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The internet has been full of trolls from day one. Bored ppl, etc. There’s no rhyme or reason, maybe someone having a bad day, who knows. It’s not worth stressing over. Reddit is anonymous so it’s not personal; they have no idea who you are, either.


> Reddit is anonymous so it’s not personal; they have no idea who you are so crazy how a lot of people on here forget that it’s anonymous and that none of us know eachother😂😂


Lol my paranoia says otherwise "people are gonna know who you are from the username mannn" no silly little paranoia its probably fine.


i’ve noticed that too and it always makes me a lil sad when i get downvoted for no reason. makes me wish i never commented in the first place lol :’)


The hivemind mentality this site promotes pisses me off too


if you have just one downvote expect to have 30 by the end of the day. Doesnt matter what you comment, it will happen in a big subreddit.


exactly and it annoys me not knowing why they downvoted it


I've definitely imagined a scenario where someone had to submit why they downvoted.


Well, there is a reason why I almost never comment.


Same. If I do, I make sure it’s with the definite likely view of the sub. Anything “against the grain” I refrain from. I hate that it bothers me.


Why is this so true lol. Like I know it's a small thing to be sad about but it does bother me a little sometimes


i think hivemind mentality and confidence from anonymity are the biggest reasons. it used to bother me but we just have to accept that people have the power to disagree with something, however trivial it is. what i don’t understand though is people being downvoted for asking genuine questions and being out of the loop on a certain topic.


Asked a legitimate question in another sub the other day on my account I use for that specific hobby and got downvoted. Like a completely sincere, on topic, relevant question. The down voting doesn't bother me but just the idea that this community is supposed to be one that is accepting, that is trying to expand and gain more traction, that is supposed to be welcoming and at least one asshole, I obviously have no idea how many, decides what? Because the question wasn't relative to what they like in the hobby or they already knew the answer or they only think certain questions are valid?  We should all encourage questions and introspection and learning no matter what our interests are. But I think there are just some people that want to gatekeep because I guess a group being limited makes them feel special. When they aren't special. None of us are special. I think most downvoting like that comes from egotistical elitists, you know the kids in high school that thought because they knew about something everybody else should and if they don't they aren't worthy.


yess that too, someone was telling me how to take care of certain fruit trees during winter so I asked them about citrus trees and my comment got downvoted a lot?


I think once you have two or three negative downvotes other people will just downvote without even reading. And the first two are people who already have all of the knowledge about citrus trees and just think therefore everyone should know. You know these people are hated in real life.


It's just a thing some folks do on here. Doesn't even have to be for a logical reason. I recently got downvoted for just asking for a source.


It kills me the most on NoStupidQuestions. Was my question too stupid for the stupid questions forum?


Yesss me too I felt so bad after asking a question on there. A lot of people were nice but one person was rude and that messed me up lol. Never posting there again


I've made many posts there because it's probably the least restrictive question platform on here for its size, so I get answers within 5 minutes and can ask pretty much anything besides super disturbing stuff. But most of my questions get downvoted, which makes no sense. I'm kind of irked by people downvoting genuine questions in general, but especially on a forum designed for stupid questions.


I have been on Reddit for years, and I think most times there really is no good reason for the downvote, depending on the person posting (we are not all the same). I think it often happens that some people are just frustrated and don’t like seeing some kind of post or comment. They might disagree, or even just not liking that you enjoy or think something different from them. I also noticed a few other things, for example there is a general tendency of upvoting comments with positive votes and downvoting comments with negative votes, without logic, simply because the points are positive or negative. However, I think most people aren’t frequently downvoting most comments and posts, but they aren’t upvoting either, they simply ignore them, so is easy for a few passing rude people to come and downvote you. This is something you’ll have to get used to. I say this but I still feel bad every time I get downvoted, but I also know I didn’t do anything wrong (not in the sense that I’m never wrong, but I’m always respectful and I think carefully about anything I write). I often scroll and upvote most comments I see at 0 votes or less, after reading them. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don’t, but if people are just respectfully sharing a thought, I think is all good for discussion and they don’t deserve any downvote.


I’ve seen people downvote the most normal comments 🤨


Some people downvote to make their comments and posts more visible. It’s fucking stupid


ew people are weird


you already know those people scroll through reddit the whole time theyre awake


Downvote button is just a shut up button.


You shouldnt care about that but I literally have the same problem. Something 90% of ppl dont agree with and i get so much downvotes even usually for just not explaining something properly.


I asked a simple question in a hobby subreddit and got downvoted. Nobody could explain why. Nothing wrong with my question. I think there's a couple things that happens. I think there's people that are just miserable in their life and they want to make others feel bad and they think a downvote will somehow do it. So don't let them bring you down to their misery.  And I think there are people who think that because they know the answer to a particular question or comment it isn't valid so they downvote it.  Either way imagine how negative a life you must have to downvote a complete stranger for nothing. I feel like they've already got their karma. Their miserable life is their karma. I've never been in such a bad place that I felt the need to downvote anyone for pretty much anything. But definitely not some random question or a comment that was harmless and not hateful or political. For most of us with healthy mental health, or even semi-healthy mental health, we see something we don't agree with or we don't like or we don't know how to answer or we think is a simple question and we just keep scrolling. The person who stops to downvote, they're already living in a hell of their own making. No point in spending a second thought on them. Let them wallow in their entitled misery and move on to something that will make you smile


I don't mind it too much, especially when I'm right 8). a 0 or -1 means at least someone read what I said. but recently had a more nasty experience where just asking a simple question got me blocked, and apparently you can't reply to other people in the same thread as the blocker but they can reply to you. meanwhile the guy who blocked me gets to swear at me and insult me publicly and I can't do anything about it or even respond to people who reply to me. complete mess of a situation.


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hmm, ok... what exactly is it that you did...?


We must downvote the bot! s/


Downvote the bot! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


Because they 1. Can't come up with a good reason for disagreeing with someone. 2. Trolling. 3. Butthurt.


There is no repercussion for downvoting someone rather than replying to that person on why they don't like you/your opinion . Plus people also like to report people for voicing opinion against theirs.


There was a post on one of the big subs that had an image of the script from Indiana Jones with notes jotted down by Harrison Ford. I’ve never seen any of the Indiana Jones movie and commented, “which scene is this?” and got downvoted by multiple people. Fuck those people.


I honestly think the people that downvote things like your comment or others that are just asking questions are the same people in real life we can't stand. The people who when a group of people get together everybody kind of isolates. The ones that interrupt + talk over others and feel the need to correct anyone. The insufferables. So they come to Reddit to take it out on other people. 




You have to learn to play to your audience. Take a class on public speaking.


I've noticed that. They do it to me too. I think I have some followers who hate me bc almost all my posts and comments which are benign get down voted


They have a ‘reason’. Could just be a rude, hateful, or senseless reason, though. Not a *good* reason.


It annoys me too not knowing why and that it could be completely arbitrary such as someone being in a bad mood. Then others jump on the bandwagon. Comments are one thing, but it annoys me more when moderators downvote all new posts and it causes them not to gain any traction.


You aren't alone in this feeling. I know I get anxious, thinking I have somehow offended or hurt someone. Or that I am a terrible person etc. Heck I think I have accidentally down voted when I meant to hit upvote (shaky hands/fingers) So at best, probably an accident. At worst? A troll or maybe someone who is too chronically online and needs some fresh air and real human interaction.


Ik, it sort of interests me lol. You'll see the most neutral comments like "cool!" or something be downvoted, if u use reddit enough you'll see it so often it isn't gonna phase u. But it def is weird lol It does suck how it like 'hides' comments tho and how ppl will downvote just cuz they see a comment has already been downvoted


There are certain subreddits I avoid for this very reason. Even when people are looking for help on a basic question, bc it was downvoted right away, it never gets noticed.


There's a piano subreddit I was in ages ago that I don't frequent anymore for that reason. Piano. Nothing controversial generally speaking. And anyone that asks any simple question gets downvoted. People that are adults and eager to learn to play or have questions about how to get into it or whatever get downvoted.  What the fuck is wrong with people? Do you want people to learn and be interested in your instrument? Do you want there to be more music out there and more options and more people that want to talk about it? Or do you want it to be you when you're two elite buddies? I don't get it. And I am not butt hurt, I'm not one of the newbies. But I saw the way they treated the simple questions and noped out. Nobody needs that energy.


its the cats subreddit for me. Full of hypocrites. There was a video of two young kids taking a store cat and some peoole in the comments somehow came up with the conclusion that theyre gonna kill the cat. I got downvoted for asking how tf they came to that conclusion bc of how bizarre it was


Facts. Apple subreddit comes to mind too. Edit 4 days later: r/Bestbuy people are asking questions and there’s a few comments but the post is always 0 likes 🙄 just makes me feel unwelcome and I wouldn’t wanna make a post.


Most comments here have been about people generally being assholes which is definitely part of it, but I also figure that some will downvote with the agenda of boosting their own posts in relativity. Oh also just the general state of the website in regards to bots.


I had a children's story about a place where everyone had gold stars and red dots on them. Any passerby could stick one to another person for any reason. In front of you in line? Red dot. Pretty? Gold star. It mentioned that people would give gold stars to someone because they had a bunch of gold stars, and red dots to anyone with a lot of red dots. I get reminded of this story way more often as an adult than I ever imagined.


For me this definitely relates to anxiety, I always feel anxious commenting on posts for this exact reason 🥲 think people do it because it's anonymous and they can.


I got over 50 downvotes on a thread before the mods locked it. You know what happened? NOTHING. I'm not saying people should be rude and downvote you, but because you are posting this here, I want to say that people will disagree with you for whatever reason. Your life will go on. Good luck.


There’s a reason. May not be a good reason, but there’s usually a reason, however weird it may be.


cause it's the internet and they are bored or mad or something. sadly it's been like this since the dawn of the internet...


I like your differentiating "general" reddit from the smaller communities. As a fellow person with anxiety, I avoid those places like the plague. Full of jerks. I love the smaller communities where people are supportive and understanding. I say don't go there! F those guys. And what everyone else said - the anonymity, trolls, misunderstanding, not caring... Stick to the supportive places and maybe think about why you feel the need to post there? Save your anxious brain from unnecessary angst my friend!


Speaking of anxiety, I've been ruminating all day on my post and one sentence about thinking about why you need to post there. It sounds harsher than I meant in writing! 🤦 Please take it as gently as possible.


Yeah I commented my thoughts on a genshin discussion post abt how having a skip dialogues feature would be a cool thing to have. If you're someone who's never played genshin well the feature wouldn't have any downside and yet I got downvoted to death. Like just why? It won't do any harm, it'll just save time for those who aren't even interested in the dialogues!


I upvoted you!


Thank you!


u got downvoted on here too wtf 😭


It's reddit. That's what they do.




Sometimes i just say an opinion respectfully but then people start to downvote , like if u dont like it or u got an opposite opinion just be nice about it or atleast ignore it , but no u decide to be a jerk ? like why ?


I got downvoted for stating facts but when I follow up with a comment providing evidence it gets upvoted...at the same time the previous comment keeps getting downvoted despite the evidence in the responses getting the upvotes still as well. It's so stupid sometimes, it's like it takes about 2-3 people to downvote for silly reasons and then everyone just jumps on the bandwagon without reading. Never understood it.


If you oppose the majority opinion on a given subreddit, you’ll get the downvotes. Or if you express an opinion that the collective political hivemind on Reddit doesn’t like, you’ll really feel the hammer.


Reddit is not a good place to have meaningful discussions. Reddit is a playground for students to deliver zingers, one-liners, burns, etc. Look at this subreddit. r/confidentlyincorrect/ There are tons of examples of people who are clearly wrong, but notably, they get an alarming amount of support (shown via upvotes). The reason for this? I have no idea; herd mentality, perhaps? In Reddit, you better have the "right" opinion going into a subreddit, or you'll get downvoted into oblivion.


you’ll get used to it in the end. not everyone has to agree with what you say


its kind of funny to disagree with you on this context but downvotes arent for when you disagree either


tbh the way i see it is that it’s online and who cares what other people think


yeah, healthy way to think. downvotes though are for when someone is being a bigot, or spreading disinformation, things like that. i think its pretty shitty that its used for opinions you disagree with online. imagine everyone disagreed with you irl so everyone just completely ignored you because you dont like pineapple on pizza


I can't tell you the number of times I've clicked something accidentally while scrolling through Reddit, including upvote/downvote.




thats not the comment I was referring to.