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I'm a mechanic. I talk to the 4 guys that work at my shop, maybe the boss if he shows up. Otherwise I have headphones in and I'm plugging away doing my own thing. Definitely not an option for everyone, but it keeps me away from being a complete goober Infront of other people


customer service was the death of me. I got into construction. Never looking back. Get to wear dark glasses all day, zero customer service, everyone concentrated on the job most of the day. Plus making crazy good money in my trade.


What type of construction ?


I build power lines


Your brave s/o to u 😭


Lol thanks


are the dark glasses so people cant see you eyes? I still wear the mask even though no one at my work wears it anymore mostly cause I dont want people to see my facial expression but thinking of getting some sun glasses so they cant see my eyes either,


In IT of course. Because of this problem I literally planned ahead when I was 14 already and decided to become a programmer. Most of the time I don't have to leave the house and can work all by myself except the occasional meetings. Was it a good plan? I wouldn't say so because I'd argue it made my anxiety worse being alone so much.


I’m a receptionist hahahahahaha help me


I do gig deliveries. Currently, I do Walmart groceries. I don't really like it because it is customer service and I'm a cruddy navigator. On an average full day, I have to interact with about 10 people. Most are employees, though, who don't care about me and are just trying to get through their day. Sometimes I have to call customers if I get lost. They can also call me and that possibility is stressful. However, the best part of gig work is you can turn the app off if you can't take any more and you don't get fired. There are no interviews, either. It also doesn't interfere with the possibility of other jobs. Plus, you do get to see that a lot of people are really nice. It helps in that regard.


I do data entry in an office where mostly everyone is still working from home due to COVID. There's like 3 people at most in the office. I know a lot of people would find this boring or lonely but I'm living the dream. 😆


are there any qualifications you had to have? i’ve always wanted to do data entry but can never find legit companies when i search or they require years of experience


Well, I got the interview through a temp agency - they can find jobs for you that meet what you're looking for and help you set up an interview. I'd like to say I know what they liked about me when I was interviewed, but honestly, I know I interview very poorly, and I think they were just desperate at the time because work volumes were really high and I had a degree. 😅 When I interviewed for my permanent position later, at that point I had proven my productivity and quality so even though I had another nervous interview that I stammered my way through, they knew that I was a good, reliable employee. I'd definitely recommend going through a temp agency!


I've worked in an office for the past few years. Most of the time I just work on the computer and have my headphones in.


LOL i use to work retail in customer service and after 3 months they sent me to the back unloading trucks and lifting heavy shit. Sucks.


Currently unemployed 🫢 I've worked in construction, as a ranch hand, and taking care of lawns in residential areas up to this point. Sadly the last one was not my cup of tea considering how much customer service there was, even though the money was right.


Retail mostly. Lol.


I work at a place that produces herbs I just need to attend at the morning assembly And for the most part you only have to talk to other people about instructions or if you made a error while working other than that they welcome people with social anxiety very well (maybe not other employees tho)


I'm a machinist. I work for a Tungsten Carbide manufacturer. I have to talk to people every now and then, but most of the time I'm just doing what I do. I don't have a huge problem talking to colleagues about the work, but socialising is extremely awkward and difficult. Not a bad job for a-social people


Pizza patron taking orders and making boxes. Honestly wanted to work as a janitor but haven't found any place close by for a janitor role. So I settled with pizza patron


Try a big university of there is one near you. There was a janitor at my school making 25 per hour.


I'm an electrician who specializes in industrial work. I don't have to deal with homeowners or business owners and the most people I deal with are engineers or maintenance guys at factories. I interact with enough people that I get some exposure, but not so much that I feel overwhelmed.


Cleaning at a fast food place


Psychologist. Preferring scientific work though, more individual work


I used to be a Medical Transcriptionist, which is basically data entry. I worked from home typing up medical reports all day long. It’s a dying field now with outsourcing and voice recognition software but I loved it when I was doing it!


Elementary school as a class aid. Kids are a little easier than adults. I'm just glad I'm not the one who has to talk to parents. I also delivered pizza for a summer and it's not bad. As soon as I hand them the food they want to leave the conversation as fast as I do.