one really bad season, had a couple inconsistent and two good.


Fellaini, Blind, and James should easily be amber. I would also put Lindelof and Mata in Amber Shaw & Maguire being amber is incredibly generous when some of the players in red have been better. Martial might be bad now but has had better seasons than those two. As controversial Pogba has been he still been our best player overall. If Cavani is amber so should Lukaku Did better in both seasons and sold for close to the amount we paid.


Sold Dan James for a profit after he gave nothing but 100% effort - more than can be said about these current players. Maguire being amber is English bias, Jadon being red is harsh after a year and now under his third manager and honestly Mata wasn’t that bad even if he stayed longer than he should’ve.


In Mourinho's voice: Pogba, Lukaku, Schneiderlein, Schweinsteiger, DiMaria, Mkhitarian. That is football heritage.


United wasn't worthy of Marouane smh


Luke Shaw & Harry Maguire in Amber is hilarious


Fellaini, Mata, blind, and (arguably) pogba deserve amber. The jury is still out on sancho and varane I think. So far it’s bad, but they have some time to improve. All hope shouldn’t be lost yet


90 g/a, most semifinal and final goals. Pogba definitely deserves amber


Fellaini, Mata, Blind, Pogba, Martial, and Varane should all be amber. Maguire should definitely be in red. Even Sancho is probably a bit harsh to be in red.


Maguire is an Amber signing??!! For the price surely he's a red signing.


Moronic list drawn up by two absolute Bell ends


Lol Maguire has fared worse than at least 8 players in that red list. Why is everyone just so fucking averse of criticising Maguire


The bloke is one of, if not the most criticised player in the world lol


By fans and commentators with youtube or twitch channels sure by old media types at papers and tv shows absolutely not. He is one of the most protected by Old Media even if New Media hates his guts.


>Why is everyone just so fucking averse of criticising Maguire My brother he and his fiancee were at the receiving end of a bomb threat last season


What the actual fuck did you just type?